Series-2 (June-2019)June-2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: The main objective of this study aims at presenting the application of Open Ministry model to be applicable inside Ministry of International Cooperation (MoIC). The theoretical framework of this research is based on a model for Denis Hilgers & Christoph Ihl "Citizensourcing and Open Government" model which is pioneer in applying Citizensourcing within any organization. This descriptive study established correlation between independent and dependent variables through conducting a field study with minimal control. The researcher collected data once from 128 individuals through online and papered- based questionnaires (cross-sectional study). The sampling method was non-probability (judgmental) sample which made restrictions on generalizing its findings. The researcher conducted........
[1]. Abu-El Seoud, M., &Klischewski, R., Mediating Citizen-Sourcing of Open Government Applications - A Design Science Approach, International Federation for Information Processing,2015; pp. 313–347.
[2]. A. Irvin, R., & Stansbury, J., Citizen Participation in Decision-Making: Is it Worth the Effort? ,CBEP (Community-Based Environmental Protection), 1996; pp55-65.
[3]. Aitamurto, T.,Crowdsourcing for Democracy: A New Era in Policy - Making, Finnland: The Committee for the Future- the Parliament of Finnland, 2012; pp1-48.
[4]. Aitamurto, T.,&Landemore, H.,Five Design Principles for Crowdsourcing Policymaking: Assessing the Case of Crowdsourcing Off-Road Traffic Law in Finland .Quarter Reort ,2015; pp. 1-19.
[5]. Bartenberger, M., & Regent, V. G.,The Enabling Effects of Open Government Data on Collaborative Governance in Smart City Contexts, JeDEM,2014; Vol. 6 No.1, pp.36-48...
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Abstract: The present paper is concerned about important cottage and small scale industries of Bishnupur Sub-division of Bankura District of West Bengal. It is based on the data and information collected from both primary and secondary sources. The authors have pointed out the financial performance of cottage and small scale industries of Bishnupur Sub-division of Bankura District of West Bengal.......
[1]. Banerji, Amiya Kumar, "West Bengal District Gazetteers, Bankura,"State Editor, West Bengal District Gazetteers,Calcutta,1968.
[2]. Bhattacharyya,Amarsankar, "Mauna Mukhar Bishnupur,"( in Bengali), Mitra &Ghosh Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta,2000.
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[5]. Desai, Vasant, " Organisation and Management of Small Scale Industries," Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1983.
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Abstract: The modern coffee shop culture is relatively an emerging concept in Colombo, Sri Lanka and a competitive atmosphere has been created over the years. It is discovered that coffee shops are visited by individuals for different purposes including dine-in, take-away food and beverages, studying, socialization, relaxation, and business meetings/ work. Having countless alternative places to fulfill these objectives, preference in coffee shops is a choice made by the consumers, and in contrast a challenge for coffee shop managers to overcome. In building a competitive edge towards uniqueness, coffee shops substantially invest in sensory branding techniques as a value creator.....
Key Words: Sensory Branding; Consumer Preference; Coffee Shops
[1]. Lindstrom, M. (2005). Broad sensory branding. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 14(2), pp.84-87
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relationship between Work Pressure and Anxiety: Pilot Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.PriyankaBhamare |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2106023236 ![]() |
Abstract: This study is an attempt to investigate the relationship between work pressure and anxiety among working population. This paper particularly is a pilot study to confirm the reliability of the questionnaire in Indian context. Purposive sampling technique is used to collect data from 76 samples through questionnaire. The questionnaire found reliable as Cronbach's alpha value was greater than 0.7. The results further confirmed that work pressure and anxiety are significantly positively correlated and demographic profile of employees is also significantly related with the anxiety. Since sample size is very small the finding cannot be generalized. Direction for future research is given in the paper..
Key Words: Work Pressure, Anxiety, Reliability
[1]. Newman, T. (2018, September 05). Is anxiety increasing in the United States? Retrieved May 20, 2019, from
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[5]. Gallie, D. (2005). Work pressure in Europe 1996–2001: Trends and determinants. British journal of industrial relations, 43(3), 351-375.
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Abstract: The study analysed the effects of partnerships and foreign aid in the agricultural sector to enhance food security by the ministry of agriculture in Kenya. Descriptive research design was adopted with a population of 300 personnel (100 heads of department and 200 field staff). Sampling was done through the Yamane's formula achieving a sample size of 171 (50 heads of division and 121 field staff). Information was collected using a closed- ended questionnaire yielding a 93.6% response rate (40 heads of division and 121 field staff). SPSS version 23 was used to process and analyse the data. Descriptive statistics were presented in the form of frequencies and percentages and inferentially using a linear regression model where food security (dependent variable) and partnerships and foreign aid in the agricultural sector (independent variable)............
Key Words: Food security, partnerships and foreign aid, Agricultural sector
[1]. Argwings-Kodhek, G. (2004). Feast and Famine: Financial Services for Rural Kenya.Egerton University, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development
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[4]. Manap, et, al., 2015.The Impact of Food Policy on Food Insecurity in Developing Countries.International Journal of Economics and Management 9 (S): 181 - 191 (2015)
[5]. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland (2013). Department for Development Policy, Unit for General Development Policy and Planning / Hanna Rinkineva, Unit for Sectoral Policy / Sanna-LiisaTaivalmaa)..
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Abstract: Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute largely to economic of Nigeria, but are faced with epileptic performance resulting into low market share, poor sales growth, and weak profitability. This paper examined the effect of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) on the profitability of SMEs in Lagos State, Nigeria.Survey research design was adopted. The target population was 4,535 SMEs in Lagos State. The population comprised SMEs in manufacturing, real estate, agricultural and services sectors in Ikeja, Badagry, Ikorodu, Lagos Island, and Epe of Lagos State. Cochran (1997) sample size formula was used to select sample size of 460 owner-managers. Multistage sampling technique was used in selecting the respondents. A structured questionnaire was adapted and validity established. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients for the constructs ranged from 0.79 to 0.95.............
Key Words: Entrepreneurial Orientation, SMEs, Profitability, Proactiveness, Innovativeness
[1]. Adams, P., Bodas, I.M., & Fontana, F. (2019). Strategic orientation, innovation performance and the moderating influence of marketing management. Journal of Business Research 97, 129.
[2]. Adisa, M. K., Adeoye, A.O., & Okunbanjo, O. I. (2016). The impact of entrepreneurship orientation on entrepreneurs‟ compensation in Nigeria. International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies, 3(3), 102-116.
[3]. Alarape, A. A. (2014). Entrepreneurial orientation and the growth performance of small and medium enterprises in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 26, 553-577.
[4]. Alegre, J. & Chiva, R. (2013). Linking entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: The role of organizational learning capability and innovation performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 51(4), 491-507.
[5]. Allen, R. S., & Kilmann, R. H. (2001). The role of the reward system for a total qualitymanagement based strategy. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 14(2), 110-131..
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Abstract: Despite the global competition of the current context, the global economic boom is struggling to recover even though the upswing prospects of the growth cycle. All the indices available to date show a particular gap between the expected performance of the activities and their dynamics. More particularly, the tertiary sector, where there is evidence of a specific monopoly of investment. This situation is generally reflected by the lack of competitiveness of some countries.
Moreover, the tourism sector is no exception to this rule either. Indeed, in market economies, tourism is one of the main drivers of development.............
Key Words: Tourism, Logistics, Territory, Attractiveness, Infrastructure, Transportation.
[1]. Abeyratne, R. I. R. 1993. Air transport tax and its consequences on tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 20, 450–460.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analytics in Real Estate |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Debdoot Das |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2106026567 ![]() |
Abstract: Real Estate Industry has been always discussed in different forums, articles, conferences, and media about how the trend is moving, what is going to be the growth, etc. This article does not discuss any of them. The primary focus of this case study is to provide a generic overview of Analytics and its use in the Real Estate Industry. This Case Study is written for generic understanding of the Real Estate Analytics and should not be used for any predictive analysis..........
[1]. Davenport and Harris, Competing on Analytics, 2007
[2]. Gartner studies
[3]. Wikipedia -
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Abstract: Retailers in contemporary days are trying to concentrate on customers' changing preferences. This crisis entails a profound understanding of the factors affecting consumer behavior in the retail sectors. This study is carried out to reveal the issues of the store that influence the retail consumer choice. The data were collected through a structured questionnaire from 350 respondents from different areas of Sylhet region, Bangladesh using mall intercept survey. 23 variables related to retail store have been reduced to 6 factors using Principle component analysis (PCA). The factors which have influence on consumers' choice of retail store are specifically problem solving, the physical environment, customer service, customer trust, commitment, and product accessibility
Key Words: Retailers, factors, consumer choice, retail stores.
[1]. Aniza, C., Wel, C., Hussin, S. R., Omar, N. A., & Nor, S. M. (2012). Important Determinant Of Consumers' Retail Selection: Decision In Malaysia. World Review of Business Research, 2(2), 164 – 175. [2]. Batt, P. (2009). Factors influencing the consumer's choice of retail food store. Stewart Postharvest Review, 5(3), pp.1-7.
[3]. Chamhuri, N., & Batt., P. (2013). Exploring the Factors Influencing Consumers' Choice of Retail Store When Purchasing Fresh Meat in Malaysia. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 16(3).99-122.
[4]. Laine, K. (2014). The Factors Influencing the Choice of Grocery Store Among Finnish Consumers,(Unpublished Masters Thesis) Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki ,Finland.
[5]. Deka., & Kumar, P. (2018)., Factors Influencing Consumers' Choice of Retail: Store Format in Assam, India. IUP Journal of Marketing Management, 17(2), 22-37.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Affecting the Use of Internet Banking; the Case of Somalia |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Mohamed Isse Mohamed || Serkan Cankaya |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2106027383 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of the research was to determine the aspects affecting the employing of electronic internet banking; a case of Mogadishu Somalia. The objectives were to determine the relationship between cost of internet and usage of internet banking in Mogadishu Somalia. Examine the relationship between perceived ease of use of internet and use of internet banking in Mogadishu Somalia. Determine the relationship between security and internet and use of internet banking in Mogadishu Somalia. To explore the relationship between privacy on internet and use of internet banking in Mogadishu Somalia and To examine the relationship between design of website on internet and use of...........
Key Words: Online banking, internet banking, security , trust., privacy, Somali Banks, Mogadishu and Somalia.
[1]. AlamMahtab and Ankita M Soni (2012).Clients satisfaction of electronic banking and theory of big push: An analytical study with specific reference to selected clients in Vadodara city.
[2]. Ayvaz, Z., Gülseçen, S., &Bayrakdar, B. (2011). Development Education System for safe electronic Internet Banking :
[3]. Bin Omar, A., Sultan, N., Zaman, K., Bibi, N., Wajid, A. and Khan, K. (2011). Clientsminds towards electronic Banking Services
[4]. Bradley L. & Stewart K. (2013) A Delhi study of the drivers and inhibitors of Internet banking", The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 250- 60.
[5]. Bradley, L. and Stewart, K. (2013).A Delphi study of electronic banking.Marketing Intelligence & Planning.
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Abstract: This study aims to: (1) identify and assess the correlation of the working environment, motivation, and compensation simultaneously positive effect on the performance of government employees at the sub-district office Tongauna Konawe Regency; (2) identify and assess the work environment has a positive effect on government employee performance; (3) identify and assess motivation positive influence on government employee performance, and (3) identify and assess compensation positive influence on government employee performance. The analytical method used in this research is the method of inferential statistical analysis. The research location is Tongauna Konawe sub-district office, with a population of about 54 government employees. Data collection techniques were..........
Key Words: Work Environment, Motivation, Compensation and Government Employee Performance
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[5]. Mondy, R. Wayne. 2008. Human Resource Management. 10 th.Edition. Kindle Edition.