Version-9 (Aug-2018)
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Abstract: Although Australia has a colonial background, the Australian experience of colonialism as a settler colony, is not the same as that of India, a non-settler state. Issues of race complicate experiences. David Malouf, an Australian writer, is appreciative of the myriad culture and plurality of India; he is conscious of India‟s colonial past, yet his identity as white European is responsible for ingrained prejudicial assumptions.
KEYWORD: India, Australia, settler, colonizer, race, identity, stereotype, discourse, postcolonialism, ambivalence, agency
[1]. Shohat, Ella. "Notes on the "Post-Colonial‟". "Social Text, no. 31/32, 1992, pp. 99–113. JSTOR, JSTOR,
[2]. Malouf, David. "A Foot in the Stream‟. Of Sadhus and Spinners Australian Encounters with India. Ed. Bennett, Bruce, et al.Noida: Harper Collins Publishers, 2009. 143. Print.
[3]. Ibid. 144.
[4]. Ibid.
[5]. Ibid. 142.
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Abstract: This research describes the concept of state financial management and management of SOEs so as to know the boundary between SOE losses caused by business risk and corrupt acts of the SOEs Directors. This research is a normative legal research that using legislation approach and conceptual approach. The data are secondary data. Data analysis using analytical descriptive method. The directors of SOEs use the principle of Business Judgment Rule doctrines which stipulates that the Board of Directors is not responsible for any loss caused by a business decision making action, if the action by the Board of Directors is based on the good and caution.
KEYWORD: board of director, business judgement rule, limited company, state ownership enterprise
[1]. Indonesia Law No. 17 of 2003 on State Finances.
[2]. Indonesia Law No. 1 of 2004 on State Treasury.
[3]. Indonesia Law No. 15 of 2004 on Audit of State Financial Management and Accountability.
[4]. Indonesia Law No. 15 of 2006 on the State Audit Board.
[5]. Gatot Supramono, SOEDitinjau Dari Segi Hukum Perdata, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2016).
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Abstract: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the human being is caused due to antivirus called HIV. As per the UNAIDS statistics there were about 36.9 million [31.1 million–43.9 million] people globally were living with HIV. India had 80 000 (62 000 - 100 000) new HIV infections. Even after an increase in the level of awareness about AIDS in India, Tamil Nadu is still among the six high-prevalence states in India, with major challenges being lack of awareness, social stigma related to AIDS/HIV and youngsters remaining reluctant to test themselves for AIDS. Occurrence of psychological problem depends on some HIV specific factors attributing are stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, loss of social support resulting in isolation, loss of employment, hopelessness, changes in physical appearance or abilities due to HIV and coping with chronic opportunistic infections. This present research study is the exclusive one because which is among the HIV positive men in serodiscordant...........
KEYWORD: HIV/AIDS, Psychological problems, serodiscordant, Intervention
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Examination of the Potency of Mwaghavul Folktales in Conflict Resolution |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Peace S. Longdet |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308092533 ![]() |
Abstract: It has been observed that although the African continent is steeped in various forms of conflict, there is inadequate scholarly interest on conflict resolution; peace building and development in Africa particularly with regards to Literature and Oral Literature. This paper is based on the hypothesis that Mwaghavul indigenous peace promoting and sustaining methods are still a thriving arsenal which has gone into oblivion due to urbanization. Therefore, the paper utilises perspectives from Mwaghavul folktales to explore conflicts in society and how they can be resolved through indigenous methods. The paper emerges from the conviction that imbedded in our folktales are values that can be explored to navigate peace among conflict-torn regions in modern Nigeria. The data for the study is based........
KEYWORD: Folktales, Mwaghavul, Peace building, and Conflict Resolution
[1]. Achebe, Chinua. Morning yet on Creation Day: Essays. Heinemann Educational, 1975.
[2]. Rotimi, Olawale. "Violence in Nigeria: Causes, Effects and Solutions" opinions/violence-nigeria-causes-effects-solutions/retrieved 2/07/2018
[3]. Nigeria Watch Project: Sixth Report on Violence. 2016, pp. 1-21.
[4]. Doki, Jeff G. "Orature and Peace on the African Continent" an unpublished seminar paper, presented at the Faculty od Arts 2016/2017 Seminar Series, University of Jos, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. 2017. [5]. Bohnsack, Ralf. "Group Discussion and Focus Groups" in A Companion to Qualitative Research. Edited by Uwe Flick et al. Sage, 2004, pp. 214-220.
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Abstract: Even though urban water has been considered as a crucial domain to sustain the overflowing population, the government often reckons solely on the upgradation of the technical efficiency which graciously has denied the cardinal relationship between people and water. While anthropology has a long tradition to deal with the question-"what is water?‟ Since decades it is (re)organizing the relationship between water, space, and citizen. In this paper authors explore how the contemporary "consensus and conflict‟ about the conceptualization of urban water are perceived within the colossal discourses of anthropology. By criticizing the hitherto hegemonic concept of "modern water‟, anthropology provides the concept of "hybrid water‟. It religiously recognizes the "socio-political nature‟ of urban water flow through the inquest of quotidian water governance related to health, infrastructure, legality, citizenship and state for the underprivileged.
Keyword: Anthropology, Hydrology, Hydrosocial, Urban water, Citizen
[1]. United Nations. 2010. 64/292. The human right to water and sanitation. Retrieved from:
[2]. Human Rights Council. 2011. RES/16/2 The human right to safe drinking water and sanitation. Retrieved from:
[3]. Bhattacharya, S. 2015. Traditional water harvesting structures and sustainable water management in India: A socio-hydrological review. International Letters of Natural Sciences. Vol.37, pp. 30-38.
[4]. WHO/UNICEF. 2015. 25 Years Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water:2015 Update and MDG Assessment. Retrieved from:
[5]. World Health Organization. 2017. 2.1 billion people lack safe drinking water at home, more than twice as many lack safe sanitation. Retrieved from:
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Abstract: The development of tourism objects is an effort made to improve the quality of a development program. Through development programs related to the implementation of tourism development, factors are needed by tourists in order to increase the number of tourists visiting both local and foreign countries. The implementation of tourism development policies in Samosir Regency, has not been carried out well, which is caused by the communication that was built by the regional government with the private sector and the community in the implementation of tourism development in Samosir Regency...
Keywords: policy; tourism development; income; infrastructure
[1]. Abidin, Said Zainal. 2006. Kebijakan Publik. Jakarta: Suara Bebas.
[2]. Adi, Isbandi Rukminto. 2008. Intervensi Komunitas; Pengembangan Masyarakat Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Rajawali Press. Jakarta.
[3]. Airey, David. 2015. Developments in Understanding Tourism Policy. Tourism Review Journal Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 18-44 ISSN: 1660-5373
[4]. Akroush, Mamoun N. 2016. Tourism Service Quality and Destination Loyalty-The Mediating Role of Destination Image from International Tourist's Perspectives. Tourism Review Journal Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 18-44 ISSN: 1660-5373
[5]. Andri. 2006. Perspektif Pembangunan Wilayah Pedesaan. Jurnal Inovasi, Vol. 6 (18)..
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Abstract: In the business and investment world, contract is a means for the parties to meet your wishes and their significance. Mudharabah financing contract is an agreement to meet the interests of the Shariah bank as the provider of funds and the customer as the user of the fund with the principles of profit sharing. Mudharabah financing contract in the standardized form is often judged as unfair contract because it ignores the freedom of the parties, unbalanced and not give proper regard towards the good will of both parties either, so the contract's power to bind is often questioned. This research aims at answering questions about how justice can be realized on mudharabah financing contract.............
[1]. Anwar, Syamsul (2007). Hukum Perjanjian Syari'ah. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
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[3]. Budiono, Herlien (2006). Asas Keseimbangan bagi Hukum Perjanjian Indonsia, Hukum Peerjanjian Berdasarkan Asas-Asas Wigati Indonesia, Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti.
[4]. Djamil, Fatthurrahman (2012). Penerapan Hukum Perjanjian dalam Transaksi di Lembaga Keuangan syari'ah. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.
[5]. Hamidi, M.Luthfi (2003). Jejak-Jejak Ekonomi Syari'ah. Jakarta: Senayan Abadi Publishing.
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Abstract: The study employed a quantitative approach and the data was collected via a survey questionnaire. The data was gathered from 250 farmers in Muda area through a simple random sampling and were analyzed using SPSS software version 21. The data collection process took two months to be finished. Results: The study clearly showed that the farmers in Muda area have high level of knowledge, attitude and skills on using new seed varieties. As expected results through further analysis of Pearson correlation, analysis indicated that knowledge has a positive significant relationship towards adoption of farmers on new seed varieties. Conclusion:Findings of this study brought a new viewpoint that knowledge among farmers is important to be emphasized since the knowledge element............
Keywords: new paddy seed varieties, adoption, Muda area
[1]. Abdulai, A., and Huffman, W. E. (2005). The Diffusion of New Agricultural Technologies; The Case of Crossbred-Cow Technology in Tanzania. American Agricultural Economics Association, 87(3):645-659.
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[3]. Alene, A.D. and Manyong. V.M. (2006). Testing farmers' cropping decisions and varietal adoption behavior: the case of cowpea producers in northern. Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural and Food Economics, 1(1):1-15.
[4]. Bakhshoodeh, M., and Shajari, S. (2006). Adoption of new seed varieties under production risk : an application to rice in Iran.International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
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Abstract: This article aimed to analyse the regulations related to the government's efforts in formulating the HIV and AIDS prevention in order to protect human rights in the transaction therapeutic, and describe aspects of confidentiality when someone decides to undergo an HIV test, both are able to know protection for health workers which may be infected with HIV while doing the job.This research uses a normative legal research methods to the data drawn from observation, interviews and the implementation of Fucus Group Discussion with the hospital, health workers, people living with HIV and AIDS and their families.The Results showed that although the Security Confidentiality Examination Results Patient (medical records) PLHIV are already guaranteed in various laws and regulations, all actors (stakeholders) must have a legal culture both in implementing various laws and regulations regarding confidentiality examination results (records medical) so that Indonesia as a state law can be said to be consistent with the statement "state law" contained in Article 1 (3) the State Constitution RI 1945
Keywords: AIDS, Human Rights and Therapeutic Transactions
[1]. Dewi, Alexandra I, 2008. Etika dan Hukum Kesehatan, Yogyakarta : Pustaka Book Publisher
[2]. Hatta, Gemala R, 2008. Pedoman Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Di Sarana Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jakarta : UI Press.
[3]. Yunanto, 2011, Hukum Pidana MalPraktik Medik, Andi Publisher, Yogyakarta.
[4]. Surjadjaja, 2008, Elemen-elemen pokok Pembentukan Peraturan: Health Policy, Trisakti University
[5]. The White House Washington, 2015,National HIV Strategy For United Nation
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Abstract: The concept of social capital has emerged gradually and has too often been presented and perceived as a discipline in itself. Also, this concept has a complex relationship with other discipline such as economy and sociology. The social capital, actors and networks are experiencing an unprecedented revival. Indeed, the social enterprises play a key role in synergizing existing Human and material resources in a spirit of complementarity, enriching social capital and networks, and also developing collective intelligence. Moreover, these social enterprises strengthen their territorial roots and participate actively in the prosperity of the local community. The main purpose of this paper is to try to clarify the conceptualization of social capital and the important role of Actor's Network in Entrepreneurial Social Capital.
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Actor's Network, Social Capital, Entrepreneurial Social Capital, Networks.
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