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Abstract: Purpose:This study was designed to examine the effect of the fabrication method (milling versus 3D printing) and surface finishing protocol on the surface roughness of provisional restoration before and after thermocycling. Materials and methods: Poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA) blocks for the fabrication of 21 specimens using Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Milling and 21 specimens were fabricated from MMA liquidusing 3D printing. Each specimen was 2 mm thick and 10 mm in diameter. Then each group was subdivided according to the surface finishing protocol used into: subgroup 1; unfinished "control", subgroup 2;conventional abrasive polishing, and subgroup 3; Finishingand......
Key words: CAD/CAM, Finishing Protocols, Provisional restorations, Surface Roughness, Thermo cycling
[1]. Hammond BD, Machowski M, Londono J, PannuD. Fabrication of Porcelain Veneer Provisional Restorations: A Critical Review. Dentistry Review 2022;2:100004-33.
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Abstract: Analysis of delay in seeking care, delay in reaching the facility on time, delay in receiving treatment is a must to prevent many obstetrical high risk cases to fatal emergency cases leading to increased maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. In this study ,factors leading to progression of preeclampsia to antepartum eclampsia were studied. A total of 62 women were included in the study.38(61.2%) cases were primipara and remaining multipara i.e 38.8%.literates contribute for 26% with basic primary education. Rural areas with difficult in transport or far away from health care facility contributes to 66%. And remaining 34% are from semi urban and urban areas. No of cases referred immediately: 8 No cases which were delayed because of decision making by family: 17(27.42%). No of cases delayed because of delay in transport: 23(37%). No cases accompanied by health care workers: 48 cases (77.42%). No of cases referred with standard format :20 cases (32. 2%).No of cases where complete basic treatment i.e complete loading dose was given 12(19.35%).No cases where complete history regarding treatment and general condition was mentioned: 16(25.8%).
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Abstract: Background:Soft denture liner (SDL) is a soft material that is most often used in prosthodontics as a soft coatingmaterial whose soft properties remain after polymerization. However, due to its soft nature and rough surface, SDLcannotbe cleaned mechanically. The cleaning method for relined dentures is the chemical method,namely byadding antimicrobialingredients suchas carvacrol,tea treeoil,fluconazole,soluneem,nystatin,miconazole,ltraconazole,clotrimazole, ilvernanoparticles(AgNP),zirconiumnanoparticles,andpropolis.intoSDL......
Keywords: SiliconeSoft DentureLiner,AcrylicSoftDentureLiner,AntimicrobialAgents
[1]. LeeDJ, SaponaroPC. Management ofedentulouspatients.DentalClinics.2019Apr1;63(2):249-61.
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[4]. Hashem MI. Advances in soft denture liners: An update. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015 Apr 1;16(4):314-8.[4].a
[5]. Chladek G, Mertas A, Barszczewska-Rybarek I, Nalewajek T, Żmudzki J, Król W, Łukaszczyk J. Antifungal activity of denture softliningmaterialmodifiedbysilvernanoparticles—apilotstudy.InternationalJournalof MolecularSciences2011Jul;12(7):4735-44.
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Abstract: Background: Nowadays, patients with class II division 2 malocclusion refer to aesthetics as one of the main concerns. Sometimes, no matter how much you try to control growth and development with myofunctional appliances, the ideal results will not be obtained to modify the patient's growth pattern and orthognathic surgery will have to be performed. Case Report: A 9-year-old female patient comes to the clinic with a class II division 2 malocclusion with a retrognathic jaw, with proclined upper central incisors and retroclined upper lateral incisors, where two-phase orthodontic treatment was performed......
Key Word:Class II, Malocclusion, Deep Bite, Orthodontic, Orthognathic Surgery
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[4]. Lazo Amador Yaíma, Borroto Valido Maigrett, Batista González Nurys Mercedes. Relación entre el Síndrome de clase II división 2 y la disfunción temporomandibular. Artículo de revisión. Rev haban ciencia médica. 2019 Abr; 18( 2 ): 270-280.
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Abstract: Introduction: Pulp infection is mainly induced by anaerobic bacteria. Enterococcus faecalis(E. faecalis) has been investigated to cause the failure of root canal treatment. The long-term use of the chemical antibacterial agent, including chlorhexidine, may lead to bacterial resistance. Okra fruits (Abelmochus esculentus) containing various active compounds such as flavonoids, saponins, steroids, alkaloids, tanninshave been known to have antibacterial properties. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of okra fruits extract against E. faecalisATCC®29212™.......
Key Word: Okra Fruit Extract, Antibacterial Agent, Enterococcus faecalis.
[1]. COGULU D, UZEL A, ONCAG O, AKSOY SC, ERONAT C. Detection of Enterococcus faecalis in Necrotic Teeth Root Canals by Culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction Methods. European Journal of Dentistry. 2007;1:216-21.
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Abstract: Seckel syndrome belongs to osteodysplasic dwarfism with microcephaly. It is an hereditary autosomic recessive abnormality characterised by the association of a prenatal dwarfism, facial dysmorphism called birds head and a mental retardation. We report the case of a 13-year- old female patient who consults for chronic vomiting with weight loss. Clinical examination revealed a generally altered patient with microcephaly, a narrow face on which is implanted a prominent nose curved into a bird's beak, eye catching, fading forehead with clinodactyly . Radiological investigations were performed the surgical exploration showed a volvulus of the small bowel. The operative follow-up didn't show any complications
Key Word: Seckel syndrome - volvulus –small bowel
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Abstract: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Intertrochanteric fractures account for 5% of all hip fractures and 35–40% of these fractures are unstable three or four part fractures .(4,5) Operative treatment is the best option in most of the trochanteric fractures. 10Evolution of intramedullary devices is a result of dissatisfaction with the extra medullary devices in intertrochanteric unstable fractures. Intramedullary nailing, with less operative time and less operative blood loss allows early weight bearing with less resultant shortening on long term follow up.14Our main aim was to compare the effectiveness & drawbacks of short PFN vs long PFN in the management of pertrochanteric fractures.......
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Abstract: This study is a comprehensive review on the implementation of "KANTI VELUGU" Phases I and II in School going children undertaken by AP state government in Guntur District METHODS Cross sectional study was conducted at different primary and secondary schools at Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh under "YSR KANTI VELUGU‟ Project. RESULTS As per this study the burden of unrecognized Refractive errors amounts to 37.9% of the total screened population. Among the type of Refractive errors encountered, Myopia amounts to 41.49 % and in Hypermetropia to 0.21% in boys, whereas in girls Myopia amounts to 47.29% and Hypermetropia to 0.27%.......
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Abstract: Coloboma of macula is a rare, non-syndromic developmental defect of the eye characterized by well-circumscribed, oval or rounded, usually unilateral, atrophic lesions of varying size presenting rudimentary or absent retina, choroid and sclera located at the macula leading to decreased vision and on occasion, other symptoms (e.g. strabismus). It is usually isolated, but may also be associated with Down syndrome, skeletal or renal disorders.This is a case of a 25-year-old male patient who presented to the outpatient clinic with a history of poor vision in both the eyes since childhood.
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Abstract: Malignancy during pregnancy is rare. Colorectal cancer in pregnancy is the 7th commonest cancer diagnosed in pregnancy (1,2,3). Patient usually present at advance stage during diagnosis as the symptoms are similar to that of pregnancy(2). Herein we present 3 case reports of patients from an East coast Colorectal center in Malaysia, who presented with colorectal cancer during pregnancy for the past 2 years. We review the literature and discuss the challenges in managing these patients.
Key Word: colorectal cancer, pregnancy, malignancy
[1]. Dahling MT, Xing G, Cress R, Danielsen B, Smith LH. Pregnancy associated colon and rectal cancer: perinatal and cancer outcomes. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2009; 22:204–211
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Medication Adherence in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in India- Issue and Solution |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Shilpa B Mendon Ph.D |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2109025560 ![]() |
Abstract: Adherence to diabetes medication is one of the most important determinants for the effectiveness of therapy because poor adherence can hinder optimum clinical benefit. Adherence to treatment not only achieves a desirable glycaemic level, but on a longer run reduces the morbidity and mortality among patients with diabetes. Thus, it is imperative to identify the root cause of nonadherence to medication among diabetes patients. It is erroneous to presume that nonadherence is due to patient-related factors arising out of his/her own behaviour or indifference toward the disease. In fact, studies across India have identified forgetfulness and side effects as contributors to poor adherence to diabetes medication. Extended-release formulations and diabetes smart apps can be considered as good tools to assist people in adhering to their medications.
Key Word: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, adherence, extended-release formulations, immediate release formulations, apps
[1]. Pradeepa R, Mohan V. Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes in India. Indian J Ophthalmol 2021; 69:2932-8.
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Abstract: Background: The importance of high frequency ultrasonography in detection of different types of thyroid nodules considering only the histopathological examination of the surgical specimens as the final diagnosis. The thyroid nodule is a discrete lesion that could be distinct radiologically and pathologically from thyroid parenchyma. It is considered the most common abnormality in the endocrine system. Using ultrasonography in thyroid nodule detection has raised the nodule prevalence to reach 67%. Seven to fifteen percent thyroid nodule are malignant.......
Key Word: Ultrasound (US), Thyroid nodule, Benign and malignant.
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