Series-3 (March-2019)March-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Abstract: The neuroscience research is gaining momentum and it explores the science of brain and performance of an individual. Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) is a blend of direct instruction and cooperative pedagogy that allow teachers to effectively deliver the lesson and to create an engaged and enjoyable learning experience for the children. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of whole brain teaching on learning Math and its impact on positive and negative learning behaviors of the children in Math classroom. The study adopted single group pre-test post-test experimental design and 30 six-years-old preschool children participated in the study. The data were collected using Math tests and observations. Math lessons on addition was considered to explore the effectiveness of WBT..........
Key words: Whole Brain Teaching, classroom engagement, early childhood learners, affective engagement, cognitive engagement, behavioural engagement
[1]. Biffle, C. (2013). Whole brain teaching for challenging kids. NA: Whole Brain Teaching.
[2]. Cannon, L. (2014). Implementing Whole Class Discussions in a Seventh Grade Unit on Ratios. Retrieved from
[3]. Clark, H.W.S. (2016). Effect of whole brain teaching on student self-concept. Walden University Scholar Works. Walden dissertations and doctoral studies. 1-43.
[4]. Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.
[5]. Fayogi. S, Supardi. I &Arifin. Z (2017). Teaching self-introduction by using the whole Brain teaching method. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran. 6(9).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Empirical review of Entrepreneurship Support Programmes: A need for holistic Support |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Fatima BintaHaruna |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403030613 ![]() |
Abstract: The last decade has seen a burgeoning of entrepreneurship support programs for women entrepreneurs which have gained traction and prominence as a means to create jobs and boost productivity at the national and regional levels. However, disparities in initial resource endowments of male—and female-led firms, sector sorting into low productivity activities, social norms, and institutional arrangements, constrain the growth of female-led enterprises. This note reviews the outcomes of programs supporting female growth entrepreneurs and draws lessons from available evidence to inform the design of more effective programs. The review shows that most programs are primarily geared toward microenterprises, making it difficult to draw conclusions about program design for growth-oriented entrepreneurs...........
[1]. Abdullahi, S.A (2012). ; Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: An analysis of impact of public policy on entrepreneurship development in Nigeria. A paper presented at the international conference on business management ,2012.Thailand.
[2]. Abdul salam D. (2012, : Entrepreneurship and economic development and the Nigeria's economic development Published in Badala Journal of Arts and Social Sciences vol 8 (8).
[3]. Acs, Z. Arenius, P. Hay, M. and Minniti, M. (2005), 2004 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor –Exclusive Report, London Business School, London and Babson College, Babson Park, MA.
[4]. Aguirre, DeAnne, Leila Hoteit, Christine Rupp, and KarimSabbagh (2012) ―Empowering the Third Billion. Women and the World of Work in 2012.‖ Booz and Company.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effective Public Service Performance and Corruption Menance in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Abubakar Musa || Hadiza Mali Bukar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403031420 ![]() |
Abstract: Effective public service performance is a key to sustainable development. The problem of effective public service performance inNigeria is caused by corrupt practices that have engulfed the system. It isthe contention of this paper that there is a correlation between corruption andpublic service performance in Nigeria. Thus, the elite theory was found suitable toexplain the prevalence of corruption in the public service system as a frameworkof analysis. The study equally adopted the secondary method documentarymethod in its data gathering and analysis, these includes textbooks, newspapers,journals etc. This discourse examined the problems of public service performancein Nigeria. It also, examined the relationship between corruption and publicservice performance with emphasis on budget...........
Key Words: Corruption, Small Scale, Public Service, Performance
[1]. Ayua, O. (2001). Political evolution and corruption in Nigeria Politics (1960 – 1979).Enugu: MaryDan Press.
[2]. Dahida, D.P. &Akangbe, O. M (2013).Corruption as a Bane for Under-Development inNigeria.Issues and Challenges.Internationals Affairs and Global Strategy. 15, 76-83.
[3]. Eminue, O. E. (2005). Public policy analysis and decision-making. Lagos: Concept PublicationsLimited.
[4]. Erunke, C. E. (2014). Effects of corruption on Nigeria's political and democratic objectives:The way Forward. Afro Asian Journal of Social Sciences.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ritual Meaning Night Friday Pon |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Moh. Nashiruddin Amin || Agus Sholahuddin || Zainur Rozikin |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403012630 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aimed to describe and analyze the form of ritual activity Pon, Friday evening at the tomb of Sheikh Maulana Ishaq Wali Allah in Lamongan Paciran Kemantren rural communities; describe and analyze the value of the ritual of Night Friday Pon at the tomb of Sheikh Maulana Ishaq Waliyullah performed by villagers Kemantren Paciran Lamongan; as well as to describe and analyze the meanings that can be assessed in the implementation of Night Friday Pon ritual at the tomb of Sheikh Maulana Ishaq Wali Allah in rural communities Kemantren Paciran Lamongan. This type of research is qualitative research that uses special selection of data obtained in the field based on the quality and veracity. Friday night ritual activity form Pon at the tomb of Sheikh Maulana Ishaq Wali Allah............
Keywords: Ritual, Religious
[1]. Budiono Kusumohamidjojo, 2009. Dasar-dasar Merancang Kontrak. PT.Gramedia. Jakarta.
[2]. Coleman S. James. 2008. Dasar-Dasar Teori Sosial. Nusa Media: Bandung..
[3]. Fromm, E. 2010. Akar Kekerasan, Analisis Sosio-Psikologis Atas Watak. Manusia. Pustaka Belajar.Yogyakarta.
[4]. Henri, Chambert-Loir dan Claude Guillot, 2010. Ziarah dan Wali di Dunia Islam. Komunitas Bambu. Jakarta.
[5]. J.Dwi Narwoko dan Bagong Suyanto, 2004. Sosiologi Teks Pengantar dan Terapan. Kencana Media Group. Jakarta.
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Abstract: This study aims to describe and analyze the behavior of the villagers Drajat subdistrict in Lamongan district Paciran Bury Pilgrimage tradition in Sunan Drajat, and to describe and analyze the factors underlying the villagers Drajat subdistrict in Lamongan district Paciran implement pilgrimage tradition in Sunan Drajat tomb. Qualitative methods are more effective in the process of explaining the reality of phenomena that occur in the community, especially about concepts such as social status, power, or sigma, and to understand the reasons why people do what they do. Drajat village people's behavior on pilgrimage tradition in Sunan Drajat Bury are as follows: All the villagers Drajat receive pilgrimage tradition.........
Keywords: Behavior Society, Tradition Pilgrimage
[1]. Budiono Kusumohamidjojo, 2009. Dasar-dasarMerancangKontrak. PT.Gramedia. Jakarta.
[2]. Coleman S. James. 2008. Dasar-DasarTeoriSosial. Nusa Media: Bandung..
[3]. Fromm, E. 2010. AkarKekerasan, AnalisisSosio-PsikologisAtasWatak. Manusia. Pustaka Belajar.Yogyakarta.
[4]. Henri, Chambert-Loir dan Claude Guillot, 2010. ZiarahdanWali di Dunia Islam. KomunitasBambu. Jakarta.
[5]. J.Dwi Narwoko dan Bagong Suyanto, 2004. SosiologiTeksPengantardanTerapan. Kencana Media Group. Jakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women leadership participation in Primary Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Ethiopia |
Country | : | Ethiopia |
Authors | : | R.Karunakaran |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403033439 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study was undertaken with the main objective of analyzing the determinants of women leadership particpation in select Savings and credit cooperatives of Adama Woreda, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The study was heavily dependent on primary data source. Semi structured interview schedule was administered to elicit the required information from the women leaders. Two stage sampling technique was employed to select the sample SACCOs and women leaders. In the first stage, SACCO's which are affiliated to Abdi Gudina Saving and Credit Union having both men and women leaders as Board of directors, Control committee, Credit committee, Arbitration committee and Educational committee were selected for the study. As such 25 SACCO's fulfilling the mentioned criteria was considered..........
Keywords: Determinants, Women, Leadership, SACCOs, Participation
[1]. Asian Women Cooperatives Development Forum (AWCF) & Iinternational Cooperative Alliance (ICA) ROAP. (1999). Less words, more action: How to increase women's participation in leadership and decision-making in co-operatives. A Trainer's Manual. Quezon City, Philippines.
[2]. AWCF. (1999). The hidden half: Women cooperative leaders and decision-makers. Monograph 1. Quezon City, Philippines: AWCF.
[3]. AWCF. (1999). A development link: A look at women, cooperatives, and the community. Monograph 2. Quezon City, Philippines: AWCF.
[4]. Bezabih Emana, (2008). Current Status of Cooperatives in Ethiopia, COOP Africa, October 2008.
[5]. Cubillo, L., & Brown, M. (2003). Women into educational leadership and management: International differences. Journal of Educational Administration, 41(3), 278-291.
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Abstract: The primary purpose of this study was to explore the practice of teaching speaking skill in selected secondary schools in Gedeo Zone, Ethiopia. To achieve this objective, the research used descriptive survey research design.The participantsof the study consist of 11(9 male, 2 female) secondary school teachers and 272 grade 9 students. Questionnaire, interview and classroom observation were the data collection tools. The data analysis, interpretation and discussion of the findings indicated the practice of teaching speaking skill depends on few interactive activities named group discussion; brainstorming and pair work with little follow up discussion on the side of the teachers............
Key Words: Speaking skill, Speaking, teaching speaking, secondary school, Ethiopia,fluency
[1]. AbebeGebretsadik.(1997). Strategies of Vocabulary Learning ofAAU Freshmen Learning English as a Second/ForeignLanguage (unpublished PhD dissertation).Addis AbabaUniversity.
[2]. Abenga, S. B. Elizabeth, (2005). The Adoption and use of new Educational Technologies in the training ofEnglish primary teachers in T.T.C.s in Kenya, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Moi University Press.
[3]. Achmad, D. & Yusuf Y.(2014). Observing Pair-Work Task in an English Speaking Class.International Journal of Instruction Vol.7, No.1
[4]. Alharbi, A. Heba, (2015). Improving Students‟ English Speaking Proficiency in Saudi Public Schools.International Journal of Instruction Vol. 8, No. 1 Jan 2015.
[5]. Alonso, A. Rosa, (2014). Teaching Speaking: An Exploratory Study in Two Academic Contexts. PortaLinguarum.Vol. (22)pp. 145-160.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sustainable Local Development on Humanitarian Basis |
Country | : | Cyprus |
Authors | : | Arzu Alvan Bozdereli |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2403034858 ![]() |
Abstract: In this study, under the scope of the concept of sustainable development conceptualized in recent years accompanied by the concept of human-centered development, the CittaSlow (SlowCity) movement arising from the "Slow Food" philosophy will be discussed as an alternative to local sustainable development. Throughout the study, the method of documentary resource analysis and the technic of collecting information through publications for the documents are used. The development phenomenon which cannot focused on humanity and is satisfied with the results obtained in the economic indicators, has diverged from being sustainable. Sustainable development is no longer an objective.............
KEYWORDS: CittaSlow, Human Development, Local Development, Sustainable Development
[1]. Acemoğlu, D., & Robinson, J. A. (2013). Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. Newyork: Crown Publishing Group.
[2]. Capello, R. (2011). Location, Regional Growth and Local Development Theories. AESTIMUM 58, Giugno, 1-25.
[3]. Cf, O. d. D. S. (2015). Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
[4]. The Cocoyoc Declaration. (1975). Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 31(3), 6-10. doi: 10.1080/00963402.1975.11458210
[5]. Erzan, R., Kadirbeyoğlu, Z., & Özkaynak, B. (2014). Local development and sustainability General overview to Turkey. Prepared by: Ahmet Faruk Aysan & Devrim Dumludağ), New approaches on development, pp, 365-386.
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Abstract: Commercial websites are a form of internet advertising which is formed by companies as an advertising tool hosting many forms of online advertisement to promote products and services. Researchers and practitioners have equally agreed on the abilities of a commercial website as an advertising instrument that offers unlimited potential and benefits. Numerous studies done on uses and gratifications are in traditional media and internet general use. The knowledge relating to usage and gratifications of profitmaking websites advertising in Kenya remains scanty. This research addressed this gap by applying Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT) as a structure to analyze usage and gratifications of business websites in Kenya. The research applied descriptive research design to gain knowledge of underlying consumers‟ usage and gratifications of Kenyan commercial websites advertising.............
Key Words: Website, Uses, Gratifications.
[1]. Allen, K., (2001). Social Media Use and Social Connectedness. Positive and the Potential Pitfall,Educationalanddevelopment,18-31.Retrievedfrom`potential-pitfalls.pdf
[2]. Angleman, S. (2000). Uses and gratifications and Internet profiles. A factor analysis. Is Internet use and travel to cyberspace reinforced by unrealizedOnline Shopping.Retrieved from (R. NV, Ed.)
[3]. Atheunis, S. (2013). Uses and gratifications and Internet profiles. A factor analysis. Is Internet use and travel to cyberspace reinforced by /unrealized.
[4]. Bellman, K.L. & Jonson,H. (2000). Antecedents to Internet-Based Purchasi. Consumer Acceptance of Products in Electronic Markets.
[5]. Berthon, E. A. (1996). Perspectives on Marketing communications and Buyers Behaviors on the Web. Journal of Advertising, 15, 287-301.
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Abstract: A l'époque coloniale, les Belges et les Anglais avaient jugé bon de protéger quelques zones africaines qui regorgent des merveilles qui peuvent permettre l'attraction touristique et la recherche scientifique autour du lac Edouard. Cependant, cette appréhension eut lieu mais sans tenir compte de la population qui y vivait. Or dans le monde entier, aucune politique environnementale ne peut se concevoir sans prendre en compte des aspects démographiques qui pèsent d'un poids décisif sur les relations entre leur entreprise et le cadre naturel et humain (Brounley, 1980). Ainsi, dans quelques parties de l'Afrique, l'explosion démographique engendre un déséquilibre entre les ressources naturelles et les besoins humains, car on ne peut pas faire la conservation de ces derniers sans tenir compte de la satisfaction des besoins
[1]. Baland, J.M. et J.P., Plateau, Sommet de la terre sur le développement durable, FAO and Clarendon Press, Johannesburg, 2002.
[2]. Brounley, D.W. et M. Cernea, La stratégie mondiale de la conservation, UICN, 1980.
[3]. Browning, Utilisation des terres, Californie, 1985.
[4]. Dupriez, Pastoralisme africain, Paris, 1987.
[5]. Deo Kujirakwinja, Gratien Bashonga, Andy Plumptre,2008, Etude socio-économique de la zone nord ouest du Parc National des Virunga Région de Lubero-Butembo-Beni, Feuillet technique n°2, WWF-EARPOAll,50p).