Series-7 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Abstract: The service quality of apparatus, which is still far below expectation, and the gap between the number of apparatus and citizens served encourage the government to make improvements. One strategy to improve the service quality of the State Civil Apparatus is through development with policy-related activities. This study aims to analyzeManagerial Competency Development of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at the Civil Service and Human Resource Development Agency of Biak Numfor Regency Papua Province. This study employs descriptive method with qualitative approach. The primary data was collected through observation and interviews; the respondents included the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at the Civil Service and Human Resource Development Agency of Biak Numfor...........
Key Words: Development, Managerial Competency, State Civil Apparatus (ASN).
[1]. Chlivickas, E. (2006). International Cooperation and Innovations for Developing Human Resources System. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 110.
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[5]. Makmur. (2013). Teori Manajemen Stratejik dalam Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan. Bandung, Indonesia: Refika Aditama..
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Abstract: This paper was a literature search that attempted to review the psycho-demographic factors accounting for terrorism and the implications for Africa's development in the 21st century. Drawing knowledge from the instrumental theory of terrorism and the psychological theory of frustration-aggression theory, several empirical studies were reviewed and the findings showed that both psychological and socio-demographic factors account for terrorism acts in Africa. Some of the psychological factors identified from literature were anti-social personality traits, irrational beliefs about religion, sadism and masochism traits. Further review showed that displacement of aggression towards less threatening groups (minority) also psychologically accounts for terrorism in Africa. As for the socio-........
Keywords: Psycho-Demographic Factors, Terrorism and Africa
[1]. Anderson, O. A.,& Fred, M. R.(2017). Terrorism and the world. Unpublished PhD thesis in Legal Studies, University of Toronto.
[2]. Chukwu&Ohabunwa (2018). An article review of terrorism in Africa.Published in Africa's Annual Peace Mission Conference.
[3]. Crenshaw, M. (1987). Instrumental Approach to Terrorism. Oxford University Printing Press.
[4]. Ejike & Nwabueze (2018). Determinants of terrorism among African populace.Journal of Group Psychology, 88, 103-115.
[5]. Elu, A. C., & Gregory, F. Z. (2016). The causes and consequences of terrorism in Africa. Handbook of Group Processes, Vol. 9. Pp. 13-28.
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Abstract: Nowadays it is quite common that many of the couples get into a long-distance relationship within few years after their marriage as part of their job.The current research explored the role of distance in trust and marital quality in women. For the purpose of the study a total of 95 women was selected using snowball sampling, among which 65 who are having geographically close with the spouse whereas 30 having a long-distance marital relationship with their spouse. Explanatory sequential design was conducted including both the quantitative and qualitative phases.The quantitative results indicate that there is no significant difference in marital qualityexcept for marital satisfaction dimension. Qualitative phase identified two global themes - marital trust and marital quality............
Key Words: Marital quality, Trust, Long distance relationship, Geographically close relationship
[1]. Atta, M., Adil, A., Shujja, S., & Shakir, S. (2013). Role of trust in marital satisfaction among single and dual-career couples. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 2(4), 53–62.
[2]. Barnes, H. L., Schumm, W. R., Jurich, A. P., & Bollman, S. R. (1984). Marital satisfaction: Positive regard versus effective communications as explanatory variables. The Journal of social psychology, 123(1), 71-78.
[3]. Bratcher, T. (2017). Distance in Relationships as a Moderator of Relationship Characteristics on Relationship Outcomes(Doctoral dissertation, University of Central Oklahoma).
[4]. Cutrona, C. E., Russell, D. W., Abraham, W. T., Gardner, K. a, Melby, J. N., Bryant, C., & Conger, R. D. (2003). Neighborhood context and financial strain as predictors of marital interaction and marital quality in African American couples. Personal Relationships, 10(3), 389–409.
[5]. Dainton, M., &Aylor, B. (2001). A relational uncertainty analysis of jealousy, trust, and maintenance in long‐distance versus geographically close relationships. Communication Quarterly, 49(2), 172–188.
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Abstract: This paper was an exploration of good governance and the Nigerian youths. By examining the extent to which Nigeria youths can ensure good governance. The research methodology was essentially exploratory and therefore, depended on secondary data for the examination of issues surrounding the Nigerian youths and good governance. The drive in good governance with the Nigerian youths arose out of the continued nature and outcry of unemployment, marginalization, hunger and corruption that have eaten deep into the veins of our leaders. Which has attracted many conferences, workshops and dialogues about the future of the Nigerian youths and generation yet to come...........
Key words: Good governance, the youths, system theory, transparency and accountability, corruption and free and fair election.
[1]. Abubakar, H.I. (2010). "Transparency and accountability in local government administration in Nigeria" A paper presented at a National workshop Organized by Forum of Chairman of Local Government Service Commission of Nigeria 22nd -25th March.
[2]. Abubakar, B.S. (2017). Youth Inclusiveness Key to Good Governance Development: Being apaper presentedat the African Regional Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Young Parliamentarians Forum (YPF), at the National Assembly, Abuja.Paper accessed July, 15th 2018. From:
[3]. Achebe, C. (1983).The Trouble with Nigeria, Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishing Co. Ltd.
[4]. Aluko, J.O. (2003). Corruption in the Local Government System in Nigeria: Ibadan. Book Builders Editions Africa.
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Abstract: Classical BharataNatya compositions has followed the Guru-Shishya Parampara, and every movement can be traced to it's roots. The deep roots of this Classical Art form has enabled it to grow to great heights during good times under the patronage of the Kings. It is the most revered classical dance forms of India today.In India, Classical Music and Classical Dance are two important offering to the Gods, as it is said that a soulful rendition of music, vocals, or a dance filled with devotion, alongwith the mechanics of the tala, the sound frequencies, modulations have.........
Key Words: Bharatanatya, Education, Guru Shishya parampara, Nation development, Art appreciation and learning, Rural economy, Women empowerment, Culture and Tradition, Primary Education.
[1]. Manmohan Ghosh (1951), Natyashastra, Asiatic Society of Bengal, West Bengal
[2]. Dr.K. Kumar (2009), Yoga-karana Nrittha Deepika, Y S Prakashana, Mysore.
[3]. Dr. K Kumar (2009), Nrityadeepika, Y S Prakashana, Mysore.
[4]. Dr. Bindu S Rao,Growth of Bharatanatyam during the Anti-Nautch movement of Colonial Era, through the famous Gurus &their Banis, IJNTR Journal,Volume-4, Issue-4, April 2018.
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Abstract: This paper sets out to investigate linguistic violence in marriage as depicted by the use of language among couples within marriage and how time has influenced this behavior in the society. The survey method of investigation is used and the data collected through structured interview. Random sampling of six couples, three from the rural area and three from city dwellers and two elderly men and two elderly women who have lived mostly in the rural area is used. The interviews are electronically recorded and the data analysis is done using inferential and descriptive methods. In the findings, nearly all the marriages experience linguistic violence though at different levels from time to time........
Key Words: linguistic violence, marriage, time, Igbo land, women
[1]. Akinbiyi Adetunji, (2010). "Aspects of Linguistic Violence to Nigerian Women‟, in The International Journal - Language Society and Culture, Issue 31, 10.
[2]. Chukwuma, E. (2013) Domestic Violence: It‟s Assuming Epidemic Proportion, Retrieved on 24th July, 2016, from>Home>special Report.
[3]. Ellen Gorsevski, (2005) Violence. Reviewed by Thomas Weber in Henric Urdal (ed) Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 42, No 2, March.
[4]. Ellen Gorsevski (2004). Peaceful Persuasion: The Geopolitics of Nonviolent Rhetoric. Albany: State University of New York Press.
[5]. Hanna Arenth, (1970). On Violence New York: Harcourt, Brace and World Inc..
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Abstract: Early Childhood Education Development (ECDE) teachers are required to be ready to implement the new curriculum in pre-school. However, majority of research conducted has shown that ECDE curriculum is not appropriately implemented in public pre-school centres across the country. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to establish the level of teacher readiness in the implementation of new curriculum. The study was conducted in selected public pre-school centres in Baringo North Sub County. A descriptive research design was used. The respondents for the study involved sub county officer in charge of ECDE, head teachers and pre-school teachers. Questionnaire and interview.......
Key Words: Pre-school teacher, preparedness, implementation, ECDE
[1]. Akinrotimi, A. A. & Olowe, P. K. (2016). Challenges in Implementation of Early Childhood Education in Nigeria: The Way Forward. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(7), 33 – 38.
[2]. Cave, A. and Mulloy, M. (2010). A Qualitative Examination of Teacher Perceptive National Forum of Education. Administration and supervision Journal, 27 (4).
[3]. Chebet, S. B. (2016). Attitudes of Pre-School Teachers towards Early Childhood Development and Education Curriculum in Bomet Central Sub-County, Bomet County. MED Thesis, Moi University, Kenya.
[4]. Fullan, M. (1982). The Meaning of Educational Change, OISE (1985) Change and Strategies at Local Level. Elementary School Journal. 84 (3), 391 – 420.
[5]. Goodman, S. H., & Brand, S. R. (2009). Infants of depressed mothers: Vulnerabilities, risk factors, and protective factors for the later development of psychopathology. In C. H. Zeanah, Jr. (Ed.), Handbook of infant mental health (3rd ed., pp. 153–170). New York: Guilford Press
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gondi Language- Identity, Politics and Struggle in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. Sraavya Rajasri Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402075157 ![]() |
Abstract: The Gondi language has been associated with the Tribal community of the Gonds residing in the Gondwana District of India. Contrary to the large amount of speakers of the language, the language itself has faced severe neglect by the government and the unfair prejudice of the general public. The Paper tries to bring out the varied undertones and the class and caste color of the problems. With the specific focus on the state of Madhya Pradesh, the paper lastly highlights the current situation and the attempts by the Government to improve the situation of this script..
[1]. Gondi language: Victim of Governmental Neglect, DOWN TO EARTH, Available at:, accessed on 7th November, 2018
[2]. Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Politics of Tribal Identity and Gondi Movement, available at: , pp.1-3 accessed on 7th November, 2018
[3]. Gondi Language, OMNIGLOT, Available at:, accessed on 7th November, 2018
[4]. Kamal K Sridhar, Language in Education: Minorities and multiculturalism in India, Available at:, pp. 5, accessed on 7th November, 2018
[5]. Padma Sarangpani, Childhood and Schooling in an Indian Village, Available at:, pp. 404-407, accessed on 7th November, 2018..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Brief History of the Office of the Prime Minister Of India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dhruv Kaushik |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402075867 ![]() |
Abstract: The following paper aims to discuss the historical evolution of the office of the Prime Minister of India. With the colonial tradition in place at the advent of independence, the constituent assembly opted for a Parliamentary form of government, typical of the British Polity. This form of government brought the office of Prime Minister to the forefront and hence India, after seventy years since decolonization has seen a history of several dynamic personalities hold the prestigious office. The paper will, in chronological order, examine the tenures of various Prime Ministers of India. In order to understand better the position of a Prime Minister it would be pertinent to analyse certain historical events that became relevant to effecting the powers and prestige of the office. It would be imperative to state that various features of the Indian polity have had a massive effect on how a past office bearer.............
[1]. Lipset, S.M. & Rokkan, S. (1967). "Cleavage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments"
[2]. Cole, A. (2011). "Comparative political parties: Systems and organizations." , P-151
[3]. Chandra, B., Mukherjee, M. & Mukherjee, A. (2008). "India since Independence", P- 64
[4]. Chandra, B., Mukherjee, M. & Mukherjee, A. (2008). "India since Independence", P- 147
[5]. Guha, R. "India after Gandhi", P- 315.
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Abstract: The problem of urban slums was often one of the main issues that is quite polemic, thus never overtaken by the handling efforts from time to time. Particularly, the impact of slum settlements will also lead to a bad paradigm for the administration of the government, by giving the negative impact of the helplessness and inability of the government in the regulation of life services and livelihoods of its citizens. The Problem of Slum Settlement was also experienced by the Batubara District, especially in Tanjung Tiram Village, Tanjung Tiram Subdistrict. The aim of this research is to identify the physical condition of slum settlement, analyze the slum level of settlement and analyze the...........
Key Words: Planning, Handling, and Slum Areas
[1]. Adisasmita, S.A. 2012. Perencanaan Infrastruktur Transportasi Wilayah. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta.
[2]. Arikunto, S. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian. Rineka Cipta: Yogyakarta.
[3]. Angel, S. dan Boonyabancha, S. (1988). Land Sharing as an Alternative to Eviction. Third World Planning review Vol 10 , 107-127.
[4]. Budihardjo, Eko. 1984. Sejumlah Masalah Permukiman Kota. Alumni, Bandung.
[5]. Budiharjo, Eko. 1997. Lingkungan Binaan Dan Tata Ruang Kota. ANDI, Yogyakarta..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis of Politeness Strategy and Cooperative Principles in Angry Birds Movie |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Agustiawan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-24020775123 ![]() |
Abstract: This research aims to identify the politeness strategy and violated maxims of cooperative principles used by the characters of a movie entitled Angry Birds. It is a content analysis research since the main source of data is transcription of movie dialog. Watching the video, listening to the dialogues and reading the transcription of dialogues were conducted in data collection. Descriptive qualitative was used to categorize the utterances into politeness strategies types used in the conversations among the characters of the film and decided maxim violated by the speakers or hearers. The result shows 84 utterances in the dialogues representing Bald on Record, 62 positive politeness, 39 negative politeness and 112 off record utterances. Besides, in each utterance violated one maxim and.......
Key Words: politeness strategy, maxims of cooperative principles, Movie
[1]. Hasmi, Mifta. 2013. A Pragmatic Analysis Of Politeness Strategies Reflected in Nanny McpheeMovie. Yogyakarya: UniversitasNegeri Yogyakarta (Unpublished Thesis)
[2]. Imdb. "full creadits of angry birds characters‟. [retrieved 2nd December 2018]
[3]. Rovio. "angrybirds‟. <> [retrieved 21st November 2018]
[4]. Transcripts. "The Angry Birds Movie‟. <> [retrieved 20th November 2018]
[5]. Sembiring,Ester Hanna BR.and Imam Ghozali . 2017. An Analysis of Maxims Flouting in "The Jungle