Series-1 (March-2019)March 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Food and Allied enterprise supply the basic needs of human being in Bangladesh. This industry is considered as one of the most important manufacturing sectors.Like other business enterprises, such enterprises need to incur selling & distribution cost for marketing their products. By examining the impact of such selling & distribution cost on revenue and profit with reference to eight sample firms,this study finds that selling & distribution cost is highly correlated with revenue and net profit and the coefficients of correlation are 0.990 and 0.989 respectively. For further analysis marketing cost or selling & distribution cost again classified into two groups namely promotional cost and non..........
Keywords: Food Companies, Selling & Distribution Cost,Promotional Cost, Non – promotional cost, Sales Revenue, Net Profit.
[1]. Abdullahi and Dauda, effect of advertising on the sales revenue and the profitability of selected food and beverages firms in Nigeria, International Journal of Economics, Businessand FinanceVol. 3, No. 3, ISSN: 2327 - 8188 (Online) Available online at 1,2015,1 – 16.
[2]. A. Joshi, D.M. Hanssens, The Direct and Indirect Effects of Advertising Spending on Firm Value.Journal of Marketing.Vol. 74, 2010, 20 – 32.
[3]. A. Noman and M. A. Atahar, Food safety and public health issues in Bangladesh:a regulatory, Food safety and public health issues in Bangladesh: a regulatory (2013) 8 (1) European Food and Feed Law Review 31-40, 2013.
[4]. A. O.Abiodun, the impact of advertising on sales volume of a product: A case study of StarcommsPlc, Nigeria,Bachelor's thesis, Degree Programme in International Business Global Marketing, 2011.
[5]. Annual Report of APEX Food Limited,Annual Report 2017, Retrieved from, 2017
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Abstract: Both Primary and Secondary data collection method was adopted. This research is in a descriptive structure within which research should be conducted. Thus the preparation of such as design facilitates research to be as efficient as possible and will yield maximal information. The researcher has done the analysis by using various analytical techniques namely factor analysis andmultiple regressions. The findings, recommendations and conclusion of this study were made based on research objectives.
Keywords: Primary Data, Secondary data of retail Investors in green funds on environmentally investment attitude
[1]. Keefe, J(2007), "From socially responsible investing to sustainable investing", Green Money Journal, Vol. 6 No. 2.
[2]. Claudy, M and O‟Driscoll, A, (2008) "Beyond Economics: A behavioural approach to energy efficiency in domestic buildings". Euro – Asian Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Policy, 1,27 – 40
[3]. Renneboog, L. (2008), "Socially responsible investments: institutional aspects, performance, and investor behavior", Journal of Banking& Finance, Vol. 32 No. 9, pp. 1723-42.
[4]. Chia, C., Goldberg, L., Owyong, D., Shepard, P. and Stoyanov, T. (2009), "Is there a green factor?",
[5]. Boulatoff, C. and Boyer, C. (2009), "Green recovery: how are environmental stocks doing?", The Journal of Wealth Management, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 9-20..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of interpersonal relationship on employees' job satisfaction. The participants were 61 coworkers and supervisors in Education department of Hawassa City Administration. Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis for the overall sample was conducted to scrutinize the trends of the effects of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The finding of the study reveals that good friendly environment at work place play important role for employees' interpersonal relationship and interpersonal relationship had a strong positive direct effect on job satisfaction. Thus, it is recommended that management intervention may be instrumental in promoting friendships at work, employees need to get along well with their fellow workers for a positive ambience in workplace and also for healthy interpersonal relationship.
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Abstract: Despite the fact that ARVs help to prolong life, there is a lot of defaulting by postnatal PMTCT mothers at Kuwadzana Clinic in Zimbabwe. PMTCT Option B+ puts all pregnant mothers who test HIV positive on full ART irrespective of CD4 Count or Viral Load. Research was done to investigate why up to 44% of all those who were commenced on ART during pregnancy in 2015, went on to default in the first year of their commencement. A qualitative approach was used where semi-structured interviews were conducted to a sample of 10 respondents for about 45 minutes to I hour at the selected and agreed meeting places. The sample included the defaulting mothers and the.......
Keywords: Default, Postnatal, Anti-Retroviral Treatment, Mother, Option B+, Clinic
[1]. Airoldi, F., Colombo, A, and Morici N. (2007). Factors Contributing to Medication Defaulting in Patients. Circulation. Pp 116,745-754.
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[3]. Bandura, A. (2011). The Social and Policy Impact of Social Cognitive Theory, Social Psychology and Evaluation, New York.
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[5]. Caudi, D.C. (2015). HIV-1 Drug Resistance Emergence among Breastfeeding Infants Born to HIV-Infected Mothers During a Single-Arm Trial of Triple-Antiretroviral Prophylaxis for Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission: A Secondary Analysis, Plos Med, Vol. 8 (2):243-260.
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Abstract: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identified one health goal with over fifty health related targets applicable to all countries irrespective of development level. There is therefore indisputable need for retirement preparedness in terms of personal health programmes since a significant positive relationship exists between retirement planning and retirement satisfaction. Since employee separation planning generally overemphasize financial aspect disregarding the health aspects despite retirees' health having great implications to individual's in terms of fiscal and psychosocial well-being. In this regard, retirement being a process that require employees to.........
Keywords: Financial programmes, Retirement preparedness; Retirees; Teachers
[1]. Ajzen, I. (1991). Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes. University of Massachusetts, 50, pp 179-211.
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[5]. Bamberger, P. A. (2014). Winding Down and Boozing Up: The Complex Link Between Retirement and Alcohol Misuse. Work, Aging and Retirement, 00(00), pp. 1–20...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Plan Master of Economic Development Majene Regency Provincewest Sulawesi - Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | BasriRizak |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103016373 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to arrange the Planning and Mapping of Economic Development in the Districts Maju area and become a pattern of approach in formulating the strategic and strategic programs of the Majene Regency government. In this case, related to empowerment of government, regional economies that have improved community welfare through regional development policies. called the green revolution, the blue revolution and the tourism revolution. The methodology of research uses the shift shser model. analysis. The results of this study determined the agropolitan area in TammerodoSubdistrict for cassava and other horticulture commodities as a green revolution..........
[1]. Abbas, H. Taufiek. 1993. Institutional Systems, Policy Formulation and The Politics of International Trade in Facing the Market Single European and NAFTA. Bangkit Publisher Jakarta..
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[5]. Ahyar, Agus, 1990a. Production Management, Volume II, Faculty Publishing Section Economics (BPFE) of Gajah Mada University. Yogyakarta..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Green HRM - Practices In Organisations |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.J.Krithika || N.DivyaPriyadharshini || J.GokulaPriya |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103017477 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the importance of Green Human Resource Management(GHRM). Green human resource management is almost getting an important role in business for making better profit range and avoids wastage of corporate resources by following the Ecological principles. It initiatives within HR form a wider form of corporate social responsibility. It plays a vital role in industry to promote the environment related issues..
Keywords: HRM, GHRM, Environment, Practices, Responsibility
[1]. Aragón-Correa, J.A. and A. Rubio-López, E(2007). Proactive Corporate Environmental Strategies: Myths and Misunderstandings. Vol (3) pp:357–381
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[3]. Beard, C. and Rees, S. Green Teams and The Management of Environmental Change in a UK County Council. Environmental Management and Health ,vol(1) pp:27–38.
[4]. Bohdanowicz, P., Zientara, P. and Novotna, E.(2011)International Hotel Chains and Environmental Protection: An Analysis of Hilton's We Care! Programme (Europe, 2006–2008). Journal of Sustainable Tourism 19vol (7) pp: 797–816.
[5]. Boiral, O(2002). Tacit Knowledge and Environmental Management. Vol(3) pp: 291–317.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the satisfaction of the students of Nahdlatul Ulama University in Southeast Sulawesi towards their intention to switch or move to other universities by assessing the performance of lecturers, the performance of administrative staff and the availability of teaching and learning facilities. This research was conducted on 100 students of Southeast Sulawesi Nahdlatul Ulama University students who were randomly selected who were met at the field research at the Nahdlatul Ulama University Kendari. The data analysis tool used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that currently the Southeast Sulawesi Nahdlatul Ulama University students were satisfied with the performance of the lecturers, the availability of teaching and learning facilities, but the intention to switch students was also very high.
[1]. Augusty Ferdinand, 2006. Metode Penelitian Manajemen. Edisi Kedua. Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro.
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[4]. Bansal, H.S., Taylor, S.F. and James, Y.S., 2005. Migrating to New Service Providers: Toward a Unifying Framework of Consumers' Switching Behaviors. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 33, No.1, pp. 96-115
[5]. Bearden, W.O. and Teel, J.E. 1983. Selected Determinants of Consumer Satisfaction and Complaint Reports, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 20, February, pp. 21-8..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Governance Challenge- The Case of University Salaries and Structure in Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Prof Maina Muchara, PhD |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103018790 ![]() |
Abstract: Universities are the citadel of knowledge and would ideally be expected to set standards in whatever they get involved with for others to follow. In this article, it is shown the systematic erosion of collegial management structure envisaged in universities and the replacement of same with non-academicians at the top. This replacement has been enhanced by salary evaluation tools that place lecturers to the level of laborers. In the end, there is serious challenge to governance of universities and the underlying consequence on freedom of academics impacting negatively innovation. Operative words: Governance, salary evaluation, management structure, academic freedom, innovation "How can I compare you to those who taught you........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Agriculture in Development |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mithilesh Kumar || Dr.lndrajit yadav |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103019194 ![]() |
Abstract: Agriculture in India has straightforwardly or in a roundabout way kept on being the wellspring of business to greater part of the population. Indian agriculture has seen a ton of changes in its structure. India, prevalently an agricultural economy, has solid indications of change in agriculture and united exercises. India has considered agriculture to be a valuable instrument of financial development as different segments of creation rely upon it. Proficient in reverse and forward mix with agriculture has prompted internationally serious creation framework as far as cost and quality. Cooperatives appear to be all around situated to facilitate item separation at the ranch level and to incorporate forward into esteem included preparing exercises.. Indian agriculture can be adjusted and made proficient through legitimate and better administration rehearses. The present study brings out over a wide span of time situation of agricultural promoting winning in India, its difficulties and future proposals. In addition the open doors give by agricultural showcasing ought to be tapped viably by the advertisers.
Keywords: Agriculture, economy, development, monetary
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Growth of Stock Exchanges in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shalini B N |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103019597 ![]() |
Abstract: Stock markets are considered to be the barometers of economic development. A nation's development directly depends on the working of its stock markets. The United States of America and other Western countries' economic development is attributed to the existence of vibrant and transparent stock markets. Though a stock market is a secondary market, it directly influences the primary market's effectiveness. The primary market is used to issue securities both by corporates and governments. A firm gets a market for its securities in the primary market only when its existing securities are well traded in the secondary market. In other words, the stock market acts as a mirror of the working of the company
Keywords: Market, Stock Exchange, Securities, Trades, Transport, Economic
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