Version-2 (April-2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Version 6
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Abstract: The relevant of preferential trade agreement between diverse countries of the World can't be overemphasis, been a form of economic integration for equal member countries with non-discriminatory, sincerity to the terms of the agreement with essentiality in economic advancement, growth and poverty reduction between member countries who are involved in the trade. The PTAs examples includes EU, NAFTA ASEAN etc, more so, the trade exploded in the past years as the developed nations creat
[1].,,contentMDK:22956131~pagePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:239071,00.html Preferential Trade Agreement Policies for Development, Maur, J. and Chaufour, J., 2011.
[2]. ABC of PTAs: Frequently Asked Questions Kapil, K., 2009.
[3]. Site Resource World Bank, Mohieldin, M., 2011.
[4]. The Political Economy of the World System the WTO and Beyond. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Kostecki, M. M., and Hoekman, M. B., 2009
[2]. ABC of PTAs: Frequently Asked Questions Kapil, K., 2009.
[3]. Site Resource World Bank, Mohieldin, M., 2011.
[4]. The Political Economy of the World System the WTO and Beyond. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Kostecki, M. M., and Hoekman, M. B., 2009
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the level of online CSR disclosure by banks in Malawi and make a comparative analysis with the level of CSR disclosure in the annual reports. Furthermore, the study examined the influence of the listing status on CSR disclosure. CSR score was used in measuring the level of CSR disclosure and regression analysis in examining the influence of listing status. The results indicated low level of CSR disclosure by the sampled banks in Malawi. Relatively lower level was found for online reporting (0.14) compared to (0.4) for CSR reporting in annual reports, besides,
[1] M Penczar, Corporate Social Responsibility in the national sector of listed companies, in Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility by Banks, Financial Institutions and Listed Companies in Poland, 2003, The Gdansk Institute for Market Economics
[2] N Subramaniam, K. Hodge and J. Ratnatunga, Corporate Responsibility Reports Assurance Trends and the Role of Management Accountants. JAMAR, Vol. 4( 2), 2006, 1-10
[3] F Yeshmin, Visualization of Corporate Social Responsibility Information of Commercial Bank in Bangladesh, World Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2(5), 2012, 114–127
[4] CAMAC, Discussion Paper: Corporate Social Responsibility, 2006$file/ABA_CSR.pdf.
[2] N Subramaniam, K. Hodge and J. Ratnatunga, Corporate Responsibility Reports Assurance Trends and the Role of Management Accountants. JAMAR, Vol. 4( 2), 2006, 1-10
[3] F Yeshmin, Visualization of Corporate Social Responsibility Information of Commercial Bank in Bangladesh, World Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2(5), 2012, 114–127
[4] CAMAC, Discussion Paper: Corporate Social Responsibility, 2006$file/ABA_CSR.pdf.
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Abstract: This study aims to examine and explain the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the ability of management and continuous innovation in SMEs batik in East Java province of Indonesia. The findings of the study noted that Entrepreneurial orientation have a significant effect on the management capability but no significant effect on sustainable innovation.
[1]. Ansoff,I. 1990. The New Corporate Strategy, McGraw- Hill, New York
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[3]. Baum, J. Robert, 2001, A Multi-Dimensional Model of Venture Growth, In Press- Academy of Management Journal.
[4]. Christensen C.M, Raynor M.E, 2003, The Innovator's Solution, Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth, Harvard Business School Publishing Corporations.
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[6]. Dess, Lumpkin and Covin, 1997, Entrepreneurial Strategy Making and Firm Performance: Test of Contingency and Configurational Models, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.18, No.9, pp. 677 – 695
[2]. Barney ,J.B.1997, Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co, New York
[3]. Baum, J. Robert, 2001, A Multi-Dimensional Model of Venture Growth, In Press- Academy of Management Journal.
[4]. Christensen C.M, Raynor M.E, 2003, The Innovator's Solution, Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth, Harvard Business School Publishing Corporations.
[5]. Davenport, T,De Long, D (1999), Succesfull Knwledge Management Projects, The Knowledge Management, Yearbook, 1999 – 2000.
[6]. Dess, Lumpkin and Covin, 1997, Entrepreneurial Strategy Making and Firm Performance: Test of Contingency and Configurational Models, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.18, No.9, pp. 677 – 695
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Abstract: The study set to establish the factors that influence the level of staff involvement in the strategic planning process in public institutions with specific reference to the department of immigration in Kenya. The research has explored literature on strategic planning in both public and private sector. The target population were senior, middle-level management and junior staff at the department of immigration.
[1] Hales, (2000). Management and Empowerment Programs, Work, Employment and Society, Volume 14, Issue 3. 501-519
[2] Heracleous, L. (2000). The Role of Strategy Implementation in Organization Development. Organization Development Journal.Volume 18, Issue 3 75-86
[3] Marchington, Goodman, Wilkinson &Ackers (1992). New Developments in Employee Involvement, Employment Department Research Paper Series, No. 2. London: HMSO.
[4] Noble, C. (1999) Building the strategy implementation network. Business Horizons, Volume 42,Issue 6 19-26
[5] Nutt, P. C. (1987). Identifying and appraising how managers install strategy. Strategic Management Journal volume 8, Issue 1
[6] Poister, T.H. & Streib, G. (1999). Strategic management in the public sector; concepts, models and processes. Public Productivity and Management Review volume 22, Issue22.308-325
[7] Strauss (2006). Worker Participation: Some Under Considered Issues, Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. Volume 45, Issue 4 778-803
[2] Heracleous, L. (2000). The Role of Strategy Implementation in Organization Development. Organization Development Journal.Volume 18, Issue 3 75-86
[3] Marchington, Goodman, Wilkinson &Ackers (1992). New Developments in Employee Involvement, Employment Department Research Paper Series, No. 2. London: HMSO.
[4] Noble, C. (1999) Building the strategy implementation network. Business Horizons, Volume 42,Issue 6 19-26
[5] Nutt, P. C. (1987). Identifying and appraising how managers install strategy. Strategic Management Journal volume 8, Issue 1
[6] Poister, T.H. & Streib, G. (1999). Strategic management in the public sector; concepts, models and processes. Public Productivity and Management Review volume 22, Issue22.308-325
[7] Strauss (2006). Worker Participation: Some Under Considered Issues, Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. Volume 45, Issue 4 778-803
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Abstract: TThe cost of introducing an entirely new brand is often very high, accompanied by risk of failure of new brands in an overcrowded market. These factors encourage firms to resort to brand extensions especially in the FMCG segment, to exploit the existing brand equity of the parent brand. The present research study examines in depth, the perception and behaviour of the consumers of Kolkata towards brand extensions in the FMCG segment. The study also strives to determine the factors that influence the consumers to accept brand extensions in the FMCG segment.
[1] Gamble, T. (1967): "Brand Extension, in Plotting Marketing Strategy", Interpublic Press Books, New York.
[2] Chung, K.M., Anna, M.L., and Margo, S. (2001): "Consumer evaluations of vertical brand extensions and core brands". Journal of Business Research, vol. 52(3), pp 211-222.
[3] Tauber, E. (1988): "Brand Leverage: Strategy for growth in a cost control world". Journal of Advertising Research, Vol.28(4), pp 26-30.
[4] Aaker, David, A., (1991): "Managing Brand Equity: "Capitalizing on the value of a Brand Name"; The Free Press; New York.
[5] Kapferer
[2] Chung, K.M., Anna, M.L., and Margo, S. (2001): "Consumer evaluations of vertical brand extensions and core brands". Journal of Business Research, vol. 52(3), pp 211-222.
[3] Tauber, E. (1988): "Brand Leverage: Strategy for growth in a cost control world". Journal of Advertising Research, Vol.28(4), pp 26-30.
[4] Aaker, David, A., (1991): "Managing Brand Equity: "Capitalizing on the value of a Brand Name"; The Free Press; New York.
[5] Kapferer
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Abstract: The current state of affairs in Kisii County in general as relating to the motivation of tea factory workers makes it necessary to speculate on the extent of achieving the goals of the tea factories. The purpose of this study is to establish the influence of motivation on tea factory employee performance in Kisii County, Kenya. The specific objectives will be to establish the influence of promotions, to examine the influence of reward system and to determine the influence of bonuses on tea factory employee performance in tea factories of Kisii County. The study intends to make use of a conceptual framework to explain the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable.
[1]. Armstrong, M. (2009). A Handbook of Human Resources Management Strategy and Action. Kogan Page Ltd.
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[3]. Armstrong. M. (2008) A Handbook of Human Resources Management Strategy and Action. Kogan Page Ltd.
[4]. Beach, M., (2002). Personal Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
[2]. Armstrong. M. (2006) A Handbook of Human Resources Management Practices 10th edition. Kogan Page Ltd.
[3]. Armstrong. M. (2008) A Handbook of Human Resources Management Strategy and Action. Kogan Page Ltd.
[4]. Beach, M., (2002). Personal Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
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Abstract: Efficiency in recruitment and selection has a positive bearing on service delivery. This study seeks to establish the effect of recruitment strategies of employees on service delivery in local authorities in Nyamira County, Kenya. The objectives of the study are to identify the major recruitment strategies used by the municipal council of Nyamira in employment of employees, to establish the effect of the recruitment strategies of the employees on service delivery to the public in Nyamira Municipality and to determine the challenges facing the Nyamira Municipality in recruitment process of the employees.
[1]. Adam G & Schvanavellett (1995). Understudy Research methods. Longman,Inc Newyork.
[2]. Armstrong M. (2001). Human Resource Management Hand book ( 8th edition) London: Kogan Page Limited.
[3]. Armstrong M. (2008). Human Resource Management Hand book ( 11th edition) London: Kogan Page Limited.
[4]. Bratton, J. and J. Gold (2007). Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice.(4th ed.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
[5]. Bunting, M. (2007) Training and Human Resource Development: A Critical Text, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
[6]. CIPD (2006a). Recruitment, Retention and Turnover Survey.
[2]. Armstrong M. (2001). Human Resource Management Hand book ( 8th edition) London: Kogan Page Limited.
[3]. Armstrong M. (2008). Human Resource Management Hand book ( 11th edition) London: Kogan Page Limited.
[4]. Bratton, J. and J. Gold (2007). Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice.(4th ed.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
[5]. Bunting, M. (2007) Training and Human Resource Development: A Critical Text, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
[6]. CIPD (2006a). Recruitment, Retention and Turnover Survey.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stare Decisis: On the Role of 'Case Law' in the Case Method of Teaching |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shiva Srinivasan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16424752 ![]() |
Abstract: Why should law schoolsbe obsessed with case law when there is nothing that corresponds to this phenomenon in the curriculum of business schools? What, more specifically, are the skills that are developed through the consideration of precedents in case law that are missing in the attempt to teach decision making through cases in business schools? This perspective essay is an attempt to differentiate between the approaches to the case method in use in law schools and business schools in the United States. Insofar as the use of the case method within professional schools in the American Ivy League has become a role model for pedagogy elsewhere,
[1]. Balkin, J. M. and Levinson, S. (2006). Law and the Humanities: An Uneasy Relationship, Faculty Scholarship Series, Paper 233.
[3]. Boorstin, D.J. (1941, 1996). The Methods of Reason, The Mysterious Science of the Law: An Essay on Blackstone's Commentaries (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press), 120-136.
[4]. Brest, P. (1996). The Responsibility of Law Schools: Educating Lawyers as Counselors and Problem Solvers, Law and Contemporary Problems, 58: (3&4),5-17.
[3]. Boorstin, D.J. (1941, 1996). The Methods of Reason, The Mysterious Science of the Law: An Essay on Blackstone's Commentaries (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press), 120-136.
[4]. Brest, P. (1996). The Responsibility of Law Schools: Educating Lawyers as Counselors and Problem Solvers, Law and Contemporary Problems, 58: (3&4),5-17.
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Abstract: Bangladesh fashion history begins with history of garment industrialization in this country. How an agricultural country can be changed to a hub of garment manufacturing buy utilizing its available resources; Bangladesh is the best example for the world. There are many factors, however, which made the land suitable for the manufacturing heaven for readymade garment of the world. This hard working and modern technological industrialization is still its own based on the credit and sacrifice of the millions garment workers of the country. Fashion industry is still a new born baby in Bangladesh but it has great possibilities as we have many resources, govt. policies and demand from home and abroad for the favor of development design in this country.
[1]. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (2006) "Garment Industry" in Banglapedia, Asiatic society of Bangladesh, Retrieved August 7, 2006 from
[2]. Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers And Exporters Association (BGMEA)-Government recognized trade body of the garments factories of Bangladesh, <www. bangladesh garments. Info>accessed during the period 2003-2007
[3]. Bhuiyan , Z.A.(2012),Present Status of Garment Workers of Bangladesh:An analysis,IOSR Journal of Business and Management, ISSN 2278-487X, Vol 3,Issue 5,(Sept-Oct, 2012,pp38-44)
[4]. Bhuiyan, Z.A. (2008): Marketing Prospect of Product Design and Development of Bangladesh, Seminar Paper with Net herein University, Germany.
[2]. Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers And Exporters Association (BGMEA)-Government recognized trade body of the garments factories of Bangladesh, <www. bangladesh garments. Info>accessed during the period 2003-2007
[3]. Bhuiyan , Z.A.(2012),Present Status of Garment Workers of Bangladesh:An analysis,IOSR Journal of Business and Management, ISSN 2278-487X, Vol 3,Issue 5,(Sept-Oct, 2012,pp38-44)
[4]. Bhuiyan, Z.A. (2008): Marketing Prospect of Product Design and Development of Bangladesh, Seminar Paper with Net herein University, Germany.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Real Estate Business in Dhaka City: Growth and Contribution to the Economy of Bangladesh. |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Mohiuddin |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16425860 ![]() |
Abstract: Real estate business is a growing business in Bangladesh. Urbanization is taking place very fast; the real estate business is also becoming more significant business in the last two decades. Dhaka city is one of the most densely populated cities of the World. So population is increasing tremendously but land is fixed. The role of real estate companies is very much important to manage this. As the competition is growing, a company needs to focus on more the unique values that can help a company to survive in the long run. Backward linkage industries are also flourishing for the growth of real estate business.
[[1]. Leo Yaskar Dewri, A Comprehensive Study on the Real Estate Sector of Bangladesh, REHAB, July, 2012.
[2]. R. Afsar, Towards Organising the Urban poor( Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies),1988.
[3]. Asian Development Bank (ADB), Government of Bangladesh (GOB), Study of Urban Poverty in Bangladesh (Dhaka: Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh), 1996.
[4]. Asian Development Bank(ADB),Economic Development Institute (EDI), The Urban Poor and Basic Infrastructure Services in Asia-Pacific, Manila,1991.
[5]. M. Seraj & Dr.Toffiq, Prospects of Private Housing and Future Action, REHAB Week-2007, Westin Hotel, Dhaka, 19 November,2009.
[2]. R. Afsar, Towards Organising the Urban poor( Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies),1988.
[3]. Asian Development Bank (ADB), Government of Bangladesh (GOB), Study of Urban Poverty in Bangladesh (Dhaka: Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh), 1996.
[4]. Asian Development Bank(ADB),Economic Development Institute (EDI), The Urban Poor and Basic Infrastructure Services in Asia-Pacific, Manila,1991.
[5]. M. Seraj & Dr.Toffiq, Prospects of Private Housing and Future Action, REHAB Week-2007, Westin Hotel, Dhaka, 19 November,2009.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Changing Nature of Work-Life Balance in Nigerian Higher Institutions |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Abdulraheem, Issa Ph.D |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16426166 ![]() |
Abstract: The Nigerian higher education is continuously changing in terms of focus and expansion. The changes are therefore putting pressure on the work and expectations of both academic and academic support staff and affecting work life balance. The objective of this paper is to examine some taken for granted assumption of Work Life Balance (WLB) in Nigerian higher education as it affects workers' performance and productivity. Using qualitative method and relying on interview and observation, twenty eight academic staff and twenty two academic supports were interviewed from Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria
[1]. Adeyemi, O. (2001) Moving Nigeria Forward. The Development Planning Approach. Ibadan: Ibadan University Press Publishing House, Nigeria.
[2]. Akpan, P. A. (1987) The spatial aspects of higher education in Nigeria. Higher Education. 16 p. 545-555.
[3]. Atkinson, C. And Hall, I. (2009) The role of gender in varying forms of flexible working. Gender, Work and Organisation. 16 (6) p 650-666
[4]. Babbie, E. (2013) The practice of social research. Australia. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
[5]. Bourke, J., Pajo, K. and Lewis, K. (2010), "Elder care and work-life balance: exploring the
[6]. Burke, R. J. and McAteer, T. (2007) Work hours and work addiction: The price of all work and no play. Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being. 6 p. 239-273
[2]. Akpan, P. A. (1987) The spatial aspects of higher education in Nigeria. Higher Education. 16 p. 545-555.
[3]. Atkinson, C. And Hall, I. (2009) The role of gender in varying forms of flexible working. Gender, Work and Organisation. 16 (6) p 650-666
[4]. Babbie, E. (2013) The practice of social research. Australia. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
[5]. Bourke, J., Pajo, K. and Lewis, K. (2010), "Elder care and work-life balance: exploring the
[6]. Burke, R. J. and McAteer, T. (2007) Work hours and work addiction: The price of all work and no play. Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being. 6 p. 239-273
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Abstract: A retrospective study was done to collect data on the rating of services given by patients related to Nurses, Doctors ,House keeping, Facilities and Food for the whole year of 2012 and year 2013. Feedback forms were given to all patients admitted to KPJ Penang and collection was done upon patient's discharge. Data were later tabulated in term of graphic to compare the rating for year 2012 and 2013. Statistic for inpatients,outpatients, revenue and profit before tax were also collected for year 2012 and year 2013 to see the variance between both years .
[1]. Anderson EW, Sullivan M (1993). The antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction for firms. Mark. Sci., 12(2):125-143
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[6]. Cvent ,Online Solutions for Events & Surveys.Why customer satisfaction matters (online).
[2]. Angelopoulou, P. Kangis, P and Babis, G (1998), Private and Public Medicine, A Comparison of Quality Perceptions,International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance,
[3]. Vol. 11 No. 1 pp.14
[4]. Buzzle. Why is customer satisfaction important (online).
[5]. Clarke, K. (2001). What Price on Loyalty When a Brand Switch is Just a Click Away?,. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 4 (3), 160-168.
[6]. Cvent ,Online Solutions for Events & Surveys.Why customer satisfaction matters (online).
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Abstract: In a University system the Teaching staff makes University excel in all its academic endeavours. The Non-Teaching staff renders their service to implement the plans needed for advancement of a University. The contribution of Non-Teaching staff is also very important in carrying out the activities of the University. The Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction form important aspects of efficient and effective management system. Hence, need is felt to undertake a research study on the work motivation and job satisfaction among the Non-Teaching staff working in Central and State Universities located in Hyderabad (INDIA).
[1]. Du Toit, M.A. (1990). Motivering (Motivation). In J. Kroon (Ed.), Algemene bestuur (General management) (2nd ed.) (pp.83 – 92). Pretoria : HAUM. Farace, R., Monge, P., & Russell, H. (1977). Communicating and organizing. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley
[2]. Huse, E. & Bowditch, J. (1973). Behavior in organizations. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley
[3]. Jensen, J. A. (2006). Support for innovation in schools: Effects of trust, empowerment, and work environment variables. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Iowa, Iowa City.
[4]. Knapp, L. G., Kelly-Reid, J. E., Ginder, S. A., & National Center for Education, S. (2009). Employees in postsecondary institutions, fall 2008, and salaries of fulltime instructional staff, 2008-09. First look. Washington, DC.: National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
[2]. Huse, E. & Bowditch, J. (1973). Behavior in organizations. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley
[3]. Jensen, J. A. (2006). Support for innovation in schools: Effects of trust, empowerment, and work environment variables. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Iowa, Iowa City.
[4]. Knapp, L. G., Kelly-Reid, J. E., Ginder, S. A., & National Center for Education, S. (2009). Employees in postsecondary institutions, fall 2008, and salaries of fulltime instructional staff, 2008-09. First look. Washington, DC.: National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
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Abstract: Supply chain management (SCM) in automotive is the organization of the movement of auto products. It comprises the undertaking and storage of raw materials, work-in-process list, and completed automotive products from idea of foundation to idea of consumption. Interrelated or added webs, networks and node auto businesses are elaborate in the establishment of auto products and services prerequisite by end consumers in a supply chain. Automotive industry is a representation of mechanical genius by human generous. Being one of the wildest mounting segments in the domain its energetic development stages are described by environment of competition, product life cycle and customer request. Global manufacture webs show a significant part in East Asian financial prudence.
[1]. Bartlett,P.A.,Julien,D.M.andBaines,T.S.(2007),―Improvingsupplychainperformancethrough improved visibility‖,InternationalJournalofLogisticsManagement,Vol.18No.2,pp.294-313.
[2]. Reichhart,A.andHolweg,M.(2007),―Dowestillneedsupplierparks?‖,AutomotiveLogistics, March/April, pp.52-8.
[3]. Sandberg, E.(2007),―Logistics collaboration in supply chains :practice vs.theory‖, International Journal of LogisticsManagement,Vol.18No.2,pp.274-93.
[4]. Kurylko,D.T.(2007),―Audi adopts modular architecture to share parts‖,Automotive News, Vol.81No.6255,p.46.
[5]. Erevelles,S.andStevenson,T.H.(2006),―Enhancingthebusiness-to-businesssupplychain:insightsfrompartitioningthesupply-side‖,IndustrialMarketingManagement,Vol.35 No.4,pp.481-92.
[2]. Reichhart,A.andHolweg,M.(2007),―Dowestillneedsupplierparks?‖,AutomotiveLogistics, March/April, pp.52-8.
[3]. Sandberg, E.(2007),―Logistics collaboration in supply chains :practice vs.theory‖, International Journal of LogisticsManagement,Vol.18No.2,pp.274-93.
[4]. Kurylko,D.T.(2007),―Audi adopts modular architecture to share parts‖,Automotive News, Vol.81No.6255,p.46.
[5]. Erevelles,S.andStevenson,T.H.(2006),―Enhancingthebusiness-to-businesssupplychain:insightsfrompartitioningthesupply-side‖,IndustrialMarketingManagement,Vol.35 No.4,pp.481-92.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resource Accounting: a frame work for better Financial Accounting and Reporting |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. A. Lakshmana Rao |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16428690 ![]() |
Abstract: Accounting is crossing its boarders since the inception of single and double entry system. The accounting concepts and conventions made a stronger contribution to the field of accounting. However, the conservatism and other principles and concepts of accounting limited the usage and treatment of human resources in right dimension. There were earlier researches with respect to human resources valuation and treatment both from investment and cost perspective.
[1]. American Accounting Association Committee of Accounting for Human Resources, ―Report of the Committee on Human Resource Accounting,‖ The Accounting Review Supplement to Vol.XLVIII, 1973
[2]. B.Lev and A.Schwartz, ―On the use of the Economic Concept of Human Capital Financial Statements,‖ The Accounting Review (January 1971): 103-12
[3]. Charles R.Greer, ―Strategic Human Resource Management: A General Managerial Approach‖ Second Edition, Pearson, pp.21-50, 2012
[4]. J.S.Hekimian and C.Jones, ―Put People on Your Balance Sheet,‖ Harvard Business Review 43 no.2, (1967): 105-113
[5]. Lawler, Edward E.III. The Ultimate Advantage: Creating the High Involvement Organization. SanFranciso: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1992, p.21
[6]. M.Scot Myers and Vincent S.Flowers, ―A Framework for Measuring Human Assets,‖ California Management Review, 16, no.4, (Summer, 1974)
[2]. B.Lev and A.Schwartz, ―On the use of the Economic Concept of Human Capital Financial Statements,‖ The Accounting Review (January 1971): 103-12
[3]. Charles R.Greer, ―Strategic Human Resource Management: A General Managerial Approach‖ Second Edition, Pearson, pp.21-50, 2012
[4]. J.S.Hekimian and C.Jones, ―Put People on Your Balance Sheet,‖ Harvard Business Review 43 no.2, (1967): 105-113
[5]. Lawler, Edward E.III. The Ultimate Advantage: Creating the High Involvement Organization. SanFranciso: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1992, p.21
[6]. M.Scot Myers and Vincent S.Flowers, ―A Framework for Measuring Human Assets,‖ California Management Review, 16, no.4, (Summer, 1974)
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Abstract: Expansion of public universities through satellite campuses has burgeoned nationwide in Kenya. The
promise of increased financial returns as a result of the subsequent increase in fee-paying students has proved
irresistible to universities. However, the growth of these programs is carried out against a backdrop of few
qualified teaching personnel, thereby increasing the lecturer-to-students ratio tremendously,
[1]. Anderson, E. & Mittal, V. W. (2000) Strengthening the satisfaction-profit chain. Journal of Service Research, 3(2): pp. 107-120.
[2]. Bitner, M.J., B.H. Booms and L.A. Mohr. 1994. Critical service encounters: The employee's viewpoint. Journal of Marketing 58: 95-106.
[3]. Buzzel, R.D. & Gale, B. T. (1987). The PIMS Principles: Linking Strategy to Performance. New York: The Free Press.
[4]. Coldwell, J., (2001): Characteristics of a Good Customer Satisfaction Survey. In J. NSheth, A. Parvatiyar & G. Shainesh, eds., Customer Relationship Management, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2001, pp. 193- 199.
[5]. Chepchieng, M.C.(2008) University students' perception of selected institutional factors influencing their attitudes toward campus environment: A comparative study of public and private universities in Kenya; ARC, Division of Research and Extension
[6]. Chacha, N. C.,(2004) Reforming Higher Education in Kenya: Challenges, Lessons and Opportunities; Inter-University Council for East Africa, Naivasha, Kenya
[2]. Bitner, M.J., B.H. Booms and L.A. Mohr. 1994. Critical service encounters: The employee's viewpoint. Journal of Marketing 58: 95-106.
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