Version-3 (May-June 2017)
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Abstract: The researchers investigated the curriculum-related global challenges to entrepreneurship among the fresh Biology Education graduates of Nigerian Universities. Two Universities were sampled randomly from each of the South- East and South-South geopolitical zones. Simple balloting was also used to sample 20 Biology Education fresh graduates from each of the universities as respondents. Only 77out of the 80 respondents sampled returned their questionnaire. Four research questions and one hypothesis guided the study which adopted a survey design. Data analysis was by use of 5- points rating scale in which the respondents rated the extent they have acquired some Biology..........
Keywords: ..............
[1] Anidu, I. C (2016). Entrepreneurship Education for character formation, Skills Development and Poverty Eradication. Implications for Science Education curriculum. International Journal of Academia, 1, 218- 227.
[2] Edeh, A.A and Ogbu, E.N (2002). Education and National Development. Enugu: Fundamental Rights Foundation.
[3] Ejim, E.P. Okoye, V.E and Ezigbogu, A. (2011). Entrepreneurship Development: Nigerian Perspective Enugu. NERCE Publishers.
[4] Ezeudu, M.O (2005). Need for Re-engineering of Nigerian Educational System through curriculum Modifications: Non-Governmental Organizations As Catalysts. Journal of Curriculum and Media Technology Research, 1, 179-189.
[5] Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013). National Policy on Education, 6th Edition. Lagos: NERDC Press.
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Abstract: School Governing Bodies (SGBs) as part of the community, play an important role in the enhancement of a culture of teaching and learning in schools. This idea is important in the enhancement of a culture of teaching and learning in schools, but rarely applicable in most of disadvantaged high schools. Disadvantaged schools in this context refer to rural poor schools with no proper resources and teaching. This means that learners in such communities could not be able to do schoolwork, due to the lack of parental involvement. In this study, qualitative interpretive approach was used. The researcher preferred to use this method in order to obtain a more detailed understanding of the involvement of SGBs in the enhancement of a culture of teaching and learning in schools..........
Keywords: Culture, disadvantaged, involvement, learners, teachers, school and School Governing Bod
[1] Bogdan, R. &Biklen, S. (1992). Qualitative Research in Education. Bston: Allyn & Bacon.
[2] Borich, G.D. (1996).Effective teaching methods. Englewood Cliff: Prentice Hall.
[3] Chrisman, V. (2005).Association for supervision and curriculum development. Education Leadership. How schools improve., Vol. 62, no. 5, pp.17-20.
[4] Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. (1994). Act no. 200, 1993. Pretoria: Government
[5] Cooper, Richard S., and Jay S. Kaufman.(1998). Race and Hypertension: Science and Nescience. Hypertension 32:813-816.
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Abstract: The study assessed assessment of school library resources for development of basic education in Zamfara State, Nigeria. Survey research design was used for the study. Twenty four (24) public secondary schools and purposive sample procedure was used to select the librarian and modified likert scale was used to collect the data. Test retest was used to test the reliability of the instrument and the reliability coefficient was 0.89. Frequency count and simple percentage was used to describe the data. The result indicated that not all Local Government Area in the state have library and some that have are not functioning. Therefore, it recommended that the state Government in collaboration with Local Education Authority should establish more school library in each school
[1] Aina, L.O. (2004). Library and Information Science Text for Africa; Ibadan: Third world Information Services Limited
[2] Aina, L.O. (2002). Research in Information Science: An African Perspective. Ibadan: Striling-Horden Publishers (Nig.) Ltd
[3] Annual School Census (2013).Zamfara State/UNICEF Annual School Census Report.June, 2013
[4] Apeji, E.A. (2011). The School Learning Process & children literature: Benin: Fodah Global Ultimate Limited
[5] Bukar, I.B., Mwajim, A.U. &kadiri, D. (2012). The implementation of Universal basic Education: The Journey so Far in Borno, Bauchi and Taraba states, Nigeria. SokotoEducational Review, 13(2), 235-2446.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mastering Classroom Management- A Problem Based Learning Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vijesh K || Dr. Manoj Praveen .G |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0703031622 ![]() |
Abstract: The teacher education programme – B. Ed. is a major teacher preparation course in the country. It prepares the teachers to teach at secondary and higher secondary schools. Even though the programme offers courses in Methodology of Teaching and Pedagogy of Subjects, an analysis of the syllabi of the various universities across the nation reveals that there is no adequate theory or practical to master the skill of classroom management incorporated into any of the courses associated with B. Ed. Programme. The theory about classroom management is limited to certain thumb rules dictated by the teacher educators before the beginning of practice-teaching internships. In the real context teacher face many difficulties..........
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Case Problems, Scenario Based Learning, Teacher Education
[1] Clark, R., (2009). Accelerating expertise with scenario based learning. Learning Blueprint. Merrifield, VA: American Society for Teaching and Development.
[2] Barrows H. S.,&Tamblyn, R. M., (1980) Problem-based Learning: An approach to medical education. NewYork, NY: Springer.
[3] Bawane, J., Takwale, R., Naidu, S. (2010) Paper presented at the Sixth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (IGNOU 2010), Kochi, Kerala, India, 24-28 November 2010. Retrieved from Brush et al., (2013) The PBL-TECH Project: Web-Based Tools and Resources to Support
[4] Hazlehurst, S. (2015, June 15). Why Scenario Based Learning Is Successful • etrainu. Retrieved 20 May 2017, from
[5] Jonassen, D. H. (2004).Learning to solve problems: An instructional design guide. San Francisco, Calif.: Pfeiffer/Jossey-Bass..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Writing Assignments, essays and arguments |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Dennis Mark Laxton |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0703032332 ![]() |
Abstract: In the past a significant number of people across all years appear to have been confused by what lecturers want when they put in essay questions the words "critically analyse" or "critically evaluate While it is the stock and trade of academics, very few seem to be willing to explain exactly what 'critique' in this context is to their students. At the post-graduate level we assume that you will know exactly what it is but clearly this is not necessarily the case
[1]. Allaire, Y. & Firsirotu, M.E. 1984. Theories of Organisation Culture. Organisation Studies, 5(3):193-226.
[2]. Alvesson, M. 1987. Organisation Theory and Technocratic Consciousness: Rationality, Ideology and Quality of Work. Berlin: De Gruyter.
[3]. Arendt, H. 1958. The human condition. 2nd edition. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
[4]. Aristotle. Ross, W.D. (Trans.). 1958. The Nicomachean Ethics. In Kaplan, J.D. (Ed.). The Pocket Aristotle. New York: Simon & Schuster.
[5]. Ashdown, A. 1998. Notes on Strategic Planning. Unpublished handout .
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Abstract: This research aims to know the effects of creative problem solving learning model on the mathematical problem solving ability of students in senior high school. The research method was experimental research with quasi-experimental design. Independent variables used in this study were creative problem solving learning model and direct learning model. The dependent variable used was the mathematical problem solving ability. The sampling was taken by random sampling technique with a sample of 78 consisting of 40 students of XI IPA 1 (11th grade class 1 of science) as the experimental group and 38 students of XI IPA 2 (11th grade class 2 of science) as the control group. The data collection used mathematical problem solving ability test while the analysis used t test...........
Keywords: Learning model, creative problem solving learning model, direct learning model, mathematical problem solving ability
[1] Fauzan, Ahmad. 2011. Modul 1 Evaluasi Pembelajaran Matematika Pemecahan Masalah Matematis. : Universitas Negeri Padang.
[2] Sabri, A, Strategi Belajar Mengajar Micro Teaching, Quantum Teaching. Jakarta: Prenada Media, 2005.
[3] Sanjaya, W. Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan. Jakarta: Kencana, 2007.
[4] Seels Barbara B. dan Richey, Rita C. Teknologi Pembelajaran, Definisi dan Kawasannya. Terjemahan Dewi S. Prawiradilaga, Rapheal Raharjo, dan Yusuf Hadimiarso . Jakarta: Unit Penerbitan UNJ, 2004.
[5] Setyosari, Punaji. Metode Penelitian Pengembangan. Jakarta: Kencana Prenadamedia, 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Work Motivation of Teachers: Role of Biographical Variables |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Louis George || Tara Sabapathy || Anitha Varghese |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0703033843 ![]() |
Abstract: Motivation of teachers towards work is a crucial factor for the success of education at any level. The objective of this study was to find the importance of biographical variables of teachers in their work motivation. Data was collected from 450 degree college teachers of Bangalore city. Analysis of data and the discussion is included. The results showed a positive relationship between work motivation and the type of management and subject specialization of teachers. Teachers working in government aided and private unaided institutions were found to be more motivated than the government college teachers. Science teachers were found to be more motivated than arts and commerce teachers. Implications of the findings and limitations of the study are given
Keywords: Higher education, Work motivation, Biographical variables
[1] Agarwal K G, Manual for work motivation questionnaire,1988, National psychological corporation, Agra
[2] Aggarwal JC; Elementary education and teacher functions, revised edn. 1999, Dooba House, New Delhi, p.101-113.
[3] Barbuto Jr., John E.; Fritz, Susan M.; Marx, David, A Field Examination of Two Measures of Work Motivation as Predictors of Leaders' Influence Tactics: Journal of Social Psychology, 2002, Vol. 142, Issue 5, p60
[4] Bruce J Avolio, Weichun Zhu, William Koh and Puja Bhatia; Transformational leadership and organizational commitment; mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2004,Vol. 25, p 951-968
[5] Dewey E Johnson, Paul Hersey, Kenneth H Blanchard; Management of organizational behavior 7thedn. 1998, Prentice Hall of India P. Ltd, p 90 91.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Educational Strategies of a Lecturer in Education of the Elderly |
Country | : | Czechia |
Authors | : | Petra Kaduchová |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0703034454 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper deals with the issue of educational strategies of a lecturer in educating the elderly. The paper is focused on comparing the selected educational strategies of a lecturer and identifying their possible relation and effect towards the educational climate. The survey observes the lecturing activities of people focused on their didactic competences. Certain phenomena, relations and influencing factors have been clarified through the follow-up analysis. The research has a qualitative character. Basic research methods include: the content analysis of documents, the semi-structured interview and the semi-structured observation. The research is carried out on the selected group of the elderly within interest-based educational activities..........
Keywords: climate, competences of a lecturer, education of the elderly, specificities of education of the elderly, strategy.
[1] D. Kryštof & N. Špatenková, Klíčové kompetence lektora v seniorském vzdělávání, in Univerzita třetího věku. Historie, současnost a perspektivy dalšího rozvoje: sborník příspěvků z konference konané u příležitosti 20. výročí založení Univerzity třetího věku, Brno, 6. - 7. dubna 2010 (Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2010) 115 - 124.
[2] A. Petřková & R. Čornaničová, Gerontagogika: úvod do teorie a praxe edukace seniorů (Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2004) 72 - 73.
[3] D. Kryštof & N. Špatenková, Klíčové kompetence lektora v seniorském vzdělávání, in Univerzita třetího věku. Historie, současnost a perspektivy dalšího rozvoje: sborník příspěvků z konference konané u příležitosti 20. výročí založení Univerzity třetího věku, Brno, 6. - 7. dubna 2010 (Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2010) 115 - 124.
[4] D. Benešová, Gerontagogika (Praha: Univerzita Jana Amose Komenského, 2014) 97.
[5] A. Petřková & R. Čornaničová, Gerontagogika: úvod do teorie a praxe edukace seniorů (Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2004) 63..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Searching For Human Face and the Legal Status of a Student in Nigeria University |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Akhabue, D.A. (Esq.) |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0703035559 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the legal status of a student in Nigeria University and the principles of fair hearing. The paper argued in detail that it is often logical to make universities conform with the tenets of Natural Justice in the management of its own affairs, particularly with regard to student admission and disciplinary procedures. Short cut procedure should not be adopted by the university when expelling or suspending any erring student. Rather even if the student appeared guilty of the offence, he must still be seen to be treated fairly and in accordance with the law..........
Keywords: Searching, Status and Student
[1] The Holy Bible (King James' Version) Genesis chapter 2:5-17
[2] Ibid chapter 3:22-23
[3] Ibid chapter 3:9-19
[4] Hon. Justice Kalu Anyah (Rt), NUC, Resource Management in the University system in proceeding of the NUC/CVCIBC international services Abu, Zaria Nov. 9-10 (1987) P.84-98
[5] Nwabueze, B.O. Constitutional Law in Nigeria (Ibadan, Spectrum Books Ltd) 2001 P.49-51.
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Abstract: This paper examines the constitutionality or otherwise of the National Industrial Court Act, 2006 and the jurisdiction of the court to hear and determine labour related disputes. The paper also argued the legal implications of the constitution (Third Alteration) Act on the jurisdiction of the National Industrial Court vis-a-vis that of the High Court (of a State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja) in respect of labour and or labour related disputes. The paper brings to light that by virtue of the said constitution's alteration, the National Industrial Court now have and enjoys exclusive jurisdiction over all civil causes and matters relating to or connected with labour and labour related matters, thereby inhibiting the right or free access to justice, as many litigants where National Industrial Court is not sited like Edo State have to travel to the National Industrial Court Akure..........
Keywords: Implications, Constitution and National Industrial court
[1] Eme Wurogji et al op cit. Footnote 23 at P.28.
[2] See Section 315 of the 1999 Constitution which is similar to Section 274 of the 1979 Constitution in all intents and purpose.
[3] For Example see the cases of NURTW V. Ogodo (1998) 2 NWLR (PT.537) 189; Kalango & Ors V. Dokubo & Ors (2003) 15 WLR 32, Attorney General of Oyo state V. Nigeria Labour Congress, Oyo State & Ors (2003) 8 NWLR (PT. 82) 1; and Ekong V. Oside (2004) 6 FR 82 amongst others, where the Court of Appeal, in one breath held that the NIC enjoys exclusive jurisdiction in respect of civil causes and matters that are Trade Disputes and in another breath held that High Court of a State being a court with general jurisdiction has concurrent jurisdiction with the NIC in respect of such matters.
[4] Ejere O.D., "Further Reflections on the Constitutionality of the NIC, Act 2006" op cit. (1992) 7 NWLR (PT. 304) 138
[5] (1987) 1 NWLR (PT.49) 112. See also Western Steel Work V. Iron Steel Workers Union (1987) 1 NWLR (PT. 49) 284. Ibid e.g. Western Steel Works case...
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Abstract: In the context of improving learning methods of the chemistry of solutions, we present here the results of a research we conducted among 282 of second year students of the Moroccan scientific baccalaureate and the first year university students. The objective of this research is to identify the type(s) of participants' reasoning when learning this discipline. We considered the questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The latter contains two parts: the first part contains the three open questions, not modelled ,inspired the Moroccan baccalaureate program for all students (all levels combined) in order to know if the student requires an approach based on a coherent and logical reasoning, and if so, what type of reasoning? And the second part is for students in the first year university with two questions in order to know if changes in ranking of knowledge allow students to involve more and more a model-based reasoning. The results of this study clearly show that our subjects prefer a reasoning based on rules,..........
Keywords: Misconceptions, Science reasoning, Chemistry of solutions, the models, the learning of chemistry solutions.
[1] Boulabiar-Kerkeni, A. (2004). Notions et modèles fondateurs de la connaissance des élèves et des étudiants en oxydoréduction. Thèse de doctorat. Université lumière de Lyon 2.
[2] 18
[3] Christian, K., et Talanquer, V. (2012). Modes of reasoning in self-initiated study groups in chemistry. Chemistry education research and practice, 13, 286-295.
[4] Closset , J-L. (1992). Raisonnement en électricité et en hydrodynamique. Aster n0 14, p.144-155.
[5] Cormier, C. (2014). Etude des conceptions alternatives et des processus de raisonnement des étudiants de chimie du niveau collégial sur la molécule, la polarité et les phénomènes macroscopiques. Thèse de doctorat. Université de Montréal..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nigeria and the Millennium Development Goals |
Country | : | West Africa |
Authors | : | R.U. Chidobi (Ph.D) || Okenwa G.N. (Ph.D) |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0703037780 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper focuses on the problems and prospects in the attainment of millennium development goal (MDGs) in Nigeria, as it relates to poverty eradication which means reduction by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger. There was an overview of other MDGs goals like actualization of universal primary education, closing the gender gaps which exist in Nigeria not only in education but all levels, also increasing women's share of wage employment in the non-agricultural sector and increasing the proportion of seats held by woman in national parliaments. The goals needed to be attained because empowerment of women ensures the achievement of other MDGs. It also looked at reduction of child mortality, improvement of maternal health and combating of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other deadly diseases, the environment better sustained and partnership with other parts of the world. Finally, the paper evaluated the problems and prospects in the attainment of these MDGs..
[1] Annual Dpi/NGO Conference (2004) "Focus on Millennium Development Goal". Amsterdam NCDO.
[2] Asiedu, K. (2008) "In Pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Conflict affected Countries in Africa: An Uphill Challenges and Policy Lessons. Ethiopia: ISS Nairobi.
[3] Bulletin of the World Health Organization October 2008 86(10)
[4] Harcourt, W. (2004) "The Road to the UN Millennium Development Goals". Amsterdam NCDO.
[5] Hulme, D. (2007) "Global Public Policy and the Millennium Development Goals" (MDGs): A Short History of the World's Biggest Promise Manchester..
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Abstract: TTeacher-student interactions play an important role in deciding the success of a foreign language lesson. Students are able to acquire the target language through different forms of interactions such as the interaction between the teacher and the whole class, between the teacher and groups of students, and between the teacher and individuals. The current study was conducted to measure the perceptions of EFL teachers towards teacher-student interaction and figure out the most common type of interaction between the teacher and students in non-majored English classrooms in different universities in Vietnam. Sixty-five teacher participants took part in the study by answering a five-point Likert scale questionnaire. The findings indicated that EFL teachers in the study were well-aware of the benefits of teacher-student interaction. In addition..............
Key words: teacher-student interaction, teachers' perception, English language teaching, non-majored English classes[1] P.P. Minuchin; E. K. Shapiro, The school as context for social development. In P.H. Mussen (Ed.), Handbook of child psychology (4th ed., Vol. 6, pp. 197–274). (New York: Wiley, 1983).
[2] C. Goodenow, Strengthening the links between educational psychology and the study of social contexts. Educational Psychologist, 1992, 27, 177–196.
[3] M. H. Long, The Role of the Linguistic Environment in Second Language Acquisition. In W.C. Ritchie & T. K.Bhatia (Eds.), Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (New York: Academic Press, 1996)
[4] T. Hedge, Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).
[5] K. Khadidja, The Effect of Classroom Interaction on Developing the Learner's Speaking Skill, 2010..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Academic Writing to Learn Across the WAC Activities |
Country | : | Iran. |
Authors | : | MarziyehNekoueizadeh || FiroozSadighi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0703038793 ![]() |
Abstract: Among the four language skills, writing is the most important. Writingskill is a means for communicating, organizing, and demonstrating higher-order thinking. Although the importance of writing has been acknowledged, many EFL students are not competent in writing skill and this has impacted on theiracademic promotion. This study consideredWriting Across the Curriculum (WAC),procedural scaffolding and collective scaffolding writing, as an effective strategy for improving students' writing. The researchers' reliance on corpora analysis; as the favored qualitative technique;were to concentrate on correlation between procedural scaffolding and proficiency level of students in producing effective writing academic papers, being followed by the quantitive survey via questionnaire. Through...........
Keywords: Writing skill, Writing across Curriculum (WAC), Scaffolding[1]. Biber, D. (1990). A typology of English Texts. Linguistics, 27; 3-43.
[2]. Blakeslee, A. M. (2007). Writing in the disciplines. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 21(3), 243-247.
[3]. Carter, M. (2007). Ways of knowing, doing and writing in the disciplines. College Composition and Communication, 58(3), 385-418.
[4]. Carter, M., Ferzil, M., &Wiebe, E. N. (2007). Writing to learn by learning to write in the disciplines. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 21(3), 278-302.
[5]. Cheng, W., Chan, M., Chiu, H., Kwok, A., Lam, K.H., Lam, K. M. K., Lim, G., & Wright, R. (2014). Enhancing Students' Professional Competence and Generic Qualities through Writing in English across the Curriculum. Hong Kong: the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.