Version-2 (July-2017)
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Abstract: This research aims to develop the value chain model of cocoa oil industry in the cocoa commodity node of North Kolaka Regency of Southeast Sulawesi Province in order to increase the value added of the business sustainably. This research was conducted at 4 (four) districts in the cocoa commodity node in North Kolaka Regency, i.e.; Pakue subdistrict, Pakue Tengah subdistrict, Pakue Utara subdistrict, and Batu Putih subdistrict, where in each of the districts assigned a sample of 25 respondents using purposive sampling technique, therefore the total respondents were 100 respondents. The analysis used is Activity Based Costing (ABC) and Focus Group Discussion..........
Keywords: Development Model, Value Chain, Value Added, Activity Based Costing, Hayami Method
[1] Akyol DE, Tuncel G, dan Bayhan GM. 2005. A Comparative Analisys of Activity Based Costing and Traditional Costing. Izmir; World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology.
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[3] Hansen, and Mowen. 2000: Cost Management; Accounting and Control. Salemba Empat. Jakarta.
[4] Jantje G. K, and Bachtiar. (2010). Implementation of Value Chain Analysis in the Framework of Acceleration of Agricultural Sector Development in North Sulawesi. Regional Seminar on Innovation of Agricultural Technology of North Sulawesi Province. Manado.
[5] Porter, M. E . (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior. New York: The Free Press..
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Abstract: This study examined the causes and effects of cost overruns in public building construction project delivery in Imo State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined the profile characteristics of the building construction project workers, examined also the nature of cost overruns in building projects execution in Nigeria, identified the main causes of cost overruns on building construction projects in Nigeria, ascertained the effects of cost overruns on building construction industry and on the economy of Nigeria, in general and determined the factors that can prevent cost overruns in public building construction projects in Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used to select a sample of 100 building construction project workers...........
Keywords: Cost overrun, public building, construction project, effect of, cost overrun, project management
[1] Ahuja, FL, Dozzi, S. & AbouRizk, S. (2009): Project Management Techniques in Planning and Controlling Construction Projects. 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York.
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[5] Avots, I. (1983): "Cost-Relevance Analysis for Overrun Control" International Journal of Project Management, Vol.1 No.3, 142-148
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Abstract: In recent years, women-owned businesses have experienced rapid growth in certain industries of the world including Bangladesh. Entrepreneurship is an economic activity which is undertaken by an individual or group of individuals. Women are a part of the nation's manpower. This manpower of Bangladesh has already shown its immense potential in different socio-economic sectors. The purpose of the study is to investigate the available support services & factors those affect the profit earned by female entrepreneurs. In this study, data were collected from different areas in Sylhet City of Bangladesh and used the Pearson's correlation since the questionnaires were employed to collect primary data from the field...........
Keywords: Manpower, Weak Social Status. Women-Entrepreneurship.
[1] Saxena. A., The rise of women entrepreneurship, 2016 available at
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[3] Begum, R. Entrepreneurship in Small-scale Industry: A Case Study of Engineering Units", Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, 14, 1993, 159-162.
[4] Ahmed,. M. U., The Economics of Small-Scale Industries Revisite, 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[5] Choudhury, M.A., Hossain, S. M., & Solaiman, M, A well-being model of small-scale microenterprise development to alleviate poverty: A case study of Bangladesh village. International Journal of Sociology & Social Policy, 28, 2008, (11/12), 485-501.
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Abstract: Every day, organization across the globe purchase new software/ digital platform that promises more speed, improved performance, increased output, cost savings and general betterness. For CIO's and CXO's these new technologies/software are introduced with great expectations that often go unfulfilled. That's because 75%*of new platform/software implementations fail and the biggest reason is employees simply don't understands its benefits & usage and results in low adoption.This study is confined to employees adoption on new software related to product lifecycle management (product conceptualization, design, develop and go to market for mass production and distributions)...........
Keywords: Adoption readiness, software rollout,digital platform, Human aspects of change, contextual, organization change management, VUCA
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[4] Bogozzi, R. P. (2007). The Lagacy of the Technology Acceptance Model and a Proposal for a Paradigm Shift. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 8(4), 244–254
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Abstract: This study examines workforce diversity and organizational survival hospitals in Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria. The aim of this study is to exploit the relationship between Workforce Diversity and Organizational Survival of Private hospitals in Port Harcourt. The cross-sectional survey of quasi-experimental design was adopted for this study. Spearman's Rank order correlation coefficient was used to analyze the three null hypotheses at 0.0 5% level of significance. The study shows that a significant relationship that exist among dimensions and measures of the predictor variables and the criterion variables respectively, It also revealed that organizational structure as a moderating variable had significant effect on the relationships that exist between the predictor and criterion variable...........
Keywords: Workforce diversity, Organizational Survival, Adaptability, Dynamic Capability, Deep Level Diversity, Organizational Structure
[1]. Adams, J. S. (1965). Inequality in social exchange.Advances in Experimental Social Psychology,62, 335-343.
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Abstract: This study attempts to explain how Lean Sigma method implemented in a construction company Readymix in East Java. Data was obtained from a sample of five companies Readymixyang awarded for major industrial and financial resources derived from FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). There are two findings. First, the approach using Lean Sigma can be applied to the operation management based enterprise project Readyinix so it can be used as a reference to improve the performance of the organization and the second factor of the machine age and men to become the most dominant factor than other factors in the results of this study, where these factors are caused by not the machine age and the competence of human resources in the company
Keywords: Operations Management. Quality Management, Lean Sigma, FMEA
[1]. Ahyari, Agtis. 2010, Production Management and Production System Planning, 4th Edition, BPFE, Yogyakarta
[2]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Procedure Research: A Practical Approach. Revised edition, 2010. Jakarta: Rineka Reserved.
[3]. Assauri, Sofyan, 2011, Production and Operations Management, Revised Edition, Publisher Institute of the University of Indonesia, Jakarta
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mobile Banking: A Strategic Approach to Promote Financial Inclusion for Women Entrepreneurs? |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Ragui, M. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1907024854 ![]() |
Abstract: Financial inclusion denotes provision of inexpensive financial services like savings, loans, access to payments and remittance facilities, and insurance services by the already recognized system to those who are likely to be excluded. Compared to the UK's 6% and Ghana's 12%, Kenya's financial exclusion of 23% is far adrift and a springboard towards establishing barriers to acceptable inclusion standards. This gap informed this study, which was intended to examine the strategic approaches adopted by the Kenyan commercial banks in promoting financial inclusion of women entrepreneurs. This paper however concentrates on mobile banking as one of the strategic approach used by the banks.........
Keywords: Commercial Banks, Financial Inclusion, M-Banking, SMEs, Women Entrepreneurs.
[1]. Arnold, S., Beck, T. & Ellis, K. (2011), Financial Inclusion in Kenya: Survey Results and Analysis from FinAccess 2009
[2]. Beck, T., Cull, R., Fuchs, M., Getenga, J., Gatere, P., Randa, J. & Trandafir, M. (2010), Banking Sector Stability, Efficiency, and Outreach in Kenya', Washington DC: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5442.
[3]. CBK Annual Report (2014), Nairobi.
[4]. Central Bank of Kenya, (2014). Guidelines on Agent Banking, Banking Journal: CBK/15, pp 27-37.
[5]. Chaia, A., Aparna D., Tony G., Maria G., Jonathan M. & Robert S. (2010), Half the World is Unbanked. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5028
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Abstract: Extant literature allude that IPOs are have positive return in the short run, but long run performance is depressed. Consequently, IPO shares are sold at discount in the primary market. Furthermore, literature reveal that the book building and the fixed methods of establishing the offer price are imprecise. In spite of the weaknesses in the determination of the offer price, price earnings ratio is applied, together with earning per share, .as an estimator of the offer price. The empirical review of the Kenyan case reveals that earnings per share has a positive relationship with offer price, though it was statistically insignificant. The study conclude that earnings per share has no predictive power to estimate the offer price.
Keywords: Book building, earnings per share, offer price, price earnings ratio, pricing of Initial Public offerings,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Strategy Evaluation for accelerating the solar marketing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Gurubheemachar.B || Kailash Krishna Prasad.B |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1907026062 ![]() |
Abstract: It is inevitable that, in the forth coming days, the usage of solar energy based products and utilities will be gradually stepped up. So far as global marketing strategies are concerned, solar marketing has got huge potential to survive and excel in this highly competitive market environment. In order to mitigate the present day energy demand, it is of utmost important to depend upon the abundantly available nonconventional energy source like solar energy. Solar energy based Technology is termed to be as a clean technology. Creating awareness among the people on harvesting of solar energy will help in mitigating the needs of energy crisis to a considerable extent............
Keywords: Benchmarking, Clean Technology, Competitive market, Economic Stature and Solar marketing
[1] Somasekhar.G, Bharathi.G and GirijaEureka.M, Marketing Methodology of Solar PV packs, IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), pp: 38-43.
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[3] Raja Peter, B. Ramaseshan, C.V. Nayar, Conceptual model for marketing solar based technology to developing countries, Renewable Energy, Elsevier Science - 25, pp: 511-524, 2002.
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Abstract: Purpose: This study evaluates the impact of human resource training and development of Nigerian Federal Medical Centres (FMCs) to determine if the investment objective is yielding the desired results. Design/methodology/approach: The paper employs regression analysis to ascertain the statistical significance of the investment costs of human resource development on patients' admission time, discharges and deaths, as surrogates for staff productivity. Findings: The study found that staff development and training costs of the Nigerian FMCs is not statistically significant to the identified clinical performance parameters............
Keywords:Human resource development, clinical productivity, Federal Medical Centres, Nigeria
[1]. Bartel, Ann P. (1989), "Formal employee training programs and their impact on labor productivity: Evidence from a human resources survey", National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper #3026.
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[3]. Bone, R. C.; McElwee, N. E.; Eubanks, D. H. and Gluck, E.H. (1993), "Analysis of indications for early discharge from the intensive care unit. clinical efficacy assessment project: american college of physicians", CHEST, Vol. 104 No. 6, pp. 1812-1817.
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[5]. Goetzel, Ron Z.; Guindon, Arlene M.; Jeffrey Turshen, I.; and Ozminkowski, Ronald J. (2001), "Health and productivity management: establishing key performance measures, benchmarks, and best practices", Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Vol. 43 No. 1, pp 10-17.
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Abstract: The challenges associated with youth employment and participation in economic development has been a key concern world over, especially in developing economies. The youths in Kenya are specifically looked at because of the pivotal role that they play in the Kenyan economy and the emphasis the government has put on youth empowerment programs to enable them to improve their financial welfare and participate in economic development as a way of achieving the tenets of Vision 2030. The government through the youth enterprise fund has invested heavily in providing seed capital for youth willing to start their own businesses. The Nairobi securities exchange provides lucrative investment opportunities following the revolutionalization that has taken place in the market. However,............
[1] Al-Tamimi, H. (2005). Factors Influencing Individual Investor Behavior: An empirical study UAE Financial Markets. Athens: Aryan Hellas Limited.
[2] CMA (2015) More youths investing at the NSE. Nairobi: Capital Markets Authority
[3] Kadariya. S, (2012) Factors Affecting Investors Decision Making: A case of Nepalese capital market, Journal of research in economic and international Finance (JREIF), 1 (1), 16-30.
[4] Nagy, J and Obenberger, A. (2004).Factors Influencing Investor Behavior. Financial Analysts Journal, 50, 235 – 247.
[5] NSE (2015) Nairobi Securities Exchange Awards the Winners of the 2015 NSE Investment Challenge. Nairobi: Nairobi Securities Exchange.
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Abstract: This study explore the mediating effect of service quality on the relationship between employee empowerment and customer satisfaction in hotel industry. To achieve this objective, questionnaire was used to collect data from 106 each of front office staff and customers of selected hotels in Benin City, Nigeria. Multiple regression analysis method was used for the analysis of the data collected. Result shows that service quality has indirect effect on the relationship between employee's empowerment and customer satisfaction in hotel industry in Benin City. This implies that employee's empowerment did not ordinarily translate to customer satisfaction in Hotel industry without offering of quality service...........
Keywords: Employee empowerment, Customer's satisfaction, Structural empowerment, and Psychological empowerment.
[1] Ahmed, H., & Rafiq, H . (2003). Marketing Principles and Perspectives (3rd ed.) . New York: Mc Graw Hill.
[2] Andreassen, T. W. (2000). Antecedents to Satisfaction with Service Recovery. European Jounrnal of Marketing, 34 , (1), 156-175.
[3] Aziri, B. (2011). Job Satisfaction: A Literature Review. Management Research and Practice , 3, (4), 77.
[4] Baron, R. M., and Kenny, D. A. (1986). The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychology Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, (6), 1173.
[5] Bello, Y. O. (2012). Hospitality Economics (A Simplified Approach) in the Nigerian Hospitality Industry (2nd Ed.). Ondo: Grace Excellent Publishers..
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Abstract: The application of innovative teaching and learning methods is critical if we are to motivate and engender a spirit of learning as well as enthusiasm on the part of students, for learning while at universities and indeed for lifelong learning. The role of education is to ensure that while academic staffs do teach, what is taught should also be intelligible to students emanating from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and that they rapidly become familiar with the expected standardst............
Keywords: Innovative Teaching and Learning, Short-Lectures, Role-Play, Simulation, Portfolios, Problem-Based Learning.
[1] Hamilton, A. (2010). Innovative teaching strategies for student-centered learning: Utilizing Honey & Mumford's Learning Styles.
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[4] Sheppard, L. (2000). The role of assessment in a learning culture. Educational Researcher, 29(7), 4- 14. © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Effects of Innovative Teaching Strategies on Students'performance
[5] Steven, M. & Jennifer, K. (2004). Integrating Scientifically Based and Design Experiment Research
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Financial Analysis of Maruthi Suzuki India Limited Company |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.A.Ramya || Dr.S.Kavitha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-19070293101 ![]() |
Abstract: Financial performance analysis is the process of determining the operation and financial characteristics of a firm from accounting and financial statements. The goal of such an analysis is to determine the efficiency and performance of the firm's management, as reflected in the financial records and reports .The study focus on overall financial position of particular Maruthi Suzuki company during the specific period based on the selected variables, which may interest not only for the respective companies in the industry but also brings a process of development operational aspects of...........
[1] Agarwal, M.P., Analysis of Financial Statements, National Publishing House, New Delhi, 1981, p.5.
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Abstract: Portfolio Management has been an integral part for any investor. Each Investor, whether small or big is trying to maximize his/ her returns by making a diversified investment. To diversify the investment the risk and return trade off of each investment avenue has to be studied. Therefore the study of portfolio management and risk and return is very important of an investor. Now days there are professional investment advisors who study the risk and return portfolio of each investor and design the most well suited portfolio from him/ her. Banks also provide professional investment advice. This has opened up a huge market for the advisors and has become very competitive.
Keywords: Organizational Effectiveness and Organizational Performance, Risk and Return Analysis, Portfolio Management.
[1] Bodie, Kane, Marcus and Mohanty, "Investments", 8th Edition., Tata McGraw Hill Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009
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[3] Ackermann, C., R. McNally and D. Ravenscraft, "The performance of hedge funds:Risk, return and incentives", Journal of Finance", Vol No. 54(3), June 1999
[4] Sortino, Frank. A and Lee N. Price, "Performance measurement in a downside risk framework", "Journal of Investing" Vol. 3(3), Fall 1994.
[5] Stutzer, M, "A portfolio performance index", "Financial Analysts Journal", Vol. 56(3), May-June 2000..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pricing Determinants of selected Fixed Price IPOs issued in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Harmohan Singh Dhall || Dr. Sukhdev Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1907026062 ![]() |
Abstract: It is inevitable that, in the forth coming days, the usage of solar energy based products and utilities will be gradually stepped up. So far as global marketing strategies are concerned, solar marketing has got huge potential to survive and excel in this highly competitive market environment. In order to mitigate the present day energy demand, it is of utmost important to depend upon the abundantly available nonconventional energy source like solar energy. Solar energy based Technology is termed to be as a clean technology. Creating awareness among the people on harvesting of solar energy will help in mitigating the needs of energy crisis to a considerable extent............
Keywords: Benchmarking, Clean Technology, Competitive market, Economic Stature and Solar marketing
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