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Abstract: Customer retention is becoming a major area of threat for firms after the digital revolution. Customers are more informative than the sellers most of the time. Word of mouth is spreading round the corner too fast than ever. If a brand makes any mistake by its own way, the imminent damage to the firm and the product is certain. Marketing is redefined everyday with new modes of communication and persuasion experiments. Cause Related Marketing compared to other forms of marketing communications is emerging as a more acceptable form of brand communication and social awareness. Further, the understanding of the cause importance, type of cause used in the program, product fit and personal experience of the cause are becoming major influential factors that may influence............
[1]. Becker-Olsen, K., Cudmore, B., & Hill, R. (2006). The Impact of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behavior. Journal of Business Research, 46-53.
[2]. Bendapudi, N., Singh, S., &Bendapudi, V. (1996). Enhancing Helping Behavior: An Integrative Framework for Promotion Planning. Journal of Marketing,60(3), 33-33.
[3]. Bhattacharya, C., &Sen, S. (2003). Consumer-Company Identification: A Framework for Understanding Consumers' Relationships with Companies. Journal of Marketing,67, 76-88.
[4]. Ellen, P., Mohr, L., & Webb, D. (2000). Charitable programs and the retailer: Do they mix? Journal of Retailing,76(3), 393-406.
[5]. Ferle, C., Kuber, G., & Edwards, S. (2013). Factors impacting responses to cause-related marketing in India and the United States: Novelty, altruistic motives, and company origin. Journal of Business Research,66, 364-373.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Research on Demand for Service Quality of Campsite |
Country | : | Taiwan |
Authors | : | Yi-Chan Chung || Shu-Fang Lin || Chin-Kuei Chou |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2012021015 ![]() |
Abstract: This research used IPA method to confirm "Improved Items of Service Quality in Priority" and then used Kano model to establish "Improved Items of Benefit Service Quality" so as to provide operators to identify service quality demand and the business strategy of improving Service Quality). This research made customers in H Camp Site as the research subjects through the questionnaire survey and a total of 300 questionnaires were released, with 247 valid questionnaires. The research results are as follows: it is found from IPA analysis that the improved items in priority are "Staff will not ignore the response to customers due to being busy", "Internal facilities, power line and guidance notice are clear" and "Service facilities conform to requirements of customers", which customers attach great importance to, but the performance of H Camp Site is poor and the operators shall improve it in priority.........
Keywords: service quality, quality factors, IPA analysis
[1] Chen, T.C. 2017. The Standards of Campgrounds Establishment in Taiwan: A Qualitative Study of Recreational Camping. National Taiwan Sport University.
[2] Chung Y.C. and Chen H.C., 2015. Study on the correlation among service quality, relationship quality and customer satisfaction– A case study of H hotel. International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology, 44(4), 1-7
[3] Deng, W.J. and Lee, Y.C., 2007. Applying Kano Model and IPA to Identify Critical Service Quality Attributes for Hot Springs Hotel in Peitou. Journal of Quality, 14(1), 99-113.
[4] Haywood-Farmer, J., 1988. A conceptual model of service quality. International. Journal of Operations and Production Management, 8(6), 19-29.
[5] Kano, N., Seraku, N., Takahashi, F. and Tsuji, S., 1984. Attractive quality and must-be quality. Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control, 14(2), 39-48.
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Abstract: This study examined the impact of organizational culture on job satisfaction in Indian IT industry . This study used undertakes the application of Denison's model for exploring the organisational culture and Spector JSS survey to examine employees' job satisfaction. A self administered questionnaire-interview based research employed the convenience and purposive sampling techniques to select a sample of 320 employees out of which 300 responded to and returned the research questionnaire. Pearson's Correlation coefficient of (0.781) on the data gathered, showed a strong and positive relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction. For data analysis MS Excel package of statistical tools was used for the purpose of labelling, coding, and percentages. Based on this.........
Keywords: Organisational Culture; Job satisfaction , organisation and Employee Performance
[1]. Aswathappa, R. K. (2009). Organisational Behaviour. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.
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[4]. Densten, I. L. (2012). The impact of organizational culture and social desirability on. Emarald Insight, 342- 368.
[5]. DIPC. (2016). Electronics & IT Achievements reports. NewDelhi: Ministry of IT.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Framing and Investment Advisers |
Country | : | Greece |
Authors | : | Anastasios D. Konstantinidis || AndronikiKatarachia |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2012022125 ![]() |
Abstract: Framing is defined as an effect, according to which the presentation of an event or prospect affects people's decisions about the specific event or prospect. In the context of stock market decision making and investment choices, it is a heuristic rule which suggests that investors make investing decisions depending on how information and investment choices were presented to them through a stock market process. The present research, investigating the attitudes of 81 Greek registered investment executives towards framing in investing decision making, demonstrated that the way the problem was presented caused a change in the advisors' decision making. Overall, when investment advisors, whose role is critical to affecting investing decisions, employ frames in decision making, rational thinking is prevented and stock market investment operations are threatened.
Keywords: Behavioral Finance, Framing, Psychology, Investment Advisers, Stock Market
[1]. Alexakis, Ch. and Xanthakis, M., 2008.Behavioral Finance, Stamoulis Publications, Greece
[2]. Camerer, C., 2000. Prospect Theory in the Wild, in Choices,Values and Frames, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, Russell Sage, New York
[3]. Camerer, C., Loewenstein, G., and Rabin M., 2004.Advances in Behavioral Economics.Princeton University Press. New Jersey.
[4]. Cartwright, J., 2008. Evolution and Human Behaviour, 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, U.K.
[5]. Cherry K., 2010.The Everything Psychology Book: Explore the Human Psyche and Understand Why We Do the Things We Do, Adams Media, U.S.A..
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Abstract: Thestudy examines the impact of board diversity on the firms' financial performance of Dhaka Stock Exchange listed pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh. Based on existing experimental studies, five major board characteristics (board size, gender diversity, board composition, CEO duality, and qualification of independent director) have been selected to identify their impact on firm's financial performance (ROE, ROA, and NAVPS). The study is mainly based on secondary data which collected from Annual reports of the seven sample companies during 2012 to 2017. To identify the impact or relationship of various variables, different statistical tools such as regression, correlation...........
Keywords: Board diversity, corporate governance, financial performance, pharmaceutical industry
[1]. Bhagat, S., & Bolton, B. (2008), Corporate Governance and Firm Performance.Journal of Corporate Finance, 14(3), 257-273.
[2]. Cadbury Code. The (1992), Report of the committee on the financial aspects of corporate governance: The code of best practice. Gee Professional Publishing, London.
[3]. Carter, D. A., Simkins, B. J., &Simpson, W.J. (2003). Corporate Governance, Board Diversity, and Firm Value.The Financial Review, 38, 33-53.
[4]. Dalton, D. R., & Dalton, C. M. (2008). Corporate governance in the post Sarbanes–Oxley period: Compensation disclosure and analysis (CD&A). Business Horizons, 51(2), 85-92.
[5]. Darmadi, S. (2011). Board diversity and firm performance: the Indonesian evidence. Corporate Ownership and Control, 8, 1-38..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cognitive Diversity: Real Fuel for Growth Engine with Sustainable Future |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Nida Khan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2012023338 ![]() |
Abstract: Diversity is the art of thinking independently together, as defined by Malcolm Forbes. The idea behind its significance lies in the fact that the strength lies in differences and not in similarities. It is widely presumed and even followed by many companies across the world that presence of diversity among the people is helpful in improving business performance. Thereby, there is a trend, particularly during last one decade to adapt diversity among their employees, leadership and even customers. This needs to be substantiated with carefully crafted inclusion. But, a study carried out and reported in Harvard Business Review (HBR) claims to have found no correlation between general diversity factors like age, ethnicity and gender and business performance. However, the same study........
[1]. P. A. Kreitz, "Best practices for managing organizational diversity," The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 101-120, 2008.
[2]. Q. M. Roberson, "Disentangling the meanings of diversity and inclusion in organizations," Group & Organization Management, vol. 31, pp. 212-236, 2006.
[3]. P. Lirio, M. D. Lee, M. L. Williams, L. K. Haugen and E. E. Kossek, "The inclusion challenge with reduced-load professionals: The role of the manager," Human Resource Management, vol. 47, pp. 443-461, 2008
[4]. L. M. Shore, A. E. Raindel, B. G. Chung, M. A. Dean, K. H. Ehrhart and G. Singh, "Inclusion and diversity in work groups: A review and model for future research," Journal of Management, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 1262-1289, 2011.
[5]. K. Cottrill, P. D. Lopez and C. C. Hoffman, "How authentic leadership and inclusion benefit organizations," Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 275-292, 2014.
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Abstract: A sound insurance market is an essential characteristic of economic growth. Demand for insurance services remains low in large number of developing countries. The present study investigates empirically the issues of gaps in coverage and hurdles in acceptability of LIC policies at a branch level. The study is based on an experimental fieldwork and is tested with the sample of policyholders. The present study clearly shows that LIC has absolute advantage over other providers of insurance service, when it comes to the question of acceptability. Understanding the gaps in coverage could bring large share of uninsured masses under the ambit
of LIC..
Keywords: LIC, Insurance Market, Insurance Services, Coverage, Acceptabilityand Policy Holders
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Abstract: Hotel industry is an important part of tourism. The expansion of tourism is unavoidable bringing out development of hotel industry. Hotel industry is so closely linked with the tourism that it isresponsible for about 50% of the foreign exchange earnings from tourism department. The hotel industry in India is a fully developed industry marked by extreme competition, where an increase in market share typically comes at a competitor's price. The Indian hotel industry is experiencing a prolonged success. At present this industry has a supply of 1, 25,000 rooms in India and Government has taken several steps to boost travel & tourism which have benefited hotel industry the most in India. The data available with the World Travel and Tourism Council, India, indicates that India ranks 18th in business travel, and should........
[2]. Rust, R.T. and Oliver, R., Editors, 1994. Service Quality: New Directions in Theory and Practice, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp.241-268.
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Abstract: Merging two formerly distinct disciplines, the term entrepreneurial marketing is used to describe the marketing processes of firms pursing opportunities in uncertain market circumstances, often under constrained resource conditions. The aim of the study is to identify the effect of entrepreneurial marketing on firm's innovative performance. The hypothesized relations between dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing and innovative performance are tested with data collected through structured questionnaires administered face-to-face to managers of 560 SMEs in the manufacturing industry. Analyses results revealed that pro-activeness, innovativeness, customer intensity, resource leveraging dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing are positively related with innovative performance..
Keywords: Entrepreneurial marketing; Innovativeness; Performance; Small and medium –sized; enterprises
[1]. Antoncic, B. and Hisrich, R.D. (2001), "Intrapreneurship Contruct Refinement and Cross – Cultural Validation", Journal of Business Venturing, 16 (5), September, pp. 495-527.
[2]. Baker, W.E., and Sinkula, J.M. (2009), The Complementary Effects of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Profitability in Small Businesses, Journal of Small Business Management, 47(4), pp. 443-464.
[3]. Becherer, R.C., Haynes, P.J., and Helms, M.M. (2008), An Exploratory Investigation of Entrepreneurial Marketing, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 20, 44-64
[4]. Becherer, R.C., Haynes, P.J. and Fletcher L.P. (2006), Paths to Profitability in Owner-Operated Firms: The Role of Entrepreneurial, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 18(1)m pp.17-31.
[5]. Bjerke, B. and Hultma, C.M (2002), Entrepreneurial Marketing: The Growth of Small Firms in the New Ekckonomic Era, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, UK..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluating Impact Factors for Consumer Online and Offline Shopping Behavior |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Yashika Guleria |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2012025861 ![]() |
Abstract: From the point of view of customers, it is pertinent to know how they measure various channels for their purchasing. Internet now-a-days holds the attention of a major portion of retail market. Millions and millions of people are shopping online. However, on the other hand, there are many customers who go for purchasing offline so as to examine the product and hold the possession of the product just after the payment. In this contemporary world, customer's loyalty stands upon the consistent ability to deliver quality, value and satisfaction. The customer in today's era have not only many stores choice, but they also have a wide variety of channels to choose from. With the start of..........
Keywords: Technology, consumer, internet, traditional shopping, online avenues.
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[5]. Li, N., and Zhang, P. (2002). Consumer Online Shopping Attitudes and Behavior: An Assessment of Research. Proceedings of the Americans Conference on Information System (AMCIS).74...
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Abstract: The objective of this study is to examine the combined effect of external audit and internal monitoring mechanism corporate governance on earnings quality. The paper uses panel data with fixed-effects model to examine the effect of external audit, internal monitoring mechanisms and the interaction between these two monitoring mechanisms on earnings quality. A sample of 216 listed Indonesian firms (non-financial) covering the period: 2013 to 2016 was used for the study. The findings of the study reveal that both board size and audit committee independence have positive relationships with earnings quality which is in contrary to the result of most previous studies. In essence, the result of this study indicates that both internal monitoring mechanisms (audit committee..........
Keywords: Earnings Quality, Internal Monitoring Mechanisms, External audit
[1]. Abdul Rahman, R., & Ali, H, M, F., (2006). Board, audit committee, culture and earnings management: Malaysian evidence. Managerial Auditing Journal, 21(7), 783-804.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Management Accountants in Accounting for Sustainable Development |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Alfred Agada |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2012027074 ![]() |
Abstract: When the Brundtland Commission offered its famous definition of sustainable development -"to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs", it presented several challenges to policy-makers. One of these is the question: how do we measure progress towards sustainable development? In the wake of the Brundtland Commission's report, sustainable development has been interpreted as a three dimensional concept which combines economic, social, and ecological perspectives. The foundation for this concept is a set of assets that underpin and support the development process. The aim of the paper is to...........
Keywords: role, management accountants, sustainable development
[1]. Adams, C. A., & Frost, G. R. (2008). Integrating sustainability reporting into management practices. Accounting Forum. 32 , 288-302.
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Abstract: The confidence reposed on Public Administration as the apparatus through which government at all levels improve the living standard of the people through the various processes that ensure that policies, programmes, purposes and goals of government are realized, has been imperiled by red tape, slowness, paternalism, resources wastages, and a greater focus on processes and procedures rather than results that characterized the traditional Public Administration in the 70s. However, attempts to remedy the trend, gave rise to Public Management era that focused on..............
Keywords: Outsourcing, Public Administration, Public Organizations, Efficiency Criteria. RBV
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