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Abstract: In recent years, marketing to consumers has become increasingly challenging as the number of available products and services across businesses has grown up significantly, while at the same time marketing strategies and consumer touch points have proliferated. It is vital for the existence of any organization to have loyal customers as the complexity and the effectiveness in the market place concerns to what companies need to do and how they do it, meeting with the needs of the customer. The current rapid growth of the mobile phone market has made mobile marketing one of the most important advertising tools and contact points existing to companies today. Mobile marketing can increase...........
[1]. Amarsanaa, B. and Anjorin, J. (2012) Mobile marketing: study of ICA-correlation between mobilemarketing and customer loyalty, MSc Thesis, University of Gavle.
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Abstract: Leadership in itself does not yield into entrepreneurial orientation. However, each type of leadership present behaviours that have been linked to the entrepreneurship and such include proactive personality which is vital to the growth of any business venture. Meanwhile lack of entrepreneur's initiatives to take new opportunity and exploit it as a pro-activeness variable had the greatest negative effect on SMEs growth. This study looked into the effect of pro-activeness on growth of selected small and medium scale enterprises in Ogun state, Nigeria by employing data randomly...........
Key-Words: - Entrepreneurship; Growth; Performance; Pro-activeness; Small and Medium Enterprises
[1]. Afolabi, D. (2013). Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance The mediating role of knowledge management. Asian Journal
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Abstract: In the age of globalization, organizations are endeavoring hard to attract and retain the knowledgeable and committed employees to attain competitive advantage with a view to survive in the challenging market. Organizational commitment indicates the level of attachment felt by an employee towards the organization where he is working.The study attempt to examine the relationship between high involve human resource management practices (HRM) and organizational commitment of employees' working in garments industry operating in Dhaka division of Bangladesh. Data for this study has been collected from full time employees by using purposive sampling method. A total of 384 questionnaires were distributed among the respondents from which153 questionnaire were usable. For analyzing data the study used SPSS software. Findings of the study revealed that,..........
Key Words: High Involve Human Resource Management Practices, Commitment, Garments industry, Bangladesh.
[1]. Agarwala, T. (2003). Innovative human resource practices and organizational commitment: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14(2), 175-197.
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[5]. Ang, S. H., Bartram, T., McNeil, N., Leggat, S. G., and Stanton, P. (2013). The effects of high-performance work systems on hospital employees' work attitudes and intention to leave: A multi-level and occupational group analysis. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(16), 3086-3114..
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that influence the income of restaurant entrepreneurs in the city of Medan. The research method used is the least squares method or Ordinary Least Square. The results of the study show that the variables of capital and labor have a positive and significant influence on the income of restaurant entrepreneurs in the city of Medan. Likewise, working hours, length of business and income level have a positive and significant effect on the income of restaurant entrepreneurs in the city of Medan. Capital variables, labor, working hours, length of business, and education level simultaneously have a significant effect on the income of restaurant..........
Keywords: income, capital, labor, working hours, length of business, level of education
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Islamic Securitization Conceptual Framework in Malaysia |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Nurayati Dabas || Mohammed Hariri Bakri |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2012054044 ![]() |
Abstract: Asset securitization began in 1970 when the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) of the United States introduced planned funding of mortgage pools. This situation affected the financial market for matured and successful securitization loans to control the mortgage market in the United States. Asset securitization is now a highly important factor for both consumers and businesses. In the United States, Europe, Japan and East Asia, asset securitization is growing significantly and attracting many investors to explore the asset securitization market for a diversity of asset investments and increased profitability. It has subsequent to the credit disaster where investors are yet anxious with elevated danger delightful and unbalanced asset cost that loses appetite..........
Keywords: Islamic Securitization, Asset-Backed Securities, Subprime Mortgage, Sukuk, Malaysia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. (Smt.) Rajeshwari M. Shettar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2012054549 ![]() |
Abstract: The fundamental objective of Goods and Service Tax is to make uniform the scattered indirect tax system in India and avoid the cascading effect in taxation. The impact going to make by GST will be a transformation in the entire tax system in India. GST becomes a reality today. GST helps in building new India through one nation, one tax and one market. GST - A Boon for households. India is going to experience the major change in the collection of tax after implementing GST. A comprehensive dual Goods and Service Tax has replaced the complex multiple indirect tax structure from 1st July, 2017. The research paper highlights on the economic consequences of GST and its impact on the Indian economy. The research is an exploratory research and the data collection is done mainly from..........
Key Words: Goods and Service Tax, India, Economy, Tax rates
[1]. Jadhav Bhika Lala "Impact of GST on Indian Economy", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, June, 2017.
[2]. Pallavi Kapila (2018) "GST: Impact on Indian Economy", International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, January 2018.
[3]. Dr. N. L. Balasudarsun and Melvin Paul Antony "Impact of Demonetization and GST in Life Insurance Sector", International Journal of science and Research Publications, April 2018.
[4]. Prof. Pooja S. Kawle and Prof. Yogesh L. Aher "GST: An Economic Overview: Challenges and Impact Ahead", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), April, 2017.
[5]. Monika Sehrawat and Upasana Dhanda "GST in India: A Key Tax Reform", International Journal of Research - Granthaalaya, December, 2015..
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Abstract: Customer loyalty is a measure of the sustainability of a business. If there are many loyal customers, the company will profit but if there are many customers who are less loyal, the company will lose money. Therefore, it is necessary to know the factors of customer loyalty. Research on brand image analysis, promotion, satisfaction and customary loyalty aims to find out the influence of brand image and promotion partially on satisfaction and customer loyalty; the influence of satisfaction on customer loyalty. The study used 200 students in Jakarta as respondents who were selected on a multi-stage basis. Stage 1, 5 universities were selected as random sample units. In the second stage, 40 students were selected as respondents randomly at the colleges. The results showed that there was an influence of brand image and promotion partially on satisfaction and customer loyalty; the influence of satisfaction on customer loyalty......
Keywords: Brand Image, Promotion, Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.
[1]. Anung Pramudyo. 2012. Pengaruh Citra Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Melalui Kepuasan. JMBA, Vol. I, No. 1, Agustus 2012. ISSN: 2252-5483. Accessed in November 2015.
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[3]. Christian Lasander. 2013. Citra Merek, Kualitas Produk, dan Promosi Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Makanan Tradisional. Jurnal EMBA, Vol.1, No.3, Sepember; 284 – 293.
[4]. Fajarianto Bayu, Lubis Nawazirul & Saryadi. 2013. Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Brand Image Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Melalui Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi kasus pada CV. AHASS Sahabat Sejati Motor Tembalang Semarang). Diponegoro Journal of Social and Politic; 1 – 12.
[5]. Ghozali, Imam. 2006. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate Dengan Program SPSS. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro.
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Abstract: The deterioration of water quality and quantity in Harare has been attributed to the rapid growth in population, inadequate rehabilitation- maintenance of water and waste treatment plants, poor institutional framework and socio-economic political situation as stated byJICA (1996); Moyo, (1997); Manjonjo, (1999); Kamudyariwa, (2000); Mawere, (2001); Nhapi, (2009). Numerous studies have been conducted on the water quality and quantity. These studies have revealed continuous deterioration in water quality from the rivers feeding into Lake Chivero as stated.........
[1]. Abid, M. A. & Jamil, A. (2005). The Assessment of Drinking Water Quality and Availability in NWFP, Department of Biological Sciences, Karakurum International University, Pakistan Journal of Zoology pp.367-373, Gilgit.
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Abstract: The prediction and analysis of stock market data have gotten avitalrole in today's economy. The financial prediction or in particular stock market prediction is one of the hottest fields of research lately due to its commercial applications owing to high stakes and the kinds of temptations gain that it has to offer. In this paper, we are using two types of models and compared those using historical data from the Bombay Stock Exchange. The models used were based on firstly, the Deep learning parameters updated through particle swarm optimization and secondly, the Deep learning parameters updated through the least mean square and data taken from Bombay Stock..........
Keywords:Bombay Stock Exchange, Deep Learning, Particle Swarm Optimization, Prediction, Least Mean Square,Stock Market.
[1]. Yusuf Perwej , Asif Perwej , "Prediction of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Market Returns Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms", Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications (JILSA), Scientific Research Publishing, USA. Vol. 4, No. 2, May 2012, pages 108-119, ISSN Print: 2150-8402 , ISSN Online: 2150-8410, DOI: 10.4236/jilsa.2012.42010
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