Version-1 (October-2018)
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Abstract: The organizational approach on salary increase has been a tool that triggers better employee performance in any given manufacturing organization that operates in a dynamic and competitive environment. The study examined the extent to which salary increase as independent variable (x) influences employee productivity in cement manufacturing firms in South-South, Nigeria. A study adopted survey design and questionnaire were distributed. A sample size of 310 was determined from a population of 1,381 staff, using Taro Yamane sample size determination formula. The questionnaires collated were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. Findings revealed that salary increase has significant relationship with employee productivity in cement manufacturing firms in South-South, Nigeria............
Key words: Salary increase, employee productivity, employee motivation
[1]. Abosede, A. J. & Adekunle, O. A. (2012). Reward system as a predictor of workers job performance: A case of health workers in Lagos State, Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Behaviour Sciences, 2(1), 7-17.
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Abstract: The role that innovation can play towards the growth and survivalof an enterprise continues to gain credence as better indicators of enterprise innovativeness come to the fore. In spite of this growing body of knowledge, micro and small enterprises in Kenyacontinue to experience high mortality rate. This paper used World BankEnterprise Survey data for Kenya to probe whether innovative micro and small enterprisesare indeed associated with better growth performance. The study used a qualitative analysis using a descriptive analysis and t-test for mean differences to compare innovative and non-innovative micro and small enterprises. The results show that there was no statistically significant relationship between a micro and small enterprise's growth performance and its innovativeness............
Keywords: Micro and Small Enterprises; Innovativeness; Growth Performance
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Abstract: It is already an established fact that Nigeria is blessed with human and material resources. While this is true, obvious challenges exist that questions her ability to manage these two set of resources. For instance, widespread unemployment and poverty suggest clearly that the country's human resource is largely underutilized. This paper examined the issue of how human resource can be managed through the use of a flexible work arrangementpolicy that enables numerical and temporal variability in Nigeria's work environment.To achieve this aim, the paper adopts the content analysis approach for data gathering and by extension the qualitative technique for data analysis.Hence, the Marxist political economy theory was adopted as a theoretical framework to further strengthen the analysis in this paper............
Keywords: Human resource, flexible work policy, numerical and temporal variability, unemployment
[1]. S.Fajana, T. Elegbedeand M. Gbajumo-Sheriff, Human resource management practices in Nigeria,Journal of Management and Strategy, 2(2), 2011, 57-62.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Generalized Polya-Aeppli Process and Its Applications in Risk Modelling and Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shalitha Jacob || K.K.Jose |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010012435 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new compound Poisson process with truncated negative binomial compounding distribution, which we will call as the Generalized Polya-Aeppli Process. We derived expressions for its probability mass function (p.m.f) and discuss several properties. We develop a new risk model with the Generalized Polya-Aeppli process as the counting process. Also, we derived the joint distribution of the time to ruin and deficit at the time of ruin. The differential equation of the ruin probability is given. As an example, we consider the case where the claim size follows the exponential distribution. We derive distributions of aggregate claims and gain (loss) from the Generalized Polya-Aeppli risk model and compute the stop loss premium.
Keywords: Generalized Polya-Aeppli distribution, Ruin probability, aggregate claims distribution, stop loss moment.
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Abstract: India is emerging as the next big investment destination, courtesy its high savings and investment rate, as compared to other Asian economies. In present changing market environment, mutual funds are seen as a transparent and low cost investment option which attracts investorsand help in the growth of the industry. Normally, The Private Sector Mutual Funds have recorded much better performance as compared to the Public sector Mutual Funds mainly due to better Funds allocation, better Management and efficient performance of Portfolio Manager. Thus, this study is an effort to analyze and compare the performance of Growth and Balanced Mutual Funds of one Private Sector Mutual Fund i.e. HDFC Mutual Fund and one Public Sector Mutual Fund i.e. SBI Mutual Fund.
[1]. Ms. Dhanalakshmi K – "A Comparative Analysis On Performance Of SBI And HDFC Equity, Balanced And Gilt Mutual Fund" - Vidyaniketan Journal of Management and Research, Volume 1, Issue 2, July-December 2013
[2]. Babasab Patil- "A Project Report On The Analysis And Comparative Study Of SBI and HDFC Mutual Fund."
[3]. Mrinal Manish – " Comparative Analysis of Mutual Funds with special reference to SBI Mutual Funds "
[4]. Dr. Vinay Kandpal ,Prof. P. C. Kavidayal – "A Comparative Study of Selected Public & Private Sector Equity Diversified Mutual Fund Schemes in India" - IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 16, Issue 1. Ver. V (Feb. 2014), PP 92-101
[5]. Dr. Rajesh Manikraoji Naik, M R Senapathy- "A Comparative Study On The Performance Of Mutual Funds Sbi Mutual Funds V/S Others" -International Journal Of Advance Research In Science And Engineering, Vol. No.2, Issue No.10, October 2013
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Prospective Study of Internal Transfer Delays In A Private Hospital Of North India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Samragi Madan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010014451 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of the study was to document the intra-hospital patient transfer process and to observe the delays in the process at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon, India. The study of intra-hospital patient transfer analyses the process, time and personnel in the transfer procedure. This prospective Study was conducted in Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon, India. Patients were included from the ward . A total of Total 211 transfers were tracked which included IPD patient transfers to Radiology Department, IPD transfers from Wards to OT, Daycare patient transfers from Wards to OT and Patient transfers from ICU to Wards. In the Transfer of IPD patients from Wards to Radiology Department, 4.10% transfers delayed were there due to Lack of communication between nurses of different shifts..........
Keywords: Daycare, delays, Internal transfer, IPD patients, wards.
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Abstract: This research explored the relationship between determinants of internal performance and stock returns among listed commercial banks in Kenya. Guided by Signaling Theory, correlational research design was used, targeting eleven listed commercial banks in Kenya. Secondary data covering a ten-year time span Financial Year 2006/2007 to Financial Year 2015/2016 was collected from annual financial reports which were acquired from the Nairobi Securities Exchange, listed commercial banks and the Central Bank of Kenya databases. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized as a part of analyzing the collected data. The discoveries of the correlations and the regression analysis uncovered that the capital adequacy had a negative correlation for dividend yield.............
Keywords: Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management Efficiency, Earnings Quality, Liquidity, Stock Returns, Listed Commercial Banks, Kenya
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bitcoin – The Internet of Money |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shifa P Sherif |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010016164 ![]() |
Abstract: For the last one year bitcoin is the newsmaker other than personals. Bitcoin is otherwise known as digital currency or crypto currency or virtual currency.Being internal currency, bitcoins cannot be admitted.Almost all the government and central banks denied deposits through bitcoins. Eventhen the depositors are increasing day by day.Even in India, one half crores of depositors in this field. Above five thousand applicants will be there in exchanges to open new accounts. According to income tax department, there are about two thousand crores of rupees were transacted through Indian exchanges in a month.Simply speaking, bit coins are currencies using only in online transactions. That is why they are called digital currencies. Bit coins are originated using cryptography in computer network..........
Keywords: Bitcoin, crypto currency, ethereum
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Abstract: The success of businesses that wants to have a competitive edge around the ever-changing business environment is concerned with the productivity of their employees, who are the most important resources. Satisfaction from work and the work environment will bring the employees gratification. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between job satisfaction and individual performance that was reached out to managers and employees who are in different sectors in the textile industry. Out of 121 questionnaires only 110 were accepted for analysis. In the first part of the three-part questionnaire, the demographic characteristics of the participants were determined, then in the second part, the "Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale" was used to measure job satisfaction perceptions and in the third part.........
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Performance, Individual Performance
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