Version-10 (Aug-2018)
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Abstract: This article speculates and explores current laws and practices regarding remand and detention in Bangladesh. It tries to understand the history of passing the directions of High Court Division relating remand and its consequences. Then this paper presents some relevant judicial sentence in Bangladesh. Finally, it draws some recommendations to enforce the direction and law for the police and lower courts in Bangladesh so that right to life and fundamental freedoms of all persons can be secured in the situation of remand as per the Constitution of Bangladesh.
[1]. Code of Criminal Procedure,1898
[2]. Evidence Act, 1872
[3]. Special Power Act, 1974
[4]. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1976
[5]. United Nations Convention against torture, 1987
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation Of Remission Of Narcotics Prisoners In Class Ii A Maros Penitentiary |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Andi Fahriadi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308100816 ![]() |
Abstract: The research objectives to be achieved in the framework of writing this thesis are: Knowing and analyzing the implementation of remission of Narcotics Prisoners in Class II A Maros Penitentiary. Analyze the factors that influence remission. This research method is empirical legal research, which is the study of the implementation of the rule of law regarding the object of research, namely the implementation of remission of prisoners of narcotics cases. The results of the study show that the implementation of remission of narcotics cases in class II A Maros in general does not get special remission and general remission because there are several conditions that must be fulfilled administratively, or substantively. Factors that influence, factors of Administration, Subtantive Factors.
KEYWORD: remission, narcotics prisoners, penitentiary
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Abstract: Advanced agricultural technology has made farmers feel the need for the use of improved machinery and equipment in agriculture for lowering down the cost of unit production on one hand and improving the productivity per unit area at a point of time on the other. In this study an attempt has been made to study the impact of improved farm machinery and equipment on paddy production in Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh by using Cobb-Douglass production function. The study reveals that the mechanised tillage, irrigation and threshing, reaping & winnowing are positive and significant impact on production.
KEYWORD: Agricultural Technology, Farm Machinery, Tillage, Threshing, Reaping, winnowing and Productivity
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Abstract: Police organization plays an important role in administration of Centre as well State Government. They have a rich history in context to India. They mainly safeguard public and maintain law and order in society. Apart from it their duties also include social responsibility towards important sections of society. Thus in this paper study has been done with special reference to Chhattisgarh Police and their social responsibilities towards special sections of society like women, children, patient and destitute persons, arrested persons, unclaimed dead bodies, transgender and animals has been analyzed, which highlights that they have special concern regarding these sections and work to their best for the protection, prevention of crime and welfare of the society..
KEYWORD: animals, Chhattisgarh Police, children, Police, patient and destitute persons, social responsibility, transgender, unclaimed dead bodies, women.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know and explain the factors that affect the cancellation polygamy marriage conducted without permission, and to examine and analyze legal consequences the cancellation polygamy marriage without permission According to law number 1 Year 1974 about marriage. The type of research that is done is kind of kind of empirical legal research (legal research for non doctrinal) which is a method of legal research that focuses attention on the reality of the law within the community, or the function to see the law within the meaning of real and...........
KEYWORD:Cancellation, Marriage, Polygamy
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Abstract: In this study, the researchers evaluated quality and usability of self-designed computerized adaptive test (CAT) on ICT to assess senior secondary school two (SS2) students in Rivers state of Nigeria. Based on the investigated variables, researchers posed four research questions and also formulated four corresponding null hypotheses which guided this study. Correlational and evaluation research designs were used in this study. A sample of 122 ICT teachers were drawn from the population of ICT teachers using multistage sampling technique to form the sample of the study based on the three senatorial zones and 23 local government areas of the state. A 5-scale Likert type ICT..........
KEYWORD:Self-designed, Computerized Adaptive Test, Algorithm, Evaluation, Mechanism
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Abstract: Corruption is a burning issue of governance. Corruption is not only prevalent in political arena but also in administrative and judicial arena of the country2. Different corruption related activities have been ensued in Bangladesh at the course of many times. This research is based on corruption in the service sectors in Bangladesh. Corruption is immensely prevalent in the service sectors including education, health, judiciary, electricity, law enforcing agencies, land administration, agriculture, income tax, vat and excise, banking, insurance, NGOs and local government in Bangladesh. It is an obstacle to sustainable human development, social justice, economic equality...........
KEYWORD: Corruption, Service Sectors, Problem of Institutionalization, Tragedy of the Commons, Poor Governance and Security Threats
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Abstract: In today's world, cinema has become the most powerful and influential platform on the arts world. People from every segment of the society is somehow connected to it. It helps to understand lives and cultures of our own and the people surrounding us. The importance of cinema has become so much that now it one of most popular subject to study around the world. According to the famous filmmaker Fedrico Fellini, "Talking about dreams is like talking about movies, since the cinema uses the language of dreams; years can pass in a second, and you can hop from one place to another. It's a language made of image. And in the real cinema, every object and every light means something, as in a dream. It is like the visualized version of the dreams of the filmmaker. Bangladesh is...........
KEYWORD: Cinema, Social thinking, Culture, Education
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Abstract: The aim of the child who has this research is to find out the influence of the imposition of sanctions on children in conflict with the law. and to find out the mechanism for imposing sanctions on children in conflict with the law. The research method used is the normative legal research method, namely research on the principle of legal principles and synchronization of law with regard to the imposition of sanctions on children in conflict with the law.
KEYWORD: Children, conflict, imposition of sanction.
[1]. Achmad Ali. 1996. Menguak Tabir Hukum (Suatu Kajian Filosofis dan Sosiologis). Chandra Pratama. Jakarta.
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Abstract: Changing family values and migration into cities has seen many Kenyans live away from their aging parents making it hard to fulfill their traditional role of caring for them. This has witnessed the rapid growth of homes for the aged in the country especially in Nairobi County. The purpose of the study was to investigate selected psychosocial factors affecting wellness of the elderly persons admitted in homes for the elderly in Nairobi County. The study was carried out in Little Sisters of the Poor (NyumbayaWazee) Kasarani, and Cheshire Home (NyumbayaWazee) Kariobangi in Nairobi County. The study focused on two psychosocial factors; loneliness and dependence. The researcher aimed to explore how these factors affected the wellness of the old persons in homes for the..........
KEYWORD: loneliness, dependency, wellness, elderly
[1]. Anderberg, K. (2009). Elderly persons' experiences of striving to receive care on their ownterms in nursing homes. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 16: 64-68.
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Abstract: It is undeniable that persons with disabilities face a myriad of challenges anywhere in the world. The problem is further compounded the retrogressive nature of certain cultures that intoxicates the systems and deter viabe mainstreaming strategies from making meaningful impact at the grassroots levels. It is vital to accentuate the fact that disability mainstreaming in Kenya is one of the major challenges that the Government is facing. This is because of the inadequate legal frameworks and regressive cultural backgrounds that further stigma and impedes mainstreaming. The study investigated the influence of socio-culture on the empowerment of persons with disabilities in Rachuonyo South-Homa Bay County. The research examined the influence of the family on the empowerment of PWDs at..........
KEYWORD:Socio Culture, empowerment and persons with Disabilities
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[4]. African Commission on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. (2014a). Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology (Statement by the African Commission on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities – Theme "Sustainable Development: The Promise............