Version-5 (May-June 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5
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Abstract: En México se produce y reproduce la violencia en escuelas secundarias donde se vulnera la dignidad del adolescente. Por un lado, los profesores desconocen las legislaciones sobre derechos humanos de los adolescentes e ignoran la responsabilidad que tienen de prevenir y promover una educación basada en el respeto a la dignidad personal y por otro, las instituciones educativas representantes del Estado, han fallado en su obligación de garantizar un trato digno, libre de prejuicios y discriminación por cualquier índole. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar sobre el derecho a la educación de los adolescentes de secundaria desde el derecho positivo con miras a señalar la existencia de normas jurídicas tanto regionales como nacionales. Para la construcción del marco jurídico se llevó a cabo el método exegético-jurídico de fuentes legislativas regionales y nacionales.........
Keywords: Adolescente, Derecho a la educación, Derechos humanos, Educación secundaria, México
[1] UNICEF, Estado Mundial de la Infancia de 2011 (Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia, Nueva York, 2011).
[2] Convención de los Derechos del niño
[3] Convención Americana de los Derechos Humanos
[4] Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Relatoría sobre los Derechos de la Niñez Informe sobre el castigo corporal y los derechos humanos de las niñas, niños y adolescentes, (Organización de Estados Americanos, OEA/SER.L/11.135, Doc. 14, 5 de agosto de 2009).
[5] Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Diario Oficial de la Federación, 2017).
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Abstract: This study investigated the extent to which media mix relates to utilization of development information in the rural communities of the South-South zone, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The population comprised all adult male and female rural dwellers from the three out of six states in the zone (Cross River, Akwa Ibom and Rivers States). A sample size of two thousand, twenty six respondents was selected for the study. Questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument which was validated by three experts in relevant fields has two parts. Part A elicited the respondents' bio-data while part B consisted of five items to elicit information to answer the research.........
Keywords: Media mix, development information, South-south, Rural communities.
[1]. Akinleye, L. (2003). Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Communication and Sustainable Development (IKSSD) in Soola, E. O. (Ed). Communicating for Development Purposes. Ibadan: Kraft Books Ltd.
[2]. Alao, J. A. (1975). Characteristics of Farmers Who Utilize Agricultural Innovations in Nigeria, Journal of Rural Economics and Development. 9(1)
[3]. Bogunjoko, I. O. (1980). Relationship of Socio-economic Characteristics of Farmers and Use of Extension Workers and Radio as Sources of Information on Improved Farm Practices in Giwa District of Kaduna State, A Paper Presented at a Seminar on Change in Rural Hausaland. Kano
[4]. Emenyeonu, N. B. (1987). Communication and Utilization of Agricultural Innovations: Qualifications and Notes Towards a Conceptual Model. Africa Media Review, 1, (2).
[5]. Emereowaonu, E. U. (1980). Communication Strategies for Rural Development. A Paper presented at the National Conference on integrated Rural Development and Women in Development, University of Benin, Benin City
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Abstract: This study investigated the extent to which communication source preference relates to utilization of development information in rural communities of South-South, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The population comprises of all the adult males and females in this area. A sample size of two thousand and twenty-six respondents (rural dwellers) was selected through multi-stage sampling technique for the study. Questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument which was validated by two experts in relevant fields has two parts: part A elicited the respondents' bio-data, while part B consisted of five items to elicit information to answer the research hypotheses. The items were structured on a four-point scale. In the study area, the instrument was administered.........
Keywords: Communication, Source preference, Development information, South-South.
[1]. Adams, E. M. (1982). Agricultural Extension in Developing Countries. Intermediate Tropical Agricultural Series. Longman Group Ltd.
[2]. Adeogun, S. O. (2008). Utilisation of Cocoa Rehabilitation Techniques among Cocoa Farmers in Selected States of Nigeria. Ph.D. Thesis of the Department of Adult Education, University of Ibadan.
[3]. Akinbode, A. A., & Clarke R. C. (1968). Factors associated with utilisation three Farm Practices in the Western State of Nigeria Research bulletin, I, University of Ife. P. 2.
[4]. Angba, O. A. & Itari, P. E. (2012). Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Farmers Participation in CD Organisations in Obubra L. G. A. of Cross River State, Nigeria. Canadian Social Science, 8(1), Pp. 54-59.
[5]. Arowojolu, O. (1998). Utilisation of Cassava – Maize Intercrop Recommendation Practices in Irele Local Government Area of Ondo State. B.Sc. Thesis Department of Agricultural Extension Services, University of Ibadan, Ibadan 72p
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Abstract: A simple UV-visible spectroscopic method was developed and Chemo metric designs were applied for the simultaneous estimation of Etophylline (ETO) Theophylline (THEO) in bulk and solid dosage form. The spectroscopic method was developed by using methanol as solvent for the two drugs and the data generated from the spectra were mined by using Chemo metric methods such as bi-linear regression analysis, Cramer's matrix method, Method of least squares, The wavelengths selected for all the above methods were 271 nm (wavelength of maximum absorption; λmax of ETO), 273 nm (wavelength of maximum absorption; λmax of THEO).......
Keywords: uv-visible spectroscopy, Etophylline, Theophylline.
[1]. Chemo metrics and intelligent laboratory systems, Elsevier journal journal, homepage:
[2]. M. Katajamaa, M. Oresic, J. Chromatograph.A 1158 (2007) 318–328.
[3]. Chemo metrics in analytical spectroscopy 2nd edition .m.j.adamas
[4]. Chemo metric technique for the optimization of chromatographic system: Simultaneous.HPLC determination of Rosuvastatin, Telmisartan, Ezetimibe and Atorvastatin used in combined cardiovascular therapy V. Sree Janardhanan, King Saud University, and Arabian Journal of Chemistry.
[5]. David Harvey, Modern analytical chemistry, 1st ed. McGraw-Hill; 2000; p. 5-9.
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the auditory and visual learning styles of adult learners in Adult Literacy Centres in Anambra State. Two research questions guided. The study adopted descriptive survey. The population of this study was 12,315 adult learners in only government owned adult literacy centres of Anambra state. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 1,607 adult learners for the study. A 14 items questionnaire developed by the researcher, titled, (1) Determination of Auditory learning Style of Adult Learners Questionnaire (DALSALQ) (2) Determination of Visual Learning Style of Adult Learner's Questionnaire (DVLSALQ) were used as instruments for data collection........
Keywords: Determination, Auditory, Visual, Styles, Adult Learners, Adult Literacy.
[1]. Bricheno, P. & Yomger, M. (2004). Use of learning styles. Retrieved on 9th August, 2004 from www.standarddfes.govts:Uk/thinking skills/resources.
[2]. Chieke, J. C. (2014). Determination of preferred learning styles of adult learners as ameans of enhancing their academic performance in adult literacy centres in Anambra state. Unpublished thesis Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
[3]. Chieke, J. C. (2015) "Constraints on the effective implementation of adult education programmes and the way forward in Otuocha Educational zone of Anambra state" The International Journal of Educational Research and Development. 5, (10), 59-65.
[4]. Coffield, F., Moseley, D., Hall, E. & Ecclestone, K. (2004). Learning style and pedagogy in post 16 learning; A systematic and critical review. London: learning and skill research centre.
[5]. Dunn, R & Dunn, K. (2003). Epilogue so what? In R. Dunn & S. Griggs (eds). Synthesis of the Dunn and Dunn learning styles model. New York: St. John's University Press
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Abstract: The survey study examined postgraduate student-teachers' use of Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) in the Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology, University of Port-Harcourt. A sample of 111 postgraduate student-teachers was chosen for the study using purposive sampling technique. Two research questions were answered and one hypothesis tested at significance level of 0.05. A 19 items questionnaire titled 'Questionnaire on Postgraduate Student-teachers Use of IWB (QPSUIWB)' served as the instrument that was used in the study.........
Keywords: Digital teaching/learning tools, 21st century classroom, and technological knowledge and skills.
[1] Al-Faki, I. M. & Khamis, A. H. A. (2014). Difficulties facing teachers in using interactive whiteboards in their classes. American International Journal of Social Science, 3 (2), 136.
[2] BBC Active. (2010). What is an interactive whiteboard? Retrieved 4th July, 2015 from
[3] Bennett, S. & Lockyer, L. (2008). A study of teachers' integration of interactive whiteboards into four Australian primary school classrooms. Learning, Media and Technology, 33 (4), 289-300.
[4] Bupphachart, T., Savittree, R. A. & Michael, J. P. (2009). The development of pre-service science teachers' professional knowledge in utilizing ICT to support professional lives. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 5 (2), 91-101.
[5] Ishtaiwa, F. F. & Shana, Z. (2011). The use of interactive whiteboard (IWB) by pre-service teachers to enhance Arabic language teaching and learning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, 8 (2).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emotional Intelligence of School Teachers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.D.Ponmozhi || T.Ezhilbharathy |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0703053942 ![]() |
Abstract: The contemporary inquiry has been commenced in order to study the Emotional Intelligence of school teacher of Cuddalore District in Tamilnadu. The random sampling technique was used to collect 150 samples from area of study. Normative survey method was used. This study is envisioned to find out the levels of Emotional intelligence of teachers and if there is any significant difference between the selected pairs of sub-samples. Emotional Intelligence scale constructed and validated by Hyde, Dhar, & Pethe, (2001) was used to collect the data..........
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, School Teacher, Gender, Age, Locality, Type Of School, Qualification, Major Subject, Class Handled, Designation, Monthly Income, No Of Dependent, No Of Children, Spouse Employment And Spouse Salary.
[1]. Abraham,Y.(2014).Emotional Intelligence, Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement of Professional Course Students, Edutracks, 14(2).
[2]. Anita Menon,&Shweta.(2014).Effect of Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence on Academic Achievement of College Students, Journal of Education & Psychological Research, 4(1).
[3]. Binulal,K.R.(2015).Emotional Intelligence of Student Teacher in Relation to their Social Skills and Teaching Competency, Edutracks, 14(6).
[4]. Jasmine Sheila Burney.&Amalraj.A.(2013).Emotional Intelligence of Teachers Working in Non-Matriculation Schools, Light House, Journal of Education Reflection, 1(1).
[5]. Joshith, V.P. (2012).Emotional Intelligence as a tool for Innovative Teaching, i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(4).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Value of Life Skills in Higher Education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr (Smt) Jyoti S.Kawalekar |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0703054346 ![]() |
Abstract: Higher education is precarious to India‟s aspirations of evolving as a major player in the global knowledge economy. The global competitiveness of Indian industry and also its employment generation potential is clearly dependent on availability of required skills and trained personnel. Higher education should be both affordable and accessible to all. Emphasizes need to be given for greater adaptability in the higher education system so that it continues to provide the needed skills and trained workforce. Improving the skill development of stakeholders in higher education would contribute substantially to placing higher education as the foremost pillar on which our society is built.........
Keywords: Life Skills, Personal skills, academic skills, skill development, Higher Education.
[1]. WHO. (1994). Life Skill Education for Children and Adolescents in Schools. Programme on mental health. Geneva: WHO.
[2]. UNICEF. (2011a). Which Skills are Life Skills. Retrieved July 02, 2012 from
[4]. Indian education
[5]. Shiela Ramakrishnan, (2010), Life skills education in schools, in "Teacher plus- a magazine for the contemporary teache.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reading Method (T}ARI<QAH MUT}A>LA'AH) In Arabic Learning (A Review of Cognitive Learning Theory) |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Mujahid |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0703054752 ![]() |
Abstract: The discourse about reading method in Arabic learning, that is related to cognitive theory, is less in attention. Commonly, the topic about reading method in Arabic learning is discussed in language field and whether the cognitive learning theory is discussed in psychology. Actually, both discourses can be integrated and interconnected. The discussion is based on the assumption that the existence of a science can not stand alone without any supports from another science. Besides, by using integration and interconnection model, the discussion of a science will be more interesting and more valuable.........
Keywords: Reading Method, Arabic Learning, Cognitive Learning Theory
[1]. Sukamto. "Research on Arabic" A Paper conveyed in Arabic Workshop in Faculty of Adab on March 16, 1999)).
[2]. Saidun Fiddaroini. (1995). "Tulisan Bahasa Arab yang Sempurna dan Implikasinya dengan Pengajaran bahasa Arab" Dissertation S3 Post Graduate Program IAIN Sunan Kalijaga.
[3]. Muljanto Sumardi. (1974). Pengajaran Bahasa Asing Sebuah Tinjauan dari Segi Metodologis. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang.
[4]. Tulus Musthofa, "Mencari Format Peningkatan Kualitas Dosen Bahasa Arab melalui Tadrib Asna al-Khidmah" A Paper conveyed in Arabic Teaching Research MethodologyWorkshop in Faculty of Adab IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta on March 23, 1999.
[5]. Aziz Fakhrurrozi & Erta Mahyudin. (2012). Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Jakarta: Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Islam Kementrian Agama RI.
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Abstract: The current study examines how Vietnamese English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, who have been using traditional teaching methods for years, react to a training program of Task-based language teaching (TBLT) in their authentic classrooms. Three teachers and 180 students participated in this study. Data were collected via classroom observations and semi-structured interviews and then analyzed qualitatively afterwards. The results indicate that the teachers could not be able to manipulate TBLT principles and perform their TBLT teaching roles properly. In addition, the semi-structured.........
Keywords: Authentic classroom, implementation, teachers' attitudes, teacher training, Task-based language teaching
[1] Thornbury, S.(1999). How to teach grammar. Harlow: Longman.
[2] Skehan, P. (2003). Task-based instruction. Language teaching, 36 (1), 1-14.
[3] Ellis, R. & Shintani, N. (2014). Exploring Language Pedagogy through Second Language Acquisition Research. London, England: Routledge.
[4] Ellis, R. (2003). Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[5] Wong, H., & Van Patten, B. (2003). The best English: A claim for the superiority of received standard English. Society for Pure English, 39, 603-21.