Series-3 (March-2019)March 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Physical Education, Diet & Exercise- Three Mantras of healthy life |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Alina Dutta Roy |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103030105 ![]() |
Abstract: Illness comes as problem ridden phase of life. Health ignorance is leading the mankind walk the path of diseases, disability andearly death. The bitter truth of society is that, scores of young people are forced to live an unhealthy life owing to the two main reasons. First, they are exposed to extreme work load and pressure to grow and succeed at an early age which affects the mental stability and normal growth. Second, the attraction of lucrative buffet of choices in junk food and oily eateries also inculcates the unhealthy food habits, which in the long run makes the individual succumb to diseases and illness. The solution is proper diet and routine exercise but both these terms are perceived............
Keywords: Health, Diet, Exercise, Awareness
[1]. Rao, Somaya Rama, 1993, Health and Living Arrangements of Elderly in India. In: K. B. Pathak, U. P. Sinha, Arvind Pandey (eds)., Dynamics of Population and Family Welfare. Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, India, pp. 124-139.
[2]. Robine, J. M., Colin, Mathers and Nicholas, Braaud, 1993, Trends in Disability free life Expectancy. Paper presented at IUSSP Seminar, Sendaai City, Japan, 21-25 June.
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[4]. National Family Health Survey (NFHS-2), 1998- 99. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, 2000.
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Abstract: In recent decades competitive world , relationship marketing became an important part of doing business effectively , by which marketers can build up a long term relationship with customer which became in the center of companies' attention and their satisfaction is the main objective for any organization . As the great importance of relationship marketing and the Growing Increase of using Uber cars in the Egyptian society this study set out to measure the impact of using relationship marketing and the role which plays in enhancement the customer loyalty . After studying the research variables and hypothesis , The findings presented as that, relationship marketing Has A Strong Positive Impact On the customer loyalty of Uber company users .
Keywords: relationship marketing, Customers loyalty, Uber, SPSS.
[1]. Al-Mutairi , Ghanam (2010). The Impact of Service Quality and Relationship Marketing on Customer Loyalty: An Analytical Study on a Sample of Passengers on Jazeera Airways in Kuwait State, Middle East University, Jordan .
[2]. Abdolaziz & Mostafa (2016). The impact of relationship marketing on customer loyalty enhancement Case study on Kerman Iran insurance company, Marketing and Branding Research 3(2016) 41-49.
[3]. Tawfiq , tahyr (2014). Relationship marketing as a tool to support customer loyalty case study on Algeria Telecom Corporation, Algeria
[4]. Husnain & akhtar ( 2015). Relationship marketing and customer loyalty: evidence from banking sector in pakistan , Global Journal of Management and Business Research .
[5]. Diep To Lan, Hoang (2015). The impact of relationship marketing on customer loyalty in the airline industry , CENTRIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES , finland ..
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Abstract: Social media is the integration of marketing and social communication, it is a group of online tools that make interaction and communications more easy between users. as of the growing interest in the use of social media marketing among a lot of organizations and the transformation of social media to an effective to all for building a better relationship with consumers, many organizations used social media marketing as a new channel to reach their consumers. Because of the importance of social media and Egyptian youth awareness this study set out to measure the impact of social media on the awareness of Egyptian youth and the variables of study can be represented in the Egyptian Ministry Of Interior Online social media marketing channels ( face book , twitter and you tube )and the Egyptian youth awareness .......
Keywords: youth awareness, Customers loyalty, social media , marketing mix , Face Book ,Twitter , Youtube
[1]. Odhiambo, C. A. (2012). Social Media As A Tool Of Marketing And Creating Brand Awareness, AMMA University Of Applied Sciences, Finland.
[2]. Bartoletti, Marina(2013).The Importance Of Social Media In Their Contribution To The Marketing Of Sport Events,Modul Veinna University , Austria.
[3]. Abu Rumman, Asaad &Anas Y. Alhadid(2014). The Impact Of Social Media Marketing On Brand Equity: An Empirical Study On Mobile Service Providers In Jordan ,Review And Integrated Business And EconomicsResearch , Vol 3(1) 315 .
[4]. Saydam, Serdar &Asaad Ali Karam ( 2015). An Analysis Study Of Improving Brand Awareness And Its Impact On Consumer Behavior Via Media In North Cyprus ,International Journal Of Business And Social Science Vol. 6, No. 1; January 2015 .
[5]. Fotis, John (2015). The Use Of Social Media And Its Impacts On Consumer Behaviour: The Context Of Holiday Travel, Bournemouth University
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study of Investor's behaviour towards Indian Mutual Funds in Haryana |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Parul Mittal || Mr. Subesingh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103031926 ![]() |
Abstract: India is experiencing a phase of savings and investment, especially with the growth spurt in its working class. The Indian mutual fund industry is growing rapidly and this is reflected in the increase in Assets under management of various fund houses. Mutual Funds provide a platform for a common investor to participate in the Indian capital market with professional fund management irrespective of the amount invested. Mutual fund investment is less risky than directly investing in stocks and is therefore a safer option for risk averse investors. Mutual Funds have opened new vistas to millions of small investors by virtually taking investment to their doorstep. The success of Mutual Funds depends upon the fund managers and alert investors. This research paper focused attention on number of factors that highlights investors' perception about mutual funds and preferences of investors. The impact of various demographic factors on investors' behavior towards Mutual Funds has been studied. The survey......
Keywords: Mutual Funds, Investors, Attitude, Preferences and Factors
[1]. Chandra, A., & Kumar, R. (2012), "Factors Influencing Indian Individual Investor Behavior: Survey Evidence", Decision, XXXIX (3), 143-167.
[5]. Mehra, G., & Kalia, A. (2013), "Indian Mutual Fund Industry: Unearthing the Growth Potential in Untapped Markets, Mumbai: Confederation of Indian Industry and PwC"..
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Abstract: Sponsorship has become gradually more accepted as marketing tools in recent years. In this subcontinent, it is one of the major used tools and particularly sport sponsorship is often used to endorse companies' products and to reach their targeting consumers. Because of its attractiveness and the lack of research on how sport sponsorship influences on the brand image, this article seeks to analyze the impact of sports sponsorship on brand image by considering two significant factors fan involvement and sponsorship awareness. This study inspects the sponsorship effects on sports through fan involvement on cricket of Bangladesh and sponsorship awareness of fans towards brand image. Survey method approach is taken in which data is collected through questionnaires from the different respondents in the capital of Bangladesh
Keywords: Sports Sponsorship, Fan Involvement, Brand Awareness, Sponsor's Awareness, Brand Image
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[3]. Stipp, Horst (1998) The impact of Olympic Sponsorship on corporate image, International Journal of advertising, 17, 1:75-87.
[4]. Simmons, C. J., & L.Becker-Olsen, K. (2006). "Achieving Marketing Objectives through Social Sponsorships," Journal of Marketing, 70, 154-169.
[5]. Suzy Aronstam,2014 "Managing A Cost Effective Investment For Your Brand"
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Abstract: Why are we seduced by luxury brands? What are the elements that seduce the consumer in a luxury brand? What functions do these brands fulfill? Such were the questions askedwhile seeking to understand luxury from the consumers' standpoint. While discovering the luxury industry, its situation and the risks it's facing due to a number of shifts happening in the industry, such as the increasing number of consumers. This case might lead the latter to perceive luxury differently. Inspired by the work of Wiedmann, Hennigs, and Siebels (2007) who, to acquire information regarding consumer motives and value perceptions......
Keywords: customer behavior – luxury value – customer's perception – relational sale - country of origin effect
[1]. Aaker, David A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name. Free Press, New York, NY.
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[4]. Bagwell, Laurie Simon; Bernheim, B Douglas, (1996). – "Veblen effects in a theory of conspicuous consumption." -The American Economic Review; Jun 1996; 86, 3; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 349.
[5]. Bernard Dubois, Patrick Duquesne, July (1992). – "The market for luxury goods: Income versus Culture." - European Journal of Marketing..
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Abstract: The paper is an empirical study on role and applicability of social entrepreneurship in the developing new state of Telangana. Telangana - a new state- has a number of social and economic issues to address. The paper presents the various developmental issues of the state and the role of government in encouraging social entrepreneurship. It is felt that the government is an important institution and has the power to impact the public of a state. Hence, it must recognize the challenges to budding entrepreneurs in the form of finance, labs, land, materials, approvals etc. and solve various social and economic challenges hand in hand with the social entrepreneurs. It is suggested that government support can be in the form of collaborations, linkages, provision of land and infrastructure or the sanction of amount. Along with the Corporate Social Responsibility of companies, the maintenance of a Social entrepreneurship cell can be made mandatory. As it can have a wide reach and can play a major role in augmenting the growth of Telangana.
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Development , Social Issues, Growth and Challenges.
[1]. Sherill Johnson - Review on social entrepreneurship
[2]. Tripda Rawal- A study of Social Entrepreneurship in India
[3]. Eleanor Shaw and Sara Carter- Social entrepreneurship- Theoretical antecedents and empirical analysis of entrepreneurial processes and outcomes
[4]. H.P. Bulsara, Shailesh Gandhi, JyothiChandwani- Social Entrepreneurship in India: An Exploratory Study
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Banktech Adoption Opportunities and Challenges in India - An Empirical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mrs.N.V. Kavitha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103035054 ![]() |
Abstract: Information Technology has led to the emergence of innovative and new delivery channels that helped in increasing the speed and efficiency of banking operations in India. The new wave of conventional banking and financial service providers are changing the customer experience, moving from "transactions" to "interactions." Indian Banking sector should be able to compete and grow where margins are thin, competition is fierce, regulations are changing and technology has an increasing impact, banking sector must place innovation as a top priority. Banks needs to anticipate consumer needs and innovate in ways that will prioritize the most effective mix of capabilities, processes......
Keywords: Technology, innovations, CRM, Business Intelligence and challenges.
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[4]. Arul Selvi S., Sundararajan M., SVM based two level authentication for primary user emulation attack detection, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, v-9, i-29, pp--, 2016.
[5]. Venkataganesan K.A., Mohan Kumar R., Brinda G., The impact of the determinant factors in the career satisfaction of banking professionals, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, v-8, i-3, pp-17431- 17436, 2016...
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Abstract: IFRS is not a monster which is going to gobble up the existing financial reporting system practices by corporate in India. Implementation of convergence with IFRS is not at all a complex exercise giving tension, stress and sleepless nights to CEOs and CFOs. It is the refined system of international financial reporting, which is going to be benefited to all the corporate in the world. For achieving this goal of convergence, there is a need to identify the key difference between IFRS and Indian Accounting Standards. This study makes an attempt to do comparative analysis of IFRS, IGAAP and Ind AS by highlighting the major differences which need immediate attention for successful convergence..
Keywords: I GAAP, Ind AS, IFRS, comparison, difference.
[1]. Assma Sawani(2009), The Changing Accounting Environment: International AccountingStandards and US implementation, Journal of Finance and Accountancy,pp.1-8.
[2]. Sarbapriya Ray(2011), "Emergence of International Financial Reporting Standard in India‟s Accounting Scenario", Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol 2, No 12, 2011.
[3]. KATEŘINA STRUHAŘOVÁ, et al (2012), Challenges and opportunities represented by shift to IFRS in the Czech Republic, Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Economy and Management Transformation, volume 1.
[4]. Banji Fajonyomi and James S. Kehinde(2013), International Financial Reporting Standard: Principle, Practice and Prospect, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 20; December 2013.
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Abstract: The study utilizesa descriptive survey research design for a target population of 912 women entrepreneurs with a sample size of 273. A one-stage stratified sampling technique was used to stratify the population according to entrepreneurial activities undertaken by women. Data was analyzed using measures of central tendencies and dispersions. Frequency tables and percentages were used to present data. The study showed that women engaged in entrepreneurship because they wanted to secure employment and provide for their family needs. A large population........
Keywords: Finance, Women entrepreneurs, Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs).
[1]. Bruderl,J, Preisendofer,P&Ziegler,R (1992) Survival chances of newly founded business Organizations, American Sociological Review, 57(April): 227-242
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Abstract: The study utilizes a descriptive survey research design for a target population of 912 women entrepreneurs with a sample size of 273. A one- stage stratified sampling technique was used to stratify the population according to entrepreneurial activities undertaken by women. Data was analyzed using measures of central tendencies and dispersions using SPPS. Frequency tables and percentages were used to present data. The study showed that women engaged in entrepreneurship because they wanted to secure employment and provide for family needs. A large population were engaged in service sector 107(43.1%), commercial activities90(36.3%) and manufacturing sector...........
Keywords: Management skills, growth, entrepreneur, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
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Abstract: The study utilizesa descriptive survey research design for a target population of 912 women entrepreneurs with a sample size of 273.A one-stage stratified sampling technique was used to stratify the population according to entrepreneurial activities undertaken by women. Data was analyzed using measures of central tendencies and dispersions Frequency tables and percentages were used to present data. This study showed that women engaged in entrepreneurship because they wanted to secure employment and provide for family needs. The studyrevealed that the biggest constraint faced by SMEs women entrepreneurs in growing their business was harassment by county authorities70( 28%) , government regulatory framework conditions 60(25%) , inaccessibility to finance55 (22%), inadequate education,training and skill 30(12%), inadequate business support13(5%), competition.............
Keywords: administrative strategies, government policies, growth, entrepreneur, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
[1]. Gakure,R(2004) Factors affecting women entrepreneurs growth prospects in Kenya: Paper prepared for the International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, November,www,ilo,orgglobal what we do publications lang-eng index htm Accessed March 2011
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of water resources policies on successful implementation of water projects in devolved units in Kenya. Water is very important for life on earth and hence one of the most important natural resource. The provision of safe water is critical not just for health reasons, but also for social and economic development. Governments, Non-governmental organizations, local and international organizations from all over the world have implemented water projects to promote safe water supply and sanitation. Although the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade was declared in the 1980s with the aim of ensuring every person has access to safe water, by 1990 one billion people today are still without access to improved......... .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Responsabilité Social Des Entreprises : Une Nouvelle Culture De Gouvernance D'entreprise |
Country | : | Maroc |
Authors | : | Dr Moufdi Riani |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103039199 ![]() |
Abstract: En raison de l'interdépendance mondiale grandissante des entreprises et des chaînes de valeur, les hommes politiques et la société se penchent depuis quelques années sur les problèmes se rapportant notamment aux conditions de travail, à l'environnement, aux droits humains et à la corruption. A cet égard, la communauté internationale a établi et élaboré, avec le concours de plusieurs instances et organisations internationales, toute une série de règles et de préconisations pour responsabiliser les entreprises sur les plans social, environnemental, démocratique et éthique. Si ces progrès sont à saluer.........
Keywords: responsabilité, entreprise, social
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