Version-6 (Aug-2018)
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Abstract: This research paper discusses China - Africa relations with focus on China‟s Investments in Guinea‟s mining sector looking at available literature, the study examines and highlights reasons advanced by various scholars as to why China is investing more in Guinea‟s Mining sector, the paper further highlights the impact of Chinese investments in Guinea‟s mineral sector pointing at how these investments have contributed at Guinea‟s mining sector, also examined is the perceptions of Guineans towards Chinese investments in Guinea‟s mining sector. After analyzing available literature, the author contends among others Chinese investments in Guinea‟s mining sector have contributed to growth of other sectors in the country, and consequently sparked economic growth of entire country – Guinea. Indeed, commenting.......
KEYWORD: China-Guinea Relations, Impact, Perception, Economic-Growth, Investments.
[1]. Africa Research Institute, 2012, Between Extremes: China and Africa.
Available< >
[Accessed on 28 July 2017].
[2]. Alden, C.2007. China in Africa. Zed Books Ltd, 7 Cynthia Street, London NI 9JF, UK.
[3]. Al Aluminum Insider, 2017, "China to Loan Guinea $20 Billion for Access to Bauxite Reserves", Available from< > [Accessed 27 August
[4]. Barr, M. 2011. Who's Afraid of China?. Zed Books Ltd, 7 Cynthia Street, London NI 9JF, UK.
[5]. Balint-Kurti, 2010, Daniel Balint-Kruti, "Guinea bought by Beijing," World Today 66,3 March 2010) 15-17.
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Abstract: To reduce problems faced by the Gorontalo City Government in asset management, there needs to be a professional and innovative improvement in asset management. This study aims to formulate strategies resulted from the thorough identification of the asset management practices of the Gorontalo City Government based on strategic steps, namely Identification, Asset Inventory, Assessment, Creating Professional Management and Optimizing Technology Utilization through BPKP and KPK applications. This research is a qualitative research using a case study approach. The methods of data collection used are observation, open-ended interviews, and document review. The results of this research show that the strategic steps taken to overcome problems in asset management aim to improve the asset database, which includes form, size, physical properties, legal status and condition of the asset. Gorontalo.......
KEYWORD: Strategy, Problem Identification, Asset Management.
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[4]. Gordon, L. A., Loeb, M. P., Lucyshyn, W., & Zhou, L. (2015). Externalities and the Magnitude of Cyber Security Underinvestment by Private Sector Firms: A Modification of the Gordon-Loeb Model. Journal of Information Security, 06(01), 24–30.
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Abstract: This research is intended to examine the creation of alternative tourism attractions in Makassar. This research is qualitative research and becomes informant that is Mayor of Makassar, Head of Tourism and Creative Economy, Head of Sub-District of Makassar, Chairman of BPD PHRI South Sulawesi, Chairman of DPD ASITA South Sulawesi, and society. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis technique is done by qualitative descriptive analysis that is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The result of the research shows that the implementation of the policy of Makassar Notdirty (MTR) in which there is Garden Lane program has been able to change some aisles or alleys to be cleaner, healthier and attractive to visit, especially in Makassar Sub district, but the change has not been able to create tourist attraction alternative. The recommendation of this research is the need to observe the principles of tourism attraction management to follow up the Garden Lane program and will eventually create an alternative tourism attraction in Makassar.......
KEYWORD: Makassar Not Dirty, Garden Lane, Community Based Tourism
[1]. Adler C E, McEvoy D, Chhetri P dan Kruk E. 2013: The Role of Tourism in a Changing Climate for Conservation and Development. A Problem-Oriented Study in The Kailash Sacred Landscape. Nepal Policy Sciences, Vol. 46, No. 2. Special Issue: Protecting and Sustaining Indigenous People's Traditional Environmental Knowledge and Cultural Practice pp. 161-178
[2]. Asker S., Boronyak L, Carrard N dan Paddon, M. 2010. Effective Community Based Tourism: A Best Practice Manual, Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre. Gold Coast Campus. Griffith University : QLD 4222 Australia
[3]. Chao, C., Laffargue, JP dan Yu, E.S.H. (2015) "Chapter 15 Public Inputs, Urban Development, and Welfare in a Developing Economy" dalam Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Trade Theory and Policy. Published online: 08 Mar 2015; Hal. 297-314.
[4]. d'Hauteserre, Anne-Marie. 2000. Lessons in Managed Destination Competitiveness: The Case of Foxwoods Casino Resort. Tourism Management, 21: 23-32
[5]. Goodwin H. dan Santili R. 2009. Community-Based Tourism: a Success? ICRT Occasional Paper 11: Page 1 of 37.
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Abstract: Democratic People‟s Republic of Korea‟s machismo towards nuclear ascendancy in the Korean Peninsula constitutes presentiments of regional and global security nightmare and "proliferation tipping point.‟ The nuclear ascendancy is against American-led "global zero‟ for a nuclear-free world (Marin-Bosch, 2009; NTI, 15 January 2008; Maliki, 14 March 2014): "America seeks a world in which there are no nuclear weapons" (Daalder and Holume, 5 October 2007). The broad objective of this paper is to examine the nexus between Global Zero Action Plan and denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. The specific objective is to underscore the import of President Donald Trump‟s "America First‟ doctrine in the political realm of denuclearisation of Korean contumacious nuclear programme. Data were drawn from secondary sources including United Nations‟ documents, International Atomic Energy Agency documents, Global Zero official statements, declarations and reports, Text of Trump-Kim declaration,......
KEYWORD: global zero, America first doctrine, proliferation, denuclearisation, global security
[1]. Abrams, Brett (2018) Global Zero on Today‟s New START Treaty Deadlines," Global Zero, February 4, 2018,
[2]. Anderson, Andy B. (22 May 2018). "Landmark Summit Between Trump and Kim," Sigma Iota Rho Journal of International Relations,"
[3]. Bandow, Doug (May 30, 2018). "Is China Attempting to Torpedo the Kim-Trump Summit?" The National Interest, Retrieved June 30, 2018.
[4]. BBC News (14 June 2018). "North Korea Sanctions Remain until Complete Denuclearisation,"
[5]. BBC News (14 June 2018). "Trump Kim Summit: US and "Major N Korea Disarmament‟ by 2020," BBC News,
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Abstract: Traditional Judiciary is found in many tribal and small self-regulating societies, have survived and adapted to the cumulative impacts in establishment of the modern state and its national legal system. The primary role of the Traditional Judiciary is to maintain peace and harmony in local – usually village – communities. In practice, they often exhibit a distinctly restorative character in the management of disputes and conflict resolution on the basis that parties will have to continue to live together in relatively tight-knit and inter-dependent social settings. The modern administration of justice, law and order is a function of government retained by the tribal traditions of age old. It is within......
KEYWORD: Tiwa, Tradition, Judiciary, Peace, Harmony
[1]. Baruah, A. K. (1989), The Lalung (Tiwas), Tribal Research Institute, Gauhati
[2]. Baruah, B. (2015), Society, Economy, religion and festivals of Tiwas in Assam, Kalpaz Publications, New Delhi
[3]. Senapati, B. (2013), Bhoiyamor Tiwa Jonogusthir Sah-Dah Pratha aru Korom Padhati, p.56. (in Assamese) in Amsih, R. (Ed) Tiwa Shonge Thalar, TAC, Morigaon
[4]. Gohain, B.K. (1993), The Hill Lalungs, ABILAC, Gauhati
[5]. Pator, G. (2006), Pub-Uttar Khola Janajati Deorajar Sangkhipta Abhasp.37. (in Assamese) in Senapati, B. (Ed) Thurang, Tiwa Mathonlai Tokhra, Jagiroad
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Abstract: The present study is attempted to find out the attitude ofresource teachers towards the education of special need children in inclusive schools. The education of special need children is becoming a great issue in our education system. Inclusive education demands the successful collaboration of general teachers and resource teachers.In this study the researcher tries to find out the attitude of 78 resource teachers towards the education of special need children. The resource teachersfrom Kozhikode and Malappuram district were selected for the study. Scale of attitude of teachers towards special need students was used for the study, it consists of28-item. The survey method wasused for collecting data. It wasanalysed using percentage Analysis and t-tests. The findings of the study highlights that more experienced teachers appeared to hold more positive attitude as compared to less experienced resource teachers........
KEYWORD: Special need children, Resource teachersAttitude, Inclusive education
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[5] Fakolade, O. A., Adeniyi, S. O., &Tella, A. (2009). Attitude of teachers towards the inclusion of special needs children in general education classroom: The case of teachers in some selected schools in Nigeria. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 1 (3), 155-169.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sustainability of a Micro Enterprise - A Case Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.G. Vedanthadesikan || Mrs. V.A. Malarvizhi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308065560 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper analyses about the factors affecting the sustainability of micro enterprises. Here a case study has been done from the Telengana State. For this case study , a women micro entrepreneur has been selected. She produces the product chocolate. This case study explains what all the factors are leading to the sustainability of micro enterprises. Here she suggested that there are 10 factors responsible for sustainability of micro enterprises. She is very particular about net working among the entrepreneurs, advertisement with quality of the product those determine the sustainability.
[1]. Abdul Razak (2010) Keynote address by the Honorary Prime Minister at Invest Malaysia 2010, Kuala Lumpur.
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[3]. Ammenberg, J and O Hjelm (2003). Tracing business and environmental effects of en- vironmental management systems — A study of networking small and medium-sized enterprises using a joint environmental management system. Business Strategy and the Environment, 12(3), 163–174.
[4]. Annual Report of MSME 2011-2012, Government of India, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
[5]. Annual Report of MSME 2012-2013, Government of India, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
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Abstract: This paper attempts to see the historical roots of the radicalism movement that led to terrorism in Bukittinggi - West Sumatra. The cause of the emergence of radicalism in Bukittinggi comes from internal and external issues. Internal problems stem from a narrow and textual understanding of diversity. Understanding the verses of the gods textually and only take the verse in accordance with the interests of the group to make the flow of this radicalism thrives among grassroots. Then from the external side caused by the high western hegemony against Islam. The traditionalist Islamic group felt the existence of Islam is threatened, and then the intention to break the western hegemony. In counteracting the growing ideology of radicalism and terrorism there are several steps to be taken. First, optimizing the role of FKUB, secondly, optimizing the role of boarding school, third, running the values of local wisdom Bukittinggi West Sumatra, namely custom and religion.
KEYWORD: radicalism; terrorism; diversity; ideology
[1]. Amstrong, Karen, Islam; Sejarah Singkat, Jendela, Yogyakarta: 2002
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Abstract: This study examines perception and attitude towards the use of social media network among Benue state university undergraduates. The study employed an ex post facto research design to investigate how each variable influence social media network and their joint influence. A sample of 320 participants were randomly selected consisting of 189 (59.1%) male and 131(40.9%) female with ages ranging from 18-43 (Mean age=25) were. Three instruments namely: Perception Scale, Attitude Scale and Social Media Network Scale were used for data collation and the reliability Coefficient of the actual instrument in the study was arrived at Cronbach‟s alpha .78 for perception .76 for Attitude and .81 for Social Media Network Scale. Data collate were analyzed using multiple linear regression. Results revealed that perception independently predicted the use of social media network. Attitude did not independently.......
KEYWORD: Perception, attitude, social media network, university undergraduates
[1]. Waqas, A., Afzal, M., Zaman, F., & Sabir, M (2016).The Impact of Social networking Sites‟ Usage on the academic performance of University Students of Lahore, Pakistan. International Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 3(4) 267-276
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[5]. Awodele, O. I. (2002).University enhancement system using a social networking approach. Journal of Informing Science and Information Technology, 6 (2), 70- 75..
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Abstract: This study sense of humor teacher'stowards the learning achievement of Indonesian subjects in class XI IPS ErlanggaPematangsiantar Private High School 2017/2018 TA. With the aim of knowing the influence ofsense of humor teacher'son student learning achievement. The research method used in this research is experimental research method, while theindependentvariablein this study is the sense of humorteacher's(X), while the(dependent variabledependent variable) in this study is student learning achievement (Y). Test validity was tested using product moment with the results of each variable sense of humorteacher'sexpressed in 25 valid questions. The reliability test was tested usingformulaCronbach alpha with the results for the reliability of sense of humor teacher amounted to 0.723> 0.294 (rcount>rtable)and for classroom management amounted to 0.706> 0.294 (rcount>rtable).The data analysis technique used was the t test at a significant alpha level of 5%, the results obtained showed the sense of humorteacher'shad a significant effect on learning achievement where tcounted>ttable(7.321> 1.663). Based.......
KEYWORD: Sense of Humor, Learning Achievement, Indonesian Subjects
[1]. Afriyanti, Nova. 2015. The Relationship between Teacher's Sense of Humor and Educative Interaction in Class XI Students of Palembang 10 Senior High School. Journal of the Faculty of Psychology, BinaDarma University, Palembang. (28 January 2018)
[2]. Azzet, AkhmadMuhaimin. 2011. Become a Favorite Teacher. Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.
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[5]. Rudiana. 2012. Teaching Genius: 9 Fun Teacher Character Based on Brain Friendly. Bandung: CV Smile's Indonesia Institute.
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Abstract: This research paper discusses China - Africa relations with focus on China‟s Investments in Guinea‟s mining sector looking at available literature, the study examines and highlights reasons advanced by various scholars as to why China is investing more in Guinea‟s Mining sector, the paper further highlights the impact of Chinese investments in Guinea‟s mineral sector pointing at how these investments have contributed towards Guinea‟s mining sector, also examined is the perceptions of Guineans towards Chinese investments in Guinea‟s mining sector. After analyzing available literature, the author contends among others Chinese investments in Guinea‟s mining sector have......
KEYWORD: China-Guinea Relations, Impact, Perception, Economic-Growth, Investments
[1]. Africa Research Institute, 2012, Between Extremes: China and Africa. Available< > [Accessed on 28 July 2017].
[2]. Alden, C.2007. China in Africa. Zed Books Ltd, 7 Cynthia Street, London NI 9JF, UK.
[3]. Al Aluminum Insider, 2017, "China to Loan Guinea $20 Billion for Access to Bauxite Reserves", Available from < > [Accessed 27 August 2017]
[4]. Barr, M. 2011. Who's Afraid of China?. Zed Books Ltd, 7 Cynthia Street, London NI 9JF, UK.
[5]. Balint-Kurti, 2010, Daniel Balint-Kruti, "Guinea bought by Beijing," World Today 66,3 March 2010) 15-17..