Version-2 (October-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Challenge of Good Governance in India Need for Innovative Approaches |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr.AshishAgrawal || Dr. R.K. Kushwaha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010020102 ![]() |
Abstract: E-governance has been perceived as a fundamental power for transformational change in quality, proficiency and adequacy of governance. About all legislatures of the world are presently moving from the customary method for taking care of authoritative errands to E-governance applications to meet the desires of the developing populaces. The significance of E-governance has been perceived and connected at the most abnormal amount in the nation. The governance offices are presently offering data and exchanges benefits through their sites on the web. Along these lines these sites will be the essential touch focuses for the residents. In spite of the fact that arrangements of...........
[1] D. Bandyopadhyay. Governance, Decentralisation and Good Governance.Economic and Political Weekly.1996, Vol.31, No.48 (Nov)
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[3] Sarah Joseph. Democratic Good Governance: New Agenda for Change. Economic and Political Weekly.2001, Vol.36, No.12 (March 24-30)
[4] C.S.R. Prabhu. E-governance: Concepts and Case Studies. Prentice-Hall of India, 2005.
[5] Ngaire Woods. Good Governance in International Organizations .Global Governance. 1999, Vol.5, No.1 (Jan-March).
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Abstract: If a company does not have the right marketing strategy for its products, it will lose its customers. Therefore, a study is needed on the analysis of the marketing mix, purchasing decisions, and customer loyalty. The study used 250 consumers of Toyota Yaris cars in Jakarta as randomly selected respondents. Data collection used a questionnaire containing closed-end statements using a Likert scale of 1 - 5. Data were analyzed by SEM analysis, Lisrel program. The results of the study found that products, prices, and places have a partial effect on purchasing decisions and consumer...........
Keywords: Marketing Mix, Purchasing Decision, Loyalty
[1]. Abdul Manap. 2016. Revolusi Manajemen Pemasaran. Jakarta: Mitra Wacana Media.
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[3]. Fandy Tjiptono, Gregorius Chandra, dan Dadi Adriana. 2008. Pemasaran Strategik. Yogyakarta: Andi.
[4]. Indriyo Gitosudarmo. 2014. Manajemen Pemasaran. Yogyakarta: BPFE.
[5]. Nana Herdiana Abdurrahman. 2015. Manajemen Strategi Pemasaran. Bandung: Pustaka Setia..
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Abstract: This paper was a literature review of the concept of industrial fatigue. The paper described industrial fatigue as a normal physiological reaction to exertion, lack of sleep, boredom, changes to sleep-wake schedules, or stress; and as weariness, tiredness, exhaustion, or lethargy, which is generally linked to a feeling of lack of energy. Symptoms associated with fatigue were reported as including increased anxiety, decreased short term memory, slowed reaction time, decreased work efficiency, reduced motivational drive, decreased vigilance, increased variability in work performance, increased errors of omission and commission. Its causes were also found to include overtime work, sudden...........
Keywords: Industrial, Fatigue, Workman, Enemy, Great.
[1]. Akerstedt, T., Knutsson, A., Westerholm, P., Theorell, T., Alfredsson, L., & Kecklund, G. (2004). Mental fatigue, work and sleep. Journal of Psychosomatic Research; 57:427-433.
[2]. Akerstedt, T. & Wright, K.P., (2009). ―Sleep loss and fatigue in shift work and shift work disorder,‖ Sleep Medicine Clinics, 4, (2), 257-271
[3]. Bakshi, R. (2003). Fatigue associated with multiple sclerosis: Diagnosis, impact and management. Multiple Sclerosis, 2003(9), 219-227.
[4]. Connor, J.,Whitlock, G.,Norton, R., & Jackson, R., (2001). ―The role of driver sleepiness in car crashes: A systematic review of epidemiologi-cal studies,‖ Accident Analysis & Prevention, 33, (1), 31-41
[5]. Costa, G., (2003). ―Shift work and occupational medicine: An overview,‖ Occupational Medicine, 53, 83-88..
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Abstract: In Kenya store brands are gaining popularity with supermarket chains now packaging and branding their own products more aggressively as competition forces firms to come up with more innovative ways to lock in consumers and increase earnings. To achieve competitive advantage therefore firms will have to ensure that consumers' perception of their stores image and price are favourable since these factors will likely have an effect on brand equity of the store. Studies conducted so far have been in other contexts. Investigated in this study is the effect of store image and price on brand equity in the Kenyan supermarket industry. The association between store image and price with brand loyalty, perceived brand quality and brand awareness/association is examined. The study adopted...........
Keywords: Store brand awareness, Store brand equity, Store brand image, Store brand loyalty, Store brand perceived quality.
[1]. Aaker, D. A.: 1991, Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name (The Free Press, New York).
[2]. Aaker, D.A., & Keller, K.L. (1990). "Consumer evaluation of brand extentions". Journal of Marketing, 54 (1), 27 – 42.
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[4]. Balaji C. K., & Michael D. H., (2001) "Brand equity: is it more important in services?", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 15 (5), 328 – 342.
[5]. Baltas, G. (2003). A combined segmentation and demand model for store brands. European Journal of Marketing, 37 (10), 1499 – 1513.
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Abstract: :In this paper, we discussed about the new alternate interval linear assignment problem. Now change the interval length for two cases (i.e.,) equal length, n, n+1, n+2… Different length of the interval cost matrix. We conclude that the same optimal assignment and mid value.
Keywords : Assignment Problem, alternate interval linear assignment problem,Interval, M.Sc.Code : 90B80
[1]. Mansi, S.G. (2011) "A Study on Transportation Problem, Transhipment Problem, Assignment problem and Supply Chain Management" a Ph.D. Theseis at Saurashtra University.
[2]. Seethalakshmy, A., Srinvasan, N. Dr. (2016) "A New Methodology for Solving a Maximization Assignment Problem", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology, Vol.5, pp.10-13.
[3]. Sarangam Majumdar (2013) "Interval Linear Assignment Problems", Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1(1) : 14-16.
[4]. Ramesh Kumar, A and Deepa, S. (2014) "A new approach to solve interval linear Assignment Problem", Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics and Informatics, Vol.6, No.2.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resources Strategy on The Rice Business with McKinsey 7 S Model (Business Plan) |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | LatifDarmawan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010022631 ![]() |
Abstract: :Main food Necessity has become basis thing for every person who lived today. One of main food is hulled rice. Hulled rice has become one of prime commodity in Indonesian. Indonesian is one of among countries in a world that became hulled rice producer. Its people consumes rice in their daily life. We see this condition as oppurtinity to start hulled rice business by give service that focus on operational excellent. Operational excellent strategy will focus on best service giving to consumer start from hulled rice buying until its saving in hulled rice saving place. To make these thing go well, it need supported by an appropriate human resources.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Saint Martin: The Coral Island |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Aminul Asraf |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010023251 ![]() |
Abstract: :St. Martin's Island is carpeted by sandy beaches all around, its sunrise and sunset in the middle of ocean embedded and protected by colourful coral reef which itself is a scenic beauty, and many other attributes fulfil every tourist's desire and satisfaction. It is natural wonder in the middle of the ocean the island is built by coral reef formed from limestone and the island is protected by limestone, which is used in many usefully purposes for human. Snorkelling and scuba diving at Marine Park is very popular tourist sports particularly in the vicinity of coral reef where beautiful colourful fishes and...............
Index Terms: St. Martin's Island, Offshore Tourism, Bay of Bengal, Rocky Coral Reef, Scuba Diving, Snorkelling, Anthropogenic, Sandy Beach, Bird Sanctuary.
[1]. Ahammed et al (2016). A sturdy of Environmental Impacts on the Corals Resources In the Vicinity of the Saint Martin's Island, Bangladesh. International Journal of Scientific & Technology, Vol – 5, Issue -1, ISSN 2277 8616.
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[4]. Alam, S. M. M. (2018). Coral Reef Ecosystems of St. Martin's Island – It's Glorious Past, Current Dreadful State of Resources and Future Strategy Towards Rejuvenation. Academy of Social Science Journal. Vol – 03, Issue – 02, February 2018.
[5]. Alam, MohdShamsul (2014). Offshore Island in Bangladesh May 2014 2014 ModhShamsul Alan k
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Purchased Goodwill and Financial Performance of Banks in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Gospel J. Chukwu || Drisu Salifu |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010025258 ![]() |
Abstract: :This study investigates the effect of purchased goodwill on return on assets, return on equity and earnings per share of banks in Nigeria. Listed banks were classified into goodwill sample and non-goodwill sample, depending on whether or not the banks had purchased goodwill in their financial statements. Data from annual reports of the goodwill sample from 2012 to 2016 were collated and analysed; and firm performance data from the two samples were compared to determine whether profitability in any sample was significantly higher than the other sample. Results from regression analysis of data from the goodwill sample showed that goodwill was significantly but negatively..........
Keywords -purchased goodwill, return on assets, return on equity, earnings per share..
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[5]. Hirshleifer, D. Hou, S., Teoh, H. & Zhang, Y. Do investors overvalue firms with bloated balance sheets? Journal of Accounting & Economics. 2004; 38, 297-331.
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Abstract: :The increasingly development of internet technology has given many changes to daily activities, including business development. The increasing number of internet and social media users is one reason for the emergence of new concepts in electronic commerce called social commerce (s-commerce). However, the limitation of online shopping behavior is the lack of understanding of sellers on the characteristics of consumers in s-commerce. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe characteristics (profiles), shopping behavior and certain characteristics...........
[1]. Arikunto, S. (2010). ProsedurPenelitian. Jakarta: RinekeCipta
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[3]. Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. R. (2013). E-Marketing Excellence. Planning and Optimizing Your Digital Marketing. Abingdon: Routledge
[4]. Dennion, G., Bourdage-Braun, S., &Chetuparambil. (2011). Social Commerce Defined. 23747: White Paper
[5]. Huang, Z., &Benyoucef, M. (2013). From E-Commerce to Social Commerce; A Close Look at Design Features. Electronic Commerce Research and Application, 246-259..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study Factors Affecting Satisfaction of Tourists Traveling To Ba Ria - Vung Tau |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Vu Van Dong |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010026570 ![]() |
Abstract: :To have a client service database for travel service, and one in the research of the target to parse the image suffix to the client. Ba Ria - Vung Tau tourism survey. The number of data processing with the SPSS system section, check the scale with the Cronbach Alpha system, the Explorio parser pattern (EFA). (5) manual guide, (6) travel environment, (4) travel guide, (6) travel environment, , (7) calendar, (8) natural and (9) kernel..
Keywords: travel, guest, perfect, service quality, calendar
[1]. Asubonteng et al. (2001), "Servqual Revisited: A Critical Review of Service Quality", Journal of Service Marketing, Vol. 6.
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Abstract: :This study is meant to investigate the associative role between demographic factors and compliance behavior towards Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) of Sharia Banks'employees in Medan, Indonesia. Those Sharia Banks consisted of public as well as private owned institutions. There were 10 Sharia Banks in Medan were involved in this study. The questionnaires were distributed to those Sharia Banks' employees using convenience sampling method. Out of 290 distributed questionnaires, there were only 217 questionnaires were returned in complete answer. The data further analyzed using SPSS version 22 starting from testing the validity of the data, which was meant to ensure that the data was valid to be analyzed. Then followed by reliability test to ensure either the instruments of variable measurement were reliable or not as indicators of a variable. Crosstab analysis was also executed to.........
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Abstract: :This paper investigates the trend and growth pattern operating variables of Bhutan Development Finance Corporation of Bhutan for the period 1998- 2007. In order to analyse the trend and growth of operational variables such as, disbursements, assets, loan outstanding, profit/loss, reserves and surplus, number of beneficiaries, number of employees, and loan per employee for head office and for branch office of Bhutan Development Finance Corporation Limited are taken. To examine the growth of operational variables and its stability over the period of ten years, the arithmetic mean and co–efficient of variation was calculated. The trend and compound growth rates are computed..........
Keywords:Operating Variables, Development Bank, Financial Stability, Commercial Banks, Assets Disbursement, Loans
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