Series-1 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Le pouvoir législatif au Maroc entre rationalisation et auto rationalisation parlementaire |
Country | : | Maroc |
Authors | : | Assma Ahmyiane |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402010112 ![]() |
Abstract: La constitution marocaine de juillet 2011 apporte des avancées qui ont pour objet de renforcer relativement la compétence législative du parlement et en particulier de la chambre des représentants. Néanmoins, le retour sur ces avancées n'est pas, seulement, le fait du maintien des normes permettant au Roi et au gouvernement de contrôler le processus législatif et de la pratique législative qui incline la balance vers l'Exécutif mais elle est aussi l'oeuvre des députés qui, par leur désintérêt aux travaux de la chambre, se sont montrés moins audacieux pour conquérir le pouvoir législatif. L'objectif de cet article est d'expliquer comment et pourquoi le pouvoir législatif oscille entre rationalisation et auto- rationalisation parlementaire..
Key Words: clés : Compétence législative, parlement, procédure, initiative des lois, absentéisme
[1]. Belhaj Ahmed, Le Parlement marocain (1977-1983) (Éditions La Porte, Rabat, 1984).
[2]. Madani Mohamed et coll, L'expérience parlementaire au Maroc (éd. Toubkal, 1985).
[3]. Bendourou Omar, Le pouvoir exécutif au Maroc depuis l'indépendance (Ed, Publisud, 1986).
[4]. Sehimi Mustapha, Etudes des élections législatives de juin 1977 au Maroc (Ed .Somaded, Casablanca, 1979).
[5]. Sehimi Mustapha, Les élites parlementaires: continuité́ ou renouvellement? In Edification d'un Etat moderne : le Maroc de Hassan I (Paris : A. Michel, 1986).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Babu English: Mimicry and Subversion in Language |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V Sreeja |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402011317 ![]() |
Abstract: Babu English is the verbose, unidiomatic and funny variety of Indian English. The phrase has its origin in the Raj period and was originally used by the English colonizer to refer to the English (language) used by Indian Babus. This paper studiesselect specimens from three 19th century collections ofBabu English - miscellaneous specimens written by Indians in English. These were compiled by their English masters for amusement, linguistic studies etc. I have used Homi. K.Bhabha‟s concepts of postcolonialMimicry and Hybridity to analyse the subversive nature of these literature. It looks at how the interlock of powers through mimicry and ambivalence is reflected in written language..........
Keywords: Babu, Babu English, Mimicry, Hybridity, Indian English, letter writing,officialese, Pidgin
[1]. Al-Jubouri, Firas A.J. 2014.Milestones on the Road to Dystopia: Interpreting George Orwell's Self-division in an Era of 'Force and Fraud'. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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[3]. Bhabha, Homi K. 1994.The Location of Culture. New York: Routledge.
[4]. Bolton, Kingsley and BrajKachru.1994. Eds. Asian Englishes: South Asian English, 1837 – 1938. ( AsianEnglishes.) London: Routledge.
[5]. "Comical Baboo English". 1882. New York Times
Online< C405B8284F0D3> (accessed August 12, 2009).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Contemporary Issues of Population Census in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Joshua Y. Gwanshak || Amos Hyeladi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402011824 ![]() |
Abstract: Ever since before independence and the establishment of National Population Commission (NPC) by Law of Federal Republic of Nigeria, with stipulated mandate to conduct census for the country. Over the periods of times census was conducted with issues of politicking, falsification of population census result, religious rivalry and ethnicity stimulation raising from different groups about the inaccuracy and manipulation of census figure to fit in to desire of certain individual. It has been rejected, dismissed and for correction from both south and northern part of the country. There has been a mixed reaction from a number of Nigerians regarding the acceptability or otherwise............
Key Words: Contemporary, Census, Ethnicity, Falsification, Population, NPC
[1]. Adiele, B. J. (2009). Falsification of population census data in a heterogeneous Nigerian state: The fourth republic. African Journal of Political Science and International Relations 3 (8) 311-319.
[2]. Bamgbose, J. A. (2009), "Falsification of Population Census Data in a Heterogeneous Nigerian state: The fourth republic example‟ in the African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, Vol. 3 (8), Pp. 311-319,
[3]. Census of India,(2011) Provisional Population Total
[4]. Enieayejuni, A. T. and Agoyi M. (2011). ―A Biometric Approach Census and National Identification in Nigeria: A Prerequisite for Planning and Development‖ in Journal of Asian- Transactions on Basic and Applied Sciences vol.1 Issue 05
[5]. Etete Nyiang Census 2006: Why Ethnicity and Religion Must Not Be Issues Retrieved 23/07/16.
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Abstract: A Chinese Scientist named He Jiankui in a secret experiment successfully edited the genome of twins. He debugged the human source code by removing the genetic door that cause HIV virus to enter functional unit of the body hence made the twins born after genome editing immune to it. Although, recently a lot of attention has been converged to the regulatory framework of gene editing involving humans in China, but those efforts have not ended up at any viable solution. The paper will address whether the legislation that specifically address the issue of Assistive Reproductive Technology research and Human Embryo Stem Cell research are sufficient and provide sustainable legal framework that is pertinent to............
Keywords: Assisted reproductive technologies; human embryonic stem cell research; regulations; ethical review, genetically edited twins
[1]. Cyranoski, D.; Ledford, H. Genome-edited baby claim provokes international outcry. Nature2018, 563, 607–608.
[2]. Rifai, R. US scientists urge ban on human genetic modification. AL JAZEERA 2018.
[3]. Nature How to respond to CRISPR babies. Nature2018, 564, 5–5.
[4]. Brivanlou, A.H.; Gage, F.H.; Jaenisch, R.; Jessell, T.; Melton, D.; Rossant, J. STEM CELLS: Enhanced: Setting Standards for Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Science (80-. ).2003, 300, 913–916.
[5]. Cyranoski, D. CRISPR-baby scientist fails to satisfy critics. Nature2018, 564, 13–14.
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Abstract: The objetives of the present research are firstly to find out whether there is any significant effect of students‟ learning styles on their achievement of English at higher private institutions in Bandar Lampung. Secondly it tries to find out which students‟ learning is more superior then the other students. The researh was conducted at 5 private higher education institutions in Lampung Province. The results showed that there was a significant effect of learning styles toward the students‟ English Achievement. The students with communicative learning style were more dominanat than students with other learning styles. Furthermore, the study also found out that students with authority oriented learning style gainrd the lowest achievement compared to other students.
Keywords: Achievement of English, learnig syles, language abilities.
[1]. Barmeyer, I, C (2005). Learning styles and their impact on cross-cultural training: An international comparison in France, Germany and Quebec. International Journal of Intercultural Relation. France
[2]. Bidabadi, F. S and Yamat, H. (2012). The Relationship between English Listening Proficiency Levels and Learning Styles.University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
[3]. Dornyei , Z (2005). The Psychology Of The Language LearnerIndividual Differences In Second LanguageAcquisition. University of Nottingham
[4]. Hyland, K. (2008). Culture and Learning: A study of the Learning Style preference of Japanese Students. International Pacific College. New zealand
[5]. Hatch, E. and Farhady, H. 1982. Research Design and Statistic for Applied Linguistics. Massachussette: Newbury House Publisher.
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Abstract: Cultural domination has become a common phenomenon in Bangladesh as a third world country. Especially we observe it in the English medium institutions than that of Bangla medium institutions. English medium institutions in Bangladesh, particularly in Dhaka are providing an alternative form of private education at the primary, secondary and higher secondary levels. However, it cannot be denied that such institutions are generally unregulated by any national education boards or monitoring bodies in terms of their syllabus, recruitment policy, admission procedures or their tuition fee structure. The study tries to know whether the students of English and Bangla medium institutions follow their own culture e.g. language, norms, values, sanctions and customs or not. To conduct.........
Keywords: Cultural domination, Role, Language, Bangladesh
[1]. Phillipson, R. (1992). Linguistic Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[2]. Modiano, M. (2001). Linguistic Imperialism, Cultural Integrity, and EIL. ELT Journal, Vol.55 (4), pp. 339-346
[3]. Al-Quaderi, G. (2010). English literature at English-medium schools of Bangladesh: the question of culture. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, Vol. 18 (2), pp. 211 -226
[4]. Crystal, D. (1997). English as a Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Chang, Y. (2004). How American Culture Correlates the Process of Globalization. Asian EFL Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 3, Article 4. Available at:
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to know the role of advocates in the protection of human rights in the criminal justice system, to analyze the implementation of human rights protection in the provision of legal assistance by advocates in the criminal justice system and to analyze what factors influence the effectiveness of human rights protection in the criminal justice system.
Keywords: The Role of Advocates, Human Rights, Criminal Justice System
[1]. Aburaera, S., Husen, L. O., Mustamin, H., & Masturi, R. (2017). The Natural of Justice in the Procurement of Land for General Interests in the National Development Framework. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 3(9), 155-160.
[2]. Adji, I. S. (1998). Penyiksaan dan Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Perspektif KUHAP. Jakarta: PT. Pustaka Sinar Harapan.
[3]. Ali, A. (2009). Menguak Teori Hukum (Legal Theory) dan Teori Peradilan (Judicialprudence): Termasuk Interperpretasi Undang-Undang (Legisprudence) (Vol. 1). Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
[4]. Ali, Z. (2006). Filsafat Hukum. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.
[5]. Apeldoorn, L. J. (1972). Inleiding tot de Studie van het Nederlandse Recht (17 ed.). Haarlem: H.D. Tjeenk Willink..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Musyarakah Financing in Bank Sumut Syariah, Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Amrin Mulia || Putra Chairy |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402016772 ![]() |
Abstract: In this modern era, financial institutions, especially sharia banking, play an important role in improving the economy of the community. This role is manifested in the function of banks as financial intermediary institutions, namely collecting funds from the public in the form of deposits and channeling to the community in the form of loans or other forms in order to improve people's lives.Implementation of Musyarakah contract at the Sub-Branch Bank SumutSyariah Prof. HM Yamin Medan when viewed from the contract has been fulfilled namely the existence of consent and qabul. In addition, banks and customers both contribute capital to run business projects with profits divided according to the portion of capital contribution (ratio).
Keywords: Al Quran; Islamic financing; economy; muyarakah
[1]. Ascarya.Akad&Produk Bank Syariah, Jakarta: PT Raja GrafindoPersada, 2015.
[2]. Huda, Nurul dan Mohamad Heykal. LembagaKeuangan Islam TinjauanTeoretisdanPraktis, Jakarta: PT FajarInterpratamaMandiri, 2010.
[3]. Umam, Khotibul dan Setiawan Budi Utomo. Perbankan Syariah Dasar-dasar dan Dinamika Perkembangannya di Indonesia, Jakarta: Rajawali pres, 2017.
[4]. M. Syafe'I Antonio. Bank Syari'ah dari Teori ke Praktek, Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2001.
[5]. Kasmir. Dasar-Dasar Perbankan, Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2015..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ethics of Religion According to FazlurRahman |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Maraimbang || Syahrin Harahap || Amroeni Drajat |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402017380 ![]() |
Abstract: This article is titled "Religious Ethics according to FazlurRahman." The discussion of this paper begins with FazlurRahman's view of Alqurān content which lies in the ethical principles and underlying values, not on literal provisions or dogmas. He provides new and fresh interpretations of aspects of religious ethics, in terms of theological, philosophical and sociological issues, in accordance with the context in human life.This paper reveals at least three basic essences ofAlqurān teachings, namely the concepts of imān, islam, and taqwā, thus giving ethos a dominant role in various aspects of the life of Muslims, especially religious ethics. As for Imān, there is an acknowledgment...........
Keywords: religious ethic, Qur'anic ethic, imān, islām, taqwā, world view
[1]. Al Quran al Kareem.
[2]. A.N. Baqirshāhi, "Dasar-Dasar Nilai Moral: Studi Komparatif atas Pandangan Abu A'lā al-Maudûdī, 1971, Ethical of Islam, diterjemahkan oleh Abdu Rahman Zainuddin, judul; Moralitas Islam., Jakarta: Publicita
[3]. Abd A'la, 2003, Dari Neo-Modernisme ke Islam Liberal: Jejak Fazlur Rahman dalam Wacana Islam di Indonesia, Jakarta: Paramadina
[4]. Ahmad Amin, Al Akhlāk, Terj. K.H. Farud Ma'ruf,1995,Etika, Ilmu Akhlak`, Cet. VII; Jakarta: Bulan Bintang
[5]. Ahmad Syafi'ī Maā'rif,1994, Peta Bumi Intelektual Islam., Bandung: Mizan..
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Abstract: Suicide is a complex behavioural phenomenon that involves taking one's life by oneself. It is fundamentally a general social and public health problem worldwide (Izadinia, Amiri, Jahromi & Hamidi, 2010) and also a problem that is both very serious and preventable (Amare, Woldeyhannes, Haile, & Yebeabat, 2018). The social, economic and psychological effects of suicide are unbearable in most societies of the world. Families, organisations and the general society are often thrown into mourning when there is an incidence of suicide. Such depressive mood often impact productivity, create fear and anxiety, reduce value for human existence and cause social unrest; among..............
[1]. Adcock, A. G., Nagy, S., & Simpson, J. A. (1991).Selected risk factors in adolescent suicide attempts. Adolescence, 26: 817-828.
[2]. Amare, T, Woldeyhannes. S. M., Haile, K., & Yebeabat, T. (2018). Prevalence and associated factors of suicide ideation and attempt among adolescent high school students in Dangila Town, Northwest Ethiopia. Psychiatry Journal, 2018:7631453(online) doi: 10.1155/2018/7631453
[3]. Awata, S., Seki, J., Koizumi, Y, Sato, S., Hozawa, A., Omori, K…… Tsuyi,.I. (2005). Factors associated with suicide ideation in an elderly urban Japanese population: A community based, cross sectional study. Psychiatry & Clinical neuroscience, 59: 327-336.
[4]. Baumeister, R. F. (1990). Suicide as escape from self. Psychological Review, 97: 90-113.
[5]. Beck, A. T., & Steer, R. A. (1988). Manual for the Beck Hopelessness Scale. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Green HR Practices for Environmental Sustainability- A Discussion |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Y.Vinodhini-Professor |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402019193 ![]() |
Abstract: The concern for global sustainability and competitive environment, the importance of green hr practices are playing pivotal role. Green HR is referred to all the activities involved in development, implementation and on-going maintenance of a system that aims at transforming normal employees into green employees. When it comes to managing sustainability with human resources, HR plays an essential role in an organization. The ultimate purpose of changing the employees is to achieve environmental goals of the organization to make a significant contribution to environmental sustainability. It refers to the policies, practices and systems that make employees of the organization green for the promoting the individual, society, natural environment, and the business. The purpose of green HRM is to..........
Keywords: Global sustainability, Green HR Practices, organization, transforming, goals, employees
[1]. Opatha, H.H.D.N.P. and Arulrajah, A.A. (2014), Green Human Resource Management: Simplified General Reflections, International Business Research, Canadian Center of Science and Education, Vol. 7, No. 8, pp. 101-112.
[2]. Staffelbach, B., Bruger, E.A. and Ba¨bler, S. (2012), ―The role of strategic context in environmental sustainability initiatives: three case studies‖, in Jackson, S.E., Dilchert, S. and Ones, D.S. (Eds), Managing Human Resources for Environmental Sustainability, Jossey-Bass/Wiley, San Francisco, CA, pp. 36-60
[3]. Wee, Y. S., and Quazi, H. A. (2005). Development and validation of critical factors of environmental management. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 105, 96–114
[4]. Bird, A., (1996). Training for environmental improvement in Wehrmeyer, W. (1996), 227-246.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Regional Variation in Social Amenities and Development A Case Study of Southern Rajasthan |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Palak Bhardwaj |
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: | 10.9790/0837-24020194102 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper attempts to discuss the "Regional Variation in Social Amenities and Level of Social Development in Southern Rajasthan." It mainly focuses on determination of components of demographic, educational and health amenities at tehsil level which play significant role in the status of social development, they are directly related to over all development.
The development pattern of various tehsils of southern Rajasthan is evaluated through derived composite index and these tehsils are categorised as five levels: very high, high, moderate, low and very low development.
Spectrum of regional variation.....
[1]. Bhat, L.S. (1972) Regil Planning in India, Statistical Publishing Society, Calcutta.
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[5]. Dungarpur, Rajsamand and pur districts 1981, 1991 and 2001..