Series-1 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | High Potential Talent Development Practice in Organisations – Theoretical Inspirations |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Seetha A. Pachchhapur |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102010109 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper, an extract from research on TM practices in Indian business organisations, aims to present the High Potential Talent Development Practice and the inferred theoretical inspirations that seem to guide its conception. It attempts to delineate the practice into two parts – Intent and Design. While Intent is the purpose of instituting the practice, design indicates the kind of interventions. The findings in each part are correlated with existent theories and approaches. It also looks at the alignment of the practice with learning principles and the assumptions under which it is implemented. Examining the practice thus led to a model that indicates the critical theoretical influences on the same and as well highlighted its prevalence and context based suitability. This paper offers researchers and practitioners an insight into the existing ways of TD in the Indian context and also the need for a fresh look into its design and content to make it more enriching for both organizations and talent..
Key Words: High Potential Talent Development Practice, Intent, Design
[1]. Abbatiello, Anthony. "Better pond, bigger fish: Five ways to nurture developing leaders in an ecosystem for growth ", Deloitte Review, Issue 20, 28 March 2017, Deloitte University Press
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[5]. Cappelli , Peter and Keller, JR. "Talent Management: Conceptual Approaches and Practical Challenges" The Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2014. 1:305–31
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Abstract: This study investigated some aspects of corporate governance mechanisms and earnings management in Nigeria with reference to two critical sectors of the economy. The study adopted a Correlational study designsuitable for explaining relationship between variables used in the study. Secondary data were obtained from published annual statements of 5companies each from the two sectors (oil & gas and ICT) investigated for the period 2013 to 2017. Descriptive Statistics and MultipleRegression were used for analysis. The overall result revealed negative association between earnings management and the study variables. The individual variables however revealed...........
Keywords: Corporate Governance Mechanisms, Earnings Management, Ownership Concentration, Board Composition and Board Size
[1]. Abrams, F.W. (1951). Management's Responsibilities in a Complex World. Harvard Business Review, 29, 54-64.
[2]. Aded, S., Al-Attar, A. &Suwaidan, M. (2012). Corporate Governance and Earnings Management: Jordanian Evidence. International Business Research, 5(1), 216-225.
[3]. Adeyemi, S.B. &Fagbemi, T.O. (2010). Audit Quality, Corporate Governance and Firm Characteristics in Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(5), 169-179.
[4]. Adeyemi, S.B. &Uadiale, O.M. (2010). The Impact of Firm Characteristics and Corporate Governance Variables on Audit Fees in Nigeria.Nigerian Journal of Management Studies, 10(2), 1-22.
[5]. Akers, M.D., Giacomino, D.E. &Bellovary, J.L. (2007).Earnings Management and its Implications.The Certified Public Accountants Journal, 79 (8), 64-68..
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Abstract: The market environment and customers keep on changing, leading into complex network and relationship. The banking industry has witnessed uncertainty since the financial crisis in 2007 that affected the whole world causing significant effect on consumer behavior across the globe that changed the way customers interact with the banks. The general objective of the study was to investigate the influence of relationship marketing strategies and consumer behavior of premier account holders of commercial banks in Nairobi county Kenya. The study used descriptive research design. The findings revealed there was significant relationship between relationship marketing and consumer behavior of the banks. There was significant strong positive relationship between customer orientation and consumer behavior while moderate relationship was established between service quality, communication & trust and consumer behavior. The study recommends that a combination of communication channels be used to communicate the marketing activities too all employees as well as stakeholders.
Keywords: Relationship Marketing Strategies, Consumer Behavior, Premier account holders, Commercial Banks
[1]. AbizerEsmailAlibhai (2015). Influence of customers Relationship Marketing Strategies on Performance of synthetic Hair Manufacturers in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM).17(4) pg.66-71.
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[4]. Chung, S. (2013). A study of relationship Marketing on customer Satisfaction. Journal of social sciences 8(1);91-94.
[5]. Chung, S. (2013). A study of relationship Marketing on customer Satisfaction. Journal of social sciences 8(1);91-94.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customer Trust in Electronic Commerce: An Overview |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. (Smt.) Rajeshwari M. Shettar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102012431 ![]() |
Abstract: Under electronic commerce platform, where the vendor and the customers merely interest with each other, the trust is undeniably the most important factor for the customers to perform the transactions online. Trustworthiness is a measure for the customers, service providers and communities an assurance and advice to select a particular electronic commerce platform that helps in minimizing the risk of fraud. This paper attempts to study the key elements of trust in e-commerce, understanding of customer trust, techniques to promote trust and means to build customer trust..........
Keywords: Electronic Commerce, Customer Trust
[1]. Gigi Mol and Sincy John "A Trustworthy Model in E-Commerce by Mining Feedback Comments", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJECT), 2017.
[2]. Yen-Jo Kiang "An Empirical Study of Customer Value, Customer Trust and Customer Loyalty based on E-commerce", Business and Economics Journal, 2016.
[3]. Ismaila Bojang "Determinants of Trust in B2C E-commerce and their Relationship with Consumer Online Trust: A Case of Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation", Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 2017.
[4]. Nuno Fortes and Paulo Ritas "Privacy concerns and online purchasing behavior: Towards an integrated model", European Research on Management and Business Economics, 2016.
[5]. Milena Head and Khaled Hassaneian "Trust in e-commerce: Evaluating the Impact of third Party Seals", Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact Of Banking Credit On Economic Growth And Inflation: The Case Of Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Olaide Emmanuel ORIMOGUNJE |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102013244 ![]() |
Abstract: Banking credits have been studied by many authors and most of them have come to a conclusion that credit given by banks is necessary for economic growth and has an influence on inflation. The aim of the study is to investigate the role of bank credit in the economic growth of Nigeria and inflation rate. Macroeconomic variables which include Domestic credit (DC), Net domestic credit (DOMCRE), Gross domestic product (GDP) and inflation were used. The data were collected from the Central Bank of Nigeria's data and statistical report (2018), Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin (2018), World development indicators (2018) and National Bureau of Statistics (2018) for the 1996-2014 period............
Keywords: Bank Credit, Economic Growth, Inflation, Variables, Nigeria
[1]. Abdu, M (2017). Human development index: a paradox for the Nigerian economy. International journal of advanced studies in business strategies and management, 5(2), pp:312-322
[2]. Abebeyo, O.O (2013). Understanding monetary policy series No 3: The real sector. Monetary policy department, 10th anniversary commemoration edition, CBN (2013)
[3]. Akinsola, F.A and Odhiambo, N.M (2017). Inflation and economic growth: A review of the intellectual literature. Comparative economic research, 20(3) 2017
[4]. Ayeni-Agbaje, A.R and Osho, A.E (2015). Commercial banks role in financing small scale industries in Nigeria (a study of first bank plc, Ado- Ekiti, Ekiti state). European journal of accounting auditing and finance research, 3(8)2015: 51-76
[5]. Babatunde, M.A and Shuaibu, M.I (2011). Money supply, inflation and economic growth in Nigeria. Asain-Afrcian journal of economics and econometrics, 11(1)2011 : 147-163;.
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Abstract: The study aims to; 1) acceleration of local food-based food security from eggplant flour. 2) determine the marketing strategy of the superior products of eggplant flour in the community. The location of research is determined purposively in Sukodono Village of Sidoarjo Regency because it is a location that has a businessman in the field of agroindustry processing agricultural products into food products. The research method used SWOT analysis and action research method. Data collection methods are conducted with the Group Discussion (FGD) forum. The subjects of this study were a group of farmers, mothers coaching family welfare and youth organization of which amounted to 35 people. Techniques of data collection using observation, interviews, and questionnaires............
Keywords: food security, entrepreneurship, agroindustry, marketing strategy
[1]. Anjarwati. 2014. Assistance to Improving New Entrepreneurial Skills of Local Flour-Based Food Industry. Semarang. E-journal UNS
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Abstract: The work ethic in UPT the Regional Health Laboratory In North Sumatra still needs to be improved so that employees can work with responsibility, work optimally, and can issue abilities and creativity in work. This study aims to find out and analyze the influence of Human relations, physical conditions of work environment and leadership towards employee work ethic. The population in this study were 80 employees. The sampling technique used a census. Data is taken by distributing questionnaires to employees. The method of data analysis uses descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Human relation and leadership have a positive and significant influence on the work ethic in the UPT Regional Health Laboratory of North Sumatra. The physical conditions of the work environment have a positive but not significant influence on the work ethic..
Keywords: Work Ethic, Human Relations, The Physical Conditions of The Work Environment, Leadership
[1]. Djajendra.2012. etos kerja yang kuat akan membahagiakan lingkungan kerja. Artikel diunduh 10 januari 2018 pukul 21:00,
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[3]. Fathulloh, fajar 2015. Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap etos kerja karyawan di BMT sahara tuluanggung. Institut agama islam tulungagung
[4]. Galih dan Azis.2017.Analisis Pengaruh Human Relation (Hubungan Antar Manusia) terhadap etos kerja dan kinerja karyawan PT karunia Adijaya Mandiri Semarang.
[5]. Ghozali, Imam. 2009. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate Dengan Program SPSS. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro..
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Abstract: The purpose of this is to examine the mediated effect of employee performance on the influences of job embeddedness, self-efficacy, and organizational commitment on public organizational of the District Education Office of Aceh Besar, Indonesia. All 207 staff of the office were taken as sample of the study using the census sampling technique. Data was gathered by distributing questionnaires to the respondents and then analyzed using the structural equation modelling (SEM) approach. The study found that job embeddedness, self-efficacy, organizational commitment affected significantly both employee performance and organizational performance. Additionally, the employee..........
Keywords: Job embeddedness, Self-efficacy, Organizational commitment, Performance; Education office
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Abstract: Small and medium scale enterprises are gaining widespread acceptance worldwide as viable drivers of economic growth. However, several of these enterprises collapse without fulfilling the set objectives due to poor management and lack of proper accounting structure. This research work is aimed to examine the impact of sound accounting system on corporate performance of small and medium scale enterprises. This was done by a survey carried out through questionnaire administered as a source of primary. data, Data collected are analysed through one way analysis of variance(ANOVA) using minitab14 version with the Average mean value of 8,57143(85%) showing that........
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Abstract: This study has four goals, 1) collecting data from all leveled students to understand their experiences about VU's service quality and provide a feedback to the authority review team, 2) estimating the impacts of faculty performance, students' registration process, university resource facilities, training programs, student clubs' activities, etc., 3) discovering the reasons of students' dissatisfaction, 4) interrogating the interrelationships between overall students' satisfaction and the underlying 5 factors that ensure their perceived quality which have analyzed by SPSS version 20 to justify the validity of hypothesis. It has used primary data, collected from 100 respondents of 11 academic.........
Keywords: Academic Performance, University Resource Facilities, Registration Process, Training Programs, Clubs' Professional Programs
[1]. Akareem., Husain, Salilul., & Hossain, Syed, Shahadat. (2012). Perception of education quality in private universities of Bangladesh: A study from students' perspective, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 22 (4), 11-33.
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[5]. Ashraf, Mohammad., Ibrahim, Yusnidah., & Joarder, Mohd. H. R. (2009). Quality education management at private universities in Bangladesh: An exploratory study, Jurnal Pendidik dan Pendidikan, 24, 17–32.