Version-10 (July-2018)
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Abstract: Although macroeconomic variables have long been studied, many economists and researchers have often neglected the preliminary study of the variables regarding their similarities and differences. This paper adopted the principal component and factor analysis to assess nine macroeconomic variables by finding out the level of redundancy among them from the correlation matrix and grouping indicators with higher similarities into the same factors. Scree plots of principal components suggest grouping indicators into three factors. We then estimated the unrotated and rotated factor loadings withboth PCAand MLE estimation methods. Results from the PCA were gratifying since we obtained extreme loadings after the Varimax rotation. Out of the nine macroeconomic indicators, sixindicator were loaded on factor one, two were loaded on factor two and one was loaded on factor three.
KEYWORD: Macroeconomic, Principal Component, Factor Analysis, Correlation Matrix, Scree Plot, Maximum
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Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to measure the influence of service quality and higher education image through relationship quality on students loyalty in three business schools in Jakarta and the influence of higher education image through relationship quality on students loyalty in three business schools in Jakarta. Social Exchange Theory were incorporated in this study. An explanatory survey was conducted in the best three business institutes based on the Private Higher Education Association in Jakarta Area in the year 2016. The sample size in this research were 362 respondents which was collected through multistage random sampling. The data analysis in this research used both in descriptive statistics with SPSS 20. and inferential statistics Structural Equation Models (SEM) with Smart Partial Least Squares (SmartPLS)............
KEYWORD: Service Quality, Higher Education Image, Relationship Quality, Students Loyalty
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Abstract: The Persatuan Istri Prajurit (PERSIT) Kartika Chandra Kirana, Organization (Wives Soldiers Union) of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) Army in which to accommodate all the wives of soldiers into the formal container of the soldier's life as part of the Dharma Wanita organization, which took part in the success of the duty of the soldier. The purpose of this study to describe and analyze how the role of the Union of Wives Soldiers Kartika Chandra Kirana so as to support the work of Indonesian Army, and to describe and analyze the factors supporting and inhibiting the role of the Union of Wives Soldiers.Role assist the duties of the army chief of staff, nurturing the wife of the TNI, support the army of Indonesia Army,Synergizing with the community, and the prospective wife of soldiers has been indoctrinated with military loyalty. PERSIT has a strategic role in the success of husband in carrying...........
KEYWORD: Role, Wife of Soldier, Supporting Tasks
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Abstract: The literature of the diaspora in many ways records the basic human desire for survival as well as the 'urge of becoming' overcoming the stiff resistance and confrontations that the host countries and communities had have inflicted upon the small yet strong-willed people. The Muslim communities all over the world had faced stiff challenges from time time and asserted themselves and their love for freedom in many literary pieces. In the wake of 9/11 attack of terror on America, Muslim diaspora all over the world, especially in the Western countries has been subjected to humiliation and alienation. The Western countries have become conservative in their outlook of the Muslim communities all over the world. In the name of safeguarding the national cause, the governments of the western..........
KEYWORD: muslim', '9/11', 'terrorism', 'alienation','resistance'.
[1]. Bhaba. Homi, K.The Location of Culture.New York: Routledge.1994.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Lifestyle Of Level – I Bpo Employees: An Exploratory Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs. Brinda Muniyappa || Dr.Sreenivas.M |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307103337 ![]() |
Abstract: Out of the top ten BPO destinations in the world as many as six Indian cities in which Bengaluru remains the top outsourcing hotspot. Due to this disturbance and lack of time to contact the family members and friends break up.The job also is demanding and psychological problems are increasingly become common. All these are also attributable to some of these constraints which include lack of employable talent, social norms, increasing operational cost and breaches of security in handling clients‟ confidential data. Keeping the above
said points in view the present study aims to highlight..............
KEYWORD: Lifestyle, BPO employees
[1]. Anderson, K., Nisenblat, V., & Norman, R. (2010). Lifestyle factors in people seeking infertility treatment–a review. Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology, 50(1), 8-20.
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[4]. Gorjiposhti, M. (2012). A study of change in the lifestyle of urban women in Tonekabon city in Iran.
[5]. P, Vanishree. Work-Life Balance in the BPO Sector. Journal Of Business Management & Social Sciences Research, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 35-39, nov. 2012. ISSN 2319-5614..
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Abstract: The study was carried out to examine the impact of psychological capital and emotional intelligence independently on teacher effectiveness and also the mediating role of EI between PsyCap and teacher effectiveness. The sample consisted of 100 college students who rated their 200 primary school teachers on a teacher effectiveness scale and the same 200 teachers evaluated them for EI and PsyCap through self-administered tests. The data were analyzed using correlations, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results of correlational analyses pointed out that emotional intelligence and teacher effectiveness are positively correlated with each domain of psychological capital besides having significant positive correlation between them. Hence............
KEYWORD: Psychological Capital, hope self-efficacy, resilience, optimism, structural equation modeling
[1]. Austin, E.J. (2008). A reaction time study of responses to trait and ability emotional intelligence test items. Personality and Individual Differences. 46, 381–383.
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[3]. Curry, L. A., Snyder, C. R., Cook, D. L., Ruby, B. C., &Rehm, M. (1997). Role of hope in academic and sport achievement.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73(6), 1257.
[4]. Dulewicz, F., & Higgs, M. (2000). Emotional Intelligence: A Review and Evaluation Study. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15, 341-372...
[5]. Enzi, S., & Ibrahim, I. (2012). Positive psychological capital (PSYCAP) (conceptual perspective in core basics and requirements for building and preparing.Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 18(65), 1-31.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The TAI AHOM Movement in Northeast India: A Study of All Assam TAI AHOM Student Union |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bornali Hati Boruah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307104550 ![]() |
Abstract: The Ahoms, one of the foremost ethnic communities in the North East India are a branch of the Tai or Shan people. The Tai Ahoms entered the Brahmaputra valley from the east in the early part of the thirteenth century and their arrival heralded a new age for the people of the region. The ethnic group Tai Ahoms of Assam has been asserting their ethnic identity more than a century old today. The Ahoms who once ruled over Assam seek to maintain their distinct identity within the larger Assamese society. The Tai Ahoms of Assam faced a lot of problem after independence in different aspects. Moreover, though once Tai Ahoms ancestors were ruling race but today they have been squarely backward..............
KEYWORD: Distinct Identity, Ethnic group, Political issues, Identity assertion movement.
[1]. Azam, Kousar J.(ed.) ( 2001) Ethnicity, Identity and the state in South Asia, South Asian Publishers, New Delhi
[2]. Basu N.K. (1970)Assam in the Ahom Age, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar Calcutta.
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[5]. Bhadra, R.K &Bhadra, Mita(2007) Ethnicity, Movement and Social Structure Contested Cultural Identity, Rawat Publication, Jaipur..
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Abstract: Burnout can be referred as a prolonged stress, by which it may harms anybody at any level across sectors. A life as a tertiary level students require them to be mentally, physically and emotionally prepared, as the challenges are more vigorous in the current years. It can be expected that students are also exposed to the risk of facing burnout as a result of trying to accommodate the expectations from their parents and educators. Thus, a study has been conducted to examine whether depersonalization (as a component in burnout) affects undergraduates' academic performance from three (3) faculties in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, Malaysia. 346 respondents have been selected by using disproportionate stratified sampling method. In this study, the data analysis has demonstrated that depersonalization has a weak effect on the students' academic performance. Here, it can be concluded that the undergrads' feeling of detachment is a matter of individual's internal control and definitely they are the one who will determine the focus of their studies.
KEYWORD: Academic performance, burnout, depersonalization, students, university.
[1]. G. de Cavalcante Almeida, H. R. de Souza, P. C. de Almeida, B. de Cavalcante Almeida and G. H. Almeida, The Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in Medical Students, Arch Clin Psychiatry, 43(1), pp. 6-10, 2016.
[2]. F. Neziroglu and K. Donnelly, Overcoming Depersonalization Disorder: A Mindfulness and Acceptance Guide to Conquering Feelings of Numbness and Unreality (Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 2010).
[3]. C. Maslach and M. P. Leiter, Understanding the Burnout Experience: Recent Research and its Implications for Psychiatry, World Psychiatry, 15, pp. 103-111, 2016.
[4]. American College Health Association (ACHA), "Publications and Reports: ACHA-NCHA II," 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 4 July 2018].
[5]. H.-J. Yang, Factors Affecting Student Burnout and Academic Achievement in Multiple Enrollment Programs in Taiwan's Technical–Vocational Colleges, International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 24, p. 283–301, 2004
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Abstract: Women organisations have been struggling for women's rights but despiteconstitutional guaranteeof political participation for groups,they are faced with manychallenges that inspire the adoption of practical measures. This brings one to the question as to whether WROs have the capacity to successfully influence decision makers to bring about social change. This article examines the efforts of Women's Rights Organisations (WROs) in overcomingchallenges in the legislative advocacy that led topromulgation of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act. Data were collected by way of document review and in-depth interviewsconducted with 10 WROs members. Findings indicate that WROs innovatively sought support from development partners to overcome financial constraintsandincorporatedNational Assembly Administrators and key male legislatorsto deterfurther delay in the law reform.In conclusion, WROs representkey societal forces thatchallengedpersonalized rule and organisational inadequaciesto instil change in the society.
KEYWORD: DemocracyPolitical ParticipationLegislative AdvocacyWomen's RightsChallenges, Participation in Legislative Advocacy, Nigeria, Violence Against Person Prohibition Act, Women Right Organisations.
[1]. Abdulrahman, M. N. (2017). Women in the Political Process and Human Rights: The Nigerian Experience. Athens Journal of Law, X(Y), 1–25.
[2]. Adamu, F., & para- Mallam, O. J. (2012). The Role of Religion in Women's Campaigns for Legal Reform in Nigeria. Development in Practice, 22(5–6), 803–818.
[3]. Ajadi, K. ., Adebisi, J. ., & Alabi, F. M. (2010). Assessment of the Impact of Women's Organisations on Sustainable Rural Environment and Livelihood in Nigeria. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 3(2).
[4]. Amnesty International. (2005). Nigeria - Unheard Voices Violence Against Women in the Family. Retrieved January 16, 2016, from
[5]. Arum, I. (2010). Women NGO's and Women Empowerment in Nigeria. African Research Review An International Multi-Disciplinary Journal, Ethiopia, 4(3b), 272–280.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Revisiting theEvolution ofInternational System: ReflectionsontheRole ofReligion |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sarwar J. Minar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307106270 ![]() |
Abstract: Religion has been significant in human life since the day of human creation and since then played important role throughout various phrases of the world history. The paper investigates the role of religion in the development of International System. In tracing out the role of religion, the paper uses a qualitative research method.Though an interpretive approach, the paper explores the role of religion from the very beginning moment of creation of earth and human being, throughout various historical development phrases. The paper finds that religion has historically played a significant role in human life, in the organization of the social entities, and therefore in the relations among them. The paper finds immense influence of religion in prehistoric societies, in the pre-Westphalian system, in the city states and empires. However, in the Westphalian era religion was left aside and secularism took the place but was not excluded entirely.In the present era religion has again emerged as an influential force in the world affairs.Presenting an evaluation of religion's role in the 21st century international system, the paper concludes attemptingto integrate religion into the theories of International Relations.
[1]. Ahmad, Rafi., ―The Islamic Khilafat – Its Rise, Fall, and Re-emergence‖, Available at
[2]. Alam, Aksadul., Islamisation in Bengal: A Review of Theories, A Paper Presented at an International Conference, New Delhi, January 27, 2005.
[3]. Coulombis, Theodore. and James Wolfe, Introduction to International Relations: Power and Justice (Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1978).
[4]. Donnelly, Jack., ―Realism‖, Theories of International Relations eds. by Scott Burchill, Andrew Link later, Richard Davetak, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).
[5]. Elliott, Lorraine, Mark Beeson, Shahram Akbarzadeh, Greg Fealy and Stuart Harris, ―Religion, Faith and global politics‖, Published by Department of International Relations (RSPAS), The Australian National University, July 2006.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Криворізький факультет «Запорізький національний університет |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Арабаджи Ю.І. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-23071071165 ![]() |
Abstract: В першому розділі роботи проведено дослідження початку збройної агресії РФ проти України у 2014 році, яка завершилась анексією Криму Росією. У другому розділі досліджується подальший розвиток широкомасштабного вторгнення Росії на територію України у 2014-2015 роках. У третьому розділі роботи увагу приділено особливостям складного переговорного процесу, спрямованого на пошук шляхів вирішення конфлікту на Донбасі. Дослідження дипломатичних баталій дозволили визначити перспективи подальшого розвитку відносин між Україною та іншими провідними країнами світу.
Keywords: Ukraine, Russia, USA, Crimea, annexation, armed aggression, Donbass, war, sanctions, peacekeepers.