Version-3 (October-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Organised Retail Formats : The New Phase of Retailing in Kerala |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T.P VIJUMON |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010030104 ![]() |
Abstract: Retailing enjoys an unquestionable position in the economies of all developed countries. It has been one of the fastest growing sectors and contributes more than one-fourth of the GDP of many countries in the world. The sector contributes nearly 20 percent employment in the world. Organised retailing is the dominant form in most of the European countries, USA, Canada, Australia, etc. In India this form of retailing is stared in 1990s and presently possesses nearly ten percent of total retail turn over, however, grows at a CAGR of 24 per cent, which is considered the highest rate in the world. In Kerala, Organised retailers consists of supermarkets owned by private chains as well as independent large..........
Key words: Organised retailing, retail formats, kirana stores, food retailing, assortment of goods, Private supermarkets, Margin free markets, retail factors and retail strategy
[1] Levy, Michael, Barten and Weitz, (1998)'Retailing Management' 6th edition, New York.McGraw, p 309.
[2] Indian Retail Report 2007, p.48, Ill, Irwin, p-7.
[3] Myers, H. A and Alexander, N, (1997) 'Food retailing opportunities in Eastern Europe' European Business Review, 97(3) P. 124-157
[4] The New Indian Express. 7th December, 2012.
[5] The Report on Central Vigilance Committee on Public Distribution System, February 2010, p.49..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Financial Assistance by APSFC: An Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. (Mrs.) Prashanta Athma || Mrs. N. Rajyalaxmi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010030511 ![]() |
Abstract: Andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation (APSFC) was established in 1956 for promoting small and medium scale industries in Andhra Pradesh. The APSFC extends the financial services to different forms of organizations like Proprietary, Partnership, Joint Hindu Family Units (JHF), Private Limited Companies, Public Limited Companies and registered Co-operative Societies. APSFC provides loans to various Business institutions. It provides loans to meet the cost of Land, Buildings, Plant and Machinery and other Fixed Assets. Loans at concessional rates of interest are also granted to industries for modernization of their existing units. The Units promoted by Entrepreneurs belonging to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and Women are entitled to loans at concessional rates of interest on a priority basis. APSFC also provides loans for acquiring generator sets and motor vehicles for..............
[1]. Nukapongu Ravi Babu Sadhu Kamal, 2015, "Analysis of Region wise Financing to SMEs by APSFC in Andhra Pradesh", Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension Journal (Sedme), Vol. 42, No.1.
[2]. N. Suseela Bharathi and R. Vijaya Bhaskar, 2014, "Entrepreneur Development through APSFC", Blue Ocean Research Center, Vol. 3, No. 3.
[3]. Reddy S. Marulu and Harika K, 2014, "Financial Performance of Andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation", Asian Journal of Management, Vol.4, Issue 4.
[4]. C. Viswanath Reddy, 2013, "Operational and Financial Performance of APSFC: An Overview", Indian Journal of Finance, Vol. 7, Issue 3.
[5]. C.Viswanath Reddy, 2013, "Effiency Indexes in Resource Mobilization: A Study of APSFC", Indian Journal of Finance, Vol. 7, Issue 8...
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Abstract: Years of engaging workers in work settings are vanishing except for entrepreneurs holding their own establishment. Employees are moving in and out, retiring earlier due to scratchy concerns in establishment. Employee turnover has grown has affected the management of public universities leading to budgetary costs. Kenyan public universities are experiencing poor service delivery due to turnover of the employee. Due to scarce literature on determinants of employee turnover, this study focuses on the determinants of employee turnover in the selected Kenyan public universities. The main objective of the study was to determine the determinants of employee turnover in the selected Kenyan public universities with the aim of investigating the effect of Job satisfaction on employee...........
Keywords: Turnover, job satisfaction, work support, determinants
[1]. Abdallah, A.B., Diab H. & Suifan, T. S.; (2016). he influence of worklife balance on turnover intention in private hospitals : The mediating role of work life conflict.
[2]. Abubakar, S.,M, Etikan, I, & Alkassim, S, R. (2016). Comparison of convenience Sampling and Purposive Sampling. American Journal of Heoretical and Applied Statistics. No.1, 2016, pp.14.doi:10.11648/j.ajtas.20160501.1
[3]. Agoi, L. F. (2015). Effect of work engagement on employee turnover intention in public sector, Kenya. International Journal of economics , Commerce & Management, United Kingdom. Issue 12 December, ISSN. 23480386.
[4]. Ahmad, A.(2012).Effects of informal work family support on job performance mediating roles of work- family conflict and job satisfaction. The journalof business and management, 202-206.
[5]. Ahmad, J.,Choi S. L., Lee Y.T,Wan, I.,&Wan Khairuzzaman(2012). Leadership styles and employees turnover intention: Exploratory study of academic staff in a Malaysian College. World Applied Sciences Journal 19(4),575- 581.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Financial Literacy in Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Arief Yulianto || Hari Bhakti Mardikantoro |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010032932 ![]() |
Abstract: This article aims to describe (1) how the supply side in financial literacy (2) how the demand side in secondary education and higher education improved financial literacy has been balanced from the side of demand and supply. from the demand side, education on financial literacy has started from the secondary school through the subjects PKWU. in higher education, courses of financial management must be taken in the faculty of economics. while on the supply side, the government has been expanding public access to banking.
Keywords: Financial Literacy, Supply and Demand Side
[1]. Alban, Kris; Britt, Sonya; Durband, Dottie; Johnson, Mary K; Lechter, Sharon. 2014. Financial Literacy in Higher Educatio. COHEAO Financial Literacy Awareness White Paper, Maret 2014
[2]. Bank Indonesia (2012). Financial Literacy Baseline Survey (FLBS)
[3]. Dewi, Astuti, RiyanAriadi, Mariana IngMalelak,. 2015. AnalisaHubunganFinancial Literacy danDemografidenganInvestasi, Saving danKonsumsi. FINESTA Vol. 3, No. 1, (2015) Halaman 7-11
[4]. Herawati, NyomanTrisna. 2015. KontribusiPembelajaran Di PerguruanTinggi
DanLiterasiKeuanganTerhadapPerilakuKeuanganMahasiswa. JurnalPendidikandanPengajaran, Jilid 48, Nomor 1-3, April 2015, hlm.60-70
[5]. National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investors Awareness&Perception Towards Crowdfunding Models In India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Rohini Sajjan || Dr. H R Venkatesha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010033336 ![]() |
Abstract: Crowdfunding is a mainstream idea that developed in US and UK. It has emerged as a source for raising capitalthrough web based life systems – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other devoted sites. Indians are not extremely venture benevolent. Thus, the common Indian attitude is not yet prepared to acknowledge the present crowdfunding model. Therefore, the study is conducted to understand the investors' awareness & perception towards Crowdfunding models. Descriptive research method is used in the study. Data is collected from 242 respondents. To test the hypothesis, relevant statistical testing tools viz, ANOVA &Kruskal-Wallis Test are used. The study concludes that investorshave different level of awareness & perception in selecting different Crowdfunding models
[3]. file:///C:/Users/ACER%201/Downloads/Rohini%20Downloads/2015GlobalBusinessConferenceCrowdfundingRaymondVergara.pdf
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Abstract: :Training of employees is an integral component in the work of Human Resource Managers. The dynamics of the ever changing working environment call for Human resource managers to invest in the development of employees so as to ensure that they perform better to achieve organizational objectives and empower them to make the best use of their natural abilities. The Government of Kenya has given prominence to training as a major vehicle to help in the attainment of the provisions of Vision 2030. As such it spends over 500 million Kenya Shillings to train Public Sector employees. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of training on performance in the public sector. It specifically sought to find out the effects of orientation training, refresher training, skills development and career development training on performance. This study explored literature relevant to the specific objectives........
[1]. Armstrong, M (2006), A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice; 10th Edition, Kogan Page, London, UK.
[2]. Aswathappa, K. (2005), Human Resource and Personnel Management; Text and Cases 4 th Edition, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishers, New Delhi, India
[3]. Cole, G.A(1997), Personnel Management, Theory and Practice,4 th Edition,Ashford colour press ,London
[4]. Deb, T.(2006)), Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management; Concept, Tools & Application, Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi, India
[5]. Dessler, G. (2005), Human Resource Management, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall New Delhi India...
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Abstract: :The aim of this study is to determine the competence and policies of Turkey with the competence and awareness of health institutions and health workers in the field of medical tourism. This study was carried out in March-June 2015 at five different hospitals operating in the center of Gümüşhane and Trabzon provinces with the relevant 120 health administrators and employees. The "Medical Tourism (MT) Competencies, Policies and Awareness Scale" developed by Bostan was used to collect data. The reliability of the scale was tested by factor analysis in terms of structural validity. The reliability of scale was calculated as Cronbach's Alpha ,89.As to the participants 56% of them were lower level, 38% were middle level and 13% were top level managers examined the executive statutes of the institution. They stated that they are unstable about the adequacy of the health services offered within the scope of........
Keywords:Medical Tourism, Health Managers, Competencies, Policies
[1]. Aksoy,C., Erkan, I., Ulutin, C. 2017,Administrative and Ethical Analyze of The Health Tourism: A Study of The Private Hospital Managers, TURAN-SAM, Vol 9, Issue 33.
[2]. Fetscherin, M., Stephano, R-M. 2016, The Medical Tourism Index: Scale Development and Validation. Tourism Management, Volume 52, February 2016, P 539–556.
[3]. Han, H., Hyun, SS. 2015,Customer retention in the medical tourism industry: Impact of quality, satisfaction, trust, and price reasonableness. Tourism Management, Vol 46, P 20-29.
[4]. Hohm, C., Snyder, J. 2015, "It Was the Best Decision of My Life": A Thematic Content Analysis of Former Medical Tourists' Patient Testimonials. BMC Medical Ethics, Vol 16, Article Number 8.
[5]. Kılınç, N. Tutar, F. 2007, Türkiye'nin Sağlık Sektöründeki Ekonomik GelişmişlikPotansiyeli ve Farklı Ülke Örnekleri İle Mukayesesi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, İ.İ.B.F.Dergisi,11(1)...
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Abstract: :This study mainly focuses on the impact of psychological contract breach on job outcomes including job satisfaction, intention to remain with one's organization, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behaviors of the employees working in the Indian private sector companies of Lucknow region. The motivational thought behind the study is to gain knowledge about the topic and understand the concept of psychological contract from employees perspective in order to reduce the phenomena of frequent employee switch over in private sector companies of North India (specifically in lucknow region). The total of 58 employees participated in this study. Results showed that the breach of one's psychological contract had a significant effect on one's job satisfaction, intention to remain, and perceived organizational support. If the factors responsible for the breach of psychological contract is dealt in a meaningful manner than it leads higher job satisfaction within the employees of the organisation.
Keywords: Impact of breach, psychological contract, Job Enrichment, Job Satisfaction, Organisational citizenship behaviour..
[1]. Chiu, Su-Fen; Chen, Hsiao-Lan (2005) Relationship between job characteristics and organizational citizenship behavior: the mediational role of job satisfaction. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, Volume 33, Number 6, 2005, pp. 523-540(18)
[2]. Goyal S., Kaur P., Singh K. (2015). Role of HR and Financial Services in Making "Make in India" Campaign a Success. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), Volume 17, Issue 2.Ver. IV (Feb. 2015), PP 20-24
[3]. Hackman, J. Richard, and Greg R. Oldham 1976. "Motivation through the design of work: Test of a theory." Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol. 16, pp. 250-279.
[4]. Osterman, Paul 1994. "How Common is Workplace Transformation and Who Adopts it." Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 47 (January), pp.173-88.
[5]. Pollert, Anna 1991. "The Orthodoxy of Flexibility." In A. Pollert, ed., Farewell to Flexibility? Basil Blackwell, Oxford..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | HRM Effectiveness and Job Performance: Empirical Evidence from Sudan |
Country | : | Sudan |
Authors | : | Dr.Alaa Amin Hassan Omer |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010035762 ![]() |
Abstract: :This study examined the predictors of HRM effectiveness, namely, top management support, HR competency, management incentive system and job performance as outcome variable. The data were obtained by using a self-administered survey. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations, and hypotheses were tested using hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Data were obtained from individual managers working in large organizations in Sudan. The finding indicated that top management support, HR competency and management incentive system were significant predictors for both technical and strategic effectiveness. Also Results of this study showed that the two dimensions of HRM effectiveness (technical effectiveness and strategic effectiveness) had a positive relationship with task performance and contextual performance. Based on the findings, theoretical and practical implications of the study were discussed..
Keywords: Top management support, HR competency, Management incentive system, Job performance, Sudan.
[1]. Bae, J., & Lawler, J. J. (2000). Organizational and HRM strategies in Korea: Impact on firm performance in an emerging economy. Academy of Management Journal, 43(3), 502-517.
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[4]. Biesalski, E., & Abecker, A. (2005). Human resource management with ontologies Professional Knowledge Management (pp. 499-507). Springer.
[5]. Bowen, D. E., & Ostroff, C. (2004). Understanding HRM–firm performance linkages: The role of the ―strength‖ of the HRM system. Academy of Management Review, 29(2), 203-221..
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Abstract: :Manifestation of Green slant to the business is prevailing in the contemporary global scenario that provides practical solution for the unprecedented increase in the exploitation of natural and non-renewable resources. The perceptible rise in the levels of environment pollution in the form of emission of poisonous gases, solid/liquid waste and e-waste is resulting in environmental degradation and drastic climate change. Along with this the population explosion and employment challenges are causing severe threats to sustainable life on earth. A paradigm shift in the economy towards a clean technological mission is an eye-opener for sustainable development that can be guaranteed through mainstreaming environment into economic growth. The idea of green business emerged at the close of 20th century......
Keywords:Ecopreneurship, Environmental Entrepreneurs, Green Business, Green Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
[1]. Aidis, R., Welter, F., Smallbone, D., & Isakova, N. (2007). Female entrepreneurship in transition economies: The case of Lithuania and Ukraine. Feminist Economics 13(2), 157 – 183. doi: 10.1080/13545700601184831.
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[5]. Allen, J. C., & Malin, S. (2008). Green entrepreneurship: A method for managing natural resources? Society and Natural Resources, 21(9), 828-844...
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Abstract: :The degree of competition is an important aspect of financial sector development and, in turn, economic growth. However banks in the developing countries are competing in an environment where the financial infrastructure or the prerequisites for such competition is scarce. Hence, the present paper aims at assessing and identifying the macroeconomic forces that drive competition in the banking sector of Sri Lanka. The study covers both micro and macro level data for all 25 banks in Sri Lankan commercial banking sector for the period 1996 to 2015. The econometric model developed in this study comprised six major categories of variables; bank market structure, contestability........
Keywords: bank competition, financial freedom, contestability, market structure, inter-industry competition
[1]. Ariccia, G.D., (1998) Asymmetric Information and Market Structure of the Banking Industry. International Monetary Fund Working paper, 98/92.
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