Version-3 (May-June 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Austenitic Stainless Steel Castings |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mainak Saha |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403030106 ![]() |
Abstract: Steel casting is a specialized form of casting involving various types of steel. Steel castings are used when cast irons cannot deliver enough strength or shock resistance.Examples of items that are steel castings include: hydroelectricturbine wheels, forging presses, gears, railroad truck frames, valve bodies, pump casings, miningmachinery, marineequipment, turbochargerturbines and engine cylinder blocks.Steel castings are categorized into two general groups: carbon steels and alloy steels.Steel is more difficult to cast than iron. It has a higher melting point and greater shrinkage rate............
Keywords: Austenitic stainless steels, liquidus, dendrite, liquidus, multimeter
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Abstract: A water network of 24 pipes depending on mainly gravity and covers an area of 3.78 square kilometers was taken an as a case study to test and compare the analysis. The governing equation of this network are internal flow in pipe equations, which consist of the continuity equation, the modified Bernoulli's equation, and the head loss due to the length of the pipe. The three equations are nonlinear algebraic equations because of the square power of the discharge in the head loss equations, which need to be solved numerically. Hard Darcy method and Newton Raphson method are used to solve the system of nonlinear equations, and to compare the solution.So, twenty four nonlinear equations.............
Keywords: Comparison, duscharge, pipe, HardDrcy, Newton Raphson
[1]. Hund-Der Yeh& Yu-Chang Lin.pipe network system analysis using simulated annealing. journal of water supplyResearch and technology- AQUA;aug2008Vol 57(5) 317:327.
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[6]. N. Moosavian*,M. R. Jaefarzadeh. Hydraulic Analysis of water supply networks using a modified hard Darcy method. International Journal of Engineering;September2014Vol 27 (9) 1331:1338.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Translucent Concrete |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Omkar Kadam |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403031831 ![]() |
Abstract: This article deals with the usage of translucent concrete and also the advantages it brings in the field of smart construction, that it can reduce the power consumption of illumination and use the optical fibre can be made to sense the stress of structures and this concrete as an architectural purpose for good aesthetical view of the building. Translucent concrete is a concrete based material with light-trans missive properties, obtained by embedding optical fibres in it. Light is conducted through the fibre from one end to the other. This results into a certain light pattern on the other surface...............
[1]. Soumyajit Paul, Avik Dutta"Translucent Concrete", International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, 2013, pp.
[2]. Aashish Ahuja, Khalid Mosalam, Tarek Zohdi"Computational Modeling of Translucent Concrete Panels", American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014.
[3]. R. Pradheepa,S. Krishnamoorthi"An Experimental Study on Translucent Concrete", International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 3, Issue 03, 2015, pp. 174-177
[4]. Saber Rahimi "Investigating the Use of Fibre Optic Sensors in Ferro concrete Structures", Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2013, pp. 2796-2798
[5]. Bhavin Kashiyani, Varsha Raina, Jayeshkumar Pitroda, Bhavnaben Shah"A Study on Transparent Concrete: A Novel Architectural Material to Explore Construction Sector", International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT),Volume 2, Issue 8,2013, pp. 83-87
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Abstract: Coal excavating robot is the remote controlled robot can be used in mines to excavate coal with utmost efficiency and minimum human intervention. In some coal mines labour work extremely hard to shovel and load the coal in trucks in harsh temperatures, heavy work load and stressful conditions. Labour risks their health and life to do hazardous work in shoveling coal from mines. Labour life risks in coal mines can be reduced by implementing coal excavating robot in coal mines to excavate coal. Coal excavating robot has a scoop shaped heavy loader bucket in front side of robot to load the coal in mines. Loader bucket, links and Robot body frame of robot are designed in Solid works 2016 designing software..............
Keywords: actuator, loader bucket, links
[1]. Yashpalchopra, ParveshDahiya, SushilKashyup, "Design and analysis of a multipurpose loader bucket" IJARESM, vol 4, issue: 8, August – 2016, ISSN: 2455-6211
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Identifying the Type of Face To Face Connection from STEP AP203 File |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Monir M. Koura || AsmaaHamed |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403033742 ![]() |
Abstract: Feature recognition has been always an important link between CAD and CAM. Feature recognition is applied in successive stages. Firstly, feature entities extraction should be applied, followed by an algorithm of how to relate the entities together. Finally, the feature recognition algorithm is applied. In this paper,a logic for identifying face-face interaction is applied. The type of face-face interaction is needed for further use in feature recognition. A methodology is introduced to determine the relation between faces............
Keywords: Step AP203;Feature Extraction;Face recognition; Faces Interaction Types; Java programming
[1]. Manufacturing Computer Aided Process Planning For Rotational Parts. Part 1: Automatic Feature Recognition From STEP AP203 Ed2. Oussama, Jaider, Abdelilah, Elmesbahi and Ahmed, Rechia . 5, s.l. : Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2014, Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 4, pp. 14-25.
[2]. Hint-based generic shape feature recognition from three-dimensional B-rep models. Li, Haiyan, et al. 2015, Advances in Mechanical Engineering.
[3]. A Feature Recognition System using Geometric Reasoining. Abouel Nasr, E., et al. s.l. : Procedia CIRP, 2014, Vol. 18, pp. 238-243. [4]. An approach to recognize interacting features from B-Rep CAD models of prismatic machined parts using a hybrid (graph and rule based) technique. Sunil, V., Agarwal, Rupal and Pande, S. s.l. : Computers in Industr, 2010, Vol. 61, pp. 686-701.
[5]. Design of a Feature Recognition System for CAD/CAM Integration. Tan, Chee, Kher, V. and Ismail, N. 8, s.l. : World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 21, pp. 1162-1166
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Abstract: The article concerns the analysis of the impact of distributed heat storages (accumulators) type TES (Thermal Energy Storage) on the parameters of the district heating network. The simulation results show that the heat storage has a significant impact on the functioning quality of the heating system, reduces the time delay of transport and as well as minimizes heat loss during distribution process. The comparative analysis of simulation results and the data obtained from measurements confirmed the correctness of simulation studies.
Keywords:heat storage, heat accumulator, district heating network.
[1]. Laajalehto T.,Kuosa M., Makila T., Lampinen M., Lahdelma K.: Energy efficiency improvements utilising mass flow control and a ring topology in a district heating network, Applied Thermal Engineering 69 (2-14), pp85-95
[2]. Rezaire B., Rosen M.A.: Sistrict heating and cooling: Review of technology and potential enhancements, Applied Energy 93 (1012), pp 2-10
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[4]. Jing Z.X., Jiang X.S., Wu Q.H., Tang W.H., Hua B.; Modelling and optimal operation a small-scale integrated energy based district heating and cooling system, Energy 73 pp399-415 (2014)
[5]. Larsen H.V., Palsson H., Bohm B., Ravn H.F.: Aggregated dynamic simulation model of district heating networks, Energy Conservation and Management 43 (8) pp.995-1019 (2002)
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Abstract: In Nigeria Road transport system is the most important means of transportation as in many developing countries. Roads are the major connecting links of states, towns, cities and villages. Nigeria has the largest road network in West Africa and second largest road network south of the Sahara with an estimated road length of 193200 kilometres. The roads have to be maintained so as to prolong its life. Without maintenance, roads can quickly fall into disrepair leading to increased costs for road users in vehicle operation, time, reliability and safety. The aim of this study is to examine the road maintenance management of Kano metropolitan roads and the possible ways of improving it...........
Keywords: Kano Nigeria, Road maintenance, Road defects, Reporting system, User's satisfaction.
[1]. M. Mubaraki, "Predicting deterioration for the Saudi Arabia Urban Road Network," University of Nottingham, 2010.
[2]. J. Archutowska and J. Pieriegud, "Effectiveness of National Roads Maintenance Management in poland," Poland, 2012.
[3]. A. Ibochi, O. F.I, and O. J.A, "Development of a Road Maintenance Model (RMM) Using Geographic Information Systems for Road Maintenance in Nigeria: A Case Study of Abuja Phase 1 Road Network, Nigeria," 2013.
[4]. A. Olatunji and I. A. Diugwu, "A Project Management Perspective to the Management of Federal Roads in Nigeria : A Case Study of Minna- Bida Road," vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 54–61, 2013.
[5]. N. Okigbo, "Causes of Highway Failures in Nigeria," vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 4695–4703, 2012.
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Abstract: Naturally convective and thermally radiative MHD Casson fluid with nano particle flow through a vertical porous plate has been studied. A flow model is established by employing the well-known boundary layer approximations. In order to obtain non-dimensional system of equations, a similarity transformation is applied on the flow model. The coupled non-linear partial differential equations are solved by explicit finite difference method and the numerical results have been calculated by Compaq Visual 6.6a. The effects of various parameters entering into the problem on velocity, temperature and concentration are shown graphically.
Keywords:Casson fluid, Nano particle, Porous Plate, MHD, Thermal Radiation, Skin friction, Nusselt number, Local Sherwood number, Heat and Mass Transfer.
[1]. Ibukun Sarah Oyelakin, Sabyasachi Mondal and Precious Sibanda (2016), Unsteady Casson nanofluid flow over a stretching sheet with thermal radiation, convective and slip boundary conditions, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 55, 1025–1035.
[2]. P.S. Reddy, A.J. Chamkha (2016), Soret and Dufour effects on MHD convective flow of Al2O3–water and TiO2–water nanofluids past a stretching sheet in porous media with heat generation/absorption, Advanced Powder Technology, 27, 1207-1218.
[3]. S. Nadeem, Rizwan Ul Haq and C. Lee (2012),MHD flow of a Casson fluid over an exponentially shrinking sheet, Scientia Iranica, 19:6, 1550–1553.
[4]. P.B.A. Reddy (2016), Magnetohydrodynamic flow of a Casson fluid over an exponentially inclined permeable stretching surface with thermal radiation and chemical reaction, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 7, 593-602.
[5]. Swati Mukhopadhyay, Prativa Ranjan De, Krishnendu Bhattacharyya and G.C. Layek (2013), Casson fluid flow over an unsteady stretching surface, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 4, 933–938.
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Abstract: Modern activities in India leads to use of plastic bags in excess. Plastic being non-biodegradable material, it takes years to decompose. Plastic bags have main constituent as poly-ethylene. The poly-ethylene when combusted produces a by-product of Carbon dioxide which leads to global warming.In this,we study the efficiency of reusing plastic waste in concrete by comparing compressive strength of concrete whose fine aggregate is partially replaced by plastic(5%,10%,15%,25%) with control concrete of M20 grade. To compensate for the strength lost due to replacement, iron fibres of diameter 1-2 mm are used in fixed amount
Keywords:Plastic waste, Iron fibres,strength, cement, concrete(M20)
[1]. Hassani, A., Ganjidoust, H., Maghanaki, A.A., 2005, Use of plastic waste (poly-ethylene terephthalate) in asphalt concrete mixture as aggregate replacement. Waste Management & Research 23, 322–327.
[2]. Indrajit Patel, C D Modhera, Study effect of polyester fibers on engineering properties of high volume fly ash concrete, Journal of Engineering Research and Studies.
[3]. IS 2386 (Part 5):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete - Part 5 soundness.
[4]. IS 2386(Part 1):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete- Part I particle size and shape.
[5]. IS 2386(Part 4):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 4 mechanical properties.
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Abstract: Due to lack of plain terrain in Shimla, it offers sloppy terrain for construction site. Behaviour of buildings on sloppy terrain behaves different than the building on the plain terrain. Past construction practices in Shimla includes common irregularity such as soft storey, mass irregularity, torsional irregularity, unsymmetrical layout of plan, vertical irregularity and pounding. Over the past earthquakes and research papers have shown that RC buildings in sloppy terrain affects more. The present study investigates the irregularities (Table 4&5 of IS 1893 (Part-1): 2002) in the RC construction practices in hilly region (Shimla). The behaviour of (G+3) storey building with regular and irregular configurations is checked for the linear and non linear analysis based on studies that had done
Keywords: Sloppy terrain, Regular building, Irregular building, Equivalent lateral static method, Push over analysis and Time history method, FRP, Retrofitting schemes
[1]. Mahesh, Mr S., and Mr Dr B. Panduranga Rao. "Comparison of analysis and design of regular and irregular configuration of multi-Story building in various seismic zones and various types of soils using ETABS and STAAD." Department of Civil Engineering VR Siddhartha Engineering College, India (2014).
[2]. Nagarjuna and Shivakumar B. Patil. "Lateral stability of multi-storey building on sloping ground." International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Vol. 2. No. 4 (July-2015).
[3]. Kumar, Dr BG Naresh, and Avinash Gornale. "Seismic Performance Evaluation of Torsionally Asymmetric Buildings." International Journal of Science and Engineering Research, ISSN (2012): 2229-5518.
[4]. Patel, Mohammed Umar Farooque, A. V. Kulkarni, and Nayeemulla Inamdar. ""A Performance study and seismic evaluation of RC frame buildings on sloping ground." IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684.
[5]. Maske, Sachin G., and Dr PS Pajgade. "Torsional Behaviour of Asymmetrical Buildings." International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, ISSN (2013): 2249-6645.