Version-7 (January-2017)
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Abstract: Aim: To study the results and outcomes of submental intubation in 34 cases of multiple facial fractures. Material and methods: 34 cases of panfacial fractures were operated between 2014 to 2016. All of them were managed intraoperatively with submental intubation. We review the literature and compare the outcome of submental intubation in our series of cases. Results: All the cases except two were extubated immediate post operatively and had very good outcome. There we faced minor complications in only 2 of the patients...........
Keyword: Submental intubation, panfacial fractures, tracheostomy
[1]. Hernández Altemir F. The submental route for endotracheal intubation: A new technique. J Maxillofac Surg. 1986;14:64–65.
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Abstract: To determine the difference between the predictive ability of SRK-T and SRK-II formulae in IOL power calculation for aspheric and non aspheric IOL types, retrospective analysis of case sheets of 70 patients who underwent phacoemulsification at a tertiary care centre was done. Pre-operative measurements of axial length, keratometry and IOL power calculation with optimised A constant, done by a single operating surgeon manually, was used in this assessment. All patients underwent phacoemulsification with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation into the bag done by a single experienced surgeon.............
Keywords: Absolute error, Aspheric IOL, Non-aspheric IOL, SRK-T formula, SRK-II formula.
[1]. Hoffer KJ. The Hoffer Q formula: a comparison of theoretical and regression formulas. J Cataract Refract Surg 1993; 19:700–12.
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Abstract: Introduction:Anomalies of the urinary tract are common but the true incidence varies from centre to centre and with the timing of the ultrasound examination. The majority (approximately 70%) are not lethal and can be treated. Methods:This study was carried out in the Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Machines used where GE Voluson Expert , S7 ,LOGIC 500 pro,Phillips HD15, HD 11,HD 7&Envisorultrasound scanners with color doppler . Transducer used for the obstetric scanning was 3.5 MHZ frequency convex probe.Standardizedsonographic technique was used for the obstetric scan adhering to the published guidelines of the American Institute of Ultrasound..............
Keywords: Antenatal , ultrasound, urinary tract anomalies
[1]. Kumar M, Thakur S, Puri A, Shukla S, Sharma S, Perumal V, Chawla R, Gupta U. Fetal renal anomaly: factors that predict
survival.JPediatr Urol. 2014 Dec;10(6):1001-7.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Polyhydramnios- Ultrasonographically Detected Incidence and Neonatal Outcome |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gudena Samyukta || N.Uma || S.Rani |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1601071622 ![]() |
Abstract: Objectives: To determine the incidence of polyhydramnios ultrasonographically and it's relationship with perinatal and obstetric outcome. Background: Polyhydramnios is an important obstetric complication with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. Undoubtedly, ultrasound is the best means to diagnose polyhydramnios. Though AFI is a reliable indicator, gestational age specific percentile charts provide accurate reproducibility and are indispensible for the monitoring of ongoing pregnancy at risk. Early diagnosis enables detailed evaluation of the mother and fetus, and guides further management..........
[1]. Moor TR, Cayle JE. The amniotic fluid index in normal human pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 162: 1168-73
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Vol. 6, No. 2, 106 – 108.
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Abstract: Hematological malignancies arise from bone marrow derived cells. They can be broadly classified as those of myeloid cell lines, neoplasm of lymphoid cell lines, lymphoproliferative disorders and Histolytic/Dendritic cell neoplasm. Hematological malignancies presenting with intestinal obstruction are rare. Only a few cases have been reported worldwide. We report two rare cases of hematological malignancies presenting with intestinal obstruction. A 55-year-old female, a case of secondary extra medullary plasmacytoma presented with obstruction due to small bowel intussusception and a 56-year-old male, presented with intestinal obstruction due to primary Non Hodgkin's lymphoma of the small bowel.
Keywords: Hematological malignancies, intestinal obstruction.
[1]. Arun A, Nick G, Jacob A. Secondary extramedullaryplasmacytoma causing small bowel intussusception in a patient with multiple
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Abstract: Introduction: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an important life-saving first aid skill, practiced throughout the world.Over time, resuscitation skills have evolved into a proper protocol, which involves CPR commonly known as BLS. Invented in 1960, CPR is a simple but effective procedure that allows almost anyone to sustain life in the early critical minutes after cardiac and respiratory arrest. BLS includes both prompt recognition and immediate support of ventilation and circulation in case of respiratory or cardiac arrest..CPR provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can effectively increase the victim's chances of survival.So, keeping this in mind, the study was undertaken to determine the knowledge and skills about cardiopulmonary resuscitation among interns............
Keywords: CPR, knowledge, Interns
[1]. Chugh SS, Reinier K, Teodorescu C, Evanado A, Kher E, Samara AM, et al. Epidemiology of sudden cardiac death: clinical and
research implications. ProgCardiovasc Dis 2008;51(1):213-28.
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Abstract: Endometrial carcinoma (EC) is the most widespread gynecologic malignancy and occupies fourth most common malignancy in women .The study included thirty samples of endometrial cancer's patients .The samples were divided to groups according to staging, grading, muscles and lymph nodes invasiveness and histological types of cancer cells. This study was carried out in Laboratories of the College of Science/ Department of Biology, Wasit University, during period between October 2015 and April 2016.Immunohistochemical technique was used to detection p53 and EGFR expression..........
Keywords: Endometrial cancer, Immunohistochemistry, P53, EGFR.
[1]. Siegel, R. ;Naishadham ,D. and Jemal, A.(2012). Cancer statistics,2012. CA Cancer JClin. 62(1),10–29.
[2]. Lee, N.K.; Cheung, M.K.; Shin, J.Y. et al.(2007). Prognostic factors for uterine cancer inreproductive-aged women. Obstet Gynecol
. 109, 655–662.
[3]. Sweet, M.G.; Schmidt-Dalton ,T.A.; Weiss, P.M. and Madsen, K.P.(2012).Evaluation and management of abnormal
uterine bleeding in premenopausal women.Am Fam Physician. Jan 85(1), 35-43.
[4]. Ward, al.(2012).cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among endometrial cancer patients.Gynecol Oncol
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cancer. Lancet .379 (9823), 1352-60.
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Abstract: Background:Globally poor sanitation contributes to approximately 7,60,000 children deaths every year from diarrhoeal diseases Most schools in developing countries lack even basic water and sanitation facilities. Lack of water and sanitation facilities can prevent students from attending school. Access to safe water and sanitation facilities, can reduce illness and have impact on socioeconomic development. Objective: 1) To assessthe drinking water facilities in Government schools of Visakhapatnam city. 2) To study the quality of drinking water..........
Keywords: Drinking water quality, Governmentschools, Visakhapatnam.
[1]. Diarrhoeal disease fact sheets No 330. Available from:
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[3]. World Health Organization.Water, sanitation and hygiene standards for schools in low-cost settings. Edited by John Adams, Jamie
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Abstract: Background and Objectives: Stature estimation plays an important role in establishing individuality of an unidentified dead body or any mutilated part of the body by the medicolegal experts. A strong relationship exists between stature and dimensions of different body parts, particularly bone lengths. In this study, an attempt has been made to derive regression equation to estimate stature from percutaneous length of ulna and tibia among Naga population of Nagaland. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipur on 100 healthy Medical Students from Nagaland (50 males and 50 females; aged 19-35 years). Stature, length of ulna and tibia on both sides were measured.........
Keywords: Stature, ulna, tibia, correlation coefficient, regression equation
[1]. Krogman WM, Iscan MY. The human skeleton in forensic medicine. Thomas CC. 2nd Ed. Springfield, 1986:58
[2]. Meitei NJ, Devi HS. Estimation of Stature Using Lower Limb Dimensions among Maring Males of Manipur. Anthropologist 2014; 17(2):681-3.
[3]. Gaur R, Kaur k, Airi R, Jarodia K. Estimation of Stature from Percutaneous Lengths of Tibia and Fibula of Scheduled Castes of Haryana State, India.Ann Forensic Res Anal 2016;3(1):1025-30.
[4]. Raxter MH, Auerbach BM, Ruff CB. Revision of the Fully Technique for Estimating Statures. Am J Phys Anthropol 2006;130:374–84
[5]. Bhavna, Nath S. Estimation of Stature on the Basis of Measurements of the Lower Limb. Anthropologist 2007;3:219-22.
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Abstract: Objective:To Investigated whether preeclampsia is a risk factor for cochlear damage and permanent hearingloss. Methods: Study Design:Prospective case-control study design. Our study done indept of otolaryngology and dept of Obsteric&Gynecology at J.L.N.M.CH Bhagalpur from March 2014 to April 2015.It composed of patientsgroup that suffer from preeclapsia with mean age26.5 year old and control group representing healthy pregnant women with mean age 26.8 year old.Otoscopic examinations and pure-tone audiometry, tympanometry..........
Keywords:- Hearing Loss, Otoacostic emission, Preeclampsia
[1]. F. G. Cunningham, N. F. Gant, K. J. Leveno, S. L. Bloom, J. C. Hauth, and D. J. Rouse, Williams Obstetrics, McGraw-Hil, New
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[4]. M. Bakhshaee, M. Hassanzadeh, N. Nourizadeh, E. Karimi, T. Moghiman, and M. Shakeri, "Hearing impairment in pregnancy
toxemia," Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, vol. 139, no. 2, pp. 298–300, 2008.
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Abstract: Aims and objectives: Identification of an individual is based on characteristics like gender, age and racial background unique to that individual. Out of all the parameters determination of gender falls first in line. Teeth can be used to determine gender dimorphism as they are the hardest structures and can withstand any adverse conditions. The present study aims to determine gender of an individual based on the mesio-distal (MD) dimensions of permanent maxillary first molar teeth from a panoramic radiograph and analyse sexual dimorphism exhibited by the tooth...........
Keywards: Identification, Gender Dimorphism, Panoramic Radiograph, Mesio-distal Width, Maxillary Molar
[1]. Stimson PG, Mertz CA. Forensic dentistry (New York: CRC Press, 1997)1–45.
[2]. Eboh Deo. J. Morphol. Sci.2012;29(2): 96-100
[3]. Sharma P, Gupta N, Saxena S. Experimental studies of forensic odontology to aid in the identification process. Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences. 2010; 2(2):69.
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[5]. Macaluso junior, pj. Sex discrimination potential of permanent maxillary molar cusp diameters. Journal of forensic odonto-stomatology.2010; 28(1):22-31.
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Abstract: Endodontic intervention in necrotic immature permanent teeth is usually a clinical challenge. With appropriate case selection, regenerative treatment can be effective, providing a desirable outcome. However, there is still no consensus on the optimal disinfection protocol or the method to achieve predictable clinical outcome. This article presents a case report of regenerative treatment in necrotic immature teeth, using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as coronal barriers which led to successfull clinical outcomes.
Keywards: Regeneration; Endodontics; Dental Pulp Necrosis; Stem Cells
[1]. Khetarpal A, Chaudhary S, Talwar S, Ravi R, Verma M. Revascularization of immature permanent tooth with periapical lesion
using a new biomaterial - A case report. Int J Dent Sci Res. 2013 Sep;1(1):20-2.
[2]. Rafter M. Apexification: a review. Dent Traumatol. 2005Feb;21(1)
[3]. Torabinejad M, Chivian N. Clinical applications of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod. 1999 Mar;25(3):197-205.
[4]. Nosrat A, Homayounfar N, Oloomi K. Drawbacks and unfavorable outcomes of regenerative endodontic treatments of necrotic
[5]. immature teeth: a literature review and report of a case. J Endod. 2012 Oct;38(10):1428-34.
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Abstract: Aim of this study: This study was aimed to assess the opinions of 6th years and interns subjects about the learning and program experience at College of Medicine, Jazan University (CMJU) . Subjects and methods:A total number of 66 (41 males, 26 females) subjects were involved in this study. The study was based on the quality of the Program Experience Survey, which is a part of a NCAAA selfadministered questionnaire. The data were processed and analyzed by software program SPSS version 20.0. Results: More than half of genders were satisfied with availability of adequate academic and career counseling for students throughout the program. Also, the study materials in the courses are up to date and useful...........
Keywards: Program evaluation, final year medical students, graduated opinion, educational environment, college of medicine, Jazan University
[1]. Telmesani A, Zaini RG, Ghazi. OH. Medical education in Saudi Arabia: a review of recent developments and future challenges. E
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[5]. Alam A. How do medical students in their clinical years perceive basic science courses at King Saud University. Ann Saudi
Med. 2011;31:58–61.
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Abstract: Introduction: Predicting the size of unerupted teeth during the mixed dentition period is a critical factor in managing the developing occlusion. The Nance radiographic method, Moyers mixed dentition space analysis and Johnston Tanaka method are among the most commonly used in clinical practice for detecting tooth sizearch length discrepancies. In view of reported secular trends, racial, and sex differences in tooth sizes, the purposes of this study were to compare and correlate the radiographic and non radiographic mixed dentition space analysis in children of Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh and to formulate a regression equation using the best variable predictors............
Keywards: Arch length discrepancies, Mixed dentition analysis, Radiographic methods, Non radiographic methods
[1]. Mcdonald, Avery & Dean. Dentistry for the Child & Adolescent. 8th edition 67
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using 45º Cephalometric radiography. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 1995; 107: 309-14.
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Abstract: The global expansion of Zika virus is of great concern to medical and public health officials. Identifying routes of entry into areas where suitable vectors are present and providing information concerning integrated mosquito management is critical to the prevention and control of Zika virus and its vectors. The Bioagent Transport and Environmental Modeling System (BioTEMS) has been used for modeling and planning of defense against biological weapons of mass destruction and infectious disease. Because of the important role maritime ports often play in the invasion of medically important mosquito species, port areas on the northern shore of Hong Kong Island were evaluated for susceptibility of introduction of ZIKAV............
Keywards: Aedes, arbovirus, invasive species, medical countermeasures, biological agents
[1]. Lanciotti RS, Kosoy OL, Laven JJ, Velez JO, Lambert AJ, Johnson AJ, et al. Genetic and serologic properties of Zika virus
associated with an epidemic, Yap State, Micronesia, 2007. Emerg Infect Dis. 2008; 14:1232-9.
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[4]. Kollars, TM and Kollars, JW. (2016) The invasion of Zika virus into Rio de Janeiro and Fortaleza, Brazil, inside out or outside
in? Ann Community Med and Pract. 2: 1-4.
[5]. Kollars, TM Jr. (2017). Assessing likely invasion sites of Zika virus-infected mosquitoes in civilian and naval maritime ports in
Florida. Res Rep Trop Med 8: 1-6.
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Abstract: Background: Squash cytologyis now a well establishedand universally accepted techniquein diagnosing a wide range of CNS lesions and is currently employed for both therapeutic and prognostic reasons. Aims and Objectives: This study was conducted with an aim to correlate squash smears with histopathology and to compare statistical data employing sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of squash cytology. The study also aims to find the pitfalls and limitations of Squash technique............
Keywards: CNS, histopathology, crush cytology.
[1]. BeuvonF ., Varlet P. Fallet- Bianloc, Daumas – Duport C. The "Smear" technique for the extemporaneous examination:
diagnostic contribution to neurosurgical pathology 1 :AnnPathol. 2000 Oct ; 20(5) : 499-506.
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Abstract: Background : Medical students, who are future healthcare providers, should be oriented in different aspects of HIV, so that they inculcate healthy attitude towards PLHIV. Objectives: 1. To study the knowledge, attitude and practices about HIV and related ethical issues among medical students. 2. To know the difference in this knowledge between first year & third year medical students. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted in September 2013 among MBBS students of first & third years studying in J.J.M. Medical College, Davangere. Data regarding knowledge, attitude and practices and ethical issues in HIV was collected using a structured questionnaire............
Keywards: AIDS; Ethical issues; HIV awareness; KAP; Medical students.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nanotechnology in Dentistry- A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Saranya George |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1601079095 ![]() |
Abstract: Nanotechnology is manipulating matter at nanometre level. Applications of nanotechnology for treatment, diagnosis, monitoring, and control of biological systems has recently been referred to as "nanomedicine" by the National Institutes of Health. It holds promise for advanced diagnostics, targeted drug delivery and biosensors. In the long term, medical nanorobots will allow instant pathogen detection and elimination as well as individual cell surgery in vivo. Dentistry is in no way exempted from this revolutionary technical advance in science.
Keywards: Nanodentistry, nanomedicine, nanorobots
[1]. Saravana Kumar R, Vijayalakshmi R: Nanotechnology in Dentistry, Ind J Den Res 17(2):62-65, 2006
[2]. Sule Tugba Ozak, Pelin Ozkan:Nanaotechnology and Dentistry .Eur J Dent 2013;7:145-151
[3]. Nelson et al : Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery Part 1: Background and Applications , Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, June 2009; 8 (3): 265-274
[4]. Mark T. Swihart : Vapor-phase synthesis of nanoparticles, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 8 (2003) 127–133
[5]. Sneha, Shivkumar: The Nano era in Dentistry; Journal of Natural science,Biology and Medicine, January 2013 Vol 4,issue 1
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Abstract: Introduction: Diabetes mellitus and the eye diseases associated with it comprise a set of complex disorder with multi factorial etiology.1 Diabetic retinopathy ( DR ) is the most common complication of DM. It is seen that patients having DR are 25 times more at risk of blindness than an non diabetic individual.2 Subclinical hypothyroidism ( SCH ) is a common endocrine disorder and characterized as elevated TSH levels in the presence of serum free thyroxine (FT4) and tri – iodothyronine ( T3 ) levels within reference range. Purpose Of Study: To diagnose and accurately grade diabetic retinopathy, investigate associations of thyroid hormones and anti thyroid antibodies with diabetic retinopathy...............
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[4]. Rema M ,Pradeepa R. Diabetic Retinopathy : An Indian perspective. Indian J Med Res , March 2007, pp 297-310.
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Abstract: Malignant transformation is an extremely rare complication of ovarian mature teratoma with a poor prognosis which occurs in 1 to 3% cases. It is usually observed in elderly women. Many elements may indicate the malignant transformation but the diagnosis is based on anatomo-pathological analysis. We present two case reports of squamous cell carcinoma arising from a mature cystic teratoma occurring on two non-menopaused women.
Keywards: Desmoid cyst – malignant transformation – epidermoid carcinoma – ovary
[1]. Griffiths D, Wass J, Look K, Sutton G. Malignant degeneration of a mature cystic teratoma five decades after discovery. Gynecol Oncol. 1995;59:427-9 pubmed
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Abstract: Ichthyosis is a very heterogeneous family of skin disorders with harlequin ichthyosis being the most severe genetic form. It is a rare autosomal recessive condition, characterized by dry, severely thickened skin with large plates of hyperkeratotic scale, separated by deep fissures. Infants are very susceptible to metabolic abnormalities and infections. They usually do not survive for very long, but several long term survivals have been noted. The vast majority of affected individuals are homozygous for mutations in the ABCA12 gene, which..........
Keywards: ABCA12 gene mutation, autosomal recessive, skin abnormalities
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Abstract: Improper designing and selection of the restorative materials in the aesthetic zone resulted in patient unsatisfactory. The purpose of this case was to create an aesthetic, attractive, natural and hygienic restoration for a young female patient. A zircon bridge was fabricated to replace a non-clinically acceptable metal ceramic bridge for a 25-year-old female patient who attended to the specialty clinic. The aesthetic design and treatment with allceramic CAD/CAM bridge resulted in an improved of facial aesthetics, creating symmetry of central incisors and enhance the social life of the patient.
Keywards: Non-rigid connectors, pier abutment. bleaching, aesthetic
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Abstract: Aesthetic requirements for anterior maxillary teeth restoration is one of the greatest challenges for dentists in daily clinical practice. A simple designed with a proper treatment plan for a young patient will result in patient satisfactory and enhancement. The purpose of this case report was to create a fixed prosthesis in the maxillary arch with a pier abutment and a long span in the aesthetic zone. A non-rigid connector in 3 bridges of the maxillary arch was fabricated for a 25-year-old female patient who attended the clinic with a multi edentulous space. An in-office bleaching for the mandibular natural teeth was considered for better color matching and harmony of the prostheses.
Keywards: Non-rigid connectors, aesthetic, maxilla, pier abutment
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Abstract: Inhalation of polluted air over a long period of time leads to proliferation and fibrotic change in lungs. Early recognition of this damage provides an important clue to insure goodhealth. Spirometery is an invaluable screening test to identify patient with airflow obstruction. The study has been conducted on 100 working (cases) and 100 non-working (controls) healthy Punjabi females between 20-50years of age. The pulmonary function tests like FVC, FEVI and PEFR measured by computerized spirometer (Med-spiror) showed a highly significant decline in the working females...............
Keywards: Working women, PEFR, FVC, FEV1, Air pollution.
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Abstract: Aims and objectives: to study the stromal expression of cd10 in breast carcinoma, relationship with certain prognostic factors like 1.age and 2.nottingham's grade, to study the role of stroma in the pathogenesis of breast cancer. Materials and methods: a total of 75 cases of breast cancer were included in the study. Representative sections were taken and hematoxylin and eosin staining was done. Immunohistochemistry was performed with cd10. Stromal expression of cd10 (>10% stromal positivity was considered positive) in invasive breast carcinoma was noted and was statistically analyzed with different known prognostic markers of breast carcinoma........
Keywards: Cd10 stromal expression, prognostic role
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