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Abstract: Corporate social Responsibility is a buzz word in corporate world. Day by day the concept is has been gaining positive response from various forms of business and industries. The surrounding is being formed that companies have started drafting their own unique CSR policies and thus CSR has gained a place in companies core values. When corporate India has been transforming like this in terms of CSR, when we look at the small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in India still they are juggling with the meaning and concept of CSR. Many of SME owners don't know anything about CSR. Majority of them feel that CSR is only meant for large organizations and not for SMEs. They also believe that it is not their capacity to engage in CSR activities. In personal capacities, SME owners may be doing some.........
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Small and Medium Scale Enterprise (SME), perception, firm[1] Carroll, A. B. (1983). Corporate social responsibility: Will industry respond to cut-backs in social program funding? Vital Speeches of the Day, 49, p. 604-608.
[2] Garson, D., (2008). "Structural Equation Modeling" from Statnotes: Topics in Multivariate Analysis, North Carolina State University, Retrieved May 25, 2009.
[3] (accessed February, 2018)
[4] Malhotra, N.K., (2007). Marketing Research-An Applied Orientation, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, Delhi.
[5] McWilliams, A.; Siegel, D. Corporate social responsibility: A theory of the firm perspective. Acad. Manag. Rev. 2001, 26, 117–127.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Sales Performance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Md. Shaban || Dr. Ruchika Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2004040813 ![]() |
Abstract: Purpose: The aim behind selecting this topic for study is to find out the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Sales Performance. Almost all businesses in the world need salespeople to grow their businesses.Emotional intelligence is the strongest determinant for success in the sales field. Understanding the relationship between EI and sales performance may help reduce the gap between successful and average sales performance. Research Methodology: Both primary and secondary data will be to present for comprehensive study. Managerial Implications: The major groups of interest (i.e. management students, academicians, researchers, practicing managers) will be able to understand the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Sales Performance in a better way.........
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Sales Performance, emotions, performance[1]. Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2011) Management: Leading and collaborating in a competitiveworld (9th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
[2]. Futrell, C. M. (2011). Fundamentals of selling (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
[3]. Goleman, D. (1995) Emotional intelligence. New York, NY: Bantam.
[4]. Goleman, D. (2011). The brain and emotional intelligence: New insights. Florence, MA: More Than Sound Publishing.
[5]. Haakonstad, J. M. (2011). Emotional intelligence predictors of sales performance (Doctoral dissertation). Available from Pro Quest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3469901).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Biggest Challenges Facing Hr Departments |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Abobk rklefa N Alhgig || Dr. Reena Mehta |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2004041418 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper explains the Biggest Challenges Facing HR Departments, As HR works to move to a more strategic role, addressing these issues has become a continual and time consuming process. in global politics and the continued business risks mean that global HR directors will be facing some difficult challenges in the coming few years..
Keywords: Biggest Challenges Facing HR Departments[1]
[2] Top Challenges Facing HR Directors Of Global Firms In 2017
[4] Facing HR Departments
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Abstract: Job stress in career women often occurs due to an imbalance between work and family affairs. If a married career women experiences a work-family conflict then it can lead to negative consequences such as emotional fatigue which ultimately leads to job stress. From this perspective, family support can help reduce job stress due to work-family conflicts. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of work-family conflict on job stress with family support as a career female moderator in Bali Province. Research subjects are married career women. Determination of sample size using Slovin formula resulted in 88 people and data were analyzed by moderation regression analysis.The results showed that work-family conflict has a positive and significant effect on job stress. Family support can reduce the impact of work-family conflict on job stress. In this study also uses different test analytical techniques. The results showed there was a difference in job stress between women who have a career in government and women who have career as an entrepreneur. Different test results show the job stress of a career women as an entrepreneur higher than the job stress of a career women that work in government..
Keywords: Career women, work-family conflicts, family support, job stress.[1] Ahmad, Aminah. 2008. Job, Family and Individual Factors as Predictors of Work-family conflict. The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning. Vol. 4. No. 1. Pg : 57-65.
[2] Anoraga, P. 2006. Psikologi Kerja. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.
[3] Ariani. 2011. "Pengaruh Konflik Pekerjaan Keluarga Terhadap Stres Kerja Perawat Wanita Rumah Sakit BaliMed Denpasar dengan Dukungan Sosial Sebagai Variabel Moderasi". Tesis. Denpasar : Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Udayana Ilmu Manajemen.
[4] Benyamin. 2012. Hubungan Antara Konflik Peran Ganda dengan Stres Kerja Pada Karyawati di CV. Semoga Jaya Samarinda. Jurnal Psikologi Untag. Vol.1. No.1. Hal : 44-50.
[5] Bernhard dan Florensia. 2014. Pengaruh Konflik Peran Terhadap Kinerja Wanita Karier Pada Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Jurnal EMBA. Vol. 2, No. 1. Hal : 450 – 456..
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Abstract: Since its creation in 1990 by Simon Barrow, the employer brand has aroused great interest among researchers (Chhabra and Mishra, 2008, Charbonnier-Voirin et al, 2014, Viot et al, 2014) due to the difficulties of attractiveness, maintaining and retaining potential and existing employees. In Morocco, work dealing with maintaining and retaining employees is uncommon, especially with regard to the employer brand. The purpose of this study is to determine how the employees of the tertiary sector perceive the employer brand, and its importance in the choice of the employer. To achieve this objective, a qualitative exploratory survey was carried out among the staff members of the service sector, and then a quantitative study has been conducted to define the dimensions of the employer brand retained by our sample.........
Keywords: employer brand, employer brand management, creation of a measurement scale[1] Aaker, J. L. (1997). Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing research, 34 (3), 347-356.
[2] Alnıaçık, E., & Alnıaçık, Ü. (2012). Identifying dimensions of attractiveness in employer branding: effects of age, gender, and current employment status. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 1336-1343.
[3] Ambler, T., & Barrow, S. (1996). The employer brand. The Journal of Brand Management, 4, 185-206
[4] Arachchige, B. J., & Robertson, A. (2011). Business Student Perceptions of a Preferred Employer: A Study Identifying Determinants of Employer Branding. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 8(3).
[5] Backhaus, K., & Tikoo, S. (2004). Conceptualizing and researching employer branding. Career Development International, 9 (5), 501-517..
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Abstract: Motorcycle is one of the mainstay models of lower middle-income families to suit transportation need since motorcycle has a relatively affordable price. Thus, inflation phenomena of the number of motorcycles occur in almost all regions in Indonesia, even for low-income community in Makassar. The high frequency of travel and distance from the residence to the workplace and the existence of some areas of metro activity center becoming the community magnetism to go out and do some traveling activities is the citizens' main reason to make every endeavor to own a motorcycle. In this study, structural equation modeling was used to analyze the relationship between motorcycle ownership and travel characteristics. The SEM analysis was used to determine the best model on the calculation of motorcycle ownership index of low-income communities on travel characteristics. The method used.........
Keywords: motorcycle ownership, structural equation modeling, AMOS software, transportation, low-income communities.[1] D. M. P. Wedagama The analysis of household car and motorcycle ownership using poisson regression. Jurnal Teoretis dan Terapan Bidang Rekayasa Sipil, 2009;16:103-111.
[2] R.A.M. Madhuwanthi, A. Marashinghe, R.P.C. J. Rajapaksi, A. D. Dharmawansa and S. Nomura. Factors Influencing to Travel Behavior on Transport Mode Choice – A Case of Colombo Metropolitan Area in Sri Lanka –. International Journal of Affective Engineering, 2016; 15 (2): 63-72.
[3] O. Marquet and C. Miralles-Guasch. City of Motorcycles. On how objective and subjective factors are behind the rise of two-wheeled mobility in Barcelona. Transport Policy. 2016; 52: 37-45.
[4] J. Pongthanaisawan and C. Sorapipatana. Relationship between level of economic development and motorcycle and car ownerships and their impacts on fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emission. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 2010;14(9): 2966-2975.
[5] G. De Jong, H. F. Gun, and W. Walker National and international freight transport models: an overview and ideas for further development. Transport Reviews. 2004;24(1): 103–124..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Observational Research and Automotive Industry |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2004044450 ![]() |
Abstract: Observation has an extensive history based on ethnographic research. Nowadays, to study people behavior & performance in their instinctive environment, Observational research provides understanding about the different things from their perspective. This process requires considerable time with the possibility of assuming various role plays with the intention to seek more comprehensive know-how of the target group (Baker, 2006, p.171). Observational data have been neglected by researchers due to inconvenient and non-reliable ways to collect them and then build them into costly & time-consuming research theories. Marketing research is more inclined to the realities of daily consumption, and extensive research is required to capture those moments of reality (Belk, 2005, p.128). Authorities are spending many funds in transportation and traffic safety research. Over.........
[1] Ariffin, M. Q. M., Ibrahim, M. K. A., & Sukardi, A. (2014). Enhancement of instrumented car design for driver behaviour research. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 4(7), 314. Retrieved 13.10.2016 from
[2] Bärgman, J. (2015). On the Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Data. pp. 1-33. Retrieved 23.10.2016 from
[3] Baker, L. (2006). Observation: A complex research method. Library trends, 55(1), 171-189. Retrieved 05.10.2016 from e=2
[4] Belk, R.W. & Kozinets, R. V. (2005). Videography in marketing and consumer research.
[5] Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. 8 (2). pp. 128 – 141. Retrieved 10.11.2016 from
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Abstract: While Academic staff individuals concentrate on their key part of instructing, learning, appraisal and research, executives guarantee that scholarly movement is incorporated into the central business of advanced education associations (Szekeres, 2004; and Conway, 2000b). Besides, managers' guarantee that the authoritative and focal government prerequisites of recording, announcing, and filing measurements of understudy accomplishment are met (Szekeres, 2004). The contention exhibited by Conway (2000b) and Szekeres (2004), recommend that chairmen's commitment to higher instructive objectives is significant. How at that point, do heads in advanced education associations create themselves so their commitment to the association is significant? Besides, does the association bolster the advancement of all...........
[1] Allen, E., & Seaman, J. (2007). Online nation: Five years of growth in online learning. Needham, MA: The Sloan Consortium.
[2] Allen, E., & Seaman, J. (2010). Class Differences: Online Education in the United States. Newburyport, MA: Sloan Consortium.
[3] Andergassen, M., Behringer, R., Finlay, J., Gorra, A., & Moore, D. (2009). Weblogs in higher education: why do students (not) Blog? Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 7(3), 203–214.
[4] Andersen, P. (2007). What is Web 2.0?: Ideas, technologies and implications for education. Bristol, UK: JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) Technology and Standards Watch,.
[5] Chang, S. C., & Tung, F. C. (2008). An empirical investigation of students' behavioural intentions to use the online learning course websites. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(1), 71–83
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Abstract: Agro based Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are perceived to be a critical component in economic growth in Kenya yet faces many constraints that hinder them from realizing their potential. These SMEs have reacted to changing market forces by adopting innovations aimed at maximizing on their returns as they minimize costs. The use of mobile phone technology is a common aspect of these enterprises. However, the effect this use has had on their performance has remained unclear. The aim of this Independent study paper was to determine the use of mobile phone technology and its effect on the performance of agro based SMEs.Exploratory research design was used based on desk research that involved a review of relevant literature and past studies. Findings of the study indicated that most agro based SMEs used their phones for marketing purposes and for the gathering of.........
Key words:Agro based SMEs, Mobile phone technology, Performance
[1]. Aker J.C. (2010). Information from markets near and far: Mobile phones and Agricultural markets in Niger. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2(3): 46-59.
[2]. Dardak.R. A (2016). The Development of Agro-based SMEs through Technology Transfer from Government Research Institution Economic and Social Science Research Centre, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI).
[3]. Donner, J. (2008). Research approaches to mobile use in developing world: A review of the literature. The Information Society, 24(3), 140-159.
[4]. Donner, Jonathan& Tellez, Camilo. (2008). "Mobile banking and economic development: Linking adoption, impact and use", Asian Journal of Communication, 18(4), 318-322.
[5]. FAO. (2009). Agro-industries for development. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Report
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Abstract: The study was necessitated by financial challenges facing public health facilities under the purview of devolved governments in Kenya. The study precisely, examined the effect of financial accountability on service delivery in public health facilities in Nakuru East Sub-County. A descriptive survey design was adopted. The 211 finance and management staff working with the aforestated facilities constituted the study population. A sample of 68 respondents was obtained by use of both purposeful and stratified random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was employed to aid in data collection. The questionnaire was pilot tested in order to determine its validity and reliability. The collected data were subjected to both descriptive and inferential analyses with the facilitation of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 24 analytical tool. The null hypothesis was tested at 95% confidence level..........
Keywords: financial accountability, financial management practices, Nakuru East Sub-County, public health facilities, service delivery,
[1]. Njenga, A.N., Omondi, M.M., &Omete, F.I. (2014). Financial management reforms and the economic performance of public sector in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management, 6(31), 148- 149.
[2]. Lufunyo, H. (2013). Impact of public sector reforms on service delivery in Tanzania. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow, 2(2), 1-26.
[3]. Simson, R., Sharma, N., & Aziz, I. (2011). A Guide to Public Financial Management Literature for Practitioners in Developing Countries. London: Overseas Development Institute.
[4]. Ernst & Young (2014). The Rewards of Reform: Public Financial Management in Africa. Accessed on July 26, 2017 from reform/$FILE/EY-The-reward-of-reform.pdf.
[5]. Society for International Development (2012). Public Finance Reforms in Kenya: Issue and Relevance under the Context of Devolution. Nairobi: Society for International Development
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Multigroup Study on Chains of Restaurants in Tamilnadu State |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Nandhini R || Dr. R.Krishnaraj |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2004047586 ![]() |
Abstract: The focal area of this paper is towards identifying the factors affecting the relationship quality and to identify the impact of relationship quality on customer satisfaction and customer trust and in turn leading to customer loyalty. On reviewing the literature and various models proved by experts there are five factors which form the relationship quality. This has been depicted in the questionnaire with various items. The data have been collected from four chains of restaurants and a multi group analysis have been conducted to know if the same factors behave the same in all the chains of restaurants...
Key Words: Customer |Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust, Food Quality, Price, Location, Word of Mouth, Service Quality.
[1]. Sah S, and Dr. Banerjee N. A Comparative Study of Consumer's Perception of Service Quality Dimensions between Public and Private Banks in India. International journal of Business Administration 2012; 3(5): 33-44.
[2]. Reeves C, and Hoy F. Employee Perceptions of Management Commitment and Customer Evaluations of Quality Service in Independent firms. Journal of small business management 1993; 52-59.
[3]. Singh J, and Sirdeshmukh D. Agency and Trust Mechanisms in Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty Judgements. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 2000; 28(1): 150-167.
[4]. Hyun S.S. Predictors of Relationship Quality and Loyalty in the Chain Restaurant Industry. Cornell hospitality quarterly 2010; 51(2): 251-267.
[5]. Urban W. Customer's Experiences as a Factor Affecting Perceived Service Quality. Journal of Economics and Management 2010; 15: 820-826.
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Abstract: This study was proposed in order to valuate financing of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. The main objective is examining the influence of finance on business growth and development.The study employed the descriptive and explanatory design; questionnaires and interview were applied in order to collect data. The researcher made use of primary and secondary data. The study made use ofcorrelation statistical tool. The respondents under the study were 65 small business owners. The study findings showed a positivesignificant relationship between finance and business growth and development..
[1]. Aggarwa, S. Klapper, L. Singer, D (2012) Financing Businesses in Africa: The Role of Microfinance. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5975
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[3]. Banerjee, A. and Duflo, E. (2007) "The Economic Lives of the Poor? Journal of Economic Perspectives 21 (1), 141-167.
[4]. Besley, T. (1995) "Savings, Credit and Insurance? in J. Behrman and T.N. Srinivasan (ed.) Handbook of Development Economics, edition 1, volume 3, pp. 2123-2207 (Elsevier).
[5]. Boateng, A. (2010). Venture Capital Financing .Daily Graphic, p.33.