Series-5 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | study on the Importance of Post-harvest Management and Marketing of Horticulture Produce in Mizoram |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr.Vanlalhumi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102050104 ![]() |
Abstract: In Mizoram horticulture crops has been grown more than two decades earlier. The soil and climate are highly suitable for growing a variety of horticulture crops. Several crop varieties have been introduced by the government and have proven to be successful. A large number of Mizo farmers have adopted horticulture farming as a means of livelihood. What is lacking is an efficient marketing system and post-harvest management of the produce..
Keywords: horticulture crops, marketing, post-harvest management
[1]. Saraswathy, S., Preethi, T.L., Balasubramanyan, S., Suresh, J., Revathy, N., and Natarajan, S. (2010), Postharvest Management of Horticultural Crops, Agrobios, Jodhpur.
[2]. Peter, K.V. (2009), Basics of Horticulture, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
[3]. Meena, R.K., and Yadav, J.S. (2001), Horticulture Marketing and Post Harvest Management, Pointer Publishers, Jaipur.
[4]. Goswami, S.N., Singh, S.B. (2000), "Problems and prospects of marketing of horticultural crops in North-East India", Agricultural Marketing, Vol. 43, No. 1, 23-30.
[5]. Horticultural Marketing, (2007), FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 76.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of the Challenges of the Indian MSME Sector |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pooja Khatri |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102050513 ![]() |
Abstract: The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector is a major contributor to Indian economic development. It contributes to industrial production, GDP growth, export earnings, employment generation, regional development, economic diversification and social stability. This exploratory research paper aims to present the roleof MSME sector in the Indian economy. The vibrant sector also faces a number of challengesdespite various initiatives taken by the concerned ministries. The present study aims to explore various problems and challenges experiencedby the MSME sector. It reveals various aspects related to problems of finance, marketing, technology, human resource, operations and export potential based on secondary data.Difficulty to acquire.........
Keywords: MSME, finance, marketing, economy, growth, employment, marketing, export.
[1]. Annual report 2017-18 of the ministry of small scale and medium enterprises. Retrieved from:
[2]. Bhoganadam, Syamala Devi and Rao, Nune Srinivasa and Rao, DasarajuSrinivisa (2017). 'A study on issues and challenges faced by SMEs: A Literature review.' Research Journal of SRNMC. Vol. (1). pp 48-57.
[3]. Bonga, Wellington Garikai (2014). 'challenges faced by SMEs on exportation and possible strategies.' Social Science Research Network. Retrieved from:
[4]. Ghouse, Suhail Mohammad (2017). 'Export challenges to MSMEs: A case study of Indian handicraft industry.' International Journal of applied business and economic research. Vol. 15(6). pp 339-349.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Employee Participation on Decision Making In Nigerian Banking Sector |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Cross Ogohi Daniel |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102051420 ![]() |
Abstract: This study has examined the impact of employee's participation on decision making in Nigerian banking sector and the research objectives of the study were: to find out how Employee participation in decision making has a significant impact on organisational performance and to ascertain the level of workers participation in decision making of the organizations. The research design was descriptive in nature. To guide the study, objectives of the study, research hypotheses were designed. An in-depth review of related literature was carried out. Primary data..........
[1]. Amos, T., Hellriegel, D., Jackson, E., Klopper, H., Louw, L., Oosthuizen, T., Slocum, J., &Staude, G. (2008) Management 3rd South African edition Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa.
[2]. Appelbaum, & al, e. (2000). Manufacturing Advantage: why High Performance Systems Pay Off. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
[3]. Barringer, B. R., &Bluedorn, A. C., (1999)."The Relationship between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management," Strategic Management Journal.20(50), 421- 444.
[4]. Bendix, S. 2001. Industrial Relations in South Africa. 4th ed. Lansdowne: Juta.
[5]. Bennett, H. (2010). The Effects of Organizational Change on Employee Psychological, Attachment. Journal ofManagerialPsycholoy, Vol. 42(2), pp. 126-147..
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the satisfaction of the students of Nahdlatul Ulama University in Southeast Sulawesi towards their intention to switch or move to other universities by assessing the performance of lecturers, the performance of administrative staff and the availability of teaching and learning facilities. This research was conducted on 100 students of Southeast Sulawesi Nahdlatul Ulama University students who were randomly selected who were met at the field research at the Nahdlatul Ulama University Kendari. The data analysis tool used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that currently the Southeast Sulawesi Nahdlatul Ulama University students were satisfied with the performance of the lecturers, the availability of teaching and learning facilities, but the intention to switch students was also very high..
[1]. Augusty Ferdinand, 2006. Metode Penelitian Manajemen. Edisi Kedua. Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro.
[2]. Bansal, Harvir S., and Shirley F. Taylor. 1999. The service provider switching model (spsm) a model of consumer switching behavior in the services industry. Journal of service Research. 22 : pp. 200-218.
[3]. Bansal, H.S., Irving, P.G. and Taylor, S.F. 2004. A Three-Component Model of Customer Commitment to Service Providers, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 234-250.
[4]. Bansal, H.S., Taylor, S.F. and James, Y.S., 2005. Migrating to New Service Providers: Toward a Unifying Framework of Consumers' Switching Behaviors. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 33, No.1, pp. 96-115
[5]. Bearden, W.O. and Teel, J.E. 1983. Selected Determinants of Consumer Satisfaction and Complaint Reports, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 20, February, pp. 21-8...
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the relationship between educational background and community income to the level of culture of reading. The research was conducted in North Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Using the technique of quota purposive accendental sampling with a number of respondents as many as 500 people spread across five districts / cities throughout the Province of North Kalimantan. The analysis tool used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that community background (education and income) had a positive influence........
Keywords: Community Educational Background, Community Income Background, and Reading Culture.
[1]. Saepudin Encang. 2015. Tingkat Budaya Membaca Masyarakat(Studi Kasus pada Masyarakat di Kabupaten Bandung).Jurnal Kajian Informasi & Perpustakaan. halaman 271 -282.
[2]. Pratiwi Sari Priska. 2018. Minat Baca Masyarakat Indonesia Masih Diakses tanggal 1 Desember 2018. Jam 21.00 WITA.
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[4]. Tim Penyusun Pusat Kamus. 2007. KamusBesar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI). Balai Pustaka. Jakarta
[5]. Undang-Undang Nomor 43 Tahun 2007 tentang Perpustakaan..
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Abstract: This aimed to investigate the effect of compensation, leadership and work environment on job satisfaction and employee performance atfood and beverage industry in Makassar industrial area. This also explored the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance. Data was collected through observation and questionnaires. While data analysis applied Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Theferefore, this study indicated that compensation had a significant effect on job satisfaction; that leadership had a significant effect on employees' job satisfaction, and that work environment had a significant effect on employees' job satisfaction. Moreover, leadership had a significant effect on employee performance; work environment had a significant effect on employee performance; and job satisfaction had a significant effect on employee performance at the food and beverage industry within Makassar industrial area..
Keywords: compensation, leadership, work environment, job satisfaction and employee performance.
[1]. Ardana, I K, N.W Mujiati, and I.W.M. Utama. 2012, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. 1st edition. Graha Ilmu: Yogyakarta.
[2]. George, B dan Jones. 2012. Managing Human Resources. College Publishing : South-Western,
[3]. Gibson, J.L., J. Ivancevich, and J.H. Donnelly. 2010. Organizations. New York, McGraw Hill.
[4]. Ghozali, I. 2013. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program SPSS, Badan Penerbitan Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang.
[5]. Hakim, R.B. 2014. Manajemen dan Evaluasi Kinerja Karyawan 1st edition. Aswaja Pressindo, Jakarta..
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Abstract: The study should be considered a 'look before you leap analysis' of strategically realigning for sustainable competitive advantage in the commercial real estate market of a developing economy. Foreign Direct Investors are constantly on the lookout for promising markets around the world with an observed obvious preference for countries with optimum risk-adjusted returns, high business confidence and investment attractiveness. In making strategic choices, an agglomeration of quantitative and qualitative market analysis tools such as the TOWS matrix, SWOT analysis and Critical Success Factor (CSF) Models suffices. The application of these tools provide a substantial level of empirical insight to foreign investors but any notion that such has been conducted on......
Keywords: FDI, SWOT Analysis, Nigerian Commercial Real Estate, Strategic Management
[1]. United Nations, Security for the highest bidder in Africa (2009). Retrieved from
2009/security-highest-bidder on December 7, 2018.
[2]. Mlumbi-Peter, P., South Africa's trade and investment policy presentation to the parliamentary portfolio committee on trade and
industry (2015). Retrieved from on December 7,
[3]. UNCTAD, World investment report (2018). Retrieved from or on December 7,
[4]. Santander Trade, Nigeria FDI (2018). Retrieved from on
December 7, 2018.
[5]. Baum, A., Commercial real estate investment: A strategic approach (New York: Routledge, 2009)..
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Abstract: The study examines employees' engagement as a corollary for banking sector productivity in the Rivers State banking sector. The cross sectional survey design was used in the study. The targeted population comprised senior officers of Money Deposit Banks in Rivers State whose study sample was derived through census based on the focus of the study. Data was analyzed and results presented in tables showing the mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. The findings revealed positive and significant relationship between employees........
Keywords: Employee Engagement, Empowerment, Representation, Involvement, Partnership, Patronage
[1]. Apostolou, A. (2002). Dissemination of Innovation and Knowledge Management Techniques, Department of Production Engineering
and Management, Technical University of Crete, Retrieved on January 12th, 2018 from:
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Say: Employee Voice in the Anglo-American Workplace. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
[3]. Bryson, A. et al (2006). Worker voice, managerial response and labour productivity: an empirical investigation' Industrial Relations
[4]. Chartered Institute Of Personnel and Development(2009).Employee engagement in context. London: CIPD.
[5]. Cox, Higgins &Speckesser (2011).Management Practices and Sustainable Organisational Performance: An Analysis of the European
Company Survey 2009. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Feasibility and Operational Strategies of Modern Rice Store Bussiness Plan |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Hardja Dinata || Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102057075 ![]() |
Abstract: In today's post-modern era unnoticed lifestyle governs us. A fast, instant, clean and online lifestyle. Consumers are now accustomed to be served by other sub-workers without regretting the cost of shipping costs in shopping for clothing, electronics, and household goods. This habit is common in the area around the city, especially for residents who live in apartments and downtown. Now people are used to going out of the house with online transportation as well as coming home. Buyers are becoming accustomed to ordering orders such as household needs and home food. Buyers are beginning to be reluctant to go to traditional markets and modern markets to buy, especially after buying people have to bring their heavy groceries to the house. Looking at lifestyles that change over time we also capture a potential that is profitable in the business of changing the way conventional rice shopping habits to shop for modern rice.
Keywords: rice, modern shop, habit, online.
[1]. Umar H. 2005. Studi Kelayakan Bisnis. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.
[2]. Reeve, J.M., Warren, C.S., & Duchac, J.E. 2009. Principles of Financial Accounting. South-Western Cengage Learning, United
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[3]. Ross, S.A., Westerfield, R.W., & Jeffrey J. Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2010.
[4]. GItman, Lawrence J. Principles of Managerial Finance, Pearson, Boston, 2009
[5]. Kasmir dan Jakfar., (2010).Studi Kelayakan Bisnis, Penerbit Kencana Prenada Media Grup, Jakarta.
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Abstract: In the context of stock market decision making and investment choices,the impact and significance of biases in favor of status quo and myopic loss aversion is vital. The present paper discusses thespecific biases in the framework of stock market processes and,via a research on the attitudes ofcertified market executives, demonstrates their impact on the subjects' rational investment decision making and choices and,thus, on the stock market equilibrium, given thatexecutivesplay an influential rolein stock market processes and manage a considerable number of portfolios..
Keywords: Behavioral Finance,Status Quo Bias, Myopic Loss Aversion Bias, Investment Advisers, Stock Market.
[1]. Baker K., Ricciardi V., 2014. How Biases Affect Investor Behaviour, Money and Wealth, Strategy and Management (accessed 10/12/2018)
[2]. Benartzi, S.,and Thaler, R., 1995. Myopic Loss Aversion and the Equity Premium Puzzle.Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.110
No.1, pp. 73-92.
[3]. Camerer, C., 1995. Individual decision-making, Princeton University Press, pp. 587–703
[4]. Camerer, C., and Loewenstein G., 2003. Behavioral Economics: Past, Present, Future, in Advances in Behavioral Economics,
Princeton University Press, pp 1-61
[5]. Daniel, D., Hirshleifer, D., and Subrahmanyam, A.,1998. Investor psychology and security market under and over-reactions,
Journal of Finance, Vol. 53, No 6, pp 1839–1886..
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of leadership and work environment to organizational performance simultaneously, determine the effect of leadership on organizational performance partially determine the effect of the work environment on organizational performance partially determine the effect of job satisfaction on organizational performance partially, determine the effect of leadership on performance organization through job satisfaction and determine the effect of the work environment on the performance of the organization through job satisfaction.The study was conducted on the employees of PT. Cresyn Indonesia. Sampling using random samples involving 240 employees. Analysis of data using path analysis. Based on data analysis known that the leadership variables affect the performance of an organization partially. Work environment variables affect the performance of an organization partially. Job satisfaction variables affect the leadership and work environment to organizational performance in PT. Cresyn Indonesia.
Keywords: leadership, work environment, job satisfaction, organizational performance
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