Version-8 (Aug-2018)
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Abstract: The paper examined the dilemma of gender equality: women, Education, and empowerment in Yobe state. Women in the northern region are underrepresented in governmental and nongovernmental services this is because of power educational enrollment. Because of this, the article examined the factors affecting female's girl's enrollment in education. The research is qualitative in nature, data were obtained through the primary and secondary source and analyzed thematically using NVIVO 12. The study found that there are several factors affecting women enrollment in education in Yobe state, these comprise of cultural and economic factors. It is noted that these factors have......
KEYWORD: Dilemma; Education; Equality; Empowerment; Gender; Women
[1]. Makama, G. 2013. "Patriarchy and Gender Inequality in Nigeria: The Way Forward." European Scientific Journal, 9(12).
[2]. Selim, J. 2015. "Rethinking Work for Human Development" Human Development Report, UNDP.
[3]. Remi Anifowose and Francis., & Enemuo. 1999. Gender and Women Empowerment' in Element of Politics (Ed) Malthouse press Ltd Lagos.
[4]. Ali and Hamidu. 2016. An Assessment oF the Factors Affecting Women Participation in Trade Union Activities in Yobe State, Nigeria. Administration and Development Studies, 6(1), 236–252.
[5]. Naila Kabeer. 2015. Gender women ' s a critical Development and empowerment : of the third Millennium analysis, 13(1).
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the role and interaction of House Commission VII Aceh policy decisions based on Qanun No. 8 of 2014 On the Principles of Islamic Shari'a and to determine the factors that pose challenges and drivers of the roles and interaction of the Commission VII of the House of Aceh in the implementation of Qanun No. 8 2014 On the Principles of Islamic Shari'a. This study used a qualitative doing any studies required the participation of all parties committed in Islamic Law by the government of Aceh, as known DPRA very influential in all the policies carried out and implemented by the government of Aceh through the policy of............
KEYWORD: Roles, Interaction, Policy Making
[1]. Abu, Ahmad dan Noor Salim. 1994. Dasar-dasar Pendidikan Agama Islam. Cetakan, 2 Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[2]. Gunawan, Ary H.. 2000. Sosiologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Asdi Mahasalya, 2000.
[3]. Moloeng, Lexy. J. 2014. MetodePenelitianKualitatif. Bandung: RemajaRosdakarya.
[4]. Qanun Nomor 8 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pokok-Pokok Syari'at Islam.
[5]. Qardawi, Yusuf. 2003. MembumikanSyariat Islam. Bandung: ArasyMizan.
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Abstract: It is mostly believed by many scholars that Nigeria as a nation has a substantial percentage of the World population of Muslims and Christians. With the population of over 180 millions, Nigeria has been described by J. Onaiyekan as the greatest Islamo- Christian nation in the world.1 Professor M.O. Opeloye makes correct observation when he says that Nigeria is about the only country in the world where one finds a very large population of Muslims living side by side with large population of Christians.2 In the assertion of A.E Akinade, there is no other nation where so many Christians and Muslims live together than Nigeria.3 Although there are many adherent of traditional religion in Nigeria, but in the course of this paper, it is either Muslim against the Traditionalist..........
[1]. J. O. Onaiyekan, (1992), "Being the Church in an Islamo-Christian Society. Emerging Patterns of Christian/Muslims relations in Africa. A Nigerian Perspective" in Towards an African synod, ed. G. Alberigo A.N. Mushete, SCM Press, London. P.48
[2]. Muhib O. Opeloye (2001), "Building Bridges of Understanding between Islam and Christianity in Nigeria". An inaugural lecture at the Lagos State University, Ojo, the Information Unit, Vice Chancellor's office. P.2.
[3]. Akintade E. Akinade (2002), "The Precarious agenda: Christian- Muslim Relations in contemporary Nigeria". A lecture paper at Professor Jane Smiths "Essential of Christian – Muslim relations". High Point University North Carolina Retrieved on the 25th of May, 2018Ibid
[4]. M O. Opeloye (2001), "Building Bridges of Understanding between Islam and Christianity in Nigeria". P.1
[5]. B. Salawiu (2010), "Ethno-Religious Conflicts in Nigeria: Causal Analysis and Proposals for New Management Strategies", European Journal of Social Science, Volume 13, Number 3, p. 345.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Contribution of Women Activists in the Self- Respect Movement of Tamil Nadu |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.K.Suganya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308081923 ![]() |
Abstract: In Tamil Nadu many women activists played a vital role in the Self Respect Movement of Tamil Nadu. This paper will focus information about women activists from Tamil Nadu who dedicated their lives for Social Reformation. Reformation refers to abolition of some social practices which are deep rooted in the society for centuries. These practices are of great intervention to the development of the country. To achieve this not only men, women also have involved a lot. Among the women activists some of them are worth mentioning. They are Ramamirtham Ammaiyar, Nagammaiyar, Dr.S.Dharmambal, Maniammaiyar, and Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy.
KEYWORD: devadasi, widow remarriage, dravidian, depressed, liberation, empowerment
[1]. Srilata.K. (2003), The Other half of the coconut: Women writing self-Respect History: An Anthology of Self Respect Literature (1928-1936), Kali for Women, New Delhi, p.8
[2]. Kalpana Kannabiran, Vasanth Kannabiran, (2003), Muvalur Ramairthammal‟s Web of Deceit: Devadasi Reform in Colonial India, Pearl Press, Madras, p.2
[3]. Alice Thorner and Maithreyi Krishnaraj, (2000), Ideals, images and real lives women in Literature and History, Orient Longman Limited, Mumbai, p.242
[4]. Himani Bannerji, Shahrzad Mojab, and Judith Whitehead, (2001), Of Property and Propriety: The Role of Gender and Class in Imperialism and Nationalism, University of Toronto Press, London, p173
[5]. Sumit Sarkar & Tanika Sarkar, (2007), Women and Social Reform in Modern India, Permanent black, Ranikhet, p.125
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Abstract: Ghana and Nigeria are two countries in the West African sub-region that share significant historical similarities like British colonialism, nationalism, economic crisis, prolonged military rule, multi-party democracy and are in their fourth republics. With the global democratization process, Ghana and Nigeria successfully made the transition to civil rule in 1992 and 1999 respectively and are rated differently on the democratization scale. While the former is rated high, the latter is rated low in comparative ranking within the same period of democratization. This paper set out to assess the effectiveness of electoral administration bodies in the conduct of credible and acceptable elections in Nigeria and Ghana and to suggest possible ways of improving election administration in line...........
[1]. Adebayo, P. F. and Omotola, S. J. (2007). Public Perceptions of the 2007 Nigerian General Elections. Journal of African Elections, 6(2):201-216.
[2]. Adu-Gyamfi, E. (2014). Assessment of Citizens‟ Perception on the Independence of Ghana‟s Electoral Commission. Public Policy and Administration Research, 4(8):59-68.
[3]. Aiyede, E. R. (2007). Electoral Laws and the 2007 Elections in Nigeria. Journal of African Elections, 6(2):33-54.
[4]. Ajayi, K. (2006). The Security Forces, Electoral Conducts and the 2003 General Elections, Journal of Social Sciences, 13(1):57-66.
[5]. Akinduro, O. (2011). Nigeria: Independent National Electoral Commission. In: Catt, H., Ellis, A., Maley, M., Wall, A. and Wolf, P. (Eds.), Electoral Management Design: International IDEA Handbook, Revised Edition. Stockholm: International IDEA.
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Abstract: Children with intellectual disability are one of most marginalized group among the children with special needs. Inclusive education is the answer for their all-round development and social integration. Teachers and parents both play an important role in their lives especially when it comes to their education. The success of any educational system can be truly be seen when there is inclusion of children with special needs, developing in them in academics, social, emotional and spiritual skills, accessibility of the infrastructure facilities and administration. The enactments, policies and programs are to create inclusive schools that will enhance the integration differently abled children into society. This study is an attempt to identify the various educational needs of children with intellectual disability from the perspectives of parents and teachers at elementary level administered by the state government........
Keywords: Children with Intellectual Disability, Inclusive set-up, Inclusion, Parents, Teachers
[1]. Aggarwal D. D. (2002): History and Development of Elementary Education in India. Sarup & Sons.
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[4]. Inclusion International, Salamanca (2009) : Better Education for All: When We‟re Included Too, A Global Report People withan Intellectual Disability and their Families Speak out on Education for All, Disability and Inclusive Education. Spain.
[5]. Jangira, N.K. (1995) : Rethinking Teacher Education. Prospects, 25(2)..
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Abstract: This study aims to describe and analyze the subdistrict governments in the development of the village in Pidie district of Pidie district and to describe and analyze the factors that become an obstacle and a supporting role in the development of the village in the subdistrict head Pidie district of Pidie district. This study used a descriptive approach qualitative (descriptive qualitative research). Subdistrict Head Pidie good role in village development in the field of social, cultural, governmental, religious and economic. That role is: The social structure of village society woke up from the task of attributive district and intensity of socio-cultural interaction,Preservation of the cultural values of the village depends on the role of the government and the elite of the elite village,Governance autonomous village remained in the coordination and development of the subdistrict head, ethnic and religious homogeneity in the implementation of Islamic law characterized the spiritual life of the community, economic empowerment.........
Keywords: Role of Subdistrict Head, Development
[1]. Daryanto. 2010. Media Pembelajaran.Yogyakarta:Gava Media.
[2]. Kaloh, J. 2013. KepemimpinanKepala Daerah, PolaKegiatan, Kekuasaan, PerilakuKepala Daerah dalamPelaksnaanOtonomi Daerah, Jakarta: SinarGrafika.
[3]. Kartono. 2012.PersamaanDiferensialBiasa Model MatematikaFenomenaPerubahan. Yogyakarta: GrahaIlmu.
[4]. Marijan, Kacung. 2010. SistemPolitik Indonesia KonsolidasiDemokrasiPascaOrdeBaru. Jakarta: KencanaPredana Media Group..
[5]. Moleong, Lexy J. 2014.MetodologiPenelitianKualitatif.Bandung: PT RemajaRosdakarya
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Abstract: This study aims to describe and analyze the role of the District Social Welfare Workers in the empowerment of the poor in the city of Lhokseumawe and to describe and analyze the factors supporting and inhibiting the District Social Welfare Workers in Empowerment of the Poor in the city of Lhokseumawe. This research was conducted using qualitative approach, since they correspond to the characteristics of the problem and the fact is being investigated. Kota Lhokseumawe District Social Welfare Workers role in performing tasks such as the role of coordinator, administrator role and the role of facilitator has been pretty good at running various community development projects. With the variety carried out by District Social Welfare Workers can assist the government in empowering the community through a program that is individual and group programs. In this case District Social Welfare Workers..........
Keywords: Roles, Empowerment of the Poor Societyt
[1]. Achmad, S.Ruky. 2006. Sumber Daya Manusia Berkualitas. Jakarta: PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
[2]. Daryanto. 2010. SosiologiOrganisasiSuatuPengantar. Jakarta: Raja GrafindoPersada. [3]. Hikmat, Harry. 2006. StrategiPemberdayaanMasyarakat. Bandung: HumanioraUtama Press.
[4]. Kartadinata, Sunaryo. 2007. PenataanPendidikanProfesionalKonselordanLayananBimbingandanKonselingdalamJalurPendidikan Formal. Jakarta :Depdiknas.
[5]. Midgley, James. 2005. Pembangunan Sosial. Perspektif Pembangunan dalamKesejahteraanSosial. Jakarta: DirektoratPerguruanTinggi Agama Islam..
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Abstract: India has an extensive network of river, lakes and canals which upon development can provide an efficient network of inland transport. The wooden boat moves on the river or canal with the least exertion on the part of man. The invention of steam power has further accelerated their speed. So day by day water transport has considerably developed domestically and alternative to other than sport system. On the Hugli river's ferry ghats are under different authorities. In Haora district mainly 3 types authority operated ferry service. Rural area's Ghat is operated H.N.J.P.S.S Ltd, Zila Parisad and local authority those ghat used different types of ferry like motorized boat, wooden boat, vessel, launch etc. In Hugli river's right bank (Haora district) water transport is very much important system. Haora and South 24 Parganas are the ferry service on the Hugli river which helps in the transport of the daily commute from one bank.......
[1]. Anbalagan, P., (2009) – Transport Connectivity and Economic Development: With Special Reference to Tuticorin Port Hinterlands in India
[2]. Banarjee, A. (1972) – West Bengal District Gazetteers: Howrah
[3]. Chatterjee, A. B. (1967) - Haora: A Study in Social Geography, Calcutta
[4]. Praveen S. and Jegan J (2015) - Key Issues & Challenges for Inland Water Transportation Network in India, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 3, ISSN- 2321-0613
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