Series-2 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The purpose of this article has been to introduce the ASIAN finance academic community to the discipline of microfinance and microfinance institutions. Most of the studies reviewed were identified during the author's preparation for this paper, which involves India. This Study covers the issues of MFI sustainability, products and services, management practices, client targeting, regulation and policy, and impact assessment in a summary literature review. Our hope is that this article will help turn the attention of finance researchers to the important issues in microfinance. It helps to improve donor effectiveness in microfinance This study provides insights into the Microfinance practices of the developing economies. A limitation to this paper is that the boundaries between the proposed categories of shareholder political connections are blurred.
[5]. – Micro-Banking Bulletin
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Abstract: After the completion of the graduation, an individual in the corporate world is more confused. They do not know what to do, how to proceed, how to behave in the corporate environment. Talent does not mean everything in the work place. The fresher in a corporate world must have soft skills and technical skills too. This paper focuses on the various aspects of making transition from the college life to the corporate life. This transition requires more planning. There is a wide gap between the academic curriculum and corporate. This gap can be minimized by the academic institutions by imparting the skill-based education rather than the tradition curriculum-based education.
Keywords: soft skills, technical skills, transition. "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education" said Martin Luthar King Jr.
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Abstract: The survey looked at the purchasing pattern with reference to brand awareness in the Nagpur district four rural market focused in the study. Objectives of this study purchase pattern with brand awareness in rural market and factor effecting the purchase pattern, choice a brand nature of this study descriptive and exploratory, 400 respondents in survey about the brand awareness each market 100-100 respondents. A number of statistical tools percentage analysis and gap analysis. A structure questionnaire was designed and used as the instrument in data collection, from the target size. Finding from this survey shows that purchasing pattern with reference of brand awareness particular brand in toothpastesVicco and Detergent powder Rin was more awareness in the entire markets compare the Close up toothpaste and Wheel detergent powder..
Keywords: Rural Marketing, Purchase, Brand Awareness
[1]. Source :
[2]. Source: National council for allied Economic research 2017, data.
[3]. C.K Prahalad& Stuart L.Hart, the fortune at the bottom of the pyramid from strategy +business.issue 26, first quarter 2002.
[5]. The Economic Times FMCG.
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Abstract: Growing up in India as a transgender it's hard. We live in 21st century where human rights are assured and preserved for human beings except the third gender i.e.., Transgender. Despite all constitutional guarantees, the Transgender are even denied to have their basic rights like Right to Dignity, Personal Liberty, Education, Freedom of expression etc. The present research paper deals with the problems, Transgender face in a developing country like India. The study also covers how the presence of Transgender is excluded from the society and what the law and order is doing to convert that social exclusion into social inclusion and what are the complexities are faced in this process..
Keywords: transgender, exclusion, inclusion, denying, empowerment, complexity
[1]. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2015 by Anitha Chettiar.
[2]. Karnataka State Policy on Transgenders.
[3]. Anita Cheria is a partner at Openspace, a campaign support organisation, that supports institution development, documentation and training, publishing, human rights education, advocacy and campaigns.
[4]. wikipedia..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Theoretical Overview on Acid Victims and Government Regulations in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anusha A || Dr.Rashmi Ram Hunnur |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102023541 ![]() |
Abstract: From past two decades, India witnessing a rise in acid attack especially on women. Acid violence involves intentional acts of violence in which perpetrators throw, spray, or pour acid onto victims' faces and bodies. Acid violence constitutes gender-based violence, a form of discrimination under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia. With a decline in their status from the ancient to medieval times, to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers, their history has been eventful. In modern India, women have held high offices including that of the President, Prime Minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Leader of the Opposition, Union Ministers, Chief Ministers and Governors. However, women in India continue to face numerous problems such as sexual assault, gender inequality and dowry..
Keywords: Gender Based Violence, sexual assault, dowry.
[1]. Indian penal code, 1860
[2]. Criminal procedure code 1973, India.
[3]. Criminal law (Amendment) Ordinance Bill 2013,India
[4]. Criminal law (Amendment ) Act 2013, India
[5]. tions_Secretary.doc.
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Abstract: This is a review article which emphasizes theneed for corporate sectors to focus on ruralconsumers, with a view to bring them into the mainstream of global marketing. It is the corporate responsibility of these sectors to spread the knowledge of digital technology to rural and remote areas and distribute the technological benefits evenlywhich helps to expand the business world. Especially Fast-MovingConsumer Goods(FMCG) industries should focus on rural consumers as majority of them are unable to enter the digital marketing/on-line shopping because of technological illiteracy due to their existing socio-economic conditions. In this backdrop, the present study triedto find out the possibilities of transitionof rural consumption pattern from traditional to modern through digital literacy.
Keywords: Global Marketing, Digital literacy, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industries, Rural Consumers, Consumption pattern.
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[5]. Dr. M. A. Durairangaswamy1 , Mr. Anish K. Ravi ;International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Pp-19-20 ISSN: 2249-6645 National Conference on Architecture, Software systems and Green computing (NCASG) 19 | Page..
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Abstract: This study aims to formulate and implement performance assessment model on Pension Fund by making some modifications on Baldrige AssessmentMethod that is adjusted to the condition of Pension Fund A in order to realize Good Pension Fund Governance. This study was designed using case study analysis. The site of the study was done on Pension Fund A.Furtermore, the informants in this study include the elements of employers, the element of supervisory board, the element of Pension Fund administrators, the element of Pension Fund participants both active and passive, as well as the financial services authority as the regulator.
The result of this study was a........
Keywords: ModifiedBaldrige Assessment, Good Pension Fund Governance.
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Abstract: In the world of globalizing and progressively aggressive surroundings affect by the organizations, the companies are looking for compelling new marketing techniques besides the old ones. Transformative Marketing is of the evolving marketing strategy. It is about promoting kind of methods which aim to entice the consumer, by utilizing their feelings and impacting their sentiments which led to changed behavior. The Transformative marketing primarily studies the different stimuli like five senses and consumers emotions. In this study, the part of knowledge in consumer........
Keywords: Marketing, Impressible Branding, Fashion, Clothing Brand, Consumer Behavior, In Bangladesh
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Abstract: In the current organized retailing scenario, the promotion strategies are becoming more and more complicated as modifying in the buyer behavior. Because the main goal of any organization is to make profit with the help of increase the sales and sales performance is closely allied with promotion strategies. There is a complex phenomenon in shopping mall regime that to enhance the level of customer satisfaction to retain them for long run. Hence, malls are required to implement suitable marketing strategies to increase the customer satisfaction level. The study.......
Keywords: customer satisfaction, elements of promotion mix, role of promotion strategies, shopping malls
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact Analysis of Service Performance through Satisfaction with Customer Loyalty |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Mohd Amir || Sha Zhen Quan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2102027197 ![]() |
Abstract: Along with the development of the economy in Indonesia today, also the influence of technological developments that cause companies in its development are required to be more creative and innovative, so as to make competition more intense in the business world, with increasing levels of competition. The goals expected by the company will be achieved, because marketing is the main pillar that is important in the survival of the company. PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk. is one of the private banks in Indonesia. The longer the existence and development of the BCA bank received appreciation from the public. BCA Bank always provides innovative and satisfying products and services. BCA's top priority is to maintain BCA's position as one of the leading providers of transaction and payment........
Keywords: Transportation network, Population, Commercial outlets, Kernel density, Scale
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