Version-5 (July-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Inclusive Growth and Paniyan Tribal Women in Nilgiris District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Hemasrikumar || Mrs. C. Athena |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307050105 ![]() |
Abstract: Inclusive growth is a concept which advances equitable opportunities for economic participants during the process of economic growth with benefits incurred by every section of the society. It should be reflected in the form of better opportunities for employment and livelihood and also in improvements in basic amenities like water, sanitation, housing, electricity etc and special attention for backward sections of populations scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and other excluded groups. Welfare programmes for the tribal people have to be based on respect and understanding of their culture and traditions and an appreciation of the social, psychological and economic problems which they are facing in their daily life. 'Inclusion' should be seen as a process of including these excluded sections of the society as agents whose participation is essential in the very design of the development process and not simply to make these people informed about the development schemes..
KEYWORD: Inclusive Growth, Tribal people, Development
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[5]. Padmaja Chetia, (2015), 'Inclusive growth and tribal people', International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, Vol. 4(1), pp. 1 – 2..
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Abstract: This study aims at describing, exploring and explaining the value of character education in reading nonfiction text of national hero biography. In particular, this study aims at describing, exploring and explaining the form, content, and function of the character education value in reading nonfiction text of national hero biography. This research is qualitative research with descriptivemethod. This research focuses on the value of character education in reading nonfiction text of national hero biography. The results showed that the character education value in reading nonfiction text of national hero biography is in the form of religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, the spirit of nationality, love the country, appreciate achievement........
Key Words: Character Education Values, Nonfiction Stories, Children's literature
[1]. Anshari. (2011). Representasi Nilai Kemanusiaan dalam Sinrilik Sastra Lisan Makassar. Makassar: P3i Press.
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Abstract: This research is a development research that aims to produce the validity of bahasa teaching materials based on local wisdom of katoba advice on junior high first-year students in Muna district. This research is Research and Development (R&D) research by adapting 4-D Thiagarajan development model. Phases include: (1) analysis of teaching materials development needs, i.e. analysis of katoba advice values, conceptual analysis, and learner analysis, (2) teaching materials development, (3) arranging lesson plan, and (4) validation test of teaching materials and lesson plan by experts. The results of the research are: (1) 30 character values on katoba advice that can be integrated into the material of bahasa lesson in junior high first-year was..........
Keywords: Teaching Material Development, Local Wisdom of Katoba Advice, Learners.
[1]. Abidin, Yunus. (2016). Desain Sistem Pembelajaran dalam Konteks Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: PT Rafika Aditama.
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Abstract: Cinema has been a popular source of entertainment with primarily domesticated closures. This paper is an attempt to show, how Hindi cinematic projections, become a social fact and start exercising constraint on the audience to construct their everyday lives as per the projected and stereotypical categorizations of femininity and masculinity.
Keywords: Cinema, gender, identities, masculinity, femininity
[1]. Butler Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, 2nd edition. United States: Routledge. (1999).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | First Aid Education for Safety of Students |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Santhikrishna. C || Dr.P.Rekha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307052629 ![]() |
Abstract: Safety of students is prime concern of teachers, parents and community. Every school has a legal responsibility to take care of each and every member of the school. In schools accidents happen in school premises, near by the roads of the school and while coming and returning from schools. In addition to that school students have to face injuries, fractures, fainting, like situations which will be problematic to themselves and others. That is why the parents are more worried about the safety of their children. Among the safety measures first aid is of prime importance. First aid and basic life support are so important that teaching basic first aid should be compulsory in all schools. Knowledge of first aid benefits the individuals themselves regardless of whether an emergency affects them directly. Therefore the school should be equipped with right supplies of first aid to protect the well being of students, teachers and staff. The present study focuses on the importance of first aid in schools for improving safety of students..
Key words: First Aid, Safety of students
[1]. Sosada, K., Zurawinski, W., Stepien, t., Makarska, J., & Myrcik, D. (2002). Evaluation of knowledge of
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Abstract: This study describes the conflict of Local Law with National Law in the marriage of the Sasak tribe. Conflict is motivated by the difference of marriage age requirement according to Law of Marriage with the principle that applied in Sasak tribe. Similarly to the criminal provisions that can ensnare them as perpetrators of criminal acts because marriage is done by pulling the girl from the bonds of parents and their families. Based on these conditions, it is necessary to examine the gaps of convergence between the two legal systems in order to harmonize the law in society. This research uses social legal research method, and the result that the practice of pulling has caused latent conflict and manifest in some society, such as the existence of the event that ended in Court. In addition, the pull is also considered as a factor triggering the rampant early marriage that affects the high rate of divorce and maternal mortality, so the government takes an imperative attitude to minimize the impact of pulling with uniform age of marriage, including in customary territories whose condition is not quite in line with the argument..
Keywords: drawing, Sasak community, conflict, local law, national law
[1]. Rahman, F, Pernikahan di Nusa Teggara Barat antara Islam dan Tradisi (Mataram: LEPPIM IAIN Mataram, 2013).
[2]. Bertholomey, J.R, Alif Lam Mim: Kearifan Masyarakat Sasak. (Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana, 2001).
[3]. Kaharudin, Perkawinan Adata Merari' (kawin lari) pada Masyarakat Sasak dalam Prespektif Hukum Perkawinan Islam di Nusa Tenggara Barat, Mimbar Hukum, 19 (2), 2007, 308.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some Theories In Conveying Hadith And Al Quran |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Juli Julaiha P || Ramli Abdul Wahid || Ardiansyah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307053640 ![]() |
Abstract: Islam has two references that serve as the main source of teachings, namely the Qur'an and hadith.Hadith is as a reinforcement or explanation of Qur'anic verses. Because the source of Islamic teachings are both the Qur'an and the Hadith.the Hadith presented is a weak Hadith, then it should explain its qualities, so that the pilgrims will know that the Hadith is weak. Some scholars say that should the weak Hadith be conveyed merely to the false deed, hence it is necessary to explain the quality of naivete..
Keywords: Al Quran; hadith; messenger; da'wah; Islam.
[1]. Abdurrahman, Said AqilHumam. KeadilanSahabat. Bogor: Al-Azhar Press, 1424H/2004M.
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[5]. Al-Idlibî, ¢al⥠ad-Dîn bin Ahmad.ManhajNaqdal-Matn `Inda `Ulama al-Hadis an-Nabawî.Beirut: Dâr al-Afâqal-Jadîdah, t.t.h.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Academic Achievements and the Cultural Origin of the Pupils in the Elementary Schools |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Lulzim Murtezani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307054144 ![]() |
Abstract: The multicultural education affects all phases of the effective classes. Through the multicultural curricula the children learn about themselves and the others. In this way they analyze the beliefs, attitudes, values and behaviors which are characteristic for certain cultures. The members of these cultures need to have greater self-confidence and simultaneously develop evaluation and understanding of the other cultures. Although they learn in the same buildings, it is not a guarantee that quality information has been provided for both cultures. To better illustrate, if the texts, i.e. textbooks and other teaching resources do not provide contents with equal quality, equally objective notions of the differences in the existing cultures of the pupils, then the goals of the multicultural living will be that much more distant. The purpose of the paper is to theoretically review the cultural origin of the child..........
Keywords: Multiculturalism; cultural origin; equal pedagogy; dimensions.
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[5]. Myers, D. G. ( 1999) Social Psychology. New York: McGraw- Hill Companies
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Abstract: This study aims at investigating the socio-economic factors affecting access to reproductive health information among teenage girls in Kaptembwo, Nakuru, Kenya. Data was collected from a sample of 127 teenage girls aged between 13-19 of Nakuru West Secondary school, Kaptembwo Primary school and Youth for Christ Group Nakuru having a total population of 681. Quantitative data obtained through the use of questionnaires was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 software. Qualitative data was analyzed using narrative statements based on relevant thematic areas. Purposive sampling, simple random sampling and......
[1]. Engen, I. K. (2013). Adolescent Reproductive Health in Cameroon: prevention of adolescent pregnancies through access to sexual and reproductive health measures in Cameroon.
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[3]. Mbeba, R.M. (2012). Barriers to sexual and reproductive health services and rights among young people in Mtwara district, Tanzania: a qualitative study. The Pan African Medical Journal, 13(1), 13.
[4]. Meena et al. (2011). Sexual and ReproductiveHealth: Knowledge, Attitude and Perceptions among Young Unmarried Male students of Delhi. International Journal of Reproductive medicine.6 pgs.
[5]. MOH (2005). National Guidelines for Provision of Adolescent Youth-Friendly Services (YFS). Nairobi: Government Printers.
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Abstract: The analysis of global development indicates that the nation received a sizeable proportion of foreign assistance from diverse places which were originally meant for economic development. Sadly, the bulk of this foreign aid received was used for personal needs instead of improving the nation's economic development. This culminated into massive abject poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, dilapidated infrastructures, inequality and depreciation of naira. The aim of the study is to ascertain if the misappropriation of foreign financial aid is traceable to the pseudo role of elites on economic in Nigeria. The secondary source of data was used. Data was analyzed using qualitative approach. Leadership and governance explanatory tool was used. The paper recommends an information technology.....
Keywords: Misappropriation, foreign financial aid, pseudo, elite, economic development, Nigeria
[1]. Abiola, A. and Olofin, O. (2008) Food Aid, Food Supply and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria, Examination of Possible Nexus. http// Retrieved on 7/3/2011.
[2]. Ahmed, Z. (2014) The effect of foreign aid on economic growth. Unpublished thesis Institution of Social Science, Sodertorns University.
[3]. Aja-Akpuru, A. (1998) Fundamentals of modern political economy and international economic relations changing with the times. Owerri: Data globe publishers
[4]. Ajayi, A. E. (2013) Foreign aid and economic development in Sub Saharan Africa: The role of institutions (1996-2010), B.Sc Research Project, Department of Economics, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.
[5]. Amanchukwu, N. R. Stanley, J. G. and Ololube, N. P. (2015) A review of leadership theories, principles, styles and their relevance to educational management, Management, 5(1), pp. 6-14..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Deparmental Auction State Officers' Public Service Of Makassar City |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Lukman Hakim |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307056471 ![]() |
Abstract: This research was focused on Public Service of departmental auction state officers of Makassar . It aimed to determine the state officers' performance who passed departmental auction that had been assessed based on competence, and integrity in particular, the ability to provide and develop good service to the community at the 9 Local Government Work Unit (SKPD) Makassar, namely the Regional Revenue Board of Makassar City, the Land Board of Makassar City, the Office of Investment and Integrated One Stop Service of Makassar City and the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Makassar City, Ujung Pandang District Office, Makassar District , Rappocini.........
Key Terms: Service, officers, departmental auction
[1]. Anonim (2017). Penerapan Diplomasi Kota Makassar, https://monicaro maulywe
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Abstract: Boko Haram arose in the early 2000s as a small Sunni Islamic group supporting a severe explanation and application of Islamic law for Nigeria. These sects of persons arecalling themselves Jama‟a Ahl as-Sunna Li-da‟wa wa-al-Jihad simply means a group of people committed to the "Propagation of the Prophet‟s Teachings and Jihad." This paper studies the genesis of Boko Haram insurgency and its negative impacts on northernNigeria. Truly, with the advent of the insurgent's group in Nigeria precisely northern region has been disturbed, socially, economically and politically. Boko Haram insurgency has frequently postured a serious menace to the business existence and harmony of the nation. The paper examined the negative impacts of Boko Haram insurgency on northern Nigeria, considering......
Keywords: Boko Haram; Imparts; Insurgency; Negative; Northern Nigeria
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Abstract: This study assessed and validated in a Mexican sample (n = 987) the Driving Anger Expression Inventory (DAX), a measure of how people express their anger on the road. As a result, confirmatory factor analysis revealed the DAX original four-factor structure did not fit the Mexican sample. Exploratory factor analyses yielded a valid, six-factor solution. Three factors (personal physical aggression, use of the vehicle to express anger, and adaptive/constructive expression) were similar in their content to the original DAX, but not with the same number of items. Three new factors emerged (nonverbal aggression, verbal aggression aloud, and silent verbal aggression), which are not present in the original study of the DAX. Cronbach's Alphas ranged between .76 and .89...........
Keywords: Aggression, angry drivers, driving behaviors, expression of driving anger
[1]. Alcázar, R. J., Deffenbacher, J. L., & Byrne, Z. S. (2011). Assessing the factor structure of the anger expression inventory (ML-STAXI) in a Mexican sample. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 11, 307-318.
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