Series-1 (Nov. – Dec. 2022)Nov. – Dec. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: The This article analyzes some solutions about infrastructure and facilities service learning for TNUT students in the state to come back new normal after closing the school period for two years continuous to prevent expanded infection of Covid epidemic 19 at Thai Nguyen University of Technology (TNUT).
Keywords: Solutions, Infrastructure, Facilities, New normal, Learning, After, Covid19
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Abstract: The research focuses on finding out which factors affect teachers' use of ICT in assessment in the Northern midland and mountainous region of Vietnam through a questionnaire. With 104 teachers participating in a survey from June 2022 to October 2022, it has been shown that there are many factors that affect teachers' decision to use or not to use ICT in the teaching and learning process. Besides, SPSS software was usedto process the survey results. It can be shown that when the teachers in the midland and mountainous region of Vietnam apply ICT in the assessment process, they are influenced by subjective factors in the assessment process, such as teacher's attitude andperception, or objective factors such as influence from colleagues, students, administrators and other control factors.
Key Word: ICT in assessment, technology in education, ICT-based assessment, ICT skill, Vietnam
[1]. Al-Rahmi, W. M., Alzahrani, A. I., Yahaya, N., Alalwan, N., & Kamin, Y. B. (2020). Digital Communication: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage for Education Sustainability. Sustainability, 12(12), Article 12.
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Abstract: Assessments evaluate students' learning and deliver relevant information institutions use to modify their plans and improve the learning process (Lynch, 2018). According to Basera (2019), Higher Education students are exposed to predominately two strategies of assessment; Formative assessments (FA) and Summative assessments(SA). FA is delivered continually; regularly or spontaneously-formally or informally (Tomlinson, 2014; William 2013) to evaluate students' existing learning gaps; to provide nonjudgmental effective feedback for students to improve (Kibble, 2016......
[1]. Ali, M., Asim, H., Edhi, Al., Hashmi, MD., Khan, MS., Naz, F., Qaiser, KN., Qureshi, SM., Zahid, MF., Jehan, I. (2015). Does academic assessment system type affect levels of academic stress in medical students? A cross-sectional study from Pakistan. Med Educ Online 20:27706,2015 doi:10.3402/meo.v20.37706
[2]. Aoumeur, H. (2017). The Impact of Class Size on Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language: The Case of the Department of English at Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University. Arab World English Journal, 8 (2). DOI:
[3]. Archer, E. (2017). The Assessment Purpose Triangle: Balancing the Purposes of Educational Assessment. Front. Educ. 2:41. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2017.00041
[4]. Basera, H, C. (2019). Learners Perceptions of Assessment Strategies in Higher Education. Journal of Education and e-learning Research 6(2), 76-81. doi: 10.20448/journal.509.2019.62.76.81
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Abstract: E-learning almost abruptly became a crucial learning strategy for educational institutions during the global COVID-19 pandemic. The secondary school layer of education was receiving its first major encounter with e-learning as a sole means instructing the students for a part of nearly seven months total and partial lockdowns imposed in many countries. The Secondary Schools in Zamfara State also experimented this along with many Nigerian schools using such channels as Radio, TV and the internet and related remote learning strategies. This paper looked at the evidence......
Keywords: e-learning; Quality Education; Resources& Delivery
[1]. Andersson, A., &Gronlund, A. (2009). A conceptual framework for e-learning in developing countries: A critical review of research challenges. The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries, 38(8), 1–16.
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[3]. Appana, S. (2008). A review of benefits and limitations of online learning in the context of the student, theinstructor, and the tenured faculty. International Journal on E-Learning, 7(1), 5–22.
[4]. Bello, B.(2021). Students Dis-engagement &E-learning Adaptively As Key Challenge for FOR Post-Covid 19 E-Learning System in Nigeria.Sokoto Educational Review, 20(1&2), 30-39.
[5]. Chibueze, M. N., &Chukwuji, C. N. (2021). Library Resources for Secondary Schools in Gusau metropolis: Educational Implications. COVENANT JOURNAL OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to find out if there is any significant difference in students' ability enhancement between those who were taught using Group Discussion strategy and those who were taught using Think Pair Share strategy. This study is a quantitative research method using comparative design by using pre-test and post-test. This study was designed to find out the answer to the following question: Is there any significant difference in students' speaking ability enhancement between those who were taught by using Group Discussion strategy and those who were.....
Key words: Group Discussion, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, the first year students, Think Pair Share strategy, speaking ability enhancement.
[1]. Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching byPrinciples: An Interactive Approachto Language Pedagogy. New York :Longman.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Digital Transformation in Education Sector |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Meeta Rani |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1206013234 ![]() |
Abstract: Pandemics reshape society. And it is COVID-19, still uncertain how our society will reshape. Pandemics have always forced human generations to break with the past and rethink about the world. Education and learning area has seen innovations at a slow pace. Innovation and advancement, especially in digital sphere are taking place across the globe. Educators, students, policymakers and other role players are actively undertaking efforts globally to bring about digital transformation in education sector. This short note is an effort after reviewing recent managerial literature on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on education sector, a rapid expansion of digital transformation in this area, owing to expanding of distance education and increasing innovation in educational technologies.
Key words: Education sector, Learning, Post COVID era, Digital transformation, EdTech
[1]. Besser, Avi, Gordon L. Flett, and Virgil Zeigler-Hill. "Adaptability to a sudden transition to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Understanding the challenges for students." Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 8.2 (2022): 85.
[2]. Chen, Victoria, et al. "An exploration of instructors' and students' perspectives on remote delivery of courses during the COVID‐19 pandemic." British Journal of Educational Technology 53.3 (2022): 512-533.
[3]. Greenhow, Christine, and Cathy Lewin. "Online and blended learning: Contexts and conditions for education in an emergency." British Journal of Educational Technology 52.4 (2021): 1301-1305.
[4]. Sun, Shaojing. "An examination of disposition, motivation, and involvement in the new technology context computers in human behavior." Computers in Human Behavior 24.6 (2008): 2723-2740.
[5]. Hall, Tracey. "Differentiated instruction." (2002).
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Abstract: Background: Altruism and altruistic traits are expected of medical doctors and other humanitarian professions, yet the teaching of these professional characteristic seems lacking in medical curriculum, though it is prescribed in the medical and dental council of Nigeria benchmark for minimum academic standards. Aim: We aimed to explore early career doctors learning experience of altruism as part of professionalism during training and their perception about its decline or otherwise in Nigeria medical practice. Methods: This study used exploratory.....
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Abstract: The academic achievement of students in Mathematics in Public Day Secondary Schools in Meru South Sub-County has been low in the National and County mean scores. This persistence poor performance results of students in mathematics in public day secondary schools raises concern as it is experienced in the backdrop of concerted efforts by stakeholders to better achievement in mathematics. This study sought to examine the relationship between selected factors, teacher related factors being one of them and academic achievement of students in mathematics in public day secondary school in Meru South Sub-County. This study was guided by the Walberg's productivity theory. The descriptive correlational research survey design was adopted. The study population was 1955.....
Key words academic achievement, academic qualification, teaching experience, teacher morale
[1]. Achieng, B. (2012). Influence of Institutional Capacity on Academic Performance of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Usigu Division – Bondo District Kenya. A Master's Thesis, University of Nairobi'
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[4]. Bryan, J. (2005). Fostering Educational Resilience and Achievement in Urban Schools Through School-Family-Community Partnerships. Professional School of Counseling, 8, 219 227.
[5]. Clotfelter, C., Ladd, H., &Vigdor, J. (2007). Teacher credentials and student achievement: Longitudinal analysis with student fixed effects. Economics of Education Review, 26(6), 673-682
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Abstract: The success of any company is greatly dependent on the compatibility of individuals with the organisation's culture. Any misalignment of these two variables has the potential to endanger the productivity and success of the organization. Organizational culture is known as a set of operating rules that determine how people behave within the organisation's periphery. Businesses in today's world under a liberalized, privatized and globalized system operate in a more complex, dynamic and unpredictable environment than they have ever been. The formulation, implementation and performance of an organization's strategy are all influenced by its culture. It is of no surprise that managers are increasingly interested in learning more about organizational culture and how to use it to improve performance. The objectives of the study were to identify the determinants of culture and to examine the extent to which.......
[1]. Armstrong, M., 2011. Armstrong's Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management. 5th ed. UK: Kogan Page.
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[4]. Hofstede, G., 2001. Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations. 2nd ed. CA: Sage, Thousand Oaks.
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Abstract: The paper focuses on the ability and feasibility of integrated teaching History and Geography in higher education program. Furthermore, it aims to research integrated teaching History and Geography with help of information technology and communications, while studying several measures to improve the quality of integrated teaching History and Geography at pedagogical universities to meet the needs of innovation in education in Vietnam.
Keywords: History, Geography, integrated teaching, education innovation
[1]. Ministry of Education and Training, Curriculum for History, Geography(Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 2018).
[2]. Ministry of Education and Training, Training Materials for Integrated Teaching in Secondary School, High School(Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 2015).
[3]. Alison Clark-Wilson, Ornella Robutti, Mike Thomas, Teaching with digital technology, 2020, issue 2020-7, page 1223-1242, 020-01196-0.
[4]. Vu Quoc Chung et al, Strengthening pedagogical capacity for teachers in professional high school and high school teacher training schools, Education Publishing House, (Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 2012).
[5]. Tran Ba Hoanh, Integrated Teaching, Journal of Education and Sciences, 2007, No 12.
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Abstract: Based on the teaching idea of modern constructivism, this paper puts forward the research teaching model of multiple integration in view of the three problems existing in postgraduate teaching at present. This teaching model uses space-time integration, online and offline integration, curriculum ideological and political integration, problem-driven - project teaching - case analysis of multiple research teaching integration, integrating "theory" and "practice", to achieve the coupling of knowledge and practice. Taking the course of modern design methodology as an example, this paper studies the connotation of teaching model, teaching design and teaching strategy, evaluation method and teaching effect.
Keywords: Constructivism; Multiple integration; Research based teaching
[1]. GAO Luan. Brief Introduction of Contemporary Western Constructivism Teacher Education Thoughts [J]. Comparative Education Research, 2016,9:85-91.
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[4]. Xue Yongji, Hui Huixian, Wu Chengliang. Organization and Practice of Postgraduate Courses Based on Participatory Teaching: A Case Study of Rural Public Management Courses [J]. Degree and Graduate Education, 21st, 5:21-26.
[5]. WANG Juan. Research on Property Rights Mechanism of Production-Education Integration in Colleges and Universities [D]. Nanning, Guangxi: Nanning Normal University, 2019.
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Abstract: Due to outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, the educational paradigm must be shifted to an online education at all levels. Electronic problem–based learning (E-PBL) is one of learning models that can be implemented in fully online learning. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is an effect of E-PB model on students' learning styles, learning interests and achievement on the entrepreneurial course. This study employed a survey research design. By using random sampling and a research sample consisted of 129 students from a private college in Indonesia. The data were collected by using students' learning style close ended questionnaire, students........
Keywords: E-PBL, students' learning style, interests, achievement
[1]. Anderson, I. (2016). Identifying different learning styles to enhance the learning experience. Nursing Standard journal , 31(7), 53.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | आचार्य हजारीप्रसाद द्विवेदी की आलोचना दृष्टि (साहित्य-काव्य, गद्य, पद्य) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | डॉ० निर्मला सिंह |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1206017276 ![]() |
Abstract: आचार्य हजारीप्रसाद द्विवेदी जी का हिंदी निबंध और आलोचनात्मक क्षेत्र में महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है। वे उच्च कोटि के निबंधकार और सफल आलोचक हैं। उन्होंने सूर, कबीर, तुलसी आदि पर जो विद्वत्तापूर्ण आलोचनाएं लिखी हैं] वे हिंदी में पहले नहीं लिखी गईं। उनका निबंध-साहित्य हिंदी की स्थाई निधि है। उनकी समस्त कृतियों पर उनके गहन विचारों और मौलिक चिंतन की छाप है। विश्व-भारती आदि के द्वारा द्विवेदी जी ने संपादन
1. हजारीप्रसाद द्विवेदी (विनिबन्ध), विश्वनाथ प्रसाद तिवारी, साहित्य अकादेमी, नयी दिल्ली, पुनर्मुद्रित संस्करण-2016, पृष्ठ-7.