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Abstract: Indian automobile sector has seen consolidation of market share, perseverance and growth of the business. Automotive business successfully faced fierce competition from MNC's as well as established export business opportunities. Indian Automotive industry is performing in developing economy which is having significantly lower cost base and appropriately specs products compare to developed economies products are considered high specs and having the higher cost base. The present paper is study of successful organizations in Indian automobile industry. The study of Indian automobile organization clearly reveals that there is strong correlation exist between innovation ability and organization growth and sustenance. However, it is also observed during this study that...........
Keywords: Organizational Growth and sustenance, Automobile, Innovations, Sales Growth, Successful Indian Automobile organizations
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Abstract: Supply chain risks is a growing global threat to manybusinesses.A survey done by Business Continuity Institute established that 85% of firms experienced at least three supply chain disruptions annually resulting in less revenues, declining customers and damaged reputations. The manufacturing industryemploys13% of the country's labour force and is regarded as the country's economy driver to global competitiveness by 2030. It has howeverbeen distressed with supply chain disruptionsleading to downsizing and closure of some firms,subsequently resulting toloss of jobs.Empirical studies reviewedlack of information on the application of the sixteen-supply chain strategies.........
Keywords: Performance, Supply Chain Strategies, Large Scale Manufacturing Firms
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Abstract: Countries all over the world whether developed or developing are taking great effort to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Indian Government also making policy changes to attract more FDI into the country. India is a largest democracy and second largest populated country in the world. India offers a large potential market, possesses pool of talent, educated and skilled workforce, has relatively low labour costs and liberal democratic political structure. The unorganised retail sector of India offers more than 8% employment to its people. A large share of population have their livelihood through the Kirana..........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Media Awareness on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajesh. M || Dr. Ch. Jayasankara Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2012013341 ![]() |
Abstract: The high voltage Swachh Bharat Abhiyan laucnched by the Government of India in October 2016, has completed two and half years. One and half years of the dead-line remains for declared target to be achieved. High visibility of the campaign, of course has, brought cleanliness to the centre stage of the public sphere discourses in the country. Meanwhile the government has claimed in May 2017 that over two lakh villages have become open defecation free. However, inadequate facilities to process the solid waste remain big challenges. Surveys indicate that conditions........
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Abstract: This study examines the influence of working environment and leadership behavior on the employee performance of the Regional Planning Agency in Aceh, Indonesia, mediated by self-efficacy. The sample in this study is 128 civil servants of the Regional Planning Agencies of Aceh Province, Indonesia, selected using the purposive sampling technique. Using the structural equation modeling, the study found that the working environment and leadership behavior have a positive and significant effect on self-efficacy and employee performance. Additionally, the self-efficacy is found to mediate the effects of working environment and leadership behavior on the employee performance of the Regional Planning Agency in Aceh, Indonesia. This finding implied that to promote the employee performance, the enhancement of working environment and leadership behavior would improve the employee performance directly and indirectly via the advancement of self-efficacy.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of service qualityon customer loyalty of Ethnic Gu-Lakudo traders in Baubau City. The population in this study is all customers of Ethnic Gu-Lakudo traders in Baubau City, with the number of samples of 100 respondents. Respondents were obtained by convinience sampling method. The data for analysis needs were obtained by spreading the questionnaire using the Likert scale of 5 points. The data was analyzed by structural equation modeling method using AMOS software version 24. The result of analysis showed that service quality had a significant positive effect on customer loyalty of ethnic Gu-Lakudo traders in Kendari City.
Keywords: Serivice quality, customer loyalty ,ethnic Gu-Lakudo, trader
[1]. Anzie, Luthfy Purnanta dan Arifin, Zainul, 2017.Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Citra Perusahaan, Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi pada Nasabah Pengguna Produk Tabungan BCA di wilayah Rungkut Mapan, Surabaya),
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Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a noble programs act as a powerful tool for survival and vital to build sustainable relationships with the community at large.CSR initiatives provide opportunities for active participation that involve social development which leads to a viable future. Both environment and people are at the core of corporate social responsibilities. CSR establish better practices within the firm that create wealth and improve society. CSR had shifted from philanthropy to project mode including aspects like planning, implementation strategy, monitoring and evaluation strategy ; and assessing social and environmental impact. The study is an attempt to reveal the perception of CSR impacts who employed by Indian organizations namely Rourkela Steel Plant(RSP),Steel Authority of India Limited(SAIL) during operational efficiency development.CSR is a more sustainable.............
Keywords: culture, performance, strategy, sustaining ,quality etc
[1]. Fordham, A.E. and Robinson, G.M.(2018), Mapping meanings of Corporate Social Responsibility- an Australian case study, International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility,pp. 1-20.
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Abstract: The present study has been designed to see the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence with the quality of life of high and low performing mangers in workplaces setting. The participants were selected based on their performance rating (high and low) given by the respective organizations. In total 100 mangers were selected 50 each from high and low performance rating. The age of the participants ranged from 24 to 40 years, with average age of participants being 32 years. All the participants were MBA graduates (n=100). The following tools were applied to assess the observation oof the participants on these variables viz, Assessing Emotion Scale (Schutte, John, Maloof and Bhullar 2007), World Health Organization Quality of Life – BREF (WHOQOL-BREF, 1996) and Spiritual Intelligence Self Report Inventory (SISRI-24: King, 2008), The observations of the partcipants were analyzed with the help of regression analysis followed by t -test and the result showed the significant difference between high and low performing managers on their spiritual and emotional intelligence and explained 44% and 8% of variance in quality of life respectively.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Indian Perspective of Growth and Development of Retail Banking |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aravind Kumar Varma || Sumant Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2012016772 ![]() |
Abstract: All banks have adopted the retail banking business model for a number of reasons, including their sizable customer base, variety of product offerings, better pricing and profitability, the ability to cross-sell and up-sell financial and non-financial products for increased per-customer revenue, and, of course, a better risk proposition. In response to the shifting paradigm of technology as the driver for the explosion of retail banking, banks are implementing a variety of strategies to increase their share of the customer's wallet. These strategies include redesigning their traditional business silos, re-engineering existing products, and creating new products, services, channels, and relationships.
Key words: retail banking, customer, product offering
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