Series-1 (March-2019)March-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Scope for Higher Order Thinking Through Mathematics Instructions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Sangeeta Pramanik || Dr. Mandira Sikdar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403010107 ![]() |
Abstract: Learning theories that evolved from the behaviourist, cognitivist and the constructivist paradigm, when applied in mathematics classroom with appropriate teaching strategies, lead to lower and higher order thinking skills in students. In the present study, the investigator developed an Instructional package for the mathematics topic "Real numbers‟ of the class IX level. The package was mainly structured with constructivist strategies like generalization, visualization and estimation along with cognitivist teaching strategies for concept clarity. It was implemented by the investigator on class IX students of the GSHSEB school, India. The same topic was taught to a statistically equated Control group by the conventional method. T-test was used to compare the pretest and the posttest scores for each of the levels – comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation for the Control and the Experimental group. A significant difference in the mean for all the levels except for the evaluation level, was observed in the Experimental group.
[1]. Collins, R. (April, 2014). Skills for the 21st century; teaching higher-order thinking. Curriculum and Leadership Journal. ISQ Briefings : Independent Schools Queensland.
[2]. Guzman, M. (n.d.). The role of visualization in the teaching and learning of mathematical analysis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
[3]. Hashemi, N., Abu, S., Kashefi, H., & Rahimi, K. (2013). Generalization in the learning of mathematics. 2nd International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education (ISQAE 2013).
[4]. Hilgard, E. R. (2011). Theories of Learning. ISBN-81-229-0251-0. India: Surjeet.
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Abstract: Development is a wide expansive concept. It can broadly be categorized into three perspectives – political, economic, and social/moral. This paper, however, looks at economic development narrowing the discussion to women‟s economic development and the challenges women face in Nigeria as a result of their exclusion from policy formation. This paper is aimed at highlighting the gender-specific impact of development strategies and policies; the role of the United Nations (UN) in bringing women into the development process- as active participants and potential agents of change in global political economy and development. Economic development here means that people should be able to satisfy their material needs more or less adequately. They should participate in decision-making process.........
Keywords: Women, Economic development, Patriarchal subjugation, Empowerment
[1]. Bhoganadam, S.D, Malini, H., Rao, D.S. (2014). "Women‟s Empowerment and Economic Development." In EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies. EIJMMS, Vol.4(8).
[2]. Boserup, E. (189). Women's Role in Economic Development. London: Earthscan Publications.
[3]. Deinbiteim, M.H. (2018). "Nigeria and the Implementation of NEPAD‟s Conditions for Sustainable Development Strategy" In African Research Review: International Multi-Disciplinary Journal. AFRREV Vol.12 (4), pp. 140-153
[4]. Jeckoniah, J. N. (2017). "Women Collective actions and Empowerment in Agricultural Chains in Simanjiro District Tanzania." In International Journal of Gender and Women's Studies. Vol.5(2), pp.51-7.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the implementation of Risk Management Lecturers at the Master of Public Administration Program, faculty of Social and Political Science at Hang Tuah University Surabaya and to find out what factors support and hinder the implementation of risk management. This research is a case study in which researchers carefully investigate the implementation of Risk Management Lecturers. The method of data analysis using qualitative techniques is carried out interactively and continues continuously to completion, so that the data is saturated. Activities in data analysis are: data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results showed that risk management has been carried...........
Key Words: Management, Risk, College, Lecturers
[1]. Mukhlis dan Supriyadi.2018. Desain Sistem Manajemen Risiko pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (PTN BH) Studi Kasus pada Universitas Gadjah Mada. Journal of Applied Accounting and Taxation. Vol. 3, No. 2, October 2018, 158-167
[2]. Griffiths, Phil. 2005. Risk Based Auditing. Burlington, Gower Publishing Company
[3]. Terry, George R. 1992 . Prinsip-Prinsip Manajemen. (Indonesian edition). PT. Bumi Aksara: Bandung
[4]. Gibson, D. 2011. Managing Risk in Information Systems. Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett Learning
[5]. Stoneburner G, A. Goguen and A. Feringa. 2001. Risk Management Guide for Information Technologt Systems., Reocommendation of the National Institute of : Standart and Technology Special Publication 800-30
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Critical Thinking: Towards an Entrepreneurial Freelance Writing |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Happiness Uduk || Eno Akpa |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403012630 ![]() |
Abstract: Philosophy as a discipline amongst other things provides the needed skills for rigor in critical thinking on a wide range of issues both of ancient and contemporary concerns. These it achieves using the instrumentality of logic from an ontological framework. Her unique and painstaking training opens up the students to independence in reasoning outside the box with clarity of purpose and forthrightness. In a world of information and communication technology at its best, there are enormous potentials to be explored in the area of compelling and engaging prowess in writing especially since there is a dearth of white collar jobs. Thus this work attempted to show in a lucid manner, how critical reflective thinking with the right mix, can be an entrepreneurial hub.
Keywords: Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Critical, Writing, Theory, Education, Truth.
[1]. Archibong, E. I. (2014) "Science and Ethics: Any Similitude in Principles?" Ethics: Some Critical Essays, (ed) Idorenyin F. Esikot, Excel Publishers, Uyo.
[2]. Blackburn, S. (2005) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, University Press, Oxford,
[3]. Copi, I. M. (1986) Introduction to Logic, Macmillan Publishing, Newyork.
[4]. Coupland, N. (2007) Style: Language variation and Identity: Key topics in Sociolinguistics, University Press, Cambridge.
[5]. Ekarika, J. P. (1986) Preliminary Notions in Logic, Metaphysics and theory of Knowledge, Uniografica, Venice.
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Abstract: This study aims to describe and analyze community participation in Community consultations on development planning in the Surabaya Genteng District. The type of research used in this study is descriptive analytical by trying to obtain a concrete picture of community participation in the implementation of Community consultations on development planning in Genteng City, Surabaya. Data were analyzed using an interactive model with four steps, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing / verification. The results of the study show that the people of the Genteng District of Surabaya City have participated in the implementation of Community consultations on development planning in the Surabaya Genteng District. However,.........
Keywords: Participatory, Planning, Development
[1]. Todaro, Michael, P. 2000.Pembangunan Ekonomi di Dunia Ketiga, Erlangga,Jakarta
[2]. Hosnan. 2007. Mendorong Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Daerah. Jurnal Membangun Indonesia dari Daerah: Partisipasi Publik dan Politik Anggaran Daerah. Jakarta: JICA
[3]. Usman, Sunyoto. 1993. Pengaruh dan Jaringan Interaksi Elite Lokal dalam Pembangunan Pedesaan. GadjaMadaUniversity Press Yogyakarta
[4]. Soetrisno, Loekman. 1995. Menuju Masyarakat Partisipatif. Yogyakarta :Kanisius
[5]. Suandy, Erly. 2001. Perencanaan Pajak. Edisi 1. Jakarta : Salemba Empat
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mental Health and Education in Kenya: Addressing Mental Health Problems through Schools |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Christine Muthoni Kahigi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403014043 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper discusses the status of mental illness in Kenya from an educational perspective with regard to awareness, and attention to school pupils experiencing mental disorders. In most cases such pupils drop out of school through expulsion for misbehaviour, stigmatization if the mental illness is obvious, or inability to cope with curriculum. Yet education is a right for every child born in the Universe. According to World Health Organization, 4 in 10 people are likely to suffer from a mental illness in their life time. Majority of the world population are children and adolescents and consequently, the number of children experiencing mental issues could be higher than that of adults. While attempts have been made to address for mental health for general public, there are few programs tailored for children, especially in Kenya where health budget is wanting. This paper discusses the need to involve the community, teachers and the students as a way of broadening the field to assist the youth in addressing mental health issues.
[1]. Acheson, (1988):The Acheson report "Inequalities in health: report of an independent inquiry"
[3]. Ana-Claire M and Ndetei D: Providing Sustainable Mental Health Care in Kenya: A Demonstration Project [4]. Bernstein CM1, Stockwell MS, Gallagher MP, Rosenthal SL, Soren K (2012): Mental health issues in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes: prevalence and impact on glycemic control. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2013 Jan;52(1):10-5. doi: 10.1177/0009922812459950. Epub 2012 Sep 17 [5]. Druss BG, Walker ER. Mental disorders and medical comorbidity. 2011. y.pdf. Accessed 17 Aug 2016
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Abstract: This research paper aims to study the role of National Institute for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Human Development. India is home to nearly 17% of the population of the world and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) progress and achievement in the East and South Asia Region will be impacted by the demography in India. The role of national and sub-national agencies in India may also serve as a best practice for cross-country references for other nations. Another important aim is also the convergence India has achieved through the NITI Aayog in setting the National Development Agenda and matching it up with the SDGs.
Key Words: People, Planet, Prosperity, Partnership, Peace, NITI Aayog,
[1]. (2015, January 1st). Retrieved from NITI Aayog Website: [2]. GOI . (2019). Retrieved from MoSPI, GOI: [3]. GOI. (2018, Oct). Retrieved from MoSPI: [4]. GOI. (2018, September). Retrieved from Press Information Bureau, Government of India: [5]. IPU and Parliament of India. (2017, February 18th). 2rd South Asian Speakers Summit. Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ambedkar's Economic Ideas & Contributions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sunil Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403015054 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper deals with the economic ideas which were proposed by the father of Indian constitution Dr. Bhim Rao Ambadkar1. His economic contributions in public finance, agriculture economics, state management system, problems of labours, Indian caste system & economic development are a few which are discussed in this paper. Economic thoughts of Babasaheb did not gain so much of popularity in the main stream economics, the reason being that he was more popular as a dalit leader rather than a trained economist. But this does not reduce the importance of his thoughts. The significance of his economic thoughts can be judged by their adoption at various level of India's economic development
KEYWORDS: State socialism, Caste system, Gold standard, Public finance
[1]. Ambirajan. S (1999), "Ambedkar‟s Contributions to Indian Economics", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 34. No. 46/47 (Nov.20-26, 1999), pp. 3280-3285.
[2]. Bagga, P.S (2014), "The Practice of Economics by Dr. Ambedkar and its Relevance in Contemporary India", Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) Volume3, No.10, October 2014.
[3]. Jadhav Narendrea (1991), "Neglected Economic Thought of Babasaheb Ambedkar", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.26, No.15 (Apr.13, 1991), pp. 980-982.
[4]. Ingle, M.R (2010), "Relevance of Dr. Ambedkar‟s Economic Philosophy in the Current Scenario", International Research Journal, September 2010.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between self-efficacy belief and reading performance of Hawassa Polytechnic College students. Samples of 250 students were selected from the college employing availability sampling technique. To measure their reading performance, reading performance assessment test was administered. A self-efficacy belief assessment questionnaire was developed to measure students‟ self-efficacy belief. And interview was conducted with selected teachers and students. The result revealed that there is a significantly strong positive correlation between the students‟ self-efficacy belief and their reading performance. The correlation analysis indicated that self-efficacy sources predicted the self-efficacy beliefs of students in reading performance.......
Key Words: Self-efficacy belief, reading performance, correlation analysis
[1]. Alderson, J. C. (2003). Reading in a foreign language: A reading problem or a language problem? London: Longman.
[2]. Alderson, J. C. (2000). Assessing reading. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
[3]. Bandura, (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. …
[4]. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey.
[5]. _______, (1994). Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales: Information Age..Publishing
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Abstract: This study interrogates the role and the challenges facing the town unions in the provision of electricity in rural communities in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. The study was carried out in twelve selected rural communities selected in the three senatorial zones of the state. The study was informed by the need to bridge gap occasioned by the pauper of extant literature in this area of study. The data for the study were gathered through the use of questionnaire, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), observation and documentary methods. The data were analyzed using simple percent, contingency tables, and histogram while chi square was used for the test of hypotheses. The study adopted community action theory as its framework of analysis. The findings revealed that the town unions in have contributed.........
Key Words: Town unions, Provision, Electricity, Rural Communities and Ebonyi State
[1]. Abegunde, A. A. (2009). The role of community based organisations in economic development in Nigeria: The case of Oshogbo, Osun state, Nigeria. International NGO Journal, 4 (5): 236-252.
[2]. Abegunde, A.A. (2004). Community Based Organizations in the Sustainable Development of the Rural Area of Atiba L.G.A., Oyo State. J. Inst. Town Plan., 17: 1-14
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Policy of the Cochinchina Government (Vietnam) to Attract Overseas Chinese (from 1600 to 1777) |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Cao Dai Tri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403017477 ![]() |
Abstract: Aiming at building a powerful administration to survive and secede, Nguyen clan in Cochinchinawas smart and skillful in implementing policies to attract significant resources to serve the reclamation in southern Vietnam, build a prosperous kingdom of Cochinchina and even go further: to create a position to counterbalance and balance the political-military power with Siam (Thailand) in the Indochina Peninsula. One of the critical resources that the feudal government in Cochinchina smartly enlisted and attracted is the Chinese immigrant groups living in Vietnam.
Key Words: Cochinchina government, Nguyen clan, Chinese, Policy, Vietnam.
[1] Phan Đại Doãn et al., Một số vấn đề về Nho giáo Việt Nam (Some Issues about Confucianism in Vietnam), National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 1998.
[2] Nguyễn Hiền Đức (1993), Lịch sử Phật giáo Đàng Trong (History of Buddhism in Cochinchine), Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House. Vol1, 1993.
[3] Lê Quý Đôn, Phủ biên Tạp lục (Frontier Chronicles), Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi, 1964.
[4] Trịnh Hoài Đức, Gia Định Thành thông chí (Unification Records of Gia Dinh), Vol. 4, Education Publishing House, Hanoi, 1998.
[5] Trần Kinh Hòa, Mấy điều nhận xét về Minh Hương xã ở Hội An (Some Remarks on the Minh Huong Association in Hoi An), Vietnam Journal of Archeology, Issue 1, Saigon, 1960.
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Abstract: significant gaps remain in the understanding of quality of life. of interest in the current study is the influence of environmental identity and quality of life among the staff and students of ekiti state university, nigeria. to achieve this, three hypotheses were formulated and a survey research design method was employed using environmental identity scale (clayton, 2003), quality of life scale (flanagan, 1978) as a single questionnaire and they were administered on one thousand seven hundred and thirty seven (1737) participant‟s, 755 (43.4%) male and 982 (56.6%) female drawn randomly among the students on the school premises. confirmatory factor analyses was employed.............
Key Words: Environmental Identity, Quality of Life, Staff, Students, Ekiti State, Nigeria
[1]. S. Clayton, Environmental identity: A conceptual and an operational definition. Identity and the natural environment: The psychological significance of nature, 2003 Mit Press.
[2]. J.C. Flanagan, A research approach to improving our quality of life. Am Psychologist33: 1978. 138-147.
[3]. J. Fraser, J.E. Heimlich, & V. Yocco, Report number 20100226: American beliefs associated with increasing children‟s opportunities for experiences in nature. Edgewater, MD: Institute for Learning Innovation. Retrieved from
[4]. C.G. Jung, The Earth has a Soul: C.G. Jung on nature, technology and modern life. 2008. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
[5]. D.A. Marano, Soil salvation. Psychology Today, 41(5),2008. 57-58.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the Scope of E-Commerce in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR. SANTOSHKUMAR |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403019094 ![]() |
Abstract: E-commerce represents electronic commerce and performing business online and electronically. The E-commerce has entirely transformed the conventional perception of business. E-commerce deals with exchanging of work and items with the help of internet and computer networks. E-commerce comprises chiefly of the marketing, circulating, Selling, purchasing, and servicing of work and items over electronic systems like the Internet and other computer networks. Comprehensively electronic commerce means directing business through one of several electronic methods, regularly connecting internet, computers or both.
E-Commerce isn't simply.........
Key Words: E-commerce, Internet, Trends, Industry
[1]. Mahipal, D., (2018). "E-commerce Growth in India: A study of Segments Contribution". Academy of Marketing Studies Journal. 2(2).
[2]. Kumar, N., (2018). "E-Commerce in India: An Analysis of Present Status, Challenges and Opportunities". International Journal of Management Studies. (5), 2(3), 90-95.
[3]. Seth, A., Wadhawan, N., (2016). "Technology Revolutionizing Retail Practices in Digital Era". International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, 60-62.
[4]. Mitra, A., (2013). "E-Commerce in India- A Review". International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research. 2 (2), 126-132.
[5]. Shahjee, R., (2016). "The Impact of Electronic Commerce on Business Organization". Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies. 4 (27), 3130-3140
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Influence of William Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Modern World |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Divya Kumari |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403019597 ![]() |
Abstract: Although written over 400 years ago, Hamlet remains one of the most imitated and relevant plays in contemporary society. Interpretations of Shakespeare's classic tale of revenge have appeared in some surprising places: children's TV shows and movies, the popular Sunday comic strip, the popular TV series about a corrupt biker gang, and other well-known shows, movies, and best-selling contemporary novels. William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet around 1600, telling the story of a prince grieving the death of his father and the too-quick remarriage of his mother to his uncle. The play uses mental health issues, both real and fake, as a means of illustrating.......
[1]. Reich, John J.; Cunningham, Lawrence S. (2005), Culture And Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Thomson Wadsworth, p. 102, ISBN 9780534582272
[2]. "William Shakespeare". Encyclopedia Britannica online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 14 June 2007.
[3]. "William Shakespeare". MSN Encarta Online Encyclopedia. Archived from the original on April 10, 2008. Retrieved June 14, 2007.
[4]. "William Shakespeare". Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14 June 2007.
[5]. Chambers, Edmund Kerchever (1944). Shakespearean spoofing. Oxford University Press
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Abstract: India's democratic system of government was influenced by the independence movement in India, which placed a strong focus on freedom and self-rule. However, issues like inequality and corruption continue. Tensions between religious and ethnic groupings have been exacerbated by the partition of India in 1947, which was accompanied by acts of communal violence. Although the Green Revolution changed India's agricultural landscape, it also led to environmental deterioration and farmer inequity. Although caste-based discrimination was made public by the Dalit movement, marginalised populations still experience social and economic inequalities.......
Key Words: historical events, movements, contemporary, social issues, political issues, India
[1]. Social Movements in India: Poverty, Power, and Politics
[2]. Political effects
[3]. Social and Political Movements in India Renaissance in Process
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Sect and the Church: Religion and its Branches |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kulbir Kaur |
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: | 10.9790/0837-240301103106 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper describes the definition as well as the nature of two religious groupings-the church and the sect, and an attempt has been made to answer the questions–what is a sect? What is a church? What kind of relationship exists between the two? In what respect, both are similar or different? What is their attitude towards the world? Can a sect be routinized into a church?.
Key Words: Berger, Sect, Church, Weber, Troeltsch, Yinger *This paper is a revised version of the chapter, 'Religious Groupings: Theoretical Background', M.Phil Dissertation, 'Two Modern Sects of Hinduism: A Sociological Analysis', School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
[1]. Berger, Peter L.(1954) 'The Sociological Study of Sectarianism', Social Research, Vol. 21
[2]. Brewer, Earl D.C.(1951) 'Sect and Church in Methodism', Social Forces, Vol.30
[3]. Johnson, Benton(1967) 'On Sect and Church', The Sociology of Religion: An Anthology(ed.), Richard D.Knudten, New York
[4]. Johnson, Benton(1974) 'A Critical Appraisal of the Church-Sect Typology' in The Social Meanings of Religion: An Integrated Anthology, William M.Newman(ed.), Chicago
[5]. Needleman, Jacob; Bierman, A.V and Gould, James, A(1973) Religion For A New Generation, The MacMillan Company, New York
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Abstract: Currently, a political literary discourse is essential given the political upheavals that have engulfed African nations. In order to influence and redirect cultural behavior, beliefs, and values, the creative writer may utilize his work to critically assess contemporary political conditions, since the author is often seen as an emancipator of the people. As a result, literature has the ability to influence people's views on politics and how to effect political change. Using the structural functional approach to literature, the study examines a few selected works to show how political concerns have been recurrent themes in both pre- and post-independence Africa. The use of English in political circles and the various literary techniques used by African authors to address the threat of oppression and poor leadership in post-independence Africa are also examined in this paper.
Key words: African Literature, English language
[1]. Apter, David. Political Discourse. Retrieved from http://www.yaleedu/cer/apter.doc.1993
[2]. Brutus, Dennis. Letters to Martha. London: Heinemann, 1968.
[3]. Chineweizu, et al. Towards the Decolonization of African Literature. Enugu. Fourth Dimension Publishers, 1970.
[4]. Chimamanda, Ngozi: Purple Hibiscus. Lagos: Farafina-Books, 2003.
[5]. Chomsky, Noam. What Uncle Sam Really Wants. Retrieved from http://www/
[6]. Jane, Wilkinson ed. Talking with African Writers: Interviews. London: James Curry, 1990.