Version-8 (July-2018)
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Abstract: To establishing the psychometric properties of the Stress assessment scale (Hindi Version inthe Indian Context).The stressassessment scale was administered of the adult population (N=200, Age group 30-60 years) ofRaipur and Rajnandgaon district of Chhattisgarh, India. The psychometric properties of the scale were established by computing exploratoryfactor analysis, reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) and concurrent validity. The result of the inter-correlation in the stress scale on Hindi language and English language is found to be (.90). Reliability of the stressscale (Hindi version) was Cronbach's Alpha is 0.82. Exploratory factor analysis was done and 41 items were significant loading on twelve factors. The psychometric properties of the Stress scale (Hindi version) confirm that it is areliable and valid measure of stressful life event among adult with age range of 30-60 years.
KEYWORD: Stress assessment, reliability, validity
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Abstract: India was under colonial rule it was only the restricted male member who could vote and contest election while women were totally absent from the political scene. After independence the Indian constitution did not mention or specifically provide reservation for women's representations in the parliament or state assemblies. With the grant of constitutional gender equality in free India came legal support through a series of legislation. Panchayati Raj was introduced in India in 1959, very few women got electected. The BalvantraiMetha Committee (1957) and AshokaMetha committee (1977) recommended that large segment contributing for successful operation of a democratic system special attention should be paidto the role of women in Panchayati institution........
Key Words: Political Participation, Panchayati Raj Institution, Colonial, Rural Development Issues.
[1]. S. NagendraAmbedkar&ShailajaNagendra,women and Panchayati Raj,ABD Publishers Jaipur, 2008, P. 209.
[2]. G. Palanithurai, New Panchayati Raj system, Kanishka Publisher's, Distributors, NewDelhi, 1996, P. 149.
[3]. Ibid., P. 210.
[4]. G. Palanithurai, The Genre of women leaders in local bodies, Tamil Nadu Indian Journal of Public Administration Vol. XLVIII, No.1, 2001, Pp. 38-50.
[5]. Ibid., P. 108...
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Abstract: The study was conducted to examine the role of gender and socioeconomic status in the development of spiritual intelligenceamong higher secondary to university students. Participants were 480 students selected in equal numbers from among boys and girls and low and high SES groups by quota sampling method. King‟s SSRI-24 was used to measure the four domains of SI. From adolescence to early adulthood, girls were found consistently better in Critical Existential Thinking and Conscious State Expansion; but in Personal Meaning Production and Transcendental Awareness difference in favor of girls appeared only in later age. Age wasalso found to have significant impact on the development of the domains of SI. SES was found to have good impact..........
Keywords: Critical Existential Thinking; Conscious State Expansion, Transcendental Awareness,
[1]. Berkel, A., Armstrong, T. D., &Cokley, K. O. (2004). Similarities and differences between religiosity and spirituality in African American college students: A preliminary investigation. Counseling and Values, 49(1), 2-14.
[2]. Charoenchanaporn, P.,&Madathil, J. (2013). Exploration of factors influencing spiritual intelligence among Theravada Buddhists in Bangkok. Psychological Reports, 76, 623-626.
[3]. Cindy, P. (2010). Spiritual Intelligence among Graduate Students.The International Journal of Educational Behavior, 3 (1), 55-63
[4]. Creel, H.P. (2010). Spiritual intelligence among adolescents: A study of age and gender. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 4 (11), 327-338.
[5]. Dillman, K.G. (2006).Spiritual, existential or both?Theoretical considerations on the nature of ""higher‟‟ intelligences.StudiaPsychologica, 43(3), 239–253.
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Abstract: The international crisis demonstrates the degree of strength of endogenous technological skills developed by SMEs and their ability to manage uncertainty and risks at the macro level. Thus, the role of local institutional systems of Science, Technology and Innovation (CT + I, by its initials in Spanish) in supporting and enhancing the innovative capability and boosting technological behavior, is a significant component. The importance of this work is that it identifies the formation and consolidation of the innovative capability of SMEs in the food cluster in specific territorial and economic contexts. The main objective was to identify how companies related to food cluster generate relationships in their way of functioning and linking, in order to characterize and identify some of the factors.........
Keywords: Cluster, innovation capability, small and medium enterprises, innovation, competitiveness
[1]. Ernest, D. and Lundvall, A. Information tecnology in the learning economy, challenges for developing countries, Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics (DRUID), Working Paper 97(12), (1997).
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[4]. Boscherini, F. y Yoguel, G. "Aprendizaje y competencias como factores competitivos en el nuevo escenario: algunas reflexiones desde la perspectiva de la empresa", (Eds.) Miño y Dávila Editores en Territorio, conocimiento y competitividad de las empresas. El rol de las instituciones en el espacio global (Buenos Aires, 2000) 131-162.
[5]. Boscherini F. y Poma L. (Comp.) "Más allá de los distritos industriales: el nuevo concepto de territorio en el marco de la economía global", (Eds.) Miño y Dávila Editores en Territorio, conocimiento y competitividad de las empresas. El rol de las instituciones en el espacio global (Buenos Aires, 2000). 23-38...
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Abstract: The research paper aims to explore the effects of media on globalization in Multinational corporations (MNCs) in United Kingdom (UK). The study under consideration aspires to integrate primary sources. The data for the study is gathered via primary sources; thereby, interviews of selected participants were conducted. The sample for the study is gathered via convenience based sampling technique. For this study, 5 employees of MNCs were conducted via online media. The interviews of participants were analyzed using ethnographic content analysis technique. Traditionally, media related possibilities are effective in strengthening and engaging the ways in which nations internationalize...........
[1]. Albarran, A. B. (2016). The media economy. Taylor & Francis.
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[3]. Bragg, S.,&Kehily, M. J. (2014). Youth cultures in the age of global media. Springer
[4]. Broersma, M.,& Graham, T. (2016). Tipping the Balance of Power Social Media and the Transformation of Political Journalism. The Routledge companion to social media and politics, 89-103.
[5]. Chadwick, A. (2017). The hybrid media system: Politics and power. Oxford University Press.
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Abstract: Recent studies have shown that most developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa including Nigeria are facing high rates of emigration of her skilled professionalsuch as doctors, nurses, engineers, social workers, pharmacists, architects, lecturers, lawyers among others, migrate in droves, seeking greener pastures in developed countries where they perceive friendly working conditions and greater economic opportunities are available. The migration of these professionals in Nigeria is a well-established constraint to building a sustainable, quality industrial and economic systemstowards achieving development. It has been argued that the international migration of skilled workers exacerbates the Human Resource for Health (HRH) crisis and contributes to the widening global inequality...........
Keywords: Labour migration, skilled workers, sociological analysis, and working conditions.
[1]. Abdiaziz, A. A.& Adam, A. A. (2013). Working conditions and employees productivity in manufacturing companies in sub-Saharan African context: Case of Somalia. 2(2), 67-78.
[2]. Akintayo, D. (2012). Working environment, workers‟ morale and perceived productivity in industrial organizations in Nigeria. Education Research Journal, 2(3), 87-93.
[3]. Armstrong, M. (2007). A handbook of employee reward management and practice (7th Edition). London: Kogan Page.
[4]. Becker, B. E. & Huselid, M. A. (2006). Strategic human resources management: Where do we go from here? Journal of Management, 32(6), 898-925.
[5]. Chirdan, O. O., Akosu, J. T., Ejembi, C. L. & Bassi, A. P. (2009). Perceptions of working conditions amongst health workers in state-owned facilities in North Eastern Nigeria. Annals of African Medicine, 8(4), 243-249.
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Abstract: Science project competition is a platform for students to expose their scientific work. In completing their science project, school provides them with mentors. Mentoring has many factors involved which can be implemented in different contexts. It is important to identify the factors of mentoring which influence the success in science project competition. In this study, a survey design of research was conducted to identify factors of mentoring in the context of science project competition. The survey involved 250 students as participant of science project competitions in ten different areas in Indonesia. The result of the study demonstrates two out of six factors of mentoring were the most influencing factors toward success in science project competitions. The two factors are communication between the students and their respective mentors, and coaching on science project during the mentoring process. By putting the two factors into consideration of school management in assigning..........
Keywords: Mentoring, science project, science project competition, communication, coaching.
[1]. D.L. Reis, L. Trudel, G. Guillet., L. Kleine, & C. Hancianu, Students' sources of motivation for participating in science fairs: an exploratory study within the canada-wide science fair 2008, International Journal Of Science & Mathematics Education, 10(3), 2012, 669-693.
[2]. T.V. Abernathy, & R.N. Vineyard, R. N. Academic competitions in science: What are the rewards for students? The Clearing House, 74(5), 2001, 269-276.
[3]. C.M. Vest, Stewards of the Future: The evolving roles of academia, industry and government. Report of the President for the Academic Year 1996-97. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997.
[4]. Directorate of Secondary School Indonesia, Strategic Plan 2015-1019 (First Draft), 2014
[5]. S. Hendayana, S. Asep, & H. Imansyah, Indonesia's Issues and Challenges on Quality Improvement of Mathematics and Science Education, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 2010, 41-51.
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Abstract: National Security State has been being threatened by international drug market. This study was conducted to see from the side of its regional – national - international development. Facts and data about massive drug trafficking have become more valid guidelines. When viewed from the side of drug trafficking, largest supply of drugs comes insistently. Besides, drugs are part of the concept of asymmetric warfare. Furthermore, this study used verification - qualitative method. It also explained, described and verified the data obtained, investigated and comprehensively comprehended the relationship between drugs and asymmetric warfare with the focus of the role of Drug Investigation Unit (Satreskoba) Malang Regency Police in efforts to eradicate them. Moreover........
Keywords: Drugs, Asymmetric Warfare, Drug Investigation Unit (Satreskoba) of National Security
[1]. Afiatin, T. 2008. Prevention of Drug Abuse with AJI Program. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press
[2]. Alifia, U.2008. What is Narcotics and Drugs. Semarang: PT Bengawan Ilmu.
[3]. Arikunto, S. 2001. Fundamentals of Educational Evaluation. Jakarta: Earth Literacy
[4]. Arikunto, S. 2006. Qualitative Research Methods. Jakarta: Earth Literacy
[5]. Bachri Thalib, Educational Psychology-Based Empirical Applied Analysis Jakarta: kencana
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Abstract: In a world divided by religious differences, science and technology, reason, economic, political and cultural aspects among other differentiating factors, ecumenism is no doubt necessary. It is even more urgent at the universities where the aforementioned differences are evident in comparison to lower levels of learning. Religion is an important pillar of society which can play significant unifying role even at the universities if properly harnessed. Interreligious dialogue that respects the real differences between religions is necessary to clear up misunderstanding that university students from Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu and other religions may have of one another......
Key words: Implications, Pneumatology, Discourse, Ecumenism, Vital Force
[1]. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd Edition, London: Double Day, 1994 (691).
[2]. Comblin, J. The Holy Spirit and Liberation, New York: Maryknoll, Orbis Books, 1989.
[3]. Commission for University Education in Kenya, Status of Universities Authorized to operate in KenyaMarch2017.Retrievedfrom
[4]. Dunn, J. D. G. The Christ and the Spirit: Pneumatology Vol. 2. Edinburgh: T& T Clark Ltd, 1998.
[5]. Gertel, E. B. The Holy Spirit and Judaism, New York: Berkley, 1995..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Voluntary Submission To Jinayat Law In Aceh |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Mukhlis || Rismawati |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307086771 ![]() |
Abstract: Article 129 of Law No. 11 regarding the Governing of Aceh and Article 5 of Aceh Qanun No.6 regarding Jinayat Law (Islamic penal rules) determine the implementation of Jinayat law in Aceh toward people with other religions as the principle of voluntary submission. The implementation of voluntary submission principle is motivated by legal dualism for non-Muslims in Aceh by embracing in Criminal Code or Jinayat law regulated in conventional criminal law or Jinayat law. Criminal law in territorial principle in both conventional criminal law and Islamic criminal law does not recognize voluntary submission, where the law applies to anyone who is convicted to crime in the area where the criminal law is enforced.
Keywords: voluntarily submission, Jinayat law, Aceh
[1]. Abd Al-Qadir Audah, tt, At-Tusyi' Al- Jinalu al-Islamy, Dar Al-Kitab Al- Arabi, Beirut.
[2]. Abdullah Ahmed an-Naim, 2001, Dekonstruksi Syariat, Lembaga Kajian Islam dan Sosial, Jogyakarta.
[3]. Ahmad Hanafi,1967, Azas-azas Hukum Pidana Islam, Bulan Bintang, Jakarta.
[4]. Ahmad Wardi Muslich, 2005, Pengantar dan Azas Hukum Pidana Islam, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta.
[5]. Al-Mawardi, 1969, At-Tazir fi Asy-Syariah Al-Islamiyah, Dar Al-Fikri Al-Arabi..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Critical Analysis of Globalization and Citizenship Status of the Rohingya |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Sinthia Chakma Krisna |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307087277 ![]() |
Abstract: The article concerns the concept of globalization and the legal citizenship status of Muslim Rohingya people from Myanmar. The political leaders, government officials, and the society do not accept the Rohingya community as the citizen of the country. The citizenship law of Myanmar created an exclusive system for the Rohingya Muslim to deprive them systematically from fundamental human rights. This paper argues that the notion of citizenship changes with the process of globalization since the very beginning. The research analyzes the main theoretical approaches to understanding globalization from the critical perspective. It investigates the interactions between globalization and the legal citizenship status of Rohingya people. The research paper examines the new aspect of citizenship status based on the case study of Muslim Rohingya people. Next will be analyzing the getting a new citizenship status in.......
Key Terms: Globalization, Citizenship, Rohingya, Ethnic identity, Nationality
[1]. Ahmed I, (ed.) 2010, "The Plight of the Stateless Rohingyas: Responses of the State,‟ Society and the International Community, UPL: Dhaka
[2]. Al Jazeera 2018, Who are the Rohingya?, viewed 20 April 2018,
[3]. Castles, S & Davidson, A 2000, Citizenship and Migration: Globalization and the Politics of Belonging, Routledge, New York
[4]. Croucher, SL 2004, Globalization, and Belonging, The Politics of Identity in a Changing World, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham Maryland
[5]. Dominique, S 1998, Community of Citizens, On the Modern Idea of Nationality, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick New Jersey..
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Abstract: Kakamega town has witnessed unprecedented growth in population which has contributed to increased trading activities on the streets. Public spaces cannot cope with demand as the open market tradersoperate their businesses out of the designated areas. The effect of increased number of street traders is felt by the congestion on streets and bus stages and thedeteriorating hygienic conditions. Very little success has been achieved in attempt to seek solutions to the street trade challenge in Kakamega town. This study purposed to investigate the challenge of integrating street trade into the urban plan of Kakamega town. The study adopted the Legalists theory that mainly view the challenge presented by street trade in terms of bureaucratic obstacles created by authorities and lack of enforceable......
Keywords: Street trade, urban development plans, policies, urban public spaces
[1]. Brown A., Lyons M. (2009).Legal Pluralism and Development: Street Trade and Regulatory Reform in Tanzania. IDEAR Working Paper.London South Bank UniversityCharbel M. A. (2014).Urban Mobility in Smart City Age. Small cities cornerstoneSeries.
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[4]. De Soto, H. (1989).The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the Third World. Harper and Row, LondonEtsubdink S. (2014).Causes and Effects of Informal Sector; TheCase of StreetVending in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Thesis, University of Nordland.
[5]. Heberle L. C., Susan M. O. (2008). Local Sustainable Urban Development in a Globalized World. Ashgate Publishing Company, USA Jongh L. (2015). Street vending in urban Malawi; strategies and practices of Vendors and Local Authorities. Stockholm University, Sweden. PC21 International Conference, Urbino Italy, 27-29 August, 2015 Kenya Economic Survey Report 2015. KNBS, Nairobi