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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Perceived Stress, Anxiety, and Depression among Mizo Women |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Lalmuanzuali || Rinpari Ralte |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308010106 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study aims to explore the relationship between perceived stress, anxiety, and depression among Mizo women. In addition, the study attempts to highlight the predictability of perceived stress and anxiety on depression. Data is collected from a random sample of forty-three (43) Mizo educated women in Aizawl, with their age ranging between 18 to 39 ( M= 28.42 years). Results indicate significant positive relationships between perceived stress, anxiety and depression. The results further show that the variables significantly predicted depression and that perceived stress is the best predictor of depression accounting for a very large proportion of the variance. Intervention programs for women that reduce perceived stress and anxiety are needed in order to manage their effects on depression.
KEYWORD: Perceived Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Women
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to know, analyze and discover the nature of diversion in conflicting children in the perspective of Child Rights, to know, to analyze and to find the implementation of the diversi- sion of children in conflict with the law in the perspective of Child Rights, and to know, analyze and find the factors that influence the implementation of the diversion of children in conflict with the law in the perspective of Child Rights. The research method used is empirical legal research that is the research on the implementation of the rule of law in empirical and legal effectiveness.The results of this study indicate that the nature of diversion in children in conflict with the law is to provide assurance of protection of human rights and welfare to children who berkonfliik with law. The diversion in the Police, State Attorney and District Court has not yet guaranteed the protection of human rights to children in conflict with the law..
KEYWORD: The Nature of Diversity, Conflict With Law
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[5]. Antony J.W. Taylor, (ed.). 2006. Justice as a Basic Human Need. New York: Nova Science Publisher Inc..
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Abstract: This study assessed the housing condition in Katungu, one of the oldest residential districts in Makurdi town. The survey research design was adopted and the population of study includes variables of housing and of the socio-economic status of households. Using the Taro Yamane formula, a total of 312 dwelling units and their corresponding household heads were systematically selected. Data was collected through physical observation using a checklist and structured questionnaires. At the end, information on 192 dwelling units and 192 household were complete and subjected to statistical analysis using statistical tools such as means, frequencies and percentages as well as Pearson‟s correlation test. The result of the study showed that 62.4% of households in Katungu consist of more than 5 members. Also there is strong negative relationship r = -0.084 between..........
KEYWORD: Housing Conditions, Neighborhood Quality, Urban Renewal
[1]. Adedibu A.A. (1980), Spatial pattern of housing modernization in the traditional residential areas of Ilorin,The Nigerian Geographical Journal, 23: 147-161.
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[3]. Agbola T. (2006), Sustainable Approach to Slum Prevention in Nigeria: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies, Key Note Paper Presented at the Second House of Representatives‟ Committee on Habitat on Sustainable Slum Upgrading in Urban Areas and Held at the ShehuYar‟adua Center, Abuja, 25-27 October.
[4]. Ahmad, N. (1992) "Choice of Location and Mobility Behaviour of Migrant Households
[5]. Alnsour J. (20110), Illegal Housing in Jordan. Jordan Journal of Social Sciences 4
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Abstract: PAN describes its survival in the Indonesian political contest, especially in political contest in North Sumatra. This is because of the party's efforts to build a political image continuously in the community, either during general elections or after it. In a variety of political events, PAN also shows its existence as an open party that is fighting for nationalism and religiosity. Imaging political strategies performed by PAN is an attempt to maintain the existence of the party. PAN's ability to build the imagery toughen the PAN's survivality in the political scene in North Sumatra since 2005 until now. In some regions, PAN succeded to put its representatives in the Parliament, for example in Toba Samosir, PAN won one seat and in Nias PAN also won one seat. This also proves the success of PAN imagery using media to people out of Islam, because the majority of people in Tobasa and Nias are Christians. Even in South Labuhan Batu regency, PAN won 11 seats.
KEYWORD: Political imagery; media; public symphatic; PAN
[1]. Ardianto, Elvinaro dkk. Komunikasi Pengantar; Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media, 2007.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Determinant Of Community Preference On The Development Of Surabaya ( East Java Province )Tourism |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Muryani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308013540 ![]() |
Abstract: Regression multinomial logit was used in this study to identify factors that influence willingness to pay and interest of respondents in the development of heritage tourism in Kota Lama Surabaya. The results show that purpose of being in Surabaya, type of work, preferred type of tourism, gender, age, and income simultaneously affect the respondents' answers towards interest and willingness to pay. In the first scenario, variables that have been shown to partially affect a visitor's preferences are the purpose of being in Surabaya, preferred tours, age, occupation, and income. Meanwhile, in the second scenario, variables that have been shown to significantly affect the visitor's preference are type of job, gender, age, purpose of being in Surabaya and income..
Keyword: multinomial logit regression, heritage tourism, determinant
[1]. Alamsyah, Sumarwan, Hartoyo, dan Yusuf. 2010. Analisis Faktor-faktor yang MempengaruhiPilihan Jenis Minuman pada Situasi KonsumsiHang-Out dan Celebration. Jurnal Manajemen dan Organisasi 1: 1-27.
[2]. Bedate, Ana. et al. 2004. Economic Valuation of The Cultural Heritage: Application to Four Case Studies in Spain. Journal of Cultural Heritage 5: 101–111.
[3]. Boniface, Priscilla and Peter J. Fowler. 1993. Heritage and Tourism in "the global village". London: Routledge.
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Abstract: The study attempted to investigate Subjective well-being (SWB) of the rural elderly people of two villages in Bangladesh. To reach at the end of the investigation of the study SWB of 402 respondents (male =238, female =164) was measured by administering Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness (MUNSH) developed by Kozma and Stones (1980) through a family survey. The t-test and one-way ANOVA were used as statistical tools to analyze the data through IBM SPSS (Version-20.0). Results of the study revealed that, SWB of the elderly people of those villages is relatively better. The finding is not consistent with the findings of earlier studies of Camfield, Choudhury and Devine (2009); Khan, Jahan, and Haque (2007). Comparisons were also made on the basis of gender and level of education..........
Keywords: family survey, gender, level of education, rural elderly, Subjective well-being
[1]. Abedin, S. (1996). Population aging in Bangladesh. Issues and Perspectives, Summary of the Country Paper,
ESCP, Asian Popultion Studies Series, No. 145.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Responsibility: policies and initiatives communicated by hospitals |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Bouchra Jebari |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308014750 ![]() |
Abstract: Social responsibility has become more and more visible in different and varied sectors such as: finance, agriculture, garments, It has been spread all over the world through for profit and nonprofit organizations; among them organizations operating in the healthcare sector. The implementation of social responsibility in this kind of organizations plays a big role not only for their stakeholders but also for the whole society. We aim through this paper to show this role by investigating on social responsibility policies and initiatives communicated by ones of the most important healthcare organizations which are hospitals, despite their ownership type. Addressing the issue of social responsibility in hospitals is an important step in the path of encouraging the use of resources responsibly.
[1]. Takahashi, T., Ellen, M., & Brown, A. (2013, December). Corporate social responsibility and hospitals: US theory, Japanese experiences, and lessons for other countries. In Healthcare management forum (Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 176-179). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
[2]. Quynh Lien, D. (2005). La responsabilité sociale de l‟entreprise, pourquoi et comment ça se parle?. Communication et organisation, (26), 26-43.
[3]. Xu, Y. (2014). CSR impact on hospital duopoly with price and quality competition. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014.
[4]. 12-Preamble to the Constitution of WHO as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19 June - 22 July 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of WHO, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948.
[5]. Jurišová, V., & Ďurková, K. (2012). CSR communication and its impact on corporate image. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, 4(2), 145.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Capital Of Indonesia And Its Development |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Nina Fitriya Yulaika |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308015157 ![]() |
Abstract: Social capital related with a collective value in the social network which is growth-develop as the implication of a reciprocal relationship that occurs therein. Collective value is naturally creating and maintaining social capital. Increases, decreases, or the survival of social capital depends on the collective values that exist in a social network. In short, social capital is recognized has great influence from economic development and poverty reduction. In Indonesia to dig and take the hidden social capital need to be knitted trust of each element of this nation. Trust is media and a first step to bind "Bridging Social Capital" of Indonesia. Ethic, religion, race, language, party, ideology, and other various primordial barriers should be fostered to strengthen social capital. Indonesia has been proven -through the struggle against the colonizer- that social capital in Indonesia is so "extraordinary".
Keywords: Social Capital, Development
[1]. Adnan, Ricardi. S ,. (2006). "Portrait of My Country, Action and Alternative of Development Design", Uniiverstas Indonesia Press.
[2]. Burt, Ronald S, (2000). The Network Structure of Social Capital, in Research in Organizational Behavior, Volume 22, Greenwich, C.T, JAI Press.
[3]. Bourdieu, Pierre. (1986) "The Forms of Capital", in the Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, edited by John G. Richardson. Westport, CT .: Greenwood Press.
[4]. De Fillipis, James. (2010). The Myth of Social Capital in Community Development, in Housing Policy Debate, Volume 12 issue 4, Fannie Mae Foundation.
[5]. Dwyer, Claire et.all, (2006). "Ethnicity as Social Capital? Explaining the Differential Educational Achievements of Young British Pakistani Men and Women ", Paper presented at the 'Ethnicity, Mobility and Society' Leverhulme Program Conference at the University of Bristol, 16-17 March.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Residential Architecture Of Botsa Rural Settlement İn Konya-Turkey |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | A.Deniz Oktaç Beycan || Gamze Özmertyurt |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308015869 ![]() |
Abstract: Rural architecture and housing types cannot compete with today's technological developments and fall behind. For this reason, research should be conducted promptly especially on rural settlements, in which the most basic examples of traditional techniques and materials are seenandtheextentof culturaldegeneration has increased. Especially some rural areas in the geography of Anatolia, that replete with rich historical and cultural heritage, were able to preserve their architectural features. Unfortunately, rural architecture is being destroyed under the name of efforts for adapting to technological developments and modernism or urban development. Botsa, which is a village in Hatunsaray district of Konya province located in centralTurkey, isstillableto remain in the original with its architecture.........
Keywords:Architecture, Konya, Rural Architecture, Rural Architecture Protection, Folk Architecture
[1]. Acar, M.A. ( 2013). "50 Yıla Bir Kala Çıktı Suyun Öyküsü", Botsa Dergisi ,sayı: 9, 20-21, Konya.
[2]. Anonymous 1. (2012). "Anadolu'da Kırsal Mimarlık", Uluslararası Kırsal Yaşam, Kırsal Mimari Sempozyumu, 5-7., Bursa.
[3]. Anonymous 2. (A look dated August 17, 2017) .
[4]. Anonymous 3. (2012). "Köyümüz 51 yıl sonra gerçek ismine kavuştu", Botsa Dergisi sayı.8, 6, Konya.
[5]. Aygör, E., Botsa'da Halk Mimarisi, Botsa Dergisi, sayı:8, 8-11, Konya.
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Abstract: Boarding school is an educational institution that have a high level of independence by implementing the educational process without relying solely on the government, but its for establishing enterprenuership in completing boarding school needs. This entrepreneurial capability requires the educational institutions to apply the entrepreneurship principles. The entrepreneurship principles are creative and innovative acts, empowering the potential of schools, and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit.
Keywords: The Leadership of Kiyai, Soul Entrepreneurship, boarding school
[1]. Imron Arifin, Kepemimpinan Kyai (Kasus Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng) (Engl: Leadership Kyai), (Case at Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng)), Kalimasada Press, Malang, 1993.
[2]. Mastuhu, Dinamika Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren (Engl: The Dynamics of Pesantren Education System),(Jakarta: INIS, 1994)
[3]. Mardiyah, Kepemimmpinan Kyai dalam Memelihara Budaya Organisasi (Engl: Kyai Leadership in Maintaining Organizational Culture), (Yogyakarta: Aditya Media Publising, 2013).
[4]. Suryadharma Ali, Paradigma Pesantren Memperluas Horizon Kajian dan Aksi (Engl: Paradigm of Pesantren Extends the Horizon of Study and Action), (Malang: UIN Maliki Press, 2013), p. 110-111.
[5]. Gunawan Aji, Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Koperasi Pondok Pesantren (Engl: Factors Affecting the Performance of Pondok Pesantren Cooperatives), (Jurnal Walisongo, Volume 19, Nomer 1 Mei, 2011).
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Abstract: The legality of the waqf practice is from the Qur'an and the Hadith, hence the existence of waqf practice as one of the recommended actions (circumcision) in Islam has been agreed upon and not to be the issue contested by the Fuqahā. Al-Shafi'y shares the forms of giving to three kinds which can be done while still alive and after his death. One of them is the gift given in the lifetime that can occur without needing to qabadh (act of acceptance) or qabūldari the recipient. It is this gift which is then called or termed al-Sha'fi'y as "al-Shadaqāt al-Muharramātal-Mawqūfah" (gift in the form of waqf).
Keywords: Instinbāth; money; wagf; property
[1]. Al-Qur'an al-Karim
[2]. Abi Yusuf, Ikhtilāf Abi Hanifah Wa Ibn Abi Layla, (Mesir: Ihyāul Maārif, 1357. H
[3]. Abi Hasan 'Ali Ibn Abi Bakar la-Margyanānī al-Hanfi, Al-Hidāyah Syarh Bidāyah al-Mubtadī, juz: IV, (Idārah al-Qur'ān Wa al-'Ulūm al-Islāmiyyah, tt.
[4]. Abu Hamid al-Ghazāli, Al-Mustasyfā fī 'Ilm al-Ushūl, Beirut; Dār al-Kutūb al-Ilmiyyah, 1993.
[5]. Aby Halal al-Hasan bin Abdullah, al-Furūq al-Lughawiyah, ( Dār al-Kutub al-'Amaliyah, Bayrūt Libanon: 1971..
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Abstract: This study examined the effect of the global financial meltdown on the Nigerian Stock Exchange, utilizing annual time series data covering the period from 1985 to 2015. The study adopted purely analytical methodology of modern econometric techniques such as the unit root test, co-integration test, ARDL approach, in the estimation of the relevant relationships in its investigation. The results of the co-integration test showed that there exists a long run equilibrium relationship among the variables. The result from the ARDL shows that all the four variables viz currency crisis, investment crisis (portfolio and foreign direct) and credit crisis have a significant effect on stock market performance in Nigeria within the period of review with interest rate having the most significant adverse effect. It was observed that Foreign Direct Investment exerted a positive influence on stock market performance, Though not statistically significant in the long run. Similarly, currency crisis (foreign exchange) is positively.......
Keywords: Financial Meltdown, stock Exchange, Equilibrium
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | जीवन कौशल शिक्षा वर्तमान अनिवार्यता |
Country | : | भारत |
Authors | : | डॉ अपर्णा त्रिपाठी |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308018992 ![]() |
[1]. CBSE Teacher’s manual for Life skill Education and CCE of IX&
[2]. WHO(1986)the Otavacharter for Health promotion,UN
[3]. WHO(1997),Geneva Life Skills Education For Children And Adolescents In Schools, Introduction and Guidelines to Facilitate the Development and Implementation of Life Skills Programmes,.
[4]. WHO,1999,Geneva,Partners in Life Skills Education -Conclusions From A United Nations Inter-agency Meeting, Department of Mental Health social Change And Mental Health Cluster
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Safeguarding privacy and cyber security |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rashmi Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0837-23080198100 ![]() |
Abstract:Cyber security associates with technologies, processes and practices designed to protect organization‟s networks.
Today internet and cyber space is the life line of every business and to protect the data present in these networks
is a big concern for every organization. Cyber security is basically protecting computer, computer networks,
data and information from an unauthorized access, vulnerabilities and attacks by cyber criminals. It also protects
the IT infrastructure from Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Espionage and Cyber Warfare. Cyber security has emerged
as a strong player to deal with various security breaches and hacking issues in the cyber space, which impacts
the economic growth of the organizations........
Keywords: Vulnerability, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Espionage, Cyber Warfare.
[1]. IBM Security Services Cyber Security Intelligence Index- Analysis of cyber security attack and incident
data from IBM‟s worldwide security operations July 2013.
[2]. Jonathan Diamond, India's National Cyber Security Policy in Review, The Centre for Internet and
Society, July 2013.
[3]. Department of Information Technology- National Cyber Security Policy of India.