Series-5 (June-2019)June-2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Version 3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: This research focuses on seeing the poverty of poor families in facing very limited families. To reveal the mystery, researchers used grounded research methods in this study. This research was conducted for the first time in 2010 in Makassar City, then repeated at the end of 2018. The informants in the first study were 26 informants (employees - key informants, NGOs, and poor families) then followed by 14 informants at the end of 2018. Poor families generally do not have alternative jobs so they cannot make choices so their family needs can be met. They can only do what they face today. Poor families who lack everything do not have enough space to manage their families as can be done by the family in general. Access to education, health and other facilities is very limited so that the family is the only place to depend on all family members in their daily lives. Such conditions will be very common, so some of them beg on the streets, from house to house, and in places of worship. But there are some who survive and do not participate in such behaviour. This paper will reveal the reasons they can survive in their poverty without begging and its effects on poverty.
Keywords: poor family, family management, family resilience.
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Abstract: Competitive advantage refers to a set of capabilities that permanently enable the business to demonstrate better performance than its competitors. Competitive advantage occurs when an organization acquires or develops an attribute or combination of attributes that allows it to outperform its competitors. Sustainable competitive advantage, refers to the long-term benefits of implementing unique values creating products which competitors cannot implement simultaneously, along with the inability to duplicate the benefits of this strategy. With the changing dynamics in the SACCO sector in Kenya, Managers are so much concerned not just in achieving competitive advantage.............
Keywords: Culture alignment, Sustainable competitive advantage, Firm size
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Abstract: Channel of distribution is an aspect of marketing that ensures that products, which actually contain features benefits needed by a consumer, delivered in the quantity and quality to meet its satisfaction. The distribution variable encompasses physical distribution (transportation, storage and materials handing activities), channels distribution (selection of the number of levels of middlemen and in these levels the individuals wholesale and retails firms to assist in the flow of product or title),which channel facilitates agents (specialist who assist manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers in the flow of title or products) The purpose of the study is evaluate solution to the problems inherent in the distribution system particularly of the Nigeria Bottling Company (NBC Plc).............
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Abstract: Evaluating the understandability and neutrality of accounting information produced by AIS through annual reports of the commercial banks in Bangladesh – is the objective of the present study. A structured questionnaire-based survey has been conducted into the opinions of five groups of annual report users regarding the understandability and neutrality qualities of accounting information produced by AIS of commercial banks. Based on users' perceptions, the study reveals that accounting information, produced by AIS of the commercial banks in Bangladesh, is understandable but not neutral. The study also found that there is significant differences of opinion..........
Keywords: Qualities of accounting information, Accounting information system, Annual reports, Understandability, Neutrality
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Leader Cultural intelligence and firm's effective internationalization |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Regina, Ekiyor |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2106052933 ![]() |
Abstract: The focus of this paper was on the link between leader cultural intelligence and firm's effective internationalization. The paper reviewed literature on the features, attributes, and manifestations of leader cultural intelligence and its implications for firm's effective internationalization. Content shows a dominant position in views and theories which identify cultural diversity as intrusive and imposing on behaviour and even business exchanges, identifying leader cultural intelligence as a prerequisite for effective market penetration and internationalization. In conclusion it was stated that leadership cultural intelligence enhances the features of the firm's products and services within its foreign markets by way of cultural specifications and standards, and as such contributes towards firm's effective internationalization.
Keywords: Internationalization, leader cultural intelligence, culture, leadership, diversity
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Abstract: The dynamics of growth and development of Islamic banking have found an ambivalence to the concept of sharia applied and on the other hand Muslim customers who utilize Islamic finance continue to grow over time. This phenomenon, interestingly analyzed about the motivation of a Muslim customer from aspects of humanity and moral values in relation to the blessings of the business obtained. The number of samples in this study were 110 people from 152 respondents who were determined by random sampling. Data were collected using questionnaires and interview guidelines, validity and reliability tests, transformation of ordinal data into intervals using MSI, linearity...........
Keywords: Values, Morals, Humanity, Business, Muslim Customers
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Abstract: Thispaper explores Corporate Social Responsibility and performance of non-financial firms Quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The paper adopts Ex-post facto research design, using panel data. Secondary data was used from 2006-2016 extracted from annual reports and account of 40 sample firms using purposive sampling technique. Data was analyzed using panel regression for model 1and 2. Findings of this paper indicates a positive significant effect of CSR on ROA, while ROE reported negative significant effect. The paper therefore, recommended that the management of the non-financial firms quoted on NSE should continue to engage in CSR programs in an effort to ensure legitimacy and improve company's FP. Also, the findings of this paper have shown some practical implications on the management in making prudent and sound financial decisions, because the paper has established whether there is significant effect on CSR and performance as this will allow Non-Quoted companies in knowing whether to practice CSR and firmsimproved on their performance or not.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Performance and Quoted Non- Financial Firms
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Abstract: To increase the stock price index, the application of influencing factors such as disclosure of leverage, profitability, and EVA is widely considered now. Based on the background above, this study aims to determine the effect of leverage, profitability, and EVA on Trading Volume Activity (TVA), with company value as an intervening variable. The research sample is a company listed in the LQ45 company for the period 2012-2016. The type of data used is secondary data. The dependent variable is the Trading Volume Activity that is proxied with TVA. The independent variables used are disclosure of leverage, profitability, and EVA. The intervening variable in this study is Tobin's Q. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis data and inferential statistical analysis data. The results show that: (1) Disclosure of leverage has a negative and significant effect...........
Keywords: TVA, Tobin's Q, Leverage, Profitabilitie, EVA
[1]. Akseptori, R., Yuniati, N., dan Kurniasari, P.I. 2018. Fundamental terhadap rading Volume Activity pada perusahaan industri Transportasi Laut dan Perikanan di Bursa Efek Indonesia 1(2).
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[4]. Dewi, I.R., Handayani, S.R., dan Nuzula, N.F. 2014. Pengaruh Struktur Modal terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Pada Sektor Pertambangan yang terdaftar di BEF 2009-2012). Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB) 17(1).
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Abstract: The research aims to highlight the role of modern manufacturing systems (Lean production and Agile production) in achieving the outstanding performance of the operations performed by Al-Doura Refinery Company in Baghdad. The research sample was selected from (77) persons, In the refinery of the course also as one of four refineries belonging to the Middle Refineries Company in all its divisions and its divisions related to the production of light derivatives for the application of the practical side of the research, the researchers followed the descriptive approach as the data and information were collected by the questionnaire distributed to a sample of managers in the refinery. Allen The results reached by the researchers that there is a strong relationship between modern manufacturing systems with outstanding performance of operations, as well as contribute to modern manufacturing systems in the outstanding performance of operations.
[1]. Al-Ameri, Amer Abdul Latif Kazem, 2016, "The Impact of Quality Management Culture on Outstanding Performance, A Comparative Analytical Study among a Sample of Service and Productive Organizations Working in Baghdad", Iraqi University 263-288 . :2224414X Year: 2016 Volume: 1 Issue: 9 Pages: 263-288
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[4]. Al-Rubaie, Sumaya Abbas Majid Rasheed, 2015, "Knowledge Industry and Functional Alienation and their Effect on Distinguished Performance, Exploratory Study in Mustansiriya University Faculties", PhD in Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Mustansiriya University.
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Abstract: In the onslaught of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the transformative global economy, the implementation of the information system has been recognized as an operational and strategic tool for business advantage. The emerging ramifications in the business and industrial workspaces include the implications of the Industry 4.0 to the business ecosystem. Notwithstanding with the prevalent trends in IT and business process outsourcing, there has been too diminutive attention on what transpires to knowledge when an organization outsources. This study sought to look at the perceived significance of implementing Knowledge Management System in selected business process outsourcing companies in the Philippines on the basis of its effects to improved agility, better decision-making.........
Keywords: BPO company, business process outsourcing, knowledge management, knowledge management system, service management
[1]. Lee, J., Bagheri, B., & Kao, H. A. (2015). A cyber-physical systems architecture for industry 4.0-based manufacturing systems. Manufacturing letters, 3, 18-23.
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[4]. Dasig Jr, D. D. (2014). A study on the sectors of economy serviced by pre-industry system developers among companies in Metro Manila: A tool for business reengineering. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.7277.
[5]. DASIG JR, D. D., BENOSA, M. C., PAHAYAHAY, A. B., ASEJO, N. R., TADEO, C., ELLAINE, M., & SABADO, D. C. Glocalization of Technology Capability in these Technological Constellations. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 106-115.
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Abstract: The magnitude and turbulence of the changing landscape in the service industry have posed challenges in the many lenses of business dynamics and organizational capabilities. In the service management ecosystem, Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodologies have been used in project deployment since the customer needs are ever changing and increasing. Today, executives and managers invigorated the business environment to champion a systematic approach since business process improvements are needed to improve performance as measured by quality, cost, delivery and customer satisfaction. This study aimed at looking at the effects of implementing projects using Lean Six Sigma methodologies to the operational and financial efficiencies in various companies in the Philippines. On the basis of the results of the study, it can be gleaned that implementing business innovations and Kaizen Projects using Lean Six Sigma methodologies can gauge and compliment the company to beVery Efficient..........
Keywords: business process improvement, kaizen project, lean six sigma, service management, service sector
[1]. Van Der Aalst, W. M. (2002, June). Making work flow: On the application of petri nets to business process management. In International conference on application and theory of Petri nets (pp. 1-22). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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Abstract: The main motivation of this study was the limited research studies on the relationship between CRM dimensions and accommodation facilities performance and the need to establish how the classified accommodation facilities in Coast region of Kenya have implemented CRM and how different dimensions predict their performance. In addition, the study aims at establishing whether the factors within the organization have a moderating role in the relationship between CRM dimensions and the performance.The study had two specific objectives. One was to investigate the influence of Customer Oriented(CO) on the performance of classified accommodation facilities in Coast region of Kenya and two, to establish whether the organizational size has a moderating role........
Keywords: customer relationship management, customer orientation, Performance, organizational zize
[1]. Allen, D. R. (2010). Customer Satisfaction Research Management: A comprehensive guide to integrating customer loyalty and satisfaction metrics. New Delhi: New Age International.
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[4]. Eldesouki, B. E & Wen, Y. (2018). The impact of Customer Relationship Management Dimensions on the Performance of Hotel industry in Egypt: A case of Cairo Hotels. International journal of Business and Management Review, 6(3), 17-44
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Abstract: This study aims to find out and analyze the influence of store atmosphere on the purchase decision of mini market consumers in Kendari City. The population in this study were all mini-market consumers in Kendari City, with a sample of 96 respondents obtained by convenience sampling method. The data collected were then analyzed by the structural equation modeling method with the partial least square (PLS) approach. The results showed that store atmosphere had a significant effect on the purchase decision of mini market consumers in Kendari City.
Keywords:Store Atmosphere, Purchase Decision, Retail.
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