Version-1 (January-2017)
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Abstract: A randomized placebo controlled single blind study was conducted to compare the effects of bolus doses of metoprolol and esmolol heart rate ,systolic blood pressure and rate pressure product during laryngoscopy and intubation.60 patients of ASA I and II randomly received placebo or study group(1 mg/kg of esmolol) or 80 μg/kg of metoprolol in 20 ml normal saline.Heart rate,systolic b.p were recorded serially after study drug , before induction,during laryngoscopy and intubation and1/2min,1min,11/2 min ,2 min each minute till parameters reach baseline or 20 minutes whichever is earlier. Rate pressure product was calculated and statistically evaluated in all 3 groups..............
Keywords: (Esmolol metoprolol,laryngoscopy ,intubation,rate pressure product)
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Abstract: Thirty participants of SGT University Budhera, Gurgaon (Haryana) India including anesthesiologists, surgeons and paramedical staff were surveyed by giving a structured questionnaire regarding their preference for small or large surgical incision for laparotomy and for finding reasons for their preference for a particular incision. Most participants were in favor of small surgical incision. The most common reason for their preference was better cosmetic results.
Keywords: Large Incision, Small Incision, Preference.
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Abstract: Introduction:Epilepsy describes a condition in which a person has recurrent seizures due to chronic underlying process. Epilepsy refers to a clinical phenomenon than a single disease entity, since there are many forms and causes of epilepsy. Objective:Toanalyse the etiological agents of late onset epilepsy. Method:Data for the study was collected from patients with epilepsy admitted in Department of Medicine at R.I.M.S RANCHI. Total of 60 patients were included in this study and their detailed etiological analysis was done. Conclusion:Neurocysticercosis was the most common cause of late onset epilepsy at R.I.M.S, RANCHI in this study.
Keywords: Epilepsy,LateOnset,Neurocysticercosis.
[1]. Daniel HL, Seizures and Epilepsy. In :Dan Longo,DennisL.Kasper, J. Larry Janeson, Antony S. Fauci, Stephen L. Hauser, Joseph
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Abstract: Aims: To study the prevalence of poisonous and non-poisonous snake bites in nellore district with reference to age, sex, occupation, part of body bitten, time of bite and seasonal variation, and the types of poisonous snakes common in this locality and their clinical manifestations along with the systemic envenomation from various types of poisonous snakes and their effective management in reducing the mortality rate. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted between May 2015 to May 2016 at government general hospital, nellore................
Keywords: Non-poisonous bite, neuroparalytic bite, poisonous bite, vasculotoxic bite
[1]. Al-Homrany M. Acute renal failure following snake bites: a case report and review of the literature. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl.
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Environ Med. 2007; 18:2-9.
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Abstract: Aim : To evaluate LH: FSH ratio in obese and non-obese patients of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS). Material and method:The study was conducted in Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi. 102 patients were selected from patients visiting department of obstetrics and gynaecology, dermatology and medicine for complaint of menstrual irregularities, acne, hirsuitism, obesity and infertility. Ethical consent was taken. After proper counselling, informed consent of patients were taken. Fasting blood sample was taken on 3rd day of normal or induced menstrual cycle. Serum Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) was estimated with the help of chemiluminescence ABBOTT 1000 isr................
Keywords: Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Obesity.
[1]. Holte, Jan, et al. "The independent effects of polycystic ovary syndrome and obesity on serum concentrations of gonadotrophins and
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Abstract: This was a clinical descriptive study of congenital malformations in new born in a tertiary level hospital in north-east India from the period 1st January 2015 to 30th April, 2016. Out of 14912 births, 159 had congenital malformation making an incidence of 1.06%. The incidence was more in males, in preterm babies, and more in stillborn. Oligohydramnios was associated with the highest risk of congenital malformation. The most common congenital malformation was cleft lip followed by CTEV.
Keywords: Birth, Congenital, Incidence, Malformation, Stillborn
[1]. Taksande A,Vihekar K,Chaturvedi P,Jain M.Congenital malformations at birth in Central India: A rural medical college hospital based study.Indian J Hum Genet.2010;16(3);159-163.
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[4]. Sarkar S,Patra C,Dasgupta KM,Nayek K,Karmakar RP.Prevalence of Congenital Anomalies in Neonates and Associated Risk Factors in A tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India.Journal of Clinical Nenatology.2013;2(3):131-137.
[5]. Baruah J,Kusre G,Bora R.Pattern of Gross Congenital Malformations in a tertiary Hospital in Northeast India.Indian J Pediatr.2015;82(10):917-22.
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Abstract: Background: The variable prognosis of gastrointestinal lymphoma within a pathological stage necessitates the identification of subgroups of patients with a more aggressive disease. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the present study was to identify the incidence and distribution of paediatric lymphomas, to assess conventional morphological prognostic parameters among the various histopathological subtypes by immunophenotyping and to evaluate the expression of Ki67 in GI lymphoma and correlate with several clinico-pathological features and prognosis..............
Key words: B Cell Type,CD20,CD45, Gastrointestinal lymphoma,Ki-67.
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Abstract: Purpose: To determine the correlation of central corneal thickness (CCT) with intraocular pressure measurement (IOP) & to reclassify the patients of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG), Normal Tension Glaucoma (NTG) & Ocular Hypertension (OHT) based on their corrected IOP. Design: Retrospective analysis. Material & Methods: It was a retrospective non- interventional, observational study. 100 cases & 20 controls were inducted in the study. Central corneal thickness was measured by ultrasonic pachymeter...........
Keywords: IOP (Intraocular pressure) CCT (Central corneal thickness) POAG (Primary open angle glaucoma) OHT (Ocular hypertension) NTG (Normal tension glaucoma)
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Abstract: Antimicrobial Resistant (AMR) is rapidly increasing across the globe. This increasing number of reports on continued emergence of resistance to antimicrobial drugs makes the physicians to know periodic monitoring of the emergence of resistance in the microorganisms in their local area. Development of resistance is not only in bacteria and also in some fungus. This study was conducted at the Central laboratory of Medical Microbiology, Al-khoms teaching hospital, Al- Khoms, Libya. Bacteria and fungi were isolated from the samples arrived to the laboratory. Frequently isolated bacteria and fungi were taken for this study............
Keywords: Antibiogram, Al-khoms teaching hospital, Libya
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Osseointegration- A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prutha Vaidya || Swapna Mahale || Sunila Kale || Agraja Patil |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1601014548 ![]() |
Abstract: The successful replacement of lost natural teeth by tooth root analogues is a major advancement in the field of dentistry. The success greatly depends on adequate integration of these implants within the bone. This bone-implant integration is known as osseointegration. The science of osseointegration has widened the scope of treatment options for edentulous patients.
Keywords: Osseointegration, Osseodensification, Implants, Bone
[1]. Branemark R, Branemark PI, Rydevik B, Myers RR. Osseointegration in skeletal reconstruction and rehabilitation: A review. JRRD 2001;38(2):175-81.
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Abstract: The absent of antimicrobial properties in composite resin was partly ascribed to the recurrent caries therefore the resin composite plus antimicrobial activity be useful to prevention of the secondary caries which frequently are seen around the restorations. Aim of the present study is evaluating the effectiveness of ZnO nanoparticles incorporating into composite resin as antimicrobial agent against bacteria causing dental caries in oral cavity. This study examined the antibacterial effects of the nanoparticles zinc oxide as inorganic antibacterial agent on pathogenic bacteria associated with oral infectious disease, in which the bactericide of ZnO/NPs was immobilized.........
Keywords: Antimicrobialagents; nanomaterials; dental composites; ZnOnano particles.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Endoscopic endonasal surgery of anterior cerebral fossa |
Country | : | Algeria |
Authors | : | K.Bouaita || Shabay.Z || N.Ioualalen |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1601015667 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this study is to present our experience in endoscopic surgery of lesions in the anterior skull base, to describe the transcribrifom endoscopic technique and show its indications and contraindications. We present a series of 73 patients operated at Ali AitIdir Hospital by extended endoscopic approach (trans cribriform endoscopic approach) including: 16 fronto-ethmoidal meningo-encephalocoele, 04 esthesioneuroblastoma, 04 ethmoidal adenocarcinomas with intracranial extension, 45 dural defects at the cribriform plate of ethmoidal bone and 04 olfactory meningiomas..............
Keywords: Cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, meningoencephalocoele,rhinorrhea;; trans-ethmoidal transcribriform endoscopic route, radiotherapy.
[1]. Amin B. Kassam, M.D.,1,2 Daniel M. Prevedello, M.D.,1 Ricardo L. Carrau, M.D.,1,2Carl H. Snyderman, M.D.,1,2 Ajith Thomas,
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Abstract: Health as defined by WHO 1 ―is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity‖. Similarly health system, also sometimes referred to as health care system or healthcare system, is the organization of people, institutions, and resources that deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations. Patient satisfaction is a critical health care outcome indicator and should be given focus by the hospital administrators. From a management perspective, patient satisfaction with health care is important for several reasons 2 . First, satisfied patients are more likely to maintain a consistent relationship with a specific provider. Second, by identifying sources of patient dissatisfaction, an organization can address system weaknesses
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Abstract: Background: subclinical hypothyroidism is more common than overt hypothyroidism and it is associated with Coronary artery disease and many biochemical abnormalities Aim and objectives: A study to compare the clinical profile and laboratory abnormalities in the subclinical hypothyroidism patient with healthy controls Methods: this is hospital based analytical study done in department of medicine at SMS medical college and AG hospital from July 2012 to June 2013. All the subjects diagnosed with elevated TSH and normal free T3 T4 TSH. Total 50 patients of subclinical hypothyroidism diagnosed as per criteria and compared with 50 healthy individuals of same age group.............
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Abstract: Introduction: The increased overjet in Class II Division 1 malocclusion subjects may be due to hyperdivergent growth pattern or Bolton's tooth size discrepancy. The aim of this investigation was to find the rational factor for overjet in Class II Division 1 malocclusion as growth pattern or Bolton's discrepancy in these subjects. Methods: 120 untreated Class II Division 1 cases who reported to the department for orthodontic treatment were included in this study. The lateral cephalometric radiographs were evaluated for growth pattern and grouped into vertical and horizontal growers. The Bolton's ratio and overjet was measured from the study models obtained...............
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Abstract: ABO Blood group system is a well known risk factor clinically linked to thrombotic vascular diseases.Since 1901 When DR.Carl Landsteiner discovered the Blood groups it has been linked with Cognitive Impairment,Preeclampsia ,Bleeding and Longevity.ABO Blood group may also be related to caisation of Coronary artery disease.We did a Prospective study on Patients Who were admitted to the Intensive Coronary Care Unit Of Coimbatore medical College Hospital And tried to correlate the Various Blood Groups with Coronary Artery Disease
Keywords: Blood Groups,Coronary Artery Disease ,Complications,Risk Factors in MI,Thrombotic Factor
[1]. ABO Blood group system and Coronary artery disease-An updated systematic review and Meta analysis-Zhuo Chen
[2]. ABO Blood groups and Coronary artery disease-A systematic review and Meta analysis-Wu,Bayoumi ,Vickers and clark
[3]. Association of Blood group A in coronary artery disease in Young adults in Taiwan-Lee,Lin,Wang and Chang
[4]. ABO Blood groups and coronary artery
[5]. ABO Blood group alleles and risk of
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | La Sarcoïdose Thyroïdienne: |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | H.El Ouahabi-M.Rchachi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-160101115116 ![]() |
Abstract: La sarcoïdose est une maladie inflammatoire granulomateuse. L'atteinte thyroïdienne est exceptionnellement isolée et rarement confirmée histologiquement. Il s'agit le plus souvent d'une atteinte purement morphologique: goitre simple ou nodule bénin. Les anomalies fonctionnelles sont plus rares : thyroïdites, hypothyroïdie. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente âgée de 52 ans qui présente une sarcoïdose thyroïdienne déclarée par un goitre euthyroïdien et confirmé à l'examen anatomopathologique.
Keywords: sarcoidose, thyroïde, granulome épithéloide.
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Abstract: Context: Evaluation of hearing acuity after small fenestra stapedotomy for stapedialotosclerosis. Aim: The aim of this study was to profile the age/ gender distribution, symptoms and hearing evaluation (before and after surgery) of patients diagnosed with otosclerosis. Setting and design: The study was done at a tertiary care hospital. It was a cross sectional record based study. Subject and Methods: Forty three patients diagnosed with stapedialotosclerosis who satisfied the selection criteria and consented were included in the study. Age/ gender distribution, symptoms and hearing acuity (before and after surgery) were profiled. Statistical analysis used: Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 11.5 (SPSS: An IBM company). For the current study frequency and percentage were considered..................
Keywords: Otosclerosis; small fenestra; stapedotomy
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Abstract: The management of pediatric intracranial meningiomas poses a big challenge. We are presenting the role of extent of tumor resection and adjuvant therapy in the survival of children with ependymomas. This is a retrospective study of 56 children with non-metastatic intracranial ependymomas treated between 2010 and 2015.The mean age was 8 years ranging between 3 months and 15 years.The most frequent location was infra tentorial location in 67.8% of patients............
Keywords:, survival, radiotherapy, recurrent tumor.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Visual Prognosis and Surgery in Tuberculum Sellaemeningiomas |
Country | : | Algeria |
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: | 10.9790/0853-160101127132 ![]() |
Abstract: They are benign tumors of which surgical excision should be total so as to avoid recurrences. The operative difficulties rests in the lose relationship between the tumors and major arteries of the anterior part of the circle of Willis in one part and with the optic pathways and the pituitary stalk in the other part. Clinical symptoms are dominated by the optochiasmatic syndrome with visual disturbances in 95 % of patients. We report a series of 64 cases , who have been operated on at Ali Ait Idir Hospital in Algiers, during a period of 10 years..............
Keywords: meningioma, surgery ,tuberculum sellae, total excision, visual function.
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Abstract: The objective of this work is to elaborate the role and the indications of the trans cranial surgery in the treatment of pituitary adenomas.This is a retrospective series of 29 cases of pituitary macroadenomas operated at Ali Ait Idir hospital from 2010 to 2015. Mean age of the patients was 35 years. The sex ratio was 17females / 12males. The time to consultation was between 11 months and 2 years after onset of symptoms. Clinical signs were predominantlyopto-chiasmatic syndrome with blurred vision in 95% of cases. 10patients hormonal imbalance syndrome, a cavernous sinus syndromewith involvement ofunilateral third cranial nerve III in 04 patients (drooping of the upper eyelid)...........
Keywords: endocrine disorders, pituitary adenoma, , visual function, total resection transcranial surgery.
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Abstract: Introduction: The rising incidences of Poisoning with prevalence of certain groups of poisons in this particular geographical area has prompted us to undertake this study to know the etiological patterns, epidemiological aspects & their outcomes. The observations of various other authors are compared in scientific discussion. Materials and methods: This study is conducted and designed as retrospective study with 241 subjects, who came to our hospital in past 2 years. Results: Among the 241 subjects males were more in number which is 61.8%. The most common poison consumed has been found to be organo phosphorous compounds which is 18.6% followed by other insecticides...........
Keywords: Organo phosphorous poisoning, Paraquat poisoning, Poisons.
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Abstract: Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a severe disease of sudden onset that spreads rapidly. The disease is more common in the adults and is rare in the children. The infection enters the body through a break in the skin such as cut or burn. Majority of the cases involve methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA),anaerobic species, Enterobacteriaceae, hemolytic streptococcus group A are isolated alone or in combination. Streptococcal infections also associated with toxic-shock syndrome. Symptoms include inflammation, fever, and fast heart rate, diarrhea, vomiting, and crepitus may be present, discharge of fluid said to resemble "dish water". Fournier's gangrene is a form of NF occurring about the male genitals. Gold standard for diagnosis is surgical exploration, with LRINECscore...........
Keywords: Necrotizing fasciitis, Flesh –eating bacteria, Pathogens, Surgery, Management
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Abstract: Possible dental etiology is often overlooked in the patients with cutaneous odontogenic lesion. An accurate diagnosis requires interaction between physicians (especially dermatologists), surgeons, and dentists. Early recognition of the lesion facilitates prompt treatment, minimizes patient discomfort and esthetic problems, and reduces the possibility of further complications greatly. This article presents three case reports of cutaneous odontogenic lesion highlighting the importance of communication between medical and dental practitioners to avoid misdiagnosis.
Keywords: Dental fistula, Drainage, Endodontics, Esthetics dental, Etiology
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Abstract: Objective: Best fluid regime in burn resuscitation is debatable. Recent evidence supports the use of colloids. This study analyzes the effectiveness of Brooke formula. Method: Brooke formula was used exclusively over 2.5 years. Patients were followed up until discharge. Results were compared with another unit of the same institution that used Parkland formula. Overall mortality as well as the mortality and morbidity within first 72 hours of a highly selected group of patients without adverse prognostic factors were analysed. All adult patients above 15 years of age admitted with burns more than 15% were recruited. Patients with burns less than 40% and age below 60 years without co-morbid factors were included in the highly selected group...........
Keywords: Brooke formula, renal dose dopamine, Parkland formula
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Abstract: The advances in adhesive dentistry have allowed dentists to use the patient's own fragment to restore the fractured tooth. The present case report describes management of a complicated fracture of maxillary right central incisor treated endodontically, followed by reattachment of the same fragment using fiber post. Reattachment of fractured tooth fragments offers a viable restorative alternative, immediately restores tooth function for the clinician because it restores tooth function and esthetics with the use of a very conservative and cost-effective approach.
Keywords: Crown fracture, fiber post, reattachment, complicated crown fracture, trauma
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