Series-4 (March-2019)March 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Employees Absenteeism in KSRTC, With Special Reference to Adoor Depot |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Parvathy.R.Nair |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103040108 ![]() |
Abstract: The Kerala State Road Transport Corporation is the state run bus institution in kerala.Now a days KSRTC is surrounded by lot of controversies. KSRTC is not in a position to operate its schedule position. The prevailing crisis affects its employees to a great extent. Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation. The present study is an attempt study about the absenteeism of employees in KSRTC. Primary data is collected from Employees of Adoor depot. Simple percentage analysis is used for analysis purpose.The study revealed that employees take leave mainly for their personal matters. It is also clear from the study that absenteeism will lead to work stress delayed performance in work, and also lead to overtime. Employees suggest that changing management style can reduce absenteeism.
Keywords: Employee, KSRTC, absenteeism
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Abstract: The reason why leadership style is born is the necessary to accomplish the duty successfully for a a leader. However, becoming a leader of organization, institution, or institute in this era is demanded to be active in collaborating with various leadership style, such as transformational and transactional. In accordance with the effort to keep the existence and development of BMT in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, it will surely depend on who the leader is, how the commitment of the leader on the BMT is done and how the cooperation among leader staffs, and customers to improve the performance and productivity is done. Transactional and transformational leadership styles are two leadership.........
Keywords: Leadership ,Baitul Maal,Organization
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Abstract: PT JNE should have resources that continue to grow as the demand for freight forwarding services increases. Therefore, it is important to highlight employee organizational behavior because organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) can contribute to the success of the company in increasing the productivity of co-workers and managers. Based on interviews, it is known that OCB is influenced by several factors including leadership behaviors, task characteristics and cultural contexts. The low OCB can be one of the obstacles in increasing JNE productivity. This study aims to analyze the magnitude of the influence of OCB employee factors in improving employee performance and obtain a policy or strategy to increase employee OCB that needs to be implemented especially in improving.......
Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Leadership Behaviors, Task Characteristics, Cultural Contexts
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Abstract: The research paper objectives is to identify consumer's perception on quality aspects on fruits and vegetables. The organized fruits and vegetables retailing is gaining momentum in the country as a result of increased share of consumer expenditure on fruits and vegetables. The major category of retail chains is Fruits and vegetables. Besides, the fruits and vegetables are also sold in localized organized retail stores and street vegetable market, some of which are exclusively meant for fruits and vegetables. Thus, consumers have a wide range of retailing formats for purchasing fruits and vegetables
Keywords: organized retail, fruits and vegetables, purchase preference, spending pattern, store layout
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Entrepreneurship Learning Components on Entrepreneurial Career Choice |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Nidal M. Z. Abuzuhri |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103042732 ![]() |
Abstract: This article attempted to shed light on the impact of entrepreneurship learning components in terms of (know-who, know-why, know-what, and know-how) on the entrepreneurial career choice between businesses schools at Palestinian universities. SPSS (21) was employed to test and analysis the data. The sample was 291 students from six universities. The article revealed that a significant and positive effect between (entrepreneurial motivations, entrepreneurial skills) and entrepreneurial career choice. Moreover, the surprise was in the negative effect between entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial career choice. On the contrary, the article demonstrated that there was no impact from entrepreneurial social interactions on entrepreneurial career choice. This reveals that created an entrepreneurship education program will be a crucial for enhancing the entrepreneurial career choice.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurial Career choice
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Brand Loyalty and Brand Love: A Model Proposal |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Nabila ARBOUCH || Redouane BARZI |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103043339 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper attempts to reframe the conceptualization of brand loyalty including its antecedents and its outcomes. The purpose is to end up with a new model suggestion which highlights the causality approach between brand love and brand loyalty as a fundamental component. The consequences of brand loyalty demonstrated by a positive word-of-mouth, share of wallet increase, price tolerance and resilience to negative information should convince practitioners to create closer proximity between their brands and consumers, investing in branding actions.
Keywords: Brand loyalty, satisfaction, trust, commitment, affect, brand love, consumer behaviour.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study on Youth Buying Behaviour and Brand Preference towards Mobile Phones in Thrissur District |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr Josheena Jose |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103044046 ![]() |
Abstract: To study on customer purchase behaviour towards mobile phone. Customer buying is not mere transfer of item from seller to buyer. Consumer wants buying to become a happy affair. They would like to see, touch and feel the commodities that they buy. Understanding this psychology for the consumer many organizations have come to make purchase of happy affair. Today different brands of mobile phones are available to users. Mobile phones are one of the modern telecommunication technologies that have emerged over past decades to facilitate communication among people and across countries. Thus, the present study focuses on the factors which influencing the consumer to purchase Mobile Phones. This study helps to know the buying behaviour of the consumer while choosing Mobile Phones. This study also helps to know the consumers satisfaction level towards different branded mobile phones..
Keywords: purchase behavior, telecommunication technologies, consumers satisfaction, brand preferences and Cell phones
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Abstract: Valuation is done to calculate firm value. The result of accurate valuation ca be used to make decision. The objective of this research was to estimate the stock intrinsic value at PT. Austindo Nusantara Jaya, Tbk and PT. Dharma Satya Nusantara, Tbk by using valuation method which included free cash flow to firm, relative valuation, and abnormal earning. The result of the research showed per December 31, 2015 the ANJT intrinsic value was Rp. 1,545.88, undervalued toward market value of Rp. 1,610 and DSNG extrinsic value per December 31, 2015 was Rp. 575.62, undervalued toward market value of Rp. 600. The implication of this research was that investors have to consider their decision to invest on ANJT and DSNG stocks because, according to the result of the research on December 31, 2015, ANJT and DSNG underwent undervalued..
Keywords: Intrinsic Value, Market Value, Free Cash Flow to Firm, Relative Valuation, Abnormal Earning
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of profitability on firm values, to analyze the effect of liquidity on firm value, to analyze the effect of solvency on firm value, to analyze the effect of profitability, liquidity and solvency on firm value. The research sample is a Plantation Sub-Sector Company listed on the IDX from 2013 to 2016. There are 9 Plantation Sector Sub-Companies that meet the criteria as research samples. The analytical method in this study is path analysis which is the development of multiple regression analysis and panel data analysis. The results of this study indicate that, profitability that partially has a significant positive effect on firm value, liquidity which partially has a positive and not significant effect on firm value, solvability partially has a significant positive effect on firm value profitability, liquidity and solvability both equally influence firm value
Keywords: Profitability, Liquidity, Solvability, Firm Value
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence employee performance at CV Bandabags unit work Lhoksemauwe. The research method used is a causal associative research method with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all employees of the production department of CV Bandabags unit work in Lhoksemauwe. The sample used is a saturated sample that is by including all members of the population of 86 people. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews, questionnaires and literature. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression using statistical software. The results showed that simultaneous motivation, leadership, organizational culture, ability and competence had a significant effect on employee performance. Partially leadership.......
Keywords: Employee Performance, Motivation, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Ability, Competence
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Journey of Indian Women towards Entrepreneurship: A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Geeta Rani |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103046466 ![]() |
Abstract: In the modern era, women entrepreneurship becomes significant tool for women empowerment. Participation of women entrepreneur is important for the transformation of social environment. These days status of women in indian society has been enormously changed. Women can be seen on higher post in every sector of work. Women entrepreneur affect the positive as well as negative on women's social, personal and domestic life. But at same time we can also seen that the most of the women are engaged only in their family and restricted to house job. The reason behind such situation is that women are facing many challenges and struggling to achieve success during their career development. So, in this paper an attempt has been made to looks at the literature around the journey of women entrepreneur. The study mainly found that women suffer and face many challenges at some...........
Keywords: Women Entrepreneur, Challenges, Opportunities, Problems, Economy
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