Series-9 (March-2019)March-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Abstract: Nation‟s character cannot be separated from cultural values because culture is an essential aspect of human knowledge as social beings in achieving their desired goals. This research article aims to find out and analyze culture building as one of the visionary leadership approaches based on local wisdom in realizing the vision of Makassar City towards the World City. The qualitative descriptive analysis was selected to collect data through instrument questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation review. The results showed that culture building as a visionary leadership approach based on local wisdom received the highest score among the characteristics of other visionary leadership.........
Keywords: Culture Building, Visionary Leadership, Organizational culture, Bugis-Makassar Culture
[1]. Bando, Rahman. 2018. Fajar.Co.Id, Makassar (Online), (, Retrieved on September 2018).
[2]. Bijur, Peter. 2001. Changing the Corporate Culture: A Competitive Imperative. In Joanne Mowat. 2002. The Herridge Group (p.15-16). (Online),(, Retrieved on September 2018).
[3]. Corson, John J. 2008. Administrative Leadership in the Public Sector. Editor Montgomery Van Wart and Lisa A. Dike, New York, London, England: M.E Sharpe Armonk.
[4]. Dwiyanto, Agus., et. all., 2012. Reformasi Birokrasi Publik di Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup.
[5]. Effendi, Sofyan. 2005. Membangun Budaya Birokrasi untuk Good Governance. Materi Lokakarya Nasional Reformasi Birokrasi 22 September 2005, Jakarta: Kantor Menteri Negara Penertiban Aparatur Negara (MENPAN)
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Abstract: The study is to find out about the functions of the Circulation section, challenges and statistics of the number of students registered between 2011 and 2015 in Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan. The research method used was participant observation and physical examination of the records made available by the members of staff. The students registered were as follows : 2011 – Postgraduates, 1,948; Undergraduates, 1,045 and Distance Learning, 333. 2012 – Postgraduates, 678; Undergraduates, 1,162 and Distance Learning 592. 2013 – Postgraduates, 928;.......
Key Terms: Circulation section, Challenges, Registration of students, Statistics, Kenneth Dike Library
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to establish the relationships that exist between quality of the level of relationships within the school and students' KCSE performance in Kibwezi sub-county, Makueni County. A descriptive survey design was used targeting all principals, heads of curriculum departments and KCSE graduates in the 61 secondary schools in Kibwezi Sub- County, Makueni County. Stratified sampling was used to select 12 schools, comprising 6 schools from the top performing category and 6 from the bottom performing category. Purposive sampling was used to select the informants. The study participants comprised 12 principals, 13 Heads of Curriculum departments and 12 KCSE graduate students in the 12 selected schools. The researcher used descriptive survey design for the study......
Keywords: Relationship between Quality of Relations and KCSE Performance
[1]. Adeogun, A. A., & Olisaemeka, B. U. (2011). Influence of school climate on students' achievement and teachers' productivity for sustainable development. US-China Education Review, 8(4), 552–557.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Development Index Based on Crime Rate |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Pan-pan Liu || Guang Feng |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403092531 ![]() |
Abstract: Human Development Index (HDI) is a widely used index to measure the level of human development, which usually covers three aspects: health, education and economy. But it can't fully reflect the level of human development in a region. Since social security is also an important index related to one of the most basic human needs, this paper selects crime rate as the fourth index of the original HDI indicator system, applies the entropy weight method to determine the weight of each sub-index, and finally forms a New Human Development Index (NHDI) including crime rate. Empirical study using data from 31 regions in China mainland shows that NHDI not only takes the regional crime rate into account, but also reflects regional differences. Therefore it is better than the original HDI...
Keywords: HDI, crime rate index, entropy weight method
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[5]. Xiaoxi Li,Yimeng Liu, Tao Song. Calculationof the Green Development Index[J]. Social Science in China Press, 2014(6):69-95.
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Abstract: Globally, the central goal of pension scheme has been to ensure retirees live relatively comfortable lives on exit from service by the optimum management of their pension fund. However, lack of financial knowledge of the pension scheme in Nigeria, has been a great disadvantage for contributors and retirees in the monitoring of their pension fund investments and overall management of the pension scheme in Nigeria. This study examined the effect of Contributors monitoring of pension fund investment on prompt payment of pension benefits in University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Convergent parallel design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 4267 while Taro Yamane‟s (1967) formula was adopted to calculate the sample size of 100. Out of the 100 questionnaires administered........
Keywords: Contributors‟ Monitoring, Pension Fund Investment, Prompt Payment of Pension Benefits
[1]. Anazodo, R. O., Ezenwile, U., Chidolue, D. N., &Chidinma, U. (2014). The effect of new pension scheme on retirees in Nigeria 2004-2014. Review of Public Administration and Management, 3 (6), 180-190.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Integrative Review: Ergonomics in the Worksites of the Company Employee |
Country | : | Brazil |
Authors | : | Andreia de Bem Machado |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403093842 ![]() |
Abstract: The workstations were modified over time according to the adaptation to the new organization. It is observed that the handling of loads is responsible for much of the muscle traumas are caused among the workers. Approximately 60% of muscle problems are caused by lifting loads and 20% by pulling and pushing equipment that will be loaded. Thus, in the knowledge society methods were organized to improve working conditions in the organizations' environment. Thus, the objective of this article is to analyze the light of the integrative review the ergonomic applicability in the workstations of the company employee. To do so, the bibliometric analysis was performed.
Keywords: ergonomics, workplace, Organizations.
[1]. ARAÚJO, Ulisses F (2011) A quarta revolução educacional: a mudança de tempos, espaços e relações na escola a partir do uso de tecnologias e da inclusão social. Educação Temática Digital. v. 12, n 3, Campinas jan./abr. p. 31-48.
[2]. BAKER, Judy et al (2009). Open textbook proof-of-concept via connexions. International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning, Canadá, v. 5, n. 10, p.1-13, 01 nov. 2009. Mensal.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mobility, Migration and Its Discontents: Insights from Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Franca Attoh, PhD |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403094354 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper interrogates the phenomenon of mobility, migration and its discontent using insights from Nigeria. International migration is a growing phenomenon both in its range and complexity. The United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs estimates that there are over 214 million international migrants worldwide representing three per cent of the global population. The growing trend is from developing economies and countries in conflict to the developed countries of the world. The social, economic and political underpinnings are diverse and often not manifest even though they could be linked to globalization. These factors include the asymmetry in the international political order, demand for cheap labour in the developed countries, ease of international transportation and availability of information technology. In addition, countries such as Nigeria have developed........
Keywords: Migration, Globalization, International Political Order, Asymmetry, Xenophobia
[1]. Adegoke, N. (2016). Migration and urbanisation and border security in Nigeria. In L. J. Oyefara (ed.) Migration and urbanisation in contemporary Nigeria: Policy and Challenges. Lagos: University of Lagos Press.
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[3]. Adepoju, A. (2004). Trend in international migration in and from Africa. In D. Massey & E. Taylor (eds.) International migration prospects and policies in a global market. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[4]. Adepoju, A. (2006).The challenge of labour migration flows between West Africa and the Maghreb. International Migration Paper. Geneva: International Labour Organisation
[5]. Adepoju, A., van Naerssen, T. &Zoomers, A., (2008). International migration and national development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Viewpoints and policy initiatives in the countries of origin. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessment of Urban Encroachment on Agriculture Land Aurangabad Bihar |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Sarvesh kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403095558 ![]() |
Abstract: Land governance can be briefly described as how property rights to land, for groups or individuals, are defined, enforced, can be exchanged, and transformed. Land governance is argued to be a key to sustainable development and poverty reduction. In India, as well as in Bihar, land has enormous economic, social, and symbolic relevance. The present paper is an attempt to understand the issue of land governance from different perspective. The present study explores the historical background of development of land tenure typology and provides a detail account of land tenure system in the context of Bihar. As there are incidents of concentration in the ownership of the land and large number of disputes related to it, the paper analyse the available legal framework for dispute resolution. The present study also analyse some critical issues related to land governance and provide recommendation to bridge the gap for better land governance in the context of Bihar.
Key Words: Bihar, Land Governance, Legal Framework, Tenure Typolog
[1]. Banerjee, A., & Iyer, L. (2005). History, Institutions, and Economic Performance: The Legacy of Colonial Land TenureSystems in India. The American Economic Review , 95 (4), 1190-12313.
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[3]. Deininger, K., Selod, H., & Burns, A. (2012). The Land Governance Assewssment Framework: Identifying and Monitoring Good Practice in Land Sector. Washington DC: The World Bank.
[4]. Economic Commission for Africa. (2004). Land Tenure Systems and their Impacts on Food Security and Sustainable Development in Africa. Ethiopia: Economic Commission for Africa.
[5]. Food And Agriculture Organisation. (2002). Land Tenure and Rural Development. Food And Agriculture Organisation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Development of Critical Thinking as the Primary Goal of the Educational Process |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Anjali Monga |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403095964 ![]() |
Abstract: This investigation clarified critical thinking abilities in instruction measures and the significance of thinking critically for an understudy who goes to any schooling program. Building up the capacity to think critically is a significant component for current training approaches and models. This examination means to give a system on the idea of thinking critically while educating or learning. The world is getting both more specialized and more unpredictable step by step life climate, that is the reason the need for instruction increments for each developing age. The ability of thinking critically is by and large acknowledged as an exceptionally crucial stage in each field of learning, especially somewhat recently. As an investigation draws an overall idea on the significance of critical thinking abilities.
Key Words: critical thinking, primary goal, educational
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