Series-4 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Adoption Issues of Hr Analytics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Lakshmi Keerthi || Dr. P. Raghunadha Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102040107 ![]() |
Abstract: The attention towards HR Analytics is very good but the adoption rate is still not that impressive. John Boudreau (2017) in an article said: "progress in HR analytics has been glacially slow though industrial surveys suggest a stunning rate of anticipated progress". This research paper attempted to identify the key adoption issues with HR Analytics aiming for its successful adoption. To identify the adoption issues with HR Analytics, a couple of active HR Analytics professionals from different industries and countries have been surveyed randomly with an online Google Forms questionnaire. The findings are a mix of beginner issues to advanced issues of HR Analytics adoption. This research survey result motivates to go for another advanced research survey on the measures to take when adopting HR Analytics and using it the way to bring in the best business benefits out of it.
Keywords: HR Analytics, Adoption issues of analytics, Technology adoption, Innovation adoption, HR Analytics maturity,.
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[3]. Roslyn Vargas, Yuliya V. Yurova, Cynthia P. Ruppel, Leslie C. Tworoger & Regina Greenwood (2018)Individual adoption of HR analytics: a fine grained view of the early stages leading to adoption, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2018.1446181
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Abstract: priorliterature has documented the importance of the transactional leadership and communication competence of the leaders and their relationship with employees` job satisfaction. However, there was a lack of leader insight regarding this relationship in the context of higher education in Syria and very few literatures had discussed the issues. The objective of this study was to examine the mediating role of communication competence on the relationship between transactional leadership and the job satisfaction of the employees in Syrian private universities. The quantitative method was used in data collection. A random sampling technique was conducted which comprised of 283 faculty members and staff from seven private universities in Syria. A total of three different sets of instruments were used..........
Keywords: Transactional leadership, Communication competence, Job satisfaction.
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Abstract: In the context of stock market decision-making and investment processes, the impact of the disposition effect, the endowment effect and the attachment bias is great. The present research, based on answers given by 81 certified stock exchange executives, demonstrates the effect of the above biases on the subjects' rational investment decisions and choices and the significant role of certified executives in the operation and processes of the stock market
Keywords: Behavioral Finance, Disposition Effect, Endowment Effect, Attachment Bias, Investment Advisers, Stock Market
[1]. Alexakis, Ch. and Xanthakis, M., 2008. Behavioral Finance, Stamoulis Publications, Greece
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Lean Consumptions Online In Little Rice Store |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Karen Chandra || Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102042226 ![]() |
Abstract: In today's post-modern era unnoticed lifestyle governs us. A fast, instant, clean and online lifestyle. Consumers are now accustomed to be served by other sub-workers without regretting the cost of shipping costs in shopping for clothing, electronics, and household goods. This habit is common in the area around the city, especially for residents who live in apartments and downtown. Now people are used to going out of the house with online transportation as well as coming home. Buyers are becoming accustomed to ordering orders such as household needs and home food. Buyers........
Keywords: rice, modern shop, habit, online.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Green Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Issues and Implications |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. B.A.Satyamurthy |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102042737 ![]() |
Abstract: Built on the concepts of green logistics and green supply chain management, this paper presents the relationship between logistical activities and its related environmental effects and costs. By greening their supply chain, companies can better use their assets, optimize resources- do more with less, improve and create sustainable technology, ensure continuity and strategic, long-term alliances. Business ethics and social responsibility are important components of organizational effectiveness. Most companies recognize that socially responsible activities improve their image among........
Keywords: resource crisis, green logistics, externalities, green supply chain management
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Abstract: This study seeks to find out the extent to which job satisfaction indices including adequate remuneration, availability of state – of – the – art working tools and others can improve professionalism and enhanced productivity in Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH). An Assessment of Job Satisfaction Indices Among Health Professionals in Jos University Teaching Hospital – An Analytical Study was carried out by administering consent forms and questionnaires produced in line with the Cornell Job Descriptive index, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) and the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) to the 120 named health professionals: Doctors, Pharmacists, Medical Laboratory Scientists, Nurses, Radiographers [Imaging Scientists], and Physiotherapists........
Keywords:Job satisfaction, Health Professionals, JUTH
[1]. Adebakin, M.A., Ogundele, O.J., Sulaimon, A.A. (2008). Effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behaviour. Proceedings of African Regional Conference onSustainable Development, 1 – 11
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[3]. Akah, L. U, Chukwurah, C. C, Ihejiamaizu, Christina C.(2011). Assessment of Indices of Job Satisfaction among Nursing Staff in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State Canadian Social Science Vol.7 No.1, 2011 Pg 124-129
[4]. Akah, L. U. (2005). Stressors and Job Performance of Health Workers in the Public and Private Sector (An unpublished M. Ed. Thesis). University of Calabar.
[5]. Al Hussein S, Kumako B, Ananga P, Dzikunu H, Richardson R. Should the nurse be blamed? Int Nursing Rev 1993;40:27-8..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resource Competency And Organization Commitment To Employee Employment Satisfaction |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Imam Syafi'i, S.E, M.M |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102045155 ![]() |
Abstract: KPP Pratama Gresik Selatan was established based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 55 / PMK.01 / 2007 on the amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 132 / PMK / 2006 on the organization and working procedures of the vertical agency of the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT). The establishment of KPP Pratama Gresik Selatan is a form reform conducted by the Directorate General of Taxes - Ministry of Finance starting from 1984. Based on this background, the purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the competence of human resources, organizational commitment to the level of employee satisfaction KPP Pratama Gresik Selatan.Penelitian this using quantitative approach to the distribution of questionnaires to employees of KPP Pratama Gresik Selatan and processed researchers with the help of SPSS program. This type of research.......
Keywords:Competence, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction
[1]. Mulyadi, 2014, Human Resource Management (MSDM). In Media, Jakarta.
[2]. Widiana, Muslichah Erma, 2015, Commitment and Performance of Governing Organizations. UBHARA Management Press, Surabaya.
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[5]. Ekorini, Dewi, 2011, The Effect of Compensation, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance in Tax Office Primary Surakata ,. Journal Vol.1 December 4, 2011, p. 66-76, University of Muhammadiyah, Surakarta..
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Abstract: This paper reviews the literature on training and development with a specific reference to family-owned firms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Literature review is based on the secondary research carried out in 2014 covering various aspects of training and development. Review of literature brings out that training and development in family-owned firms in KSA is not a priority and is not systematic. The review stresses on the need for Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) to train the employee based on TNA..
Keywords: HRM practices, Training, Training and Development, and Family-owned Firms
[1]. Abiodun, E.J.A. ( 1999 ). Human Resources management: An overview. Concept Publication, Shomolu: Lagos.
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[3]. Al-bahussin, S.A., El-garaihy, W.H. ( 2013 ). The impact of human resource management practices, organizational culture, organizational innovation and knowledge management on organizational performance in large Saudi Organisations: Structural Equation Modelling with conceptual framework. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(22), pp 1-18
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Abstract: Many organizations in Saudi Arabia especially the family-owned firms lack in human resources both in quantity and quality. Firms, which have a policy of training their employees do not have strategic training programs to meet the current and future needs of the organization. The reason for this is absence or lack of training need analysis (TNA). This paper focuses on TNA in family-owned firms in KSA and is based on mixed method analysis of research conducted in 2014. Qualitative research is based on the interviews of HR managers and quantitative research is with the help of survey questionnaire of HR employees of the family-owned firms. Based on the findings........
[1]. Alwafi, A. R. (2013). Exploring strategic planning of family firms in Saudi Arabia. Ph.D thesis, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Business School.
[2]. Alwekaisi, K. S. (2015). Perception of Training Programs in Family-owned Firms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. PhD Dissertation, School of Business. Brunel University, UK.
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[5]. Bowman, J. & Wilson, J. (2008). Different roles, different perspectives: perceptions about the purpose of training needs analysis. Industrial and Commercial Training. 40(1), 38-41...