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Abstract: This study aims to analyze and explain: (1) The process of organizational change and development (2) How the implications of organizational change to the development of service performance to the community, and (3) Strategies that can be applied to improve service performance to the community post-change and organizational development RSUD Tenriawaru Kabupaten Bone. The research was conducted by qualitative method with case study approach. Data collection techniques by interview, documentation and direct observation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, temporary conclusion and verification, data collection and final drawing, a process of interactive cycles or processes. Data Validity Technique using Triangulation Technique. The findings of this study reveal that organizational change can be realized through changes in structure, and employee:..........
KEYWORD: Implementation of passionate, progressive, proactive, positive attitude and organizational change and development
[1]. Robbin, Stephen P, 2003. Perilaku Organisasi, Jilid I. Jakarta : PT. Prenhallindo, Alih bahasa : Hadyana Pujaatmaka,
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[3]. Guy. B. Peters, 1989. The Politics of Bureaucracy", London : Routledge, hal 29938.
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[5]. Siagian, 2003. Filsafat Administrasi. Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara..
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Abstract: Surely Marxism isn‟t relevant anymore? We have moved on since Marx was writing" this is one of the common questions people tent to ask when reflecting on the relevance of Marxism. The real questions one needs to ask is whether the broad outlines of Marx‟s ideas fit for the society today. In this paper, I argue that Marxian thoughts are still valid and useful even more than in Marx‟s own times. This argument is explored with the analysis of Marxian notion of exploitation in relation to current Kenyan media functions. This analysis explores Marxism, the relevance of Marxism, the media climate in Kenya and finally Marx‟s notion of exploitation and Kenyan media.
Key Words: Marxism, Exploitation, Media system, Media ownership
[1]. Bowens, T., Carroll, B., Dowell, L., Everett, E., Fry, J., Hales, L., et al. (2013). What Is Marxism All About? New York: World View Forum.
[2]. Champi, M. G. (2012). The Marxist concept of alienation and exploitation in of Mice and Men. University of Gothenburg, 1-27.
[3]. Fuchs, C. (2009). Some Theoretical Foundations of Critical Media Studies: Reflections on Karl Marx and the Media. International Journal of Communication, 369-402.
[4]. Fuchs, C., & Dyer-Witheford, N. (n.d.). Karl Marx @ Internet Studies. Communication and Media Research Institute, 1-15.
[5]. Gurley, J. G. (1984). Marx's contributions and their relevance today. The American Economic Review, 110-115..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effectiveness of Public Health Services In Makassar (Study: Health Services In the Hospitals) |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Muhajir |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307021318 ![]() |
Abstract: The type of this research is a qualitative research through phenomenology approach. Furthermore, the results of research from many complaints and comments of the community shows that the professionalism of hospital services has not been built in an integrated manner. Therefore, it needs to be constantly fixed. From many problems between the community and the hospital parties that happen almost in all hospitals in South Sulawesi or even throughout Indonesia, it shows that its concept of service has not been optimal. It is the result of employees' professionalism which has not been built and hospital management which still needs a development...
Keywords: services, community, hospital, effectiveness, health
[1]. Dr. MS. Rakhmat (2005), "Reformasi Administrasi Publik Menuju Pemerintahan Daerah yang Demokratis", Jurnal Administrasi Publik/Volume 1/No.1/2005.
[2]. Irawati (2007), "Pembaruan Administrasi dan Birokrasi (Sebuah Era Perubahan)", Jurnal Madani Edisi I/Mei 2007.
[3]. Jess Benhabib, Mark M. Spiegel (1994), "The role of human capital in economic development Evidence from aggregate cross-country data", Journal of Monetary Economics 34 (1994).
[4]. John F. Helliwell (2005), "Well-Being, Social Capital and Public Policy: What's New?", National Bureau of Economic Research 2005.
[5]. JoAnn C. Carland dan James W. Carland (2004), "Economic Development: Changing the Policy to Support Entrepreneurship", Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, Volume 10, Number 2, 2004.
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Abstract: Constitutionally, children's rights are protected by the state as stated in Article 28B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Indonesian Constitution namely "Every child has the right to live, grow and develop as well as the right for protection from violence and discrimination". Under Indonesian Penal law and Child Criminal Justice System Law (called UUSPPA), it is stated that the convicted child who is serving a criminal term is entitled to receive the right to education and training. Implementation of education for child convicted in Special Institution for Guiding Children (called LPKA), is the responsibility of the State as regulated in Article 9 of Government Regulation Number 32 of 1999 stated that "Every LPKA is obliged to carry out educational and teaching activities for the convicted person. However, the implementation of formal and non-formal education for child convicts has not been realized........
Keywords: Children, Educational Rights, and Special Institution for Guiding Children (LPKA)
[1]. Arief, B.N, Legislative Policy on Crime Prevention with Imprisonment.
[2]. Manan, B, Restorative Justice in child's case, Article presented in Workshop of Handling children in conflict with the law with Restorative Justice Approach.
[3]. Gumelar, L.A.S, Speech at the Legal Handling Workshop with Restorative Justice Approach.
[4]. Ansari, R, Head of LPKA Class II Banda Aceh.
[5]. Atmatasari, I, UNICEF Consultant.
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Abstract: Plethora of arguments exist on the need to adopt and follow a logic that is independently African devoid of interruption and interjection in the leadership and management of African affairs and development. African contemporary indigenous philosophers have come up with various flowering philosophies geared towards cooperation and harmony of Africans disregarding their existing diversities. Ahamefula: the logic of unity and identity (New paradigm for African leadership development) while not dispelling these efforts, has seen this as a dev elopement to the teeming thematic advocacy to further liberate Africans from the gulag of the western imperialist economic and political dependence using internal mechanism. The Igbo notion Ahamefula is derived from two words, namely, "Aham" and "Efula" which means "my name will not be lost or my identity will not be lost". These are words..............
Keywords: Ahamefula, Leadership, Development
[1]. Achebe, C. Arrow of God. Heinemann Publishers.
[2]. Achebe, C. The Trouble with Nigeria. Heinemann Publishers.
[3]. Achebe, C. There was a Country. (A Personal History of Biafra). New York: Penguim Press, 2012.
[4]. Achebe, C. Things Falls Apart. Heinemann Publishers. 1978.
[5]. Asuozu, I. I. Ibuanyidanda: New Complementary Ontology (Beyond World-Immanentism Ethnocentric Reduction and Impositions). London: Transaction Publishers, 2007..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Marxism In The Light Of Philosophy of the Modern Physics |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | EzhilArasu.C. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307023541 ![]() |
Abstract: Marxism is based on Newton's law of motion by physics and Darwinism by biology. After Marx there are tremendous changes in physics, those are relativity theory and quantum mechanics, which changed the old classical theories completely reverse. Modern physics consists of time and space, quantum physics and interpretation of quantum physics that is Quantum non-locality. These subjects are not taken in to account with the previous philosophies. Neo -Marxists explain and interpret Marxism only in classical way. Nevertheless, comprehension in modern physics completely changed the perspectives about universe and hence, there is an imperative need to revise Marxism in light of modern physics. It is necessary to include modern physics through first hand observations, investigations and interpretations in any form of primary research. Whereas it is also equally important to consider philosophical, political.............
[2]. Victor J. Stenger, Quantum Gods, page no 98.99,100.
[3]. Manjit Kumar, Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality, page no 3, 380.
[5]. McAllister Hull and David S. Saxon, Principles of modern physics, page No.1.
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Abstract: experiences in Calabar with regards to knowledge, availability and effective use of fire hydrants isinconsistent with global best practice, hence the needfor this research. Data on the locations of existing fire stations,hydrants and the road network of the city were acquired. Additionally, 620 questionnaires with a success rate of 90.3 percent were acquiredfrom residents. About 385 respondents were sampled within a diameter of 150m of the hydrants and 235 without. Different scenarios of location and access to service were analyzed using descriptive and spatial statistical techniques in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Results revealed that 75 percent of respondents perceive the Fire Department as incapable of effective fire disaster management (FDM). Furthermore, about 83.5 percent of the respondents lack knowledge of the existence of fire hydrants in their vicinity. Spatial analyses...........
Keywords: Fire hydrants; fire disaster management; service area; best route; spatial dispersion
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[5]. Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research Design; Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches, Second Edition. SAGE Publications Inc. London.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Solving MCDM Using Ranking Order Of Topsis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R. Sophia porchelvi || B. Snekaa |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2307025659 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, multi – person – multi criteria decision making in fuzzy environment is discussed using Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solutions (TOPSIS) method
Keywords:Distances between Two Triangular Fuzzy, Triangular fuzzy number, separation measures, closeness coefficient.
[1]. Zimmermann J.H, (1996),"Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications", 3rd edition Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA.
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[5]. Hwang C.L, Lai Y.J, and Liu T.Y, (1993), "A new approach for multiple objective decision making", Computers and Operational Research,20: 889–899..
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Abstract: A pre-school teacher plays an important role in the implementation of Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE).Most importantly, the teacher serves to create the right environment for the curriculum implementation. This study sought to establish the extent to which the environment created by ECDE teachers influence the implementation of ECDE curriculum in Mathira East sub-county, Nyeri County, Kenya. The curriculum implementation theory (Gross, 1971) was adopted to guide the study. The descriptive survey design was used throughout the study. The target population was all the 41 ECDE Centres in Mathira East Sub County, 41 head teachers and 62 ECDE teachers. Simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 21 (50%) of public pre-schools and teachers (one from each of the sampled schools) whilethe 21 head teachers were purposively selected. Data was collected using an observation checklist and questionnaires for head teachers and teachers. Before the actual data collection, the instruments were piloted in 4 ECDE Centres. Validity of the research.........
Keywords: ECDE, Learning environment, curriculum implementation, classroom lighting, play equipment.
[1]. Allinder, R.M. (1995). An Examination of the Relationship between Teacher Efficacy andCurriculum-Based Measurement and Student Achievement.Paper presented at theRemedial and Special Education, 16, 4,247-54 Jul1995
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[4]. Gichuki F.W (2013). "Influence of Immediate Preschool Environment on Curriculum Implementation in Public Preschools inMirangine District, Nyandarua County, Kenya".UnpublishedMeD project, University of Nairobi.
[5]. Gross. N. (1971).Implementing organizational change.A sociological analysis of planned educational changes. New York: Basic.