Series-2 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Abstract: Urban domestic solid waste is increasingly being generated in many urban centres including middle- sized towns.In many urban areas in developing countries, there's a growing need and awakening for meeting the waste disposal needs for the ever increasing population. This paper examines and analyses the varied treatment and disposal methods of domestic solid waste employed in Kisii town. The mainobjective of the study is: to assess the treatment and disposal methods of the domestic solid wastes in Kisii town.A mixed methodological approach was taken into consideration. Data was obtained from a sample of 110 households using the multi- stage stratified sampling method............
Key Words:Strategic options, treatment, disposal, domestic waste, Kisii town, Kenya
[1]. Adam R. (1995), Taking Action on Environmental Goods for you and your Community. UNEP, Nairobi Kenya.
[2]. Algak.(1995), A Journal of Association of Local Government Authorities of Kenya.
[3]. Aseem I. (2005),Planning for the Unplanned: Recovering from Crises in Megacities, Routledge USA,). [4]. Babbie E. (2004), The Practice of social research. (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
[5]. Bachman G. (1993), Health and Environmental Aspects of Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries: in the solid waste and management proceeding of the international symposium of solid waste management for developing countries. (26th September to 7th October 1993 Karl rusher FROG page 17-31)..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Revolt of 1857 and the History of the British Capital of India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Raj Narayan Pal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402021322 ![]() |
Abstract: The Sepoy mutiny of 1857 was the biggest uprising against the rule of the East India Company since its inception. The rebellion began on May 10, 1857 in Meerut, forty miles away from Delhi and spread over many places of the country. The rebellion was the result of resentment that had developed against the elements of British rule which included social reforms, excessive land taxes, ill treatment of princes and rich landlords. The Rebel soldiers showed exceptional cruelty which was encountered by the British officers as well. It threatened the existence of the British rule in India. The British community as well as other Europeans was so frightened this time that the memories of the great rebellion could not be faded away for long time. Calcutta, presently known as Kolkata, was then the capital of the British India. Endeavour has been made in this paper to reconstruct the history of the city during this revolt.........
Keywords: Sepoy mutiny, Calcutta, Rumour and Panic, protection of the city, Government initiative, European community, Indian citizens, Trade and commerce, Press law
[1]. The Panic at Calcutta, The Hindoo Patriot (Calcutta, 21.5.1857), 170
[2]. T he Bengal Harkaru and Indian Gazette , (Calcutta, 12.6.1857).
[3]. Ibid (Calcutta, 27.5.157).
[4]. Ibid (Calcutta, 22.5.157).
[5]. Ibid..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Examination Anxiety among Secondary Level students |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Susanta Roy Chowdhury |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402022328 ![]() |
Abstract: Examination is usually a major source of concern to students. In secondary level, education is mostly examination - oriented and target of the students is only to achieve higher marks which automatically brings an excessive stress in the minds of the students. In such a case examination anxiety is a common problem among the students. This study therefore, investigated examination anxiety among secondary school students of Tinsukia District, Assam. The study adopted simple survey method. a sample of 300 students ( Male = 140 and Female=160 ) were randomly selected from fifteen secondary schools (Govt.aided=8 and private=7) in Tinsukia District of Assam. The instrument employed was adopted scale titled Examination anxiety scale (EAS-ss).Mean, S...........
Key Words: Examination Anxiety, Secondary school, Gender, locality, management type of the institution
[1]. Agarwal Anjuli & goel Rashi (2016): examination phobia: A common problem of students, Deview journal of philosoply and social science, vol-41,no.2.
[2]. AKES,F(2011),The relationship between an nicty and warend Helpeennen,social Beheviour and Personaility,39(I) 102-102
[3]. Alam khabirul and Halder Ujjwal kumer (2018): Test Anriety and Acljustment among secondary students, International journal of Research and Analytical Review ( IJRAR ) vol-5, issue-3
[4]. Bhandarkar,K.M.(2009) "tatistics in Edncation‟3rd Edition,Neel kamal pablications,New Delhi pp-247-251.
[5]. Goswami Marami & Roy Piyali (2017): Test of Higher secondary students in Relation to some selected International Journal of Research in Economics and social science (IJRESS) vol.7 p.p.- 197-206.
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Abstract: This study aims to examine how the spatial segregationencourages the occurrence of socio-spatial segregation in Taeng village, in Indonesia. Qualitative method was used to examine and analyse socio-spatial segregation phenomena of the housing complexes construction in Taeng Village, Pallangga District, Gowa Regency in Indonesia. Observation and deep interview were used in collecting data. The research informant consisted of: (1) the government of Taeng village in this case the village head and several village staffs, (2) the hamlet head and several village community leaders, (3) the developers in this case they were categorized into subsidized developers and commercial housing developers, (4) the villagers of Taeng who live inside the housing complex and the indigenous people who live outside the housing complex or in the village, (5) villagers who use the land for economic.........
Key Words: housing complex, socio segregation, socio-spatial segregation, attractiveness
[1]. Bungin Burhan. (2011). PenelitianKualitatif: Komunikasi, ekonomi, kebijakan public danilmusosiallainnya.Jakarta:KencanaPrenada Group
[2]. Consequences, and Policy Responses. Land Lines Newsletter of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. November.
[3]. Daldjoeni. (1982). GeografiKesejarahan I (Peradaban Dunia).Bandung: Alumni.
[4]. Daskalova, Diliana & Aleksandar D. Slaev. (2015). Diversity in the Suburbs: Socio-Spatial Segregation and Mix in Post-Socialist Sofia. Habitat International Journal 50, 42-50.
[5]. Diningrat, RendyAdriyan.(2014).JurnalPerencanaan Wilayah dan Kota..
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Abstract: This paper analysed the causes and effects of unemployment in Nigeria with a view to proffering practical solutions to it so as to reduce poverty rate. Secondary data gathered from various sources such as: CBN reports, NBS reports et cetera covering the period from 1985 to 2015 were used.It employed the regression analysis as the analytical method throughE-views version 9and found out that a percentage increase in population growth will increase unemployment by 4.95%. Also, the study found a positive relationship between government educational expenditure and unemployment rate in Nigeria and lastly, the result showed there is a positive relationship between gross..........
Key Words: Unemployment, poverty alleviation, educational expenditure, gross capital formation, Population growth, Graduate Idleness.
[1]. Ajayi, S.I., (2002). Institutions the missing link in the growth process. Proceedings of Nigerian Economic Society (NES) Annual Conference, Abuja.
[2]. Akinboyo, G.B. (1987). Job creation as a productivity measure for employment problems in Developing Countries: The Nigeria and Holland Experience, increasing productivity in Nigeria. Lagos: National Productivity Centre.
[3]. Anyadike N, Emeh I. E.J and Ukah F.I (2012). Entrepreneurship development and employment generation in Nigeria: Problems and prospects. Universal Journal of Education and General Studies, 1(4), 88-102.
[4]. Bassey, G. E. and J. A. Atan (2012).Labour Market Distortions and University Graduate Unemployment in Nigeria; Issues and Remedies.Current Research Journal of Economic Theory, 4(3), 67-76.
[5]. Bello, T. (2003). Attacking unemployment hurdles in the fragile economies of the Sub-Saharan Africa: the experience of Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the-Economics for the Future-conference; On The Occasion Of the Celebration of 100 Years of Cambridge Economics; UK: Cambridge.
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Abstract: Inclusive Educationcurriculum is designed toadjust to every learner's needs however is appropriatetoall children including children with special needs - a two-way dignified process. Inclusive Education concentrates on putting the privilege to training without hesitation all learners, regarding their different needs, capacities and attributes and dispensing with all types of separation in the learning environment. It ought to guide instruction arrangements and works on, beginning from the way that education is a fundamental human right and the schools should cater to all to develop a heathy society. Inclusive Education is both a standard and procedure, emerging from a reasonable acknowledgment that exclusion happens from training..........
Key Words: Examination Anxiety, Secondary school, Gender, locality, management type of the institution
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Justice: Inclusion of Differently Abled Children |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Naomi Lawrence || Dr. R. Belinda |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402024850 ![]() |
Abstract: Inclusion is educating the children with disability in regular classrooms. It brings all students together in one classroom and community, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses and seeks to maximize the potential of all students. It is one of the most effective ways in which to promote an inclusive and tolerant society. Very few schools have included children with disabilities; only few schools make appropriate adaptation to the curriculum, teaching and assessment methods and infrastructure. The rest of the schools either reject students with disabilities or they take in for the sake of enrolment. This injustice done for children with disability needs a definite..........
Key Words: Examination Anxiety, Secondary school, Gender, locality, management type of the institution
[1]. Barnes, C. (2010). Exploring Disability. London: Polity Publishers.
[2]. Chakraboti, S. (2010). Inclusive Education in India. Nashville, USA.: Tennessee University.
[3]. Cornwall, J. (2013). Physical disabilities and Medical Conditions. London: David Fulton Publishers
[4]. Fox, M. (2013). Including children with physical disabilities. USA: David Fulton Publishers.
[5]. Goel, S. (2015). Need and Importance of Inclusive Education for differently abled children in India. Jaipur: Aaviskar Publishers, Distributors..
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Abstract: The term 'research' refers to the academic investigation into some 'research question' that needs solution- an answer which is 'truth' or new knowledge. In historical research this task posits a great challenge for the researcher because the sources which are utilised for this purpose need to be evaluated first for their degree of accuracy as far as the human faculties can allow a recorder of the events to stay just and neutral to the events that he/she is recording. A literary source, that is why, can never be taken solely on its own merit: archaeological corroboration, or corroboration of the fact in another literary works, as far as possible, is required to arrive at the 'new knowledge'. Minhaj us Siraj remains the primary source for the history of foundation of Muslim rule in Bengal, which included the areas that were under..........
Key Words: Bakhtiyar Khilji, Early medieval Bihar, Delhi Sultanate, Nalanda.
[1]. Minhaj-us Siraj, Tabaqat-i-Nasiri
[2]. Inscriptions of Bihar, Sahai, Bhagwant, 1983, Patna, Book Source: Digital Library of India Item 2015.532816, Central Archaeological Library, Archaeological Survey Of India ,Janpath, New Delhi.
[3]. Sinha, B.P., The decline of the Kingdom of Magadh, 1954, Book Source: Digital Library of India Item 2015.126840.
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Abstract: The purpose of the study wasto investigate the practices, successes and challenges of Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching (PGDT) at Hawassa University and its cluster secondary schools. Through the convergent parallel mixed method, the data was collected from 243 PGDT candidates, 10 PGDT instructors, 25 school principals/supervisors,and one person from the Regional Education Bureau. The data was collected through self-developed questionnaire,document analysis and focused group discussions about the PGDT program in general. The study found substantial drop rates of pre-service and in-service PGDT candidates. To this end, the study found: PGDT candidates lacked self-confidence, self-efficacy in the teaching profession, and were not adequately supported by tutors (i.e., teacher educators) and mentors (i.e., helping secondary school teachers) to strengthen the linkage........
Key Words: Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching (PGDT), implementation, success, challenges, University
[1]. Anderson, S.E. (2000).IncreasingTeacher Effectiveness. Paris: UNESCO
[2]. Anna, C. (2006).Continuous Professional Development: A practical guide of Teachers and Schools; New York Printing Press.
[3]. Bailey, M. Bubb, H., Jones, R.,& Tortdless, M. (2002).Improving Induction: Research Based Practices forschools: Rout ledge Falmer.
[4]. Belay Lemu,(2011).The PracticesandProblemsof SchoolBasedCPD:TheCaseof Benishangul Gumuz Regional State With The Special Focus To Secondary SchoolsIn MetekelZone
[5]. Best, J. W. &Kanh, J. V. (2003). Research in Education. (9thEd.). USA: Pearson Education,Inc..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the practices of teachers' written feedback provision on grade 11 students' writing in the selected secondary and preparatory schools. To attain this purpose, a descriptive survey method with mixed approach was employed. In order to collect appropriate data, students' questionnaires and teachers' interview were used. The data collected from questionnaires were analyzed qualitatively using descriptive survey statistics, frequency and percentage. On the other hand, the data obtained from the interview were analyzed and described qualitatively. In an attempt to investigate the extent of written feedback provision practices, the results revealed that the majority of teachers didn't provide sufficient writing activities that promote their written feedback practices. As the result, they usually provide insufficient amount of feedback even which was delayed, evaluative (judgmental), and comprehensive feedback usually on a single draft..
Key Words: multi-draft, selective feedback, evaluative feedback, immediate feedback, surface level aspects, meaning level aspects
[1]. Belachew N. (2016). A Study on Teachers' Written Feedback Provision on Students' Writing.
[2]. Unpublished MA thesis, Hawassa University.
[3]. Black, P. and D. Wiliam (1998). ―Assessment and Classroom Learning, Principles, Policy and Practice‖, Assessment in Education, Vol. 5(1), pp. 1-78.
[4]. Black, et al. (2002). Working Inside the Black Box: Assessment for Learning in the Classroom.
[5]. London: King's College London. Department of Education and Professional Studies..
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Abstract: The term corruption is a term frequently used by everyone around the globe since it‟s an international problem or most preferable, an international disease. Corruption has been a main problem in our societies whereby individuals take advantage of it in order to ease their way through strict rules or closed doors. This term is known as bribery or greasing the wheels. Corruption has been a major problem in our societies whereby it‟s very hard to eliminate it since it has merged and stretched its roots to the very bottom level of our society. Corruption brings comfort to the corrupt individuals but a downfall towards the economy and the security of the country and its honest citizens. Many international organizations such as the United Nations have tried to find and create solutions on how to eliminate the existence of corruption but they have bared no fruits due to the secretive nature of how.........
Key Words: Kenya police, Institutional corruption, Corruption.
[1]. A HANDBOOK ON FIGHTING CORRUPTION. (1999). Washington, D.C.: Technical Publication Series.
[2]. Abeti, G. (2018). Kenya Police salary & allowances 2018/2019. [online] - Kenya news. Available at: [Accessed 24 May 2018].
[3]. Amundsen, I. (1999). Political Corruption: An Introduction to the Issues. Postterminalen: Chr. Michelsen Institute Development Studies and Human Rights.
[4]. BBC News. (2018). Corrupt police targeted in Kenya. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Apr. 2018].
[5]. Chetwynd et al (2003) Corruption and Poverty :A Review Of Recent Literature.