Version-4 (October-2018)
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Abstract: WTO have 164 members now which were 29 on 1 January 1995 and two third of which are developing nations. They play a very important and active role in the WTO due to their large numbers. They are having very important role in global economy so an attempt is made in this paper to examine whether the WTO policies have positive or negative effect on the trade of developing countries special reference to BRICS nation. This paper focus on the analysis of Doha and Bali agenda and their impact on developing countries.
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Abstract: We are a part of the "SHRIRAM" conglomerate which has significant presence in financial services viz., commercial vehicle financing business, consumer finance, life and general insurance, stock broking, chit funds and distribution of financial products such as life and general insurance products and units of mutual funds. Our Company was incorporated in the year 1979 and is registered as a Deposit taking NBFC with Reserve Bank of India under section 45IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.STFC decided to finance the much neglected Small Truck Owner. Shriram understood the power of 'Aspiration' much before marketing based on 'Aspiration' became fashionable. Shriram started lending to the Small Truck Owner to buy new trucks. But we found a mismatch between the Aspiration...........
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Abstract: The banking sector is featured and prioritized as one of the six key drivers of economic growth in Kenya's Vision 2030. However in the recent past the banking sector has faced financial distress as the turbulent economic period led mid-sized banks fall into receivership; this generated doubt over the quality of earning, reliability of information and credibility of the banks. Moreover an emerging pattern suggests existence of systemic challenges in the sector pointing to non-disclosure to the investing public. Significance: The study will help the policy makers in the banking industry to formulating effective and implementable policies. This study will be used by managers in the..........
Keywords: corporate disclosure, long term capital, Nairobi securities exchange, return on assets, return on equity
[1]. Adelopo, I. (2017). Non-financial risk disclosure: The case of the UKs distressed banks.Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 11(2), 2017, 23-42.
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[4]. Central Bank of Kenya, (2015). Annual Reports of Banks performance in 2014 by central bank Nairobi Kenya.
[5]. Central Bank of Kenya, (2016). Annual Report of Banks performance in 2014 by central bank Nairobi Kenya..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | G.S.T. Software in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Santosh Kumar Tripathi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010041723 ![]() |
Abstract: This article aims to describe (1) how the supply side in financial literacy (2) how the demand side in secondary education and higher education improved financial literacy has been balanced from the side of demand and supply. from the demand side, education on financial literacy has started from the secondary school through the subjects PKWU. in higher education, courses of financial management must be taken in the faculty of economics. while on the supply side, the government has been expanding public access to banking.........
Keywords: GST, GST software, Impact of technology on GST, Accounting software in India
[1]. Sikarwar, Deepshikha (2017-10-09)."GST council adopts concept paper discouraging tinkering with rates". The Economic Times. Retrieved 2017-10-09.
[2]. Harshal Katre, Best GST Software,
[3]. BhaveshKoladiya,SoftwareAnalyst,
[4]. Surbhi Saxena, GST Billing Software,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Supply Chain Management of Marine Fish- A Case Study on Bangladeshi Fishing Trawler Company |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Aurangajeb Azad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2010042429 ![]() |
Abstract: Supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management activities. It is well known that supply chain management is an integral part of most businesses and is essential to organization success and customer satisfaction. The coastal and marine environment of Bangladesh is blessed with a warm tropical climate and heavy rainfall, enriched with nutrients from the land, creating one of the world's richest ecosystems with high productivity. But in marine fish distribution..................
Key Words: Supply Chain, Marine Fish, Industrial Fishing Fleet, Fishing Trawler, Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Bay of Bengal
[1]. Progress Report on Marine Fisheries Office, Sept‟2016.
[2]. Passing out prospectus of Marine Fisheries Academy, 2015.
[3]. Supply Chain Management (strategy, planning, and operations)_Chopra-Meindl_Sixth Edition.
[4]. Aurangajeb Azad "HRM Practices in Industrial Fishing Trawler Companies- A Case Study of Bangladesh Perspective" European Journal of Business and Management_ Vol. 10, No. 11, 2018
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Abstract: :The study sought to investigate the influence organizational culture, organizational communication, and training of staff on strategic change implementation in the County Government of Kakamega. This study was anchored on Hofstede's theory of Organization Culture. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population of the study was 548 top level and middle level managers. Sampling frame consisted of Agriculture, Public Service, Social Services, Education, Health Services, ICT, Lands & Housing, Trade & Industrialization, Roads, Public Works & Energy, Finance and Economic Planning. Purposive and stratified sampling techniques were chosen and used to select the sample population of 232 respondents according to Yamane recommendation........
Keywords: Organization culture, County Government, Kakamega, Strategic Change implementation
[1]. Abass, M. K., Munga, J., & Were, E. (2017). The relationship between strategy implementation and performance in county governments of Kenya: A case study of Wajir County government. International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, 2(3), 381-401.
[2]. Akinyi, K. E. (2015). Influence Of Organizational Culture On Strategy Implementation At The University Of Nairobi (Doctoral dissertation, School Of Business, University Of Nairobi).
[3]. Avolio, B. J., & Bass, B. M. (2004). Multifactor leadership questionnaire: Third edition manual sampler set. Redwood City, CA: Mind Garden.
[4]. Boru, A. (2016). Determinants of delay and cost overruns in Kenya's public sector construction projects: a case of Meru County, Kenya. Unpublished MBA Project, School of Business, University of Nairobi.
[5]. Brinkschröder, N. (2014). Strategy implementation: Key factors, challenges and solutions (Bachelor's thesis, University of Twente)..
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Abstract: :Communication gap between management, and staff of Federal College of Agriculture (FCAIB), Moor Plantation Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, has been a national issue in the country. There is need for an Organization Development (OD) expert to investigate the cause and proffer solution as part of OD measures to the problem that is affecting not only staff but the entire community at large integrated with retardation in development of agriculture and agricultural education in the area of study. FCAIB main objective is on production of well-trained Agricultural manpower and issue National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) certificates in the College's various programmes and departments. The main focus of this research work is to investigate decision making style of the college management in relation to motivation of effective public service delivery among staff. The research has adopted the survey research design.The study make use of both oral interview...........
Keyword:Decision making, motivation, effective public service, agricultural education
[1]. Anderson, E., Griffin, G., &Teicher, J. (2002).Managerialism and the Australian public service: Valuing efficiency and equity?.New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relationships, 27(1), 13-31.
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[3]. Thomas, T (1998). Management by Objective. The Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators of The Pfeiffer Library. 2(20): 1-16
[4]. Fabia, M.B (1990). Change Management Theories and methodologies. A Publication of TATA Consultancy Services:4
[5]. Karam, P (2013). Introduction to Management. A lecture note on Management and Organizational Behaviour : 16.
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Abstract: :Value is a specific code of conduct or end state of existence which is personally or socially preferable to an opposite code of conduct. Every organization has cultivated certain core values which make the organization effective and efficient. The basic problem with respect to government institutions is how such institutions can be made people oriented. Their original structure, the rigid value system, and the traditional ways of operations are the factors that make any organization ineffective. Indian Railways has rich legacy of values and norms that have helped it sustain its place in the country. Basic cultural values in railways have been influenced by the fact that it is a public transportation system. The bureaucratic style of functioning lays down hurdles in the path of developing organizational values. Key words: Indian Railways, Organizational values, Mission.
[1]. Amba Prasad, Indian Railways – A study in Public Utility Administration, Asia Publishing House, Delhi, 1960.
[2]. Anderson Neil, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Sage Publication, London, 2007.
[3]. Bear Laura, Lines of the Nation: Indian Railway Workers, Bureaucracy, and the Intimate Historical Self, The Culture of History Series, Columbia University Press, New York, 2007.
[4]. Bratton John, Callinan Militza, Forshaw Carolyn, Sawchuk Peter, Work and Organizational Behaviour- Understanding the work place, Palgrave Macmillon, 2008.
[5]. Edward Lawler, Bass Jossey, Talent – Making People Your Competitive Advantage, Sanfransisco, 2008.
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Abstract: :Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) has emerged as one of the most influential and popular conceptual frameworks for studying human action. Human behavior is guided by three types of considerations, namely: attitudes toward behavior, subjective norms, behavioral control and the formation of intentions. Spiritual intelligence is the ability of the soul that is owned by a person to establish himself as a whole which is related to awareness and willingness to face challenges (Zohar at al., 2001). Spiritual intelligence affects intentions (Hage et al., 2015). Someone who has high spiritual intelligence will influence behavior in every decision making (Sina et al., 2012). The objectives of this study are: (1) Analyze the influence of attitudes, subjective norms, behavioral.........
Keywords: attitude, subjective norms, behavioral control, spiritual intelligence, intention, behavior, marketing, e-commerce, SMEs.
[1]. Ajzen, I. 1985. From intentions to actions: A theory of planned behavior, New York: Springer.
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[3]. Ajzen, I., & Sheikh, S. (2016). Erratum: Action versus inaction: Anticipated affect in the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 46(5), 313-314. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12384
[4]. Assuari Sofjan, 2011, Manajemen Pemasaran, Ed. 1-11, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
[5]. Baum, J. R., Locke E. A. and Smith K. G. 2001. A Multidimensional Model of Venture Growth. Academy of Management Journal. Vol 44 (2): 292-302.
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Abstract: :Mandalika coastal area in Lombok Tengah Regency, West Nusa Tenggara has been declared as one of the ten national tourism destination priority. As far, there are few scientific documents to describes the area, in which it is important for the development of sustainable tourism industry in Lombok Island. The aim of the research is to review the recent history and recent status of the development of Mandalika Tourism Specific Economic Zone, or locally called KEK Mandalika (Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Mandalika). The development of KEK has been started at 2014 with the objective to support........
Keywords: sustainable tourism, coastal tourism, specific economic zone, environmental conservation.
[1]. J. Lea, Tourism and development in the Third World (Routledge, 2006).
[2]. R. Sharpley, Tourism and development (Sage Publications 2015).
[3]. J. Briedenhann and E. Wickens, Tourism routes as a tool for the economic development of rural areas—vibrant hope or impossible dream?. Tourism management, 25(1), 200471-79.
[4]. A. Booth, The tourism boom in Indonesia. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 26(3), 1990, 45-73.
[5]. V. Long, and G. Wall, Successful tourism in Nusa Lembongan, Indonesia?. Tourism Management, 17(1), 1996, 43-50.
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Abstract: :Emotional intelligence is a relatively a new subject of study, though its roots go back to the time of Darwin, who proposed that emotional expression was essential for survival. Emotional Intelligence as a subject becoming popular as with increasing globalization, social and organizational climate in which individuals work today long hours for a large part of their lives. This creates a variety of socio- emotional and cultural problems in handling the emotions in the given situations. With the increasing complexities both in business as well as in human behavior created the need for not only people with high IQ but people with high EQ also. The emotionally imbalanced employees may find........
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Globalization, Scio-Emotional, Cultural, IQ, EQ, Performance
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