Series-5 (March-2019)March-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | History & Development of Human Rights in Indian |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Nidhi Madan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403050106 ![]() |
Abstract: Human rights are those rights which are essential for the survival of humans and their life. Human rights are inculcated in the society right from the beginning of human civilization. Particularly the concept of "VasudhaibaKutumbakam" contains the spirit of human civilization. The "Rig Veda, the oldest document of the Indians declared all human beings are equal & respect the dignity of human rights. The "Atharva Veda" advocated the same thing. In addition to this, ancient Indian stressed on the principle that one person‟s right is another person‟s duty. So, the need to feel the importance of human right has felt in the pre-independence era where the human fight for their rights with.........
Keywords: Human Rights in ancient, medieval and modern times.
[1]. Arun Raj, National Rights Commission of India, formation, functioning and fututr prospects, vol-1. Khana, New Delhi,2005, p.37
[2]. Durga Das Basu, Human Rights in Constitutional law. Prentic Hall of india. New Delhi,1994,p.540
[3]. Malkit Singh, "Thinking of Human Rights in Colonial India." Research Journal Social Science. Vol-15no.2.,2007, p.84
[4]. J.C.Johari, Human Rights and New World Order Towards Perfection of the Democratic way of life,Anmol. New Delhi,1996,p.2
[5]. Arun Ray,n.1.pp.45-46
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rural Entrepreneurship - Problem and Prospects: An Empirical Analysis |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Sidhartha Sankar Laha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403050719 ![]() |
Abstract: Rural entrepreneurs play a vital role in the overall economic development of the country. The growth and development of rural entrepreneurship facilitate self employment, results in wider dispersal of economic and industrial activities and helps in the maximum utilization of locally available raw materials and labour. It is fact that the majority of rural entrepreneurs are facing several problems due to lack of basic amenities in rural areas like, lack of education, financial problems, marketing hurdles, management and human resource problems, insufficient technical and conceptual ability etc. Over 70% percent of India‟s population lives in villages areas and majority of people depend on agriculture..........
Key Terms: Entrepreneurship, Formation of Capital, Balanced Regional Development, Socio-economic characteristics
[1]. Anjali Ghosh, (2011), "Predicting Entrepreneurial Success: A Socio-Psychological Study", the Journal of Entrepreneurship, No.11 (1), January-June 2011.
[2]. Ashokan,( 2004), "Rural entrepreneurs- problem and prospect of village Industries sponsored by Kerala KVIB",
[3]. B.C Mitchell, (2004), "Motives of Entrepreneurs: A study of South Africa", Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol. 13. No.2, 2004, July-Dec., Sage Publication, New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, London.
[4]. Barua A Nissar and Mali Archana (2011), "Entrepreneurship and Its Role in the Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises: A Case Study of West Bengal", Small Enterprise Development, Management & Extension Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 69-83.
[5]. Choudhary K. (2009), "Effect of Globalization on Rural Entrepreneurship in India", Half Yearly Global Economic Research Journal, ISSN 2249- 4081, Vol. I,Issue, pp. 88-92.
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Abstract: Investment in human capital plays an important role in determining individual life outcomes. Dropping out of some of the university undergraduate students constitutes a huge loss of public resources so far spent on them before completing their studies. In addition, the government idea on banning of boarding primary schools coupled with the suggested policy that in order to enhance access to secondary education, public boarding schools should be abolished, calls for urgent need to research on the effects of school type and category in determining the educational outcomes of students. The objectives of this study are to identify the determinants of academic performance for university undergraduate students in Kenya; and to analyze the effects of school type and school category........
Keywords: Education production function, academic performance, school type, school category
[1]. Abagi, O. (1999). Education for the next millennium. Kenya's strategic policies for the 21st century: Macroeconomic and sectoral choices, 197-230.
[2]. Alam, M. M., Billah, A., & Alam, M. S. (2014). Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Undergraduate Students at International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC), Bangladesh. Journal of Education and Practice, 5(39), 143-154.
[3]. Ali, S., Haider, Z., Munir, F., Khan, H., & Ahmed, A. (2013). Factors contributing to the students academic performance: A case study of Islamia University Sub-Campus. American journal of educational research, 1(8), 283-289.
[4]. Bertola, G., & Checchi, D. (2004). Sorting and private education in Italy Education, training and labour market outcomes in Europe (pp. 69-108): Springer.
[5]. Boero, G., McKnight, A., Naylor, R., & Smith, J. (2004). Graduates and graduate labour markets in the UK and Italy Education, training and labour market outcomes in Europe (pp. 129-165): Springer...
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Abstract: The paper evaluates various aspects of Anglo-Nigerian relations during 25 years ofNigeria's independence. The analysis is meant to put us in a better position to fully understand the nature and trends of the bilateral relations even after the first 25 years of Nigeria's independence. The analysis is supported by an avalanche of extant literature that abounds on Anglo-Nigerian relations since 1960 when Nigeria became politically independent. The unraveling of the literature is illuminating. One, the trend of Anglo-Nigerian relations has remained largely unchanged even in the 21stcentury.Two, although there have been occasional outbursts of misunderstanding and disagreements between both countries........
Keywords: Anglo-Nigerian relations, Bilateral relations, Western allies, The Commonwealth of Nations, Non-aligned movement.
[1]. Africa Confidential, 1976.
[2]. Africa Confidential, 13May, 1973.
[3]. Africa Research, Bulletin, 1983.
[4]. Aluko, O. (1986), "Nigeria and Britain", in Olusanya G.O. and Akindele, R.A.
[5]. (eds), Nigeria‟s External Relations: The First Twenty-five Years. Ibadan University Press Limited.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sexual and Procreation Health Related Awareness in Rural Tribal Adolescent Girls: A Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Kshama d. Chavhan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403053437 ![]() |
Abstract: Adolescent age is an important stage in the life. It is a link between childhood and youth. Adolescent people's personality development plays vital role as it is the age where various bio-chemical changes happen in the body as well as they are considered as the responsible factor of society and family. Adolescent age people's population is recorded at 1.2 Million out of total population of the world. Behind every five people 1 person is adolescent. Asia continent encompasses half of the world's population. The numbers of adolescent age people is more in India as compared to China where the density of population is more than India
[1]. Adolescent in India, A Profile UNFPA for UN system in India (2003).
[2]. BBIP Panda Purty A. J. and Bazroy J – Awareness on HIV/AIDS Among Women in Refugee Community Ind. J. Comm. Med. (2006).
[3]. DLHS - 9 District Level Household and Facility Survey (2008).
[4]. National Family Health Survey NFHSS 3, 4 (2007, 16) with Corporation Central Health Ministry and International Institute for Population Services.
[5]. NACO - (2012 Dec.) HIV Sentinel Surveillance in India 2010-11: recrnical Brif
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sri Aurobindo' S Views on the Ideal of Human Unity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Poorva Bhonde |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403053842 ![]() |
Abstract: Sri Aurobindo ( 1872-1950) was a visionary par excellence. His Philosophy can be classified into two main categories : Spiritual Philosophy and Political Philosophy. He was the founder of Spiritual Nationalism. All his efforts were directed towards bringing harmony and unity among mankind on the basis of spiritualism. Ultimate aim of his Spiritual Philosophy was to bring Divine life on earth whereas the ultimate aim of his political Philosophy was the idea of World Union. Present research paper aims at simplifying the Political philosophy of Sri Aurobindo in order to understand his Ideal of Human Unity
Keywords: Sri Aurobindo, spiritual philosophy, political philosophy, human unity, world union
[1]. Sri Auirbindo : The Human Cycle , The Ideal of Human Unity , war and self – Determination Pub. by Sri Aurbindo Ashram Publication Department , 1997 , Print
[2]. Gandhi , Kishor : Thoughts from Sri Aurbindo , Shri Aurbindo circle , Bombay , 1950, Print.
[3]. Mukhopadhyay Aju : Sri Aurbindo , The Yogi of Divine life , Authopress , New Delhi , 2010. Print ..
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Abstract: Utilization of Information Technology is required in public safety management in the cities and their suburb such as the present Ido area, Ido local government Ibadan. This research investigates crime analysis and security in Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State, Southwest Nigeria with the aim of assessing the area prone to crime, leading causes. The methodology adopted in this study was the use of attribute data which was collected through questionnaire administered in Ido local government area of Oyo State, Southwest Nigeria. The local government consists of five areas namely; Apata division with eleven (11) communities, Apete with fifteen (15) communities, Ologuneru........
Keywords: Safety management, Police divisions, Crime incidents, Statistical Package, Security
[1]. O. O. Ajaegbu,. "Rising youth unemployment and violent crime in Nigeria. American Journal of Social Issues Humanities", 2(5), (2012), 315–321.
[2]. M. B. Amin, M. K., Rahim, G. M. and S. Ayu, "A trend analysis of violent crimes in Malaysia. Health and the Environment Journal, 5(2), (2014), 41–56.
[3]. R.J. Bursik, "Social Disorganization and Theories of Crime and Delinquency: Problems and Prospects." Criminology 26: (1988), 519-551.
[4]. A. B. Dambazau, "Criminology justice (Second Ed.) Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited. (2007a)
[5]. A. B. Dambazau, "The Nigerian police and crime prevention: Criminology and criminal justice Nigerian, 5 Kaduna. Ch: Defence Academy Press, (2007b), 221.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Arab Women in Popular Proverbs - Injustice, Humiliation and Denial. |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Hanan Bishara |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403057082 ![]() |
Abstract: Proverbs about women in the human heritage in general and the Arab heritage in particular are considered of a special characteristics and remarkable in their being dynamic ones that move in all directions of life. Most of them carry the essence of the social issues and are distributed in such a way that they have become part of the private life of the general public. This distribution covers all periods and fields of the woman's life, the social, the economic and psychological ones. The woman occupies a major space in the Popular Proverbs because she is the center of social life inside and outside the house. The woman's statuses and images in the provers are numerous and she is often described in parallel images but each one........
Keywords: Popular proverbs, cultural position, Semantic Field Theory, stereotypical image, society
[1]. Abd al-'Aziz, Muhammad Rif'at (1999). Al-Amthal Masdaran li Dirasat al-Tarikh: Qira'a fi al-Tarikh al-So'udi wa al-Tarikh al-Masri. Misr; A'yn li al-Dirasat wa al-Buhuth al-Insaniya al-'Ijtima'iya, p. 8.
[2]. Abd al-Majid, Jahfa (1999). Satwat al-nahar wa Sihr al-Lail: al-Fuhula wa man Yuwazeeha fi al-tasawur al-'Arabi. Al-Dar al-Baydha': Dar Topqal li al-Nashr, p. 9-11.
[3]. Abd al-Salam, Hemar (1999). Masarat al-Tahawul al-Sociologi fi al-Maghreb. Al-Ribat: Kitab al-Jaib. Manshurat al-Zaman. N0. 8, p. 87.
[4]. Abu Zaid, Ahmad (1870). Al-Bina' al-Ijtima'i: Madkhal li Dirasat al-Mujtama'. 3rd. ed. Cairo. Al-Haya'a al-Massriya al-'Ammah, p. 88
[5]. Ali, Afarfar (1996). Surat al-Mar'a bay al-Manzour al-Dini wa al-Sha'bi wa al-'Ilmani. Beirut: Dar al-Tali'a, p. 57-58...
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Abstract: This paper evaluates the Zila Parishad(ZP) election in Bangladesh. It‟s all about forty seven years of independence but none of the successive governments took any initiatives to make the Zila Parishad elected but they used it politically. The present Awami league government played a big role to hold maiden Zila Parishad election in the history of local government in Bangladesh. The paper tries to examine the election system of Zila Parishadcalled Electoral College system. The system is totally contradictory to the constitution where constitution says about direct election, representatives shall be elected by the votes of general people. But the present system is disenfranchising the people to choose their representatives for Zila Parishad. This paper clarifies all the events of maiden........
Keywords: Zila Parishad Election, Electoral College, People‟s Participation and Accountability
[1]. Ahmed, Tofail. (2016). Bangladesh: Reform Agenda for Local Governance. Dhaka: Prothoma.
[2]. Ahmed, Tofail. (2016). "Zila Parishad in Bangladesh: Amend the Law before Election‟, The Daily Star, April 24, 2016.
[3]. Mallick, B. (2004). Local Government: Local People's Institution, A Compilation on Local Government Issue. Dhaka: AH Development Publishing House.
[4]. Panday, P. K. (2017). "Zila Parishad Election: A Historic Attempt of the Government‟, The Daily Observer, January 2, 2017.
[5]. Sharmin, N. (2014). "Zila Parishad in the Management of Local Government: Challenges for Good Governance and Suggestion (in Bangla)‟, Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh...