Series-5 (March-2019)March 2020 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Medical tourism– the scoping review |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Yonlada Kanjanachaiyasit |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103050108 ![]() |
Abstract: The studyreviewed the fundamentalknowledge of whatismedicaltourism by proposed the background and evolution of medicaltourism This paperaggregateddefinition of the term 'medicaltourism' given by previousauthors, althoughthere are severalinterpretations, yet, remained no the universal consensus on the medicaltourismterm. However, the aggregation in thispapershowedthathereis ashare certain commonfeaturesamong the diversifieddefinitions. The authorsalsoreviewedwhat are the developments and the barriers in this global medicaltravel trend.
Keywords: Medical Tourism, Health Tourism, Wellness Tourism, Successful factor, Barrier
[1]. A. Tham. Sand, surgery and stakeholders: A multi-stakeholder involvement model of domestic medical tourism for Australia's Sunshine Coast, Tourism Management Perspectives,25, 2018, 29–40.
[2]. A. De la Hoz-Correa, F. Muñoz-Leiva, M. Bakucz. Past themes and future trends in medical tourism research: a co-word analysis, Tourism Management, 65, 2018, 200-211.
[3]. C. Michael Hall. Health and spa tourism, in Hudson, S. (Ed.), International Sports & Adventure Tourism, Haworth Press, New York, NY, 2013, 273-92.
[4]. A. M. Abubakar, and M. Ilkan. Impact of online WOM on destination trust and intention to travel: A medical tourism perspective. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 5, 2016, 192–201.
[5]. M. Fetscherin, and R.M. Stephano. The medical tourism index: Scale development and validation‖, Tourism Management, 52, 2016, 539-556.
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Abstract: To develop better strategies to retain existing customers and attract more potential buyers, online retailers have to understand E-commerce market, buyers' behavior.Consumers' online buying behavior is a complicated socio-technical phenomenon and has been the focus of online marketers since it is hard to judge the psychological state of consumers while they are making purchases. Like in traditional way of shopping, online shopping has influencing factors such as social, cultural, personal, psychological etc. But when it comes to online shopping, there are some more factors which need to be taken into consideration. The study has been attempted among the university students in Meghalaya and Mizoram to find out factors affecting them to go for online shopping in both these universities........
Keywords: E-commerce, Factors of Online Shopping, Problems of Online Shopping, Shopping Behaviour
[1]. Bauboniene, Zivile and Guleviciute, Gintare (2015). E-commerce factors influencing consumers' online shopping decision. Social technologies. Volume 5.No 1, 74–81.
[2]. Bucko et. al (2018).Online shopping: Factors that affect consumer purchasing behavior. Cogent Business and Management, Volume 5, Issue 1.
[3]. Consumers Want Choices and Convenience When Shopping Online (2013).Retrieved from
[4]. Jadhav, Vilasini and Khanna, Monica (2016). Factors Influencing Online Buying Behavior of College Students: A Qualitative Analysis. The Qualitative Report, Volume 21, No.7, Article 1, 1-15.
[5]. Jukariya.T and Singhvi.R (2018).A Study of Factors Affecting Online Buying Behaviour of Students.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. Volume 7, Number 01. ISSN: 2319- 7706.
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Abstract: In this Digital era, social networking sites play an imperative role in the society for communication and interaction. It is an online pedestal to share information, ideas, content, etc., through virtual communication and network. College students are the avid users of social net working sites. It assists them to obtain information regarding academic matters and also to build cordial relationship with teachers and class mates. A sample of 200 respondents from 10 arts and science colleges has been taken for the study by adopting convenience sampling technique. The statistical tools, such as, percentage analysis, multiple response analysis, Descriptive statistics, and chi square test have been applied to analyse the data. The study has concluded that the majority of the students are using face book.......
Keywords: Digital era, online pedestal, virtual communication and network
[1]. Siyoung Chung. (2010). Factors influencing the use of social media in learning: A case of Wikipedia. Conference ICL2010, September 15-17, 2010 Hasselt, Belgium, pp 490-500.
[2]. R.Junco, G. Heibergert and E.Loken. The effect of twitter on college student engagement and grades. Journal of computer assisted learning, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2010.00387.x, 2010, pp 1-14.
[3]. Saba Mehmood and Tarang Traswir. (2013). The Effects of social Networking sites on the academic performance of students in college of applied sciences, Nizwa, Oman. International Journal of arts and commerce, vol.2, No.1, January 2013, pp 111-125.
[4]. Kamatchi. (2013). Impact of social media marketing on purchase decisions: An exploratory study. International journal of logistics & supply chain management perspectives, vol.2, No.4, oct- dec 2013, ISSN (P) 2319- 9032, (O): 2319 9040.
[5]. G.Arockiaraj and Dr. K.Baranidharan. (2013). Impact of social media on brand awareness for fast moving consumer goods. International journal of logistics & supply chain management perspectives, vol.2, No.4. oct-dec 2013, ISSN (P) 2319 9032..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Tourism as One of the Economic Drivers of Uzbekistan |
Country | : | Uzbekistan |
Authors | : | Raufhon Salahodjaev |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103052324 ![]() |
Abstract: Tourism is considered one of the drivers of economic growth (Samimi et al., 2011). Tourism has been linked to lower income inequality (Alam and Paramati, 2016) and life satisfaction (Sirgy et al., 2011). According to World Bank, the number of tourism arrivals since 1995 increased from 524 million people to 1341 million people (Figure 1).t
[1]. Alam, M. S., &Paramati, S. R. (2016). The impact of tourism on income inequality in developing economies: Does Kuznets curve hypothesis exist?. Annals of Tourism Research, 61, 111-126.
[2]. Samimi, A. J., Sadeghi, S., & Sadeghi, S. (2011). Tourism and economic growth in developing countries: P-VAR approach. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 10(1), 28-32.
[3]. Sirgy, M. J., Kruger, P. S., Lee, D. J., & Yu, G. B. (2011). How does a travel trip affect tourists' life satisfaction?. Journal of Travel research, 50(3), 261-275.
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Abstract: This research is aimed at: (1) determining the farmers' behavior in utilizing and allocating the use of Small Business Credit Scheme for and their own capital in financing of corn farming;(2) determining the effect of the using Small Business Credit Scheme on corn farming productivity; (3) finding of Break Even Point of corn farming; (4) analyzing the effect of Small Business Credit Scheme on corn farming performance; (5) determining the loyalty of farmers in complying the credit agreement with banking institutions. The respondents of this research were 84 farmers granted with Small Business Credit Scheme from Bank NTB selected through open sampling technique. The data were collected through interviewe, desk study, and observation. The data and the information were anlyzed.........
Keywords: break even point, dry peel harvest, financiang, loyalty, productivity
[1]. Adibroto, T.A.,2002. Prosfek dan Permasalahan Dalam Transfer Teknologi Lingkungan di Indonesia. Pusat Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi Lingkungan – BPPT. Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 3 No.2, Mei 2002: 121-128.
[2]. Ahmad, K., 1997. Akuntansi Manajemen: Dasar-dasar Konsep Biaya & Pengambilan Keputusan. PT Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta.
[3]. Crouhy.M., Dan Galai, Robert Mark, 2000. A Comparative Analysis of Current Credit Risk Models, Journal of Banking & Finance. Volume 24, Issues 1–2, January 2000, Pages 59-117
[4]. Gadi, P., 2018. Menguatkan Kemampuan Membayar Sebelum Kredit.; diunduh tanggal 23 Maret 2018:21:11)
[5]. Gordy, M.B., 2000. A Comparative Anatomy of Credit risk Models, Journal of Banking & Finance,Volume 24, Issues 1–2, January 2000, Pages 119-149..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Contempory thought of researcher on online shopping – a literature review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nitesh Dahiya || Dr. Balgopal Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103053846 ![]() |
Abstract: Consumers are progressively adopting electronic channels for buying. Explaining on-line client behavior continues to be a significant issue as studies accessible target a multiple set of variables and relied on totally different approaches and theoretical foundations. Based on previous analysis 2 main drivers of on-line behavior are identified: perceived edges of on-line searching associated with utilitarian and hedonistic characteristics and perceived risk. In addition factors affecting choice of online shopping are given as alleviative variables of the connection between perceived blessings and downsides of web searching and on-line client behavior
Keywords: E-commerce; online shopping behavior; perceived benefits; perceived risk; factors affecting choice.
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[4]. Bellman, S., Lohse, G., and Johnson, E. (1999). Predictors of online buying behavior. Communications of the Association for the Comptuting Machinery, 42 (12), 32-38.
[5]. Bellman, S., Lohse, G.L., Johnson, E.J. (1999). Predictors of online buying behavior. Communications of the ACM, 42(12), 32-38...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emerging trends in marketing – A study on apparel growth in India. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | NiteshDahiya || Dr. Bal Gopal Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103054751 ![]() |
Abstract: Growth in Apparel is increasing manifold with the change in lifestyle, earnings and urbanization of the customers. The worldwide consumers are accepting the apparel fashion products produced in India. Apparel has realized the immense potential to yield business in this segment. The Indian consumers are adopting fashionable items quickly and conveniently with the rise in competition. The present study has been conducted to derive the information on the trends of apparel growth through analyzing the present and future aspects. The study has been conducted by analyzing the data collected from secondary source. The growth in apparel with respect to global scenario has been studied and highlighted in detail. The study also evaluates the potential of growth of apparel and the factors nurturing it..
Keywords: Fashion apparel, Retailing, Growth of Apparel in India
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[4]. Azevedo Susana Garrido and Ferreira João,( 2009) ,RFID Technology in Retailing: An Exploratory Study on Fashion Apparels, The Icfai University Journal of Managerial Economics, Vol. VII, No. 1
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Abstract: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are ingredients for poverty reduction,economic growth, and development. Despite the scholarly documented advantages, SMEs'contributions to economic development in Nigeria have remained muffled due to lack of access to finance. This study examined the effect of banks' internal factors to credit accessibility on SMEs' growth in Nigeria. Ex-postfacto research design was adopted and data were sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria's annual statistical bulletins, banks' audited annual reports, and National Bureau of Statistics. Multiple regression equation was developed and data analyzed with findings revealing that banks' internal factors to credit............
Keywords: Credit accessibility, Banks' internal factors, SMEs, SMEs growth
[1]. Abid, S. F., &Lodhi, A. (2015). Impact of changes in reserve requirement on banks profitability: A case of Deposit money banks in Pakistan. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(31), 1-6.
[2]. Adedeji, A.B., Ikumapayi, T., Taiwo, J.N., &Akpevwe, G. (2018). The Evaluation of credit management on the performance of small scale enterprises in Nigeria Proceedings of INTCESS2018-5th International conferenceon Education and Social Sciences5-7 February 2018-Istanbul, Turkey.
[3]. Afolabi, M. O. (2013). Growth effect of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) financing in Nigeria.Journal of African Microeconomic Review, 3(1), 1-14.
[4]. Ahmad, N.H., &Ariff, M. (2007).Multi-country study of bank credit risk determinants.International Journal of Banking and Finance, 5(1), 135-152.
[5]. Ahokpossi, C. (2013). Determinants of bank interest margins in Sub-Saharan Africa, IMF Working Paper WP/13/34. International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC...
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Abstract: This study examined the various contribution of entrepreneurship to economic growth and development in the economy. Six bakeries in Onitsha Anambra State were selected as the scope of the study. The purpose of the study was to know whether the establishment of small business can affect economic growth and development in the country.Primary and secondary sources were used for data collection.The population size was 200 while a sample size of 74 workers was selected from the six bakeries using the formula for sample size determination by Taro Yamani (1963).The major instruments for data collection were questionnaire and oral interview. Simple percentage was used to analyze......
Keywords: Economic development, productivity, economic growth, unemployment, entrepreneurship development, business enterprise
[1]. Agbo, G.O. (2000), Small Scale Business Management. Enugu: lyke VentureProduction.
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Abstract: Gems and jewellery industry forms an important pillar of Indian economy. Gems and jewellery is mainly used to decorate and adorn. Gems & Jewellery Industry contribution towards the exports is foremost.The gems and jewellery industry is the enormous contributor of the foreign exchange earnings, value addition and employment generation. Gems and jewellery play a dual role, some consider its acquisition as an investment, and others obtain it purely for their aesthetic value to be worn as an accessory. Gems and jewellery industry of India renowned globally because of its superior practices in cutting and polishing of diamond. The foreign trade of India is guided by the Export – Import (EXIM) policy of the Government of India and is regulated by the Foreign trade (Development.......
Keywords: Gems, Jewellery, Importance, Government policies, Schemes
[1]. Bhigania R. (2012), "Forgein trade policy (FTP)", Indian Streams Research Journal, 1(5), pp. 1-4.
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Abstract: Thus study aimed to determine the effect of brand awareness and quality of services to repeat purchase simultaneously, determine the effect of brand awareness to purchase again partially determine the effect of service quality on repeat purchase partially determine the effect of the perception of consumer trust in the repurchase partially, determine the effect of brand awareness to purchase again through the perception of consumer trust and determine the effect of service quality on repeat purchases through the perception of consumer trust. The study was conducted at the customer PT. Kreasi Langit. Sampling using accidental sampling involving 94 consumers. Analysis of data using path analysis.e...........
Keywords: awareness brand, service quality, perceived trust, repeat purchase
[1]. A.B. SusantodanHilmawanWijanarko. (2004). Power Branding: Membangun Merek Ungguldan Organisasi Pendukungnya, Jakarta, Penerbit: Mizan Publika Jakarta.
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Abstract: This study aims to examine directly influence the quality of the product) on customer satisfaction; direct influence of service quality on customer satisfaction; indirectly influence the quality of products on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction derived; indirectly influence the quality of service on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction; and the direct influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty PT Pegadaian (Persero). The population is the total number of customers at branch offices Sunter Jakarta Regional Office IX 2 PT Pegadaian (Persero), starting from 2014 until the month of December 2015 that a number of 12 671 customers. The number of samples taken in this study of 100 customers. As for the technique of sampling using simple random sampling. Simple random sampling technique is a process of sampling members of the population was random without regard.........
Keywords: Product Quality, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
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