Series-1 (June-2019)June-2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: The objective of this research is to describe the recruitment and selection model of Catholic Religious Education teachers applied so far in Merauke Regency, with some consequences. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach with descriptive method which is a set of research procedure which obtains data descriptively both oral and written from source or people's behavior that can be observed. With existing data, which is then analyzed deeper, it is expected to obtain accurate information regarding the implementation of recruitment and selection pattern of Catholic Religious Education teacher candidate so far with some consequences. Afterwards, based on existing information, it can determine ideal recruitment and selection model of Catholic Religious Education teachers so that schools can recruit qualified Catholic Religious Education teachers. The result of this research is that so far the recruitment and selection of Catholic Religious Education teacher candidate do not follow.....
Keywords: Catholic Religious Education Teacher, Quality, Recruitment and Selection, the Code of Canon Law 1983
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Employee Motivational Factors in Mrf Ltd of Kottayam District. |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Reshma Elsa Saji || Neethu Anna Koshy |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2106011531 ![]() |
Abstract: An organization is a social entity that has a collective goal and is linked to an external environment. For employer around the world, the HR function is a key player in helping companies to achieve the strategic goals. The major role of management is the effective utilization of human, technological, financial and physical resources for the achievement of the organizational objectives. Employee Motivation is an integral part of Human Resource Management and it plays a crucial role in the long-term growth of an organization. Motivation is essential for establishing an effective relationship between the employer and the employees. Well-motivated employees are an asset to..........
[1]. Human Resource Management - Shashi K. Gupta and Roshy Joshi.
[2]. Principle and practise of management – R. S. Gupta.
[3]. Motivation, Beliefs and Organizational Transformation – Thad B Green and Raymond T Butkus.
[4]. Research Methodology and Statistical Methods - Dr. Inderpal singh, Dr.Vijay Kaushal, Ritugeet Kaur.
[5]. Research Methodology - G. C. Ramamurthy..
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Abstract: National and international policies in the field of environmental protection aim to regulate and control the activity and behavior of man in relation to the environment and the natural environment in which he lives. The activities that lead to imbalance in the ecological environment and affect the nature of the climate and its negative changes are aimed at. Preserving the elements of the environment and climate balance1.
first axis: The concept of the environment and its protection areas..........
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Abstract: In any organization,the productivity of employees matters a lot. The maximization of profit in any organization ,directly depends on the efficiency of his work force. This productivity ,efficiency of the employees have many attributes like their learning skills, knowledge, grasping power etc. " psychological well being" is one of the base reason for any employee in giving his best in the company. We all knows that in today`s competitive world, stress is the disturbing element, which disturbs employees Mental peace and Serenity. The stress produces the psychological changes to prepare us for "fight or flight". That is to have defensive........
Keywords: meditation,yoga,humor,corporate stress
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Abstract: Employees are considered to be the most effective asset in achieving organizational objectives and goals. Employees have the tendency to enhance the organization's productivity and profitability by utilizing the organizational capital efficiently and effectively. In order to advantageously utilize this asset, leadership style is considered to be the most important determinant to increase employee motivation and commitment. Inspirational leadership and even one-man decision-making in business are decreasing in the face of growing acceptance of the team work.........
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Abstract: In the contemporary production environment, manufacturing operations must take into account not only profit, but also environmental and social performance, in order to ensure the long-term development of the company. This study sought to establish the relationship between corporate sustainability and financial performance of manufacturing firms in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The study was guided by four objectives namely; to determine the effect of environmental practices on Financial performance of manufacturing firms; to examine the effect of corporate accountability on financial performance of manufacturing firms; To examine the moderating influence of government.......
Keywords: Corporate Sustainability, corporate accountability Manufacturing firms, government policy, Social Justice, Kenya
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Abstract: Traditional markets are one of the economic centers of society. The establishment of modern retailers in rural areas is a threat to the existence of traditional markets. In addition, the existence of traditional markets has also declined due to internal problems such as the perception that traditional markets are a source of environmental pollution. The purpose of this study was to develop a strategy to increase public awareness in maintaining cleanliness in the Minulyo Traditional Market (MTM) environment's and the efficiency of waste management under the 3R principle. The research data was taken by in-depth interviews with stakeholders, field observations and document studies. The data taken is then used to compile the SWOT analysis. Based on this SWOT analysis IFAS and EFAS are calculated......
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Abstract: Adiwiyata (green school) program is an environmental education at school. In relation to the environmental management, it is necessary to integrate local wisdom within Adiwiyata program. The objectives of the study were: (1) to analyze Adiwiyata activities; (2) to investigate local wisdom related to environmental management in communities; and (3) to examine the implementation of Local Wisdom in the development and sustainability of Adiwiyata program at PJHS 4 Pacitan. There were two methods of data collection used within this study: field observations and in-depth interviews. Field observation was used to identify student activities related to schools' activities.......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Derivatives of Interest Rate in Banking Sector |
Country | : | India |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2106017578 ![]() |
Abstract: The Banking locale plays had a wonderful effect in fuelling and supporting improvement in the economy. It helps in friendly event the nations saving and in channelizing them into high endeavor needs and better utilization of open resources. Present day banking is something different from crediting and getting. They see risk to get benefits. In doing so they see that there are different sorts of risk, for instance, credit risk, important risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, cost risk, new exchange risk, etc. Out of these risks Interest rate risk is the most obvious risk which suggests the transparency of a bank's money related condition to compromising redesigns in interest rate. The risk to pay and capital expecting business area rates of interest changes terribly.
In this way benefit from assets, costs and the cost of gotten holds are affected by changes in interest rates. Getting past this risk is a standard piece of banking and can be a gigantic wellspring of capability and money related supporter's worth. Changes in interest rate influence a bank's getting by changing its net interest pay and the level of other interest fragile compensation and working expenses.
KEYWORDS: Banking, Interest, Rate
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[5]. Saha, A., Subramanian, V., Basu, S. and Mishra, A.K. (2017) Networth Exposure of Interest Rate Risk: An Empirical Analysis of Indian Commercial Banks. European Journal of Operational Research, 193, 581-590
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Quality Asset of Indian Banking Sector |
Country | : | India |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2106017982 ![]() |
Abstract: The banking sector anticipates an extraordinary part in an economy for the smooth close by accommodating working of the different activities of the overall people. Finance is like blood to each kind of activity. Finance is at the place of union of financial improvement bearing of an overall people. The fundamental objective of Indian straightening out has been the satisfaction of progress with social consistency and worth. To meet this making need of finance, the premium for fostering the banking system on sound equilibrium made speed during the early season of opportunity in India. Banking system has a gigantic spot in a nation's economy and is major in a state of the art.....
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