Series-1 (Sep. – Oct. 2022)Sep. – Oct. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Modified Mind Mapping Technique with Word Match Game to Increase Students' Interest of Vocabulary |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Marina Anggraini |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1205010107 ![]() |
Abstract: Vocabulary is the basis of all skills in English. Mastering vocabulary can contribute to the achievement of subjects in class. It helps students understand reading material, understand other speaking, provide feedback, listening and writing materials. In other words, students can communicate fluently. The students will have difficulty in learning English if they have limited vocabulary. The use of appropriate technique will help the teacher to increase students' interest in learning vocabulary. Mind mapping technique modified with word match game is a good technique to be applied in vocabulary learning. The objective of this research was to find out whether there was increase students.........
Key Word: Vocabulary,MindMapping,Word MatchGame
[1]. Ahmad Ali Heidari and LotfollahKarimi. "The Effect of Mind Mapping on Vocabulary Learning and Retention", International Journal of Educational Investigations. Iran: Islamic Azad University, 2015 (December), Vol.2, No.12.
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Abstract: Some researches have been done on the variables which correlate pupils' competence in the 3Rs. The objective of this paper is to provide empirical evidence to whether i) teacher's qualifications, ii) school facilities and iii) socio-cultural factors correlate to pupils' competence in 3Rs in selected primary schools in Longido District. To achieve these objectives of the present study, the quantitative correlation cross-sectional survey design was used. A sample size of one hundred thirty six teachers was randomly selected from ten primary schools in Longido District. Data were collected from the respondents using Self-Administered Questionnaires (SAQs). The collected data were analyzed........
Key Word: School Facilities, Teachers Qualification, Socio-cultural, 3Rs, Competence, Longido
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[2] M. Ojwan'g and E. K. Nyandika, "Determinants of ICT Integration in Teaching-Learning Activities in Private Secondary Schools in Meru District Council, Tanzania," Int. J. Educ. Humanit. Soc. Sci., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 447–464, 2020, Accessed: Aug. 14, 2022.
[3] URT, "Education Sector Development Plan (2016/17 – 2020/21)," 2016.
[4] R. Makiya, C. Mnyanyi, and C. Ngirwa, "Quality Assurance Strategies in Enhancing Learning Achievement among Public Primary Schools in Arusha Region, Tanzania," East African J. Educ. Soc. Sci., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 48–57, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.4314/eajess.v3i2.
[5] L. Pritchett and A. Beatty, "The Negative Consequences of Overambitious Curricula in Developing Countries," SSRN Electron. J., Mar. 2013, doi: 10.2139/SSRN.2235869.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the individual and institutional determinants of trainees' enrolment in public, technical vocational, education and training (TVET) institutions in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study was informed by the large number of secondary school graduates idling in the community and efforts by the government of Kenya to raise enrolment in TVETs for skill training to actualize vision 2030. The study sought to investigate whether grades scored in secondary examination had influence on student enrolment to public TVETs in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study was guided by the Social Learning Theory of Career Decision Making (SLTCDM) by Krumboltz (1976). The theory focuses on developing career readiness through implementation of learning theory in school-to-work programs. This study employed descriptive survey research design. The sample size consisted........
Key Word: Technical Vocational Education and Training, Enrolment, Institutional and Individual Determinants, Prospective Trainees, Grade Scored
[1]. Agodini, R., & Novak, T. (2014). Factors that influence participation in secondary vocational education. Cambridge: Mathematica, Inc.
[2]. Agrawal, T. (2012). Vocational Education and Training in India. Challenges, Status and Labour Market Outcomes. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 453-474.
[3]. Blannie, E. B., & Levon, T. E. (2004). Factors Influencing Enrollment in an Urban Agricultural Education Program. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 25-37.
[4]. Carmago, A., Souza, A., Lima, L & Soares, J. (2015). Vocational Education and Training in Brazil: Knowledge Shairing Forum on Development Experiences; Comparative Experiences of Korea, Latin America and Carribean. Brazil: Inter-American Development Bank.
[5]. Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2014). Business Research Methods. McGraw-Hill: Companies Inc.
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Abstract: Background:Years of Research into immigrant entrepreneur(ship) (IE) call for a synthesis of thefield to note the philosophical foundation adopted and matching research methodology development and identify the matching technologies being applied. The paperaims to fill this literature gap in IE field by improving and synthesizing existing knowledge and establishinga simple and clear method of RESEARCH PARADIGM selection for immigrant and entrepreneur(ship) study. The paper argues that it is important to choose an appropriate paradigm to guide the research design and inquiry procedure, and thus the interpretation of the result,in the multi- or inter-disciplinary literature of IE research........
Key Word: Entrepreneurship, Paradigm, Immigrant Entrepreneurship, Research Methods.
[1]. Cope, J. (2005). Researching Entrepreneurship through Phenomenological Inquiry. International Small Business Journal, 23(2), 163-189.
[2]. Mezirow, J. (1981). A critical theory of adult learning and education. Adult Education Quarterly, 32, 3-24.
[3]. Kivunja, C. Kuyini, B. A. (2017). Understanding and Applying Research Paradigms in Educational Contexts. International Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 6, No. 5; 2017
[4]. Angel Paniagua (2002) Urban-rural migration, tourism entrepreneurs and rural restructuring in Spain,Tourism Geographies, 4:4, 349-371, DOI: 10.1080/14616680210158128
[5]. Brown, Kevin M. Civic participation in context: the role of social-capital production and exchange [online]. Third Sector Review, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2010: 145-171. Availability: <;dn=201008114;res=IELAPA> ISSN: 1323-9163. [cited 03 Dec 18].
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Abstract: The lecturer is the foundation of the education process. It is important that the lecturer feels good about his work and that he is motivated for it. It is also important for the lecturer to master the skills of imparting material to the students and to be able to activate students during the teaching process, as this affects student satisfaction, the amount of imparted knowledge and completed tasks. The research is based on the application of theory, which is adapted from Slovenian and foreign literature, sources and empirical research using statistical methods. Considering the time period, the research is retrospective as it deals with past influences or situations. Based on what has been written, we can conclude that the topic is extremely relevant, and its results will enable lecturers to understand the positive importance and impact of the introduction of coaching into the pedagogical process. The results of the research will enable institutes to learn about a new type of method that will serve to bring the activities of coaching closer to the teaching process.
Key Word: Coaching;Lecturer;Student;Pedagogicalprocess;Innovative learning method
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[3]. Blackman, A. (2010). Coaching as a leadership development tool for teachers. Professional Development in Education, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 421-441.
[4]. Cajnko, P. (2014).Managementski model coachinga in vplivnjegovihaktivnostinazadovoljstvozaposlenih in uspešnostpodjetja :doktorskadisertacija. [Maribor: P. Cajnko], 2014 [i. e. 2015]. XIII, 270 str., 69 str. pril., tabele, graf. prikazi. Retrieved May 2022 from
[5]. Devine, M., Meyers. R in Houssemand, C. (2012). How can coaching make a positive impact within educational settings? Retrieved May 2022 from:
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Abstract: Insecurity has been one of the main cause of poor response to teaching and learning. The schools in environment that is riddled with insecurity cannot give room for good teaching and learning to succeed. The efforts to curb insecurity in academic or educational town are not holistic hence the negative effect on teaching and learning are created. This paper present model to x-ray the spiral effect of insecurity on education together with insecurity squashing model which gives the sequence which insecurity can be stopped in educational environment.
Key Word: Insecurity, spiral, models, effects, teaching and learning.
[1]. Asadu, O (2022). Nigeria: Insecurity Craps Nation's Capital. Attacks, Threats by multiply Groups Raise serious concern. https://www.hrw.org5/9/2022
[2]. Bello, A. (2022). Insecurity is a threat to Education in Nigeria. Daily trust. Wednesday 19th January, 2022. 5/9/2022
[3]. Brenman, O. (2020).Signsof Insecurity. 4/9/2022
[4]. Patterson, E. (2021). Insecurity: Definition, Causes and 7 Ways to Cope. 3/9/2022
[5]. Ochigbo, S. E, Bala, N.M, Charle-Zalakoro, J.C (2021). Effect of insecurity on Academic performance of secondary school student in Borno state. Global insecurity challengers and way forward 7:1-11.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The effect, Gender and Students use of Technology |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr JamesAdedeji Ajayi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1205015867 ![]() |
Abstract: This study investigated the effect, gender, and students' use of technology. A quantitative methodology was adopted comprising of survey questionnaire approach for gathering data. The researcher used simple random sampling method to give each school a chance of being selected. The data was collected from Efon local government area based secondary schools' students and their parents in Nigeria. For research questions were formulated with their hypotheses tested at .05 level of significant. The findings showed that there is a significance difference between male and female parents'perception of secondary school students' technological facilities orientation. Also, it was discovered that there is significant difference between married and single parents in their perception of secondary school students' technological facilities orientation. Necessary conclusion and recommendations were made based on these findings.
Keywords: Effect, Gender, Students, Technology
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