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Abstract: Workforce is the bloodline for a business organization. HRIS helps an organization to create information database regarding employee which generate opportunities to ensure sustainability of workforce to achieve goals. This study was aimed to analysis the relationship among perceived benefits of HRIS and managerial efficiency through the usage of HRIS in an organization despite of significant challenges. Data were collected following a quantitative survey by a structured questionnaire conducted among a diverse group of employees (N = 360) who were working in human resource department of 27 different banking organizations of Bangladesh following simple random sampling method. Several statistical.........
Key Words: HR Managerial Efficiency, HRIS, HRM function, Banking sector, Bangladesh
[1]. Harris, D. M. & Desimone, R. L. (1995). Human resource development. TX: Dryden Press, Forth Worth.
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Abstract: La revue de la littérature nous confirme que le thème phare qui a occupé les publications scientifiques reste la contribution de la GRH à la performance de l'entreprise (Serge F. Simen et al., 2016). C'est une problématique qui constitue un défi de taille pour les théoriciens et praticiens oeuvrant dans le domaine de la GRH et un élément clé dans la compréhension de l'effet que produisent les pratiques de GRH sur la performance. Or, plusieurs chercheurs ont constaté l'absence d'un consensus et une explication claire quant à l'identification de ces pratiques de GRH et quant à la manière. Une première génération des études (Delery et Doty, 1996) ont proposé des approches pour expliquer cette relation. Mais, avec les difficultés tant théoriques que méthodologiques constatées, plusieurs chercheurs (Becker et al., 2006; Wrigh et al., 2003; Youndt et Snell, 2004) recommandent de poursuivre........
Keywords: HRM practices; Organizational performance; HR performance
[1]. A. Aït Razouk, (2007) «Gestion stratégique des ressources humaines recherche théorique et empirique sur la durabilité de la relation entre stratégie RH et performance», Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Nancy 2.
[2]. Allouche. J., M. Charpentier et C. Guillot. (2003) «Performances de l'entreprise et GRH », Entreprise et Personnel, n° 238.
[3]. Allani Soltan Nada, Arcand M, Bayad M, (2003) « impact de la gestion stratégique des ressources humaines sur l'innovation»
[4]. Allouche J, Charpentier M., Guillot-Soulez Ch, (2004) «Un panorama des études académiques sur l'interaction performances sociales / performances économiques et financières, gestion des Ressources Humaines et performances de l'entreprise: l'improbable lien ?»
[5]. Arcand, M., Arcand, G., Bayad, M. et Fabi, B. (2004) «Gestion stratégique des ressources humaines et performance de la firme: une validation de l'approche de la contingence», Revue internationale sur le travail et la société, juin 2004, Vol. 2, n°. 2, p. 14-25.
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Abstract: The current study seeks to study the information quality of AIS being applied in banking sector in both Sana'a city in Yemen and Nanded city in India, and provides refinements needed for system quality of AIS being applied in banking sector in both countries. The present study depended on the descriptive approach for achieving the aforementioned objectives. Accordingly, the sample chosen included 180 respondents (managers, accountants and technicians in IT department) by applying probability sampling, specifically the stratified sampling technique from each country, who work in banking banking sector in both countries. Moreover, the current study applied non parametric tests.........
Key Words: information Quality, Accounting Information Systems (AIS), Banking Sector
[1]. Abdulmalek.I.Hajar. (2014). Accounting Information Systems. sana'a: Al ameen.
[2]. AL-Gammal, J. A. (2014). Auditing in Electronic Environment. State of United Arab Emirates.Al-Aeen : Univercity Book House.
[3]. AL-Isaqqa, Q. M. (2003). Accounting Information System. Mosul-Iraq: Al Hadbaa Organization of printing and publishing.
[4]. AL-Mejhaly, N. M. (2009). Characteristics of Accounting Information Systems and its impact in Decisions Making, Master thesis, Faculty of Economic Sciences and tyseer Sciences, AL-Haj Lakther's University, AL-geria. Batneh.
[5]. AL-Rawy, H. A. (1999). Organizing Accounting Accounting Information, Theory with Study and Practice, Jordan Amman, Culture's House for Publishing and Distribution
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Abstract: This research is motivated by many factors that influence the demand for credit by the business world, especially the micro sector, including credit policies at a bank. These credit policies include loan interest rates, perceptions of the operational standards of credit procedures and bank credit services. The research objective was to analyze the effect of lending rates, perceptions of credit operational standards (SOP), and credit services on the demand for microcredit and to find out the most dominant variables affecting the number of micro credit requests at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Medan Thamrin Branch. This study uses an empirical study approach supported by surveys.........
Keywords: Interest Rates on Credit, Perception of Procedur Operational Standard, Credit Service, Demand for Micro Loans
[1]. Addams Lon, Anthony T. Allred. (2000). Service Quality at Banks and Credit Unions: What do Their Customers Say? Managing Service Quality: An International Journal.Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.52-60.
[2]. Arikunto, Suharsini. 2008. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Edisi Revisi. Penerbit Rineka Cipta, Yogyakarta.
[3]. Bank Indonesia.2017. Laporan Perekonomian Indonesia Triwulan 1. Bank Indonesia. Jakarta.
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[5]. Chen Hongyi, Qianying Chen and Stefan Gerlach.(2013). Global Banking, Financial Markets and Crises International Finance Review, Vol 14, ISSN: 1569-3767
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Abstract: Leadership is critical for any institutional development in a rapid changing environment. Traditional leadership styles slow down growth and development in organizations. Many leaders in organizations are trying different leadership styles to see whether they can work in the current competitive environment without success. This study investigates the influence of collaborative leadership on employee's team performance. The study was guided by innovation, motivation, change and ethics The study established that collaborative leadership components of innovation, change, motivation and ethics to have influence on team's performance to a greater extent since the parameters used to measure each variable was rated above average..
Keywords: Collaborative leadership, Leadership, Leadership competences, Performance & Working Team
[1]. Archer (2009). Collaborative leadership: How to succeed in an interconnected world. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
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[5]. Carter, M, (2006). The Importance of Collaborative Leadership in Achieving Effective Criminal Justice Outcomes. Center for effective public policy .Retrieved on March 15.2018.From http//
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Abstract: Human resource management plays an important and fundamental role in an organization. Some factors which influence turnover intention and the success in maintaining qualified human resources are overtime and career development. The research problem is permanent employees' high turnover intention at PT XXX, Padang Lawas Regency. Therefore, a research needs to be done in order to know it. Overtime should be considered by employees in order to know an employee's wage and physical resistance in working, while career development is needed to determine the future........
Keywords: Overtime, Career Development, Permanent Employees' Turnover Intention, Organizational Commitment
[1]. Hafiz, Jauhari. 2016. Effect of Career Development on Moving Desires (Turnover Intention). (Case Study on BFI Finance Tbk Employees. Palembang Branch). Scientific Journal of Business and Applied Management XIII, No. 2, October, 2016.
[2]. Handoko, T. Hani. 2014. Personnel & Human Resources Management. Second Edition. Yogyakarta: BPFE-Yogyakarta
[3]. Harnoto. 2002. Human Resource Management (2nd ed). Jakarta: PT. Prehallindo.
[4]. Kuncoro, Mudrajad. 2009. Research Methods for Business & Economics, Third Edition. Jakarta: Erlangga.
[5]. Law No. 13 of 2003 article 77 to article 85 concerning Manpower.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of FDI in Insurance Sector and Its Role towards Improving the Indian Economy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shuvrangshu Chakraborty |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-20120666145 ![]() |
Abstract: "Impact of FDI in Insurance sector and its role towards Improving the Indian economy" the research topic has been undertaken to examine the effect of Globalization and liberalization in the Indian Insurance sector. Increase in the foreign Direct Investment (FDI)limit and with the entry of Foreign players in the Indian Insurance Industry has boosted the Indian Economy from its Preliberalisation era i.e. prior to the year 2000. The study covers a period of Sixteen years from the year 2000 to the year 2016.Secondary data's collected from Annual reports, IRDA journals, publications and Insurance related web sites.The data collected were analysed in term of the objectives of the study........