Version-7 (July-2018)
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Abstract: Forest resource is one of the components of the environment and plays very important role in our life. Viet Nam country has population of more than 94 millions of people and quite large of forest area, about 36% of total natural area. In Viet Nam, many ethinic minority groups like living in area with hill mountain or jungle and living in the forest has created themselves very personal characteristics both cuture and awareness. However, along with socio - economic development, forest area of Viet Nam has increasingly shrinked and the question of how to effectively protect the existing forests and ensure the life of the ethinic minority groups which are living in the forest area need to be resolved. In fact, there have been many policies regarding forest management and ensuring social security to the ethnic minority groups promulgated and applied, and the policy of allocating and contracting forest for protection is one of those policies. Nevertheless, there is no research regarding assessment of effectiveness.............
KEYWORD: forest contractor, allocation, ethnic minority, Dak Doa district, Effectiveness
[1]. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Gia Lai province (2013), Planning for development of production forests in Gia Lai province until 2020, Pleiku- Gia lai.
[2]. Dak Doa District People's Committee (2013), Socio-economic development master plan of Dak Doa District, Gia Lai Province until 2020, Pleiku- Gia lai.
[3]. Nguyen Quang Tan and Thomas Sikor (2007), Why May Forest Devolution Not Benefit the Rural Poor? Forest Entitlements in Viet nam‟s Central Highlands, World Development, Issues 35.https//; accessed on 12 Mar 2018.
[4]. Dak Doa district‟s Forest Protection Session (2017), Report on the implementing forest protection in Dak Doa district, Dak Doa – Gia lai Province.
[5]. FAO (2012), State of The World‟s Forests, Rome.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Understanding The Hadith Based On The Language Approach |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Muhammad Tohirritonga || Nawir Yuslem || Ardiansyah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307071117 ![]() |
Abstract: Hadith is the second source of Islamic law after the Qur'an.The main purpose of the study of hadith is to assess whether from the historical aspect of a hadith it can be justified its validity, derived from the Prophet or not. This becomes very important, because the position or quality of the hadith is closely related to, whether or not the hadith is made into a hujah. To find out whether a tradition can be accounted for originality comes from the prophet or not, it is necessary research or criticism sanadand matan hadith. In Islamic studies, a person or a group of Muslims must refer to the Hadith, not to mention the Council of Ulema in Indonesia. The Indonesian Council of Ulama of North Sumatra Province (hereinafter abbreviated as MUI SU) is the official institution that is used by the government as an institution that protects Muslims in North Sumatra, especially in responding to problems born and developed in the midst of Muslim society. In many ways, the government always coordinates and involves MUI SU at religious events, such as determining the beginning of Ramadan and the 1st of Shawwal.
[1]. AL Quran Abd al-Qāhir,Muḥammad Abd al-Muhdi.Ṭuruq Takhrīj Ḥadīs Rasulillāh.Kairo: Dār al-I'tiṣām, tt.
[2]. Abū Dāwūd, Sulaimān bin al-Asy`aṡ as-Sajastānī al-Azdī, Sunan Abī Dāwūd.Beirut: Dar Ibn Hazm, 1997.
[3]. Abū al-Ḥasan, `Alī bin `Umar ad-Dāraquṭnī.Sunan ad-Dāraquṭnī.Beirut: Dar al-ma`rifah, 1966.
[4]. AbūYa`lā,Ahmad bin `Ali.MusnadAbīYa`lā, taḥqīq: ḤusainSalīmAsad. Damaskus: Dar al-Ma'mun li at-Turas, 1984.
[5]. Abū Sunnah,Aḥmad Fahmī.al-`Urf wa al-`Ādah fī Ra`y alFuqahā': `Arḍ Naẓriyah fī Tasyrī` al-Islāmī.Kairo: Dar al-Basa'ir, 2004.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reporting Gandhi's Visits to Kolkata: Mahatma in Contemporary News (1896-1902) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Raj Narayan Pal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307071836 ![]() |
Abstract: Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation, had a good relation with Bengal, though he had to face fierce criticism several times from different sections of the people of this province. Kolkata, formerly known as Calcutta, the capital of Bengal, witnessed Gandhi in different roles. Many important political decisions were taken by him in this city. Here he delivered many lectures at mass meetings. Many meetings were held in his honour also. The present paper endeavours to reveal Gandhi's detailed activities in Kolkata reflected in contemporary newspapers before he was accepted as a leader of Indian nationalist movement. A through and wide search has been made of the existing source of information through a careful study of contemporary newspapers like The Englishman, The Amrita Bazar Patrika, The Hindusthan Standrad, The Bengalee, The Statesman, The Indian Mirror and various published works.
Keywords: Gandhi, Kolkata, All India National Congress, Gokhale, P.C.Roy, Rabndranath Tagore, Sister Nivedita, Public lecture, Saraladevi
[1]. Gandhi, Gopal Krishna, A Frank Friendship, (Seagull Books, Publication date not mentioned),p4.
[2]. Gandhi, M.K., An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments with truth (Navajivan Trust, 1927). I have used the An autobiography which is included in the Collected Works of Mahatma Gnadhi Vol. II, published by Publication Division, Govt. of India, New Delhi, March, 1972, p.148.
[3]. Ibid, p148
[4]. Amrita Bazar Patrika, (Calcutta, 21/1/1902)
[5]. The Bengalee, (Calcutta 17/10/1896).
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Abstract: This article intends not to judge professional competence in delivering materials, but rather to explore the pedagogic competence in integrating character education in the process of teaching and learning English. The data source was from 3 students of English Study Program of Teacher Training Faculty of NHU who were in teaching practice program in the same school location. To collect the data, the researcher used documents of lesson plan and observation on teaching practices. The finding shows that there are 12 character values integrated in the teaching practices, namely: polite, confident, respectful, cooperative, critical, discipline, independent, communicative, curious, environmentalist, creative, and logical. Those 12 values were taught in different ways. Some of the values were taught explicitly, while some other values were implicitly inherent in activities. In conclusion the character values implemented are not the same as those planned to be implemented by the three student teachers..
Keywords: character, integration, lesson plan, teaching practices, value
[1]. Berkowitz, M. W., and Bier, M. C. 2005. What works in character education: A research-driven guide for educators. Washington, D.C: Character Education Partnership
[2]. Bogdan, R. C., and Biklen, S. K. 1992. Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theory and methods. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
[3]. CEP. 2008. Character education quality standards: A self-assessment tool for schools and districts. Washington, D.C: Character Education Partnership
[4]. CEP. 2014. A framework of school success: 11 principles of effective character education. Washington, D.C: Character Education Partnership
[5]. Ginanto, D. E. 2013. Character education at schools in Indonesia. Presented at Indonesia Focus Conference at the University of Pittsburgh from November 1-2, 2013. Retrieved on October, 10th 2017, from
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Abstract: Lipid abnormalities in patients with diabetes play an important role in development of atherogenesis. Diabetes is now The role and strategic position of women's leadership in the government bureaucracy shows a significant increase. This study aims to analyze the role of female leaders in Wajo Regency. The research used phenomenology approach. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis includes collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results show that first; women's leadership is based on reasons for achievement and they are interested in the monetary rewards that will be accepted. Second; women's leadership is adaptable, low profile, polite, consistent in different situations. Third; Female leaders occupy positions in the bureaucracy because they are capable of mastering new technologies, perceiving and understanding individuals and organizations holistically and dynamically, Fourthly; the skills of............
Key Words: Women's Leadership, Government Bureaucracy.
[1]. Torang, Syamsir. 2014. Filsafat Ilmu Administrasi, Manajemen dan Organisasi. Bandung. Alfa Beta Bandung
[2]. Yulk, Gary. 1989. Leadership in Organization. New Jersey. Prentice Hall.
[3]. Locke, Edwin A. 1991. The Essence of Leadership, The Four Keys to Leading Successfull. New York: Lexington Books
[4]. Hadiz (2004). Kepemimpinan Perempuan dan Gender. Bumi Aksara, Jakarta.
[5]. Irianto, (2016). Kepemimpinan Perempuan dan Birokrasi. Remaja Rosdakarya: Bandung.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Education in Nation Building |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. SuchitraVashisth |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307075254 ![]() |
Abstract: Any nation is defined by shared culture, a common civilization heritage, a unity of purpose and a mutual understanding and respect for diversity which goes much beyond tolerance. Modern India is the oldest continuing civilization which links with at least four thousand years of a past which was built upon by many outside cultures like the Greek , Turk, Arabic, Moguls and English. The existing direction to nation-building that tends to spotlight on the structural and administrative rudiments of state reconstruction, chiefly in post-conflict situations, should be re-evaluated in favor of a more proletariat, sociologically motivated and institutionally based approach. These in due course help to create a sense of shared wakefulness or common understanding among members of a society such that the cohesion and unity of common experiences creates a sense of organic solidarity and unity of purpose
Key words:education, administration, Mahatma Gandhi, social, political
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Abstract: Background: Parenting style has an immense impact on the mental health and social development of children. Aims: The present study aims at determining the effects of different modes of parenting styles on the dimensions of social skills of male and female adolescent children ofworking and non-working mothers in urban areas of Ludhiana, India. Methods: A total of 200 volunteer adolescent, school-children, belonging to working-mothers (38 male and 26 female) and non-working mother (83 male and 53 female), were surveyed.The parenting style was categorized into eight modes of parenting as suggested byBhardwaj et al. (1998)[1].The reliability of this test was determined by test and retest method with an interval of 21 days.............
Keywords: Adolescent children; Working and non-working mother; Social skills; Mode of parenting.
[1]. Bhardwaj RL, Sharma H, Garg A. Manual for parenting scale. Pankaj Mapan Publishers, "Bal Niwas‟, Taj Basai, Agra (India). 1998
[2]. Chadda, RK and Deb KS. Indian family systems, collectivistic society,and psychotherapy. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2013, 55(6), 299-309. ttp://
[3]. Akhtar Z. The Effect of Parenting Style of Parents on the Attachment Styles of Undergraduate Students. Language in India 2012, 12 (1), 555-566.
[4]. Konnie M, Monica,and Kuranchie, A. Influence of Parenting Styles on the Social Development of Children. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2013, 2. 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n3p123
[5]. Kopko K. Parenting Styles and Adolescents. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University; 2007. Available at: Adolescents.pdf..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Resolving Hiatus in Olutura |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | EverlynEtakwa || Mohamed Akidah || AyubMukhwana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307076674 ![]() |
Abstract: The main concern of the study was to identify and examine the different strategies that Olutura uses to resolve hiatus so as to get the optimal syllable.Olutura is one of the dialects of the Luyia language spoken in Western Kenya, East Africa. Data is sampled from speakers of Olutura as a first language. The data is then analyzed to find out the phonological processes that are involved in the configuration of the optimal syllable in this language. The results of the study show that Olutura uses the phonological processes of coalescence, glide formation, epenthesis, prothesis and elision to resolve hiatus.
Key words: Hiatus, phonotactics, phonological process, coalescence, glide formation, epenthesis, prosthesis, elision, optimal syllable.
[1]. Bakovik, E. (2007).Hiatus Resolution and Incomplete Identity. InMaartinez-Gil (Ed.), Optimality- Theoretical Studies in Spanish Phonology. 62-73.
[2]. Beckman, J. N. (1998). Positional Faithfulness. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
[3]. Casali, R.F. 2011. Hiatus resolution. In M. van Oostendorp, C.J. Ewen, E. Hume and K. Rice (Eds.) The Blackwell companion to phonology. Malden, MA, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell Publishers. pp. 1434-1460.
[4]. Donegan, P. &Stampe, D. (1979). The Study of Natural Phonology. In: Dinnsen, D. A. (Ed.CurrentApproaches to phonological theory.126–173. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
[5]. Goldsmith, J. (1999).Phonological Theory: Essential Readings. Malden,MA:Blackwell..
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Abstract: High school dropout rate issubstantially high in the waterlogged areas in Southwestern part of Bangladesh. The main focus of this study is to explore the causes of dropping out from secondary schools (age group 11 to 18 years) in waterlogged areas of Jessore district. Six villages of two unions under Keshabpurupazila in Jessore district were purposively selected. Survey research design has been employed where interview schedule is used for data collection. Data has been collected from 150 dropout children (male 82 and female 68) by using purposive and snowball sampling method. Result shows thatmale students'dropout rate isremarkably high (54.7%) than the female (45.3%) in waterlogged areas. Due to waterlogging, 48.7% male are generallydropped out as compared to female constituting 42.7%. Owing to poverty,48%male and 41.3% female studentdropped out from secondary schools. However, this study has found a significant relationship betweenwaterlogging and student dropping out from secondary level.
Keywords:Children dropping out, Waterlogging, Secondary school dropping.
[1]. Bangladesh - government. Bangladesh: National Progress Report on The Implementation Of The Hyogo Framework For Action (2013-2015). Dhaka; 2015. Accessed July 6, 2018.
[2]. Asia-Pacific End of Decade Notes on Education For All. Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; 2012.
[3]. Chowdhury, A. Policy Considerations for ICT in Education, Education in Bangladesh: Overcoming Hurdles to Equity with Quality, University Press, Dhaka. 2011.
[4]. BANGLADESH: High Rate of School Dropout. Dhaka: The University Press; 2007.
[5]. The Daily Star. Dropout rate decreases. Published 2013, 1st January. Accessed July 6, 2018.
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Abstract: The aim of this thesis paper is to explore parenting and its effects on child development and socialization. This research has given a new light on how a key aspect of parental care and family functioning matters become an important domain of children's wellbeing. Specifically, how lack of supportiveness in parents' relationship is linked to children's externalizing and internalizing behavioral problems is explained here. An extensive literature has shown that parenting is important for children's outcomes, there has been given much attention to how positive parenting and family dynamics within families may be salient for child development and wellbeing. How does conflicting relation and divorced between father and mother effects on child development and socialization is also discussed in this research paper. For conducting this research work we used questionnaire survey for collecting quantitative data. Therefore, this research study aims to critically explore the present condition of parenting..........
[1]. E.S. Schaefer, Dimensions of mother-infant interaction: Measurement, stability, and predictive validity. Infant Behavior and Development, 12, 1989, 379–393.
[2]. N. Weinfield, L.A. Sroufe, and B. Egeland, Attachment from infancy to early adulthood in a high- risk sample: Continuity, discontinuity and their correlates. Child Development, 71, 2000, 695–702.
[3]. M.Ward, D.Kessler, and S. Altman, Infant- mother attachment in children with failure to thrive.Infant Mental Health Journal, 14, 1993, 208–220.
[4]. C.H. Zeanah, , and T.F. Anders, Subjectivity in parent-infant relationships: A discussion of internal working models. Infant Mental Health Journal, 8(3), (1987). 237–250.
[5]. S. McLanahan, , L. Tach, , and D. Schneider, The causal effects of father absence. Annual Review of Sociology, 39(1), (2013). 399-427..
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Abstract: Background of the study: The purpose of the study was to compare the high and low physical fitness male university Football players in psychological variable. Aims and Objectives of the study: To attain to compare the high and low physical fitness male university Football players in psychological variable i.e. regression. Methodology: 175 football players were select from Hawassa University. The selected subjects were divided into high and low physical fitness groups based upon their performance in AAHPERD youth fitness test. The selected psychological variable – regression (manual frustration questionnaire variables) were assessed by following, Tiwari.G and Chauhan.N.S manual frustration questionnaire (1972). Results and Conclusions: The data was analyzed by following ANOVA. The results of the study showed that high physical fitness football players showed less regression when compared to low physical fitness football players group.
Keywords: High and low physical fitness, frustration, regression.
[1]. Agarwal, J.C. (1975). Educational Research, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi, p. 109.
[2]. Atkinson. (1996). Dictionary of Psychology, 4th Ed., Delhi Goyal Seal Publishers and Distributors.
[3]. Banga, U.S. (1991). Impact of Teacher Training Programme in Physical Education on the Physical Fitness, and Motivity of Students, Fourth Survey of Research in Education, 1983-88, 2: 920-921.
[4]. Bar-Eli, Michael, Tenenbaum, Gershon, Geister and Sabine (2006). Consequences of Players' Dismissal in Professional Soccer: A Crisis-Related Analysis of Group-Size effects. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24(10): 1083-1094.
[5]. Bhatia, H.R. (1988). Abnormal Psychology, New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd..
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Abstract: The aims of this research are to describe the forms of code mixing and code switching in the classroom interaction used by the English teachers in SMA Negeri 2 Takalar.This research used qualitative design, this method used to describe clearly about the fact of code mixing and code switching weather the form based on the data that gained through observation and recording the teachers' language in the classroom interaction as the object of this research. The data from the result of observation and recording showed that the code mixing and code switching that used by the English teachers in the classroom interaction based on the form has many differences, such as code mixing in the form of word and code mixing in the form of phrase. While code switching in the form of the........
Keywords -Bilingualism, Code Mixing, Code Switching.
[1]. Amorim, Rita - Code switching in student-student interaction; functions and reasons! Revista de EstudosLinguísticos da Univerdadedo Porto - Vol. 7 - 2012 - 177 – 195
[2]. Aprilia, Vika. (2010). The Analyzing of Code Switching and Code Mixing in The Song of Baby Don't Cry By NamieAmuro. Thesis S1, Universitas Sumatera Utara: Medan.
[3]. Ayeomoni, M. O. (2006). Code Switching and Code Mixing: Style of Language Use in Childhood in Yoruba Speech Community. Nordic Journal of African Studies 15(1): 90–99 (2006).
[4]. Ba'dulu, Abdul Muis. 2009. Introduction to Linguistics, Makassar: BadanPenerbitUniversitasNegeri Makassar.
[5]. DepartemenPendidikanNasional.2007. KamusBesarBahasa Indonesia (KBBI),Edisi 3. Jakarta: BalaiPustaka..