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Abstract: Introduction: Amongst musculoskeletal injuries, ankle ligament sprains are the most common sports injuries. Ankle sprains are graded (1 to 3) based upon their severity and are currently managedvia 3 methods: (1) immobilization with below knee slab, (2) immobilization with flexible ankle brace (functional brace) and (3) surgical treatment. The purpose of this study is to compare the functional outcome of the ankle joint after an inversion injurymanaged with immobilization with Below Knee Slab against flexible ankle brace. Methods: Prospective study was conducted indepartment of orthopaedics at PIMSTeaching Hospital during period august 2020 to January 2022. 60 patients presented with acute lateral ankle sprain in our hospital and they were consecutively randomized into two equal groups each having 30 patients: One group was treated using immobilization with....
Key words: Ankle Sprain; below knee slab;flexible ankle brace
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Abstract: Uterine mucosal tissue that is present outside of the uterus is referred to as endometriosis.Endometriosis can be either extrapelvic or pelvic.When endometriosis manifests as a confined mass, the term "endometrioma" is used.Endometriomas on the abdominal wall typically develop as a secondary development in surgical scars.An abdominal wall mass accompanied by menstruation discomfort is the most typical presentation. We present a case report of a 26 year old woman with endometrioma in the right groin, which removed surgically.
Key Word: endometriosis, endometrioma, abdominal wall endometriosis
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Abstract: Background: Bipolar affective disorder is a chronic illness that causes a considerable degree of burden on the caregivers. Few studies from India have measured the family burden of bipolar affective disorder and its comparison across gender. Aims: The aim of the study is to assess and compare the level of family burden among the caregivers of male and female Bipolar affective disorder patients. Methodology: About 60 caregivers of patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder, aged 20 years or more, of either gender, living with the patient for at...
Keywords: Family burden, Caregiver burden, Bipolar affective disorder
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Abstract: Nanotechnology is the science that deals with the tiniest particles in the molecular level. Also called as molecular manufacturing, it has brought about revolution ina number of fields such as material science, medicine, information technology and engineering, among others.The first to utilize nanotechnology in the periodontal management was Kong et al. The concepts regarding tissue engineering in periodontal regeneration was based on their researches. This review focuses on the versatile applications of this ground breaking technology in Periodontics..
Keywords: nanotechnology, periodontics, nanomaterials, local drug delivery
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Abstract: Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) is a neurological emergency due to thiamine deficiency .Almost half of all WE cases occur in non-alcoholics. Prompt diagnosis and thiamine replacement influence prognosis .Here, we present three cases of non-alcoholic WE of which two are due to intestinal surgery and one is due to hyperemesis gravidarum.
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Abstract: Objective- Correction of Dark circle by natural filling object plasma gel Background- choice of procedures depending on case and patient use of blood derivatives and HA , fat , lasers are non surgical procedures results depend on procedures and demand , correction of pigment and volume are two main way by which we correct dark circles ,Blood derivatives from past used for regeneration repair volume gain natural product where as dermal fillers HA (NASHA) synthesized product main work to increase the volume in few seconds to give immediate results but comparisons between both is also very researchable topic some suggest blood derivatives for the treatment some HA , Depending on patient choice , this case report showing the differences between both and how blood derivatives used as fillers. Result – case report on 5 patient where we inject bio-fillers for correction and filling dark circles Conclusion-non surgical methods are effective for correction of dark circles.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND:Malnutrition, in all its forms, includes undernutrition (wasting, stunting, underweight), inadequate vitamins or minerals, overweight, obesity, and resulting diet-related noncommunicable diseases. Globally in 2020, 149 million children under 5 were estimated to be stunted (too short for age), 45 million were estimated to be wasted (too thin for height). METHODOLOGY:It was a prospective observational study conducted in Pediatric outpatient and inpatient department. Pediatric patients in the age range of 6 months to 5 years were included in the study. Detailed history was taken including onset, duration, and progress of the chief complaints. Data was analysed in IBM SPSSv26......
KEYWORDS: Protein energy Malnutrition, clinical profile, complications, Survival.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Palliative and Hospice Care In dentistry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. K. Saraswathy Gopal || Dr.Kalaiselvi.R |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2109073439 ![]() |
Abstract: Palliative care dentistry has been defined as the evaluation and management of patients with active, advanced , progressive disease in whom the oral cavity has been compromised either by the disease directly or by its treatment. The focus of care in these patients is on quality of life. Palliative care dentistry may play an important role in the general healthcare of terminally ill patients. Palliative care, also known as supportive care, helps people with serious illnesses feel more comfortable. Palliative care can help relieve pain and treat side effects as people go through disease treatment or hospice care at the end of life. Palliative dental care can be crucial for patients fighting cancer or other diseases because they can have unique and troublesome dental issues. The palliative doctor gives the 'touch of God' as he/she takes care of the terminally ill patient. The oncologist encounters great difficulties in managing oral cavity problems of these patients. So , a trained dental doctor can help other doctors in dealing with these situations.
Keywords: Dentistry, Oral cavity, Palliative care, Hospice care, Quality of life
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Abstract: A 45 year old female, cook by occupation presented in an irritable state with irrelevant talks for the past half an hour with additional complaints of recurrent episodes ofgiddiness, lightheadedness,sweating , tachycardia and increasing body weight for the past three years. Routine investigations of the patient revealed normal values except for a random CBG of 58mg/dl.This made us suspect the patient to be a case of hypoglycemia for evaluation.Further investigations revealed Insulin/glucose ratio =5.09 ,Insulin/C-peptide ratio=30.04 . CT abdomen revealed a 2x2.5 cm well defined hypoechoeic lesion in the head of pancreas.A final diagnosis of insulinoma was established.Surgical gastroenterologist opinion was sought ,Whipples procedure was done and the specimen was sent for analysis.......
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Abstract: Background: The cranial base has long been an area of interest to Orthodontists. The cranial base has been considered to have a pivotal role in development of craniofacial structures. It has been described as a template of growth over which facial structures develop. The purpose of this study was to assess the relation of Cranial flexure(saddle angle) to the position of the mandible and the anteroposterior jaw relation. An understanding of the morphological features of cranial base could be of great importance in early diagnosis and prediction of developing facial pattern and management of malocclusion. Methods: The sample consisted of lateral cephalograms of 90 subjects.....
Key words: Cranial flexure, sagittal skeletal malocclusion, anterioposterior jaw relation
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Abstract: purpose: This study was conducted to compare between Locator and Equator attachments used with short implants to retain mandibular complete overdentures, regarding the peri-implant marginal bone height changes. Materials and Methods:Ten healthy complete edentulous patients were selected and constructed conventional complete denture for each patient. Then mandibular denture was duplicated by clear acrylic resin to be used as radiographic stent. Each patient received two short implants in the canine areas by flapless technique using cone beam computer tomography surgical template. Then, divided into two equal groups; group A received locator attachments and group B received equator attachments. After one month direct picking up were made. Standardized periapical radiography evaluations of periimplant bone height changes were performed immediately, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months following picking up of attachments, The bone loss was calculated during each interval and statistically analyzed.....
Key words: Short implants; Locator; Equator; Overdenture attachments; Implants overdentures
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Abstract: Background: a continual/chronic ulcer or wound is the only that doesn't heal in an orderly set of degrees and in a predictable quantity of time the manner most wounds do; wounds that don't heal within 03 months are regularly considered as persistent.Aim of this study is to establish the efficacy of collagen granules in healing these chronic wounds. Methods: In this prospective study, a total of 178 patients were divided into two groups, according to type of dressing i.e., for group A patients collagen granules were used and for group B patients normal saline dressing was used. Collagen granules used.....
Key words: Biological dressing, collagen, chronic wound
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Abstract: Ocular trauma is a public health problem, especially for children. The examination, performed gently, allows an initial assessment of the injury and the start of emergency treatment. Amblyopia dominates the prognosis and is a central argument to encourage prevention. (1) We describe the case of a 12-year-old child, with no significant pathologic history, who presented to the ophthalmic emergency department for management of a right eye palpebral trauma by a safety pin. On admission, the child was calm, conscious, hemodynamically stable. The ophthalmological examination noted in the right eye: visual acuity was at 10: 10 without.......
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