Series-5 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Msmes in Employment Generation in Chikkaballapur District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gangadharappa.N |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402050103 ![]() |
Abstract: India lives in villages and rural economy is the heart of our economy. In India about 70 percent people lives in villages and their life is only depending on agriculture sector. Standard of living of those people is comparatively low with urban people. Employment is generated only by agriculture and allied activities in rural area. Considering these circumstances MSMEs play a very important role in Indian economy in terms of employment generation. The main advantage of MSMEs sector is that, it is always depend on labour and not capital. India has rich in human resources..........
Key Words: Self-employment, Employment Generation, Employment Opportunity, Development, MSMEs
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Abstract: Purpose – Acareer satisfaction research on public sector employees is conducted to figure out the influence of leadership style and organizational climate, and the role of job involvementon career satisfaction. Design / methodology / approach – The respondents of this research are the employees of the public sector at Bengkulu province with the number amounted to 385. The data analysis is using Descriptive Analysis, and Statistical Inferential Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling (CFA and Regression Weight). Findings - Leadership style and organizational climate positive effect on career satisfaction, a significant difference between leadership style and job involvement, organizational climate positive effect on job involvement, job involvement had no........
Keywords: Career satisfaction, leadership style, organizational climate, job involvement
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Abstract: The aim of the study was to describe, analyze what factors influence the implementation of the Commander in chief Regulation No. 161 / XII / 2011 in the Development and Fostering of Career for Civil Servants in the Indonesian Armed ForcesNavy Main Base V Surabaya. This research is a case by obtaining a concrete picture of the implementation of career guidance for the Indonesian Armed Forces Civil Servants. Data analysis method uses an interactive model with four procedures, namely Data Collection, data reduction, data presentation and assessment. The research findings generally indicate the implementation of the Commander in chief Regulation no. 161 / XII / 2011 in the career development and fostering for civil servants in the navy Indonesian Armed Forces at the Navy...........
Key Words: Implementation, Regulation, Development, Fostering, Career
[1]. Prawira, Redoe.2015.Implementasi Kebijakan Pengembangan Karir Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kota Lubuklinggau.Masters thesis. Universitas Terbuka
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Abstract: The rate of youth unemployment is alarming in Nigeria. This could promote social vices like armed robbery, kidnapping, cultism, drug peddling, child trafficking, ritual killing, insurgency, and general security challenges. Therefore, functional and workable vocational and technical education programme is the needed panacea to curb youth vulnerability and insecurity in the country. This paper focuses on curtailing youth unemployment and insecurity in Nigeria through vocational and technical education. It examines briefly the concepts of youth; unemployment; insecurity; links between unemployment and insecurity; causes of unemployment; effects of youth unemployment on the society; vocational and technical education; role of vocational and technical education in.........
Key Words: Youth, Unemployment, Insecurity, Vocational and technical education
[1]. Adebayo, A. A. (2013). Youths Unemployment and Crime in Nigeria: A Nexus and Implications for National Development. International Journal of Sociology and Antropology, 5 (8).
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Abstract: The proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons is a worldwide, progressively complex and multifaceted phenomenon that affects people and insecurity of countries the world over. Readily available and easy to use, small arms and light weapons have been the primary or sole tool of violence in almost all conflicts in every part of the globe. In the hands of irregular troops operating with scant respect of international and humanitarian law, these weapons have taken a heavy toll on human lives, with women and children accounting for more of the casualties. While not by themselves causing the conflict in which they are used, the proliferation of small arms and light weapons affect the intensity and duration of violence and encourages militancy rather than a.........
Key Words: Small Arms and Light Weapons, Insecurity, National stability.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research was to assess the successes and challenges of practicum program and its implications for quality of teachers' professionalism in Bule-Hora and Fitche College of teachers' education. Mixed research design with convergent parallel mixed method was employed. Availability, simple random, stratified random sampling techniques were used to select 52 tutors, 65 mentors and 189 mentees respectively. Two vice-academic deans and 2 practicum coordinators of CTEs' and 26 principals were also selected by using purposive and simple.........
Key Words: Curriculum, pedagogy, practicum and profession
[1]. Brownlee, J. (2001). Knowing and Learning in Teacher Education: A Theoretical Framework of Core and Peripheral Epistemological Beliefs. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and Development. Vol. 4. No.1. PP: 167-190.
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Abstract: The main objectives of this research were to investigate the practices of cultural responsive pedagogy in nexus to enhancing female students' academic performance in college of teachers' education. Through convergent parallel mixed method, the data were collected from 89 female and 50 male students, 40 instructors, 2 vice-academic deans and 2 gender coordination units were selected by using stratified, availability, simple random and availability sampling techniques respectively. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics whereas qualitative data were analyzed through narration. The findings of the study revealed that the awareness of different stakeholders on the practices of cultural responsive pedagogy in general and gender responsive pedagogy in particular was not encouraging. Preparation of gender responsive plans and utilization of gender.........
Key Words: Gender, Inclusive language, school characteristics and socio-culture..
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Abstract: Background: Recent international research primarily focuses on how foreign investment has led to increased "land grabbing‟. Yet while foreign-funded land grabs are under increasing scrutiny in Kenya and other parts of the developing world, land accumulation by local elites remains largely unexplored. Reports of land grabs in Kenya have concentrated on exposing irregular and illegal mechanisms used to acquire public lands such as public land set aside for graveyards, school playgrounds, forests, road reserves, riparian land, undeveloped community land, among others. Aims: To understand.......
Key Words: Land dispossession, Kakamega county, informal land grab, land loss
[1]. Anderlini, J., (2008). "China Eyes Overseas Land in Food Push," Financial Times, [online], 8 May 2008. Available at: Retrieved 12/04/2013.
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Abstract: The prevalence of diabetes is increasing, from 6.4% in 2010 to 7.7% of the world's population by 2030. Today, it is recognized that the management of diabetes, long focused on glycemic control, must integrate the preservation and improvement of the quality of life of patients. In this study we were interested in measuring the physical score to assess the quality of physical life of Moroccan diabetics. Method Descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study of 140 diabetic patients seen at the Mohamed V military training hospital...........
Key Words: age, sex, diabetes, quality of life.
[1]. I. Debaty, M. Baudrant, P-Y. Benhamou, S. Halimi. Evaluation de la qualité de vie en éducation thérapeutique du patient diabètique. Médecine des maladies métaboliques, Vol 2, N° 3 – mai 2008, pp 291-293.
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[4]. H. Azanmasso, E. Tchonda, E. Alagnide, S. Lahrabli, N-S. Diagne, S. Zahi, D. Niama Natta, F. Djrolo, T.- G. Kpadonou, F. Lmidmani, A. Elfatimi. Qualité de vie des patients diabètiques en afrique: à propos d'une etude bi-centrique. Médecine des maladies métaboloques. Octobre 2015- Vol. 9- N°6.
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Abstract: Women‟s status in general is described in terms of their education, employment and income level and also the role played by them within the family, the community and society. The role of women in tribal communities is no exception to this. In tribal community, women are considered worthier than any other communities, because they are very much hard workers and thus their entire family depends on them. The tribal women are engaged in minor forest produce. They are more sincere and hardworking labourers with minimum wages. But however, tribal women face many problems and challenges in getting a sustainable living. The tribal development strategy, especially tribal women development needs more attention, improvement and betterment to make tribal women empowered..
Key Words: Women empowerment, Educational status, Tribal development schemes..
[1]. Ambiga Devi.P & Hemasrikumar, (2011), "An assessment of poverty and living standard of Irula‟, Journal of Rural Development, 30 (2), pp.221-232.
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Abstract: The Circassian community in Iraq has been threatened for decades because of the political and socio-economic situation and changes in the country. The fall of Saddam Hussein's regime due to the United States' military campaign, the conflict between the international military forces led by the USA and the local Islamist militants, and finally the rise of the Islamic Statehave threatened the fragile Iraqi status quo and affected the recent living conditions of the Circassians. This paper will attempt to examine the current situation of the Circassians focusing the attention on the effect which the recent Iraqi conflict and the war against Daesh have had on this community. Furthermore, this research aims at describing the efforts of the Circassian community to promote their social and political activities and defendthe community's identity, the historical and linguistic background, and the traditions.
Key Words: Middle East, Iraq, North Caucasus, ethnic minorities, Circassians.
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Abstract: Nowadays, increasing environmental awareness has motivated brands to be more sensitive to the environment. One of the areas that this situation affects is marketing. Green marketing, which reflects the perspective of the marketing window of attempts aimed at environmental protection and sustainability, especially air, water and soil during production, is a concept and strategy that stands out in this process. Green marketing, as an activity to stimulate the environment consciousness of the consumers and to increase the tendency to use environmentally friendly products by telling consumers about environmentally sensitive products, is a strategy that seems to be costly at the beginning for the brands, but turns into profit in terms of both consumer and producer in the long run. The aim of this study is to understand the level of knowledge and interest towards environmental awareness factors of university students who are expected to be more sensitive and conscious with the high......
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