Version-6 (May-June 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5 Version-6 Version-7
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Abstract: To establish the alignment of a highway of length 1km from "huzurabad to parkal" for extension of highway from two way lane to four way lane and evaluation of soil strength on the field in the form of an open transverse. The main objective of the project is to design a Highway Alignment from "Huzurabad to Parkal" for extension of highway from two way lane to four way lanes and evaluation of soil strength on field. It is an existing road already but now its road width is extended so our aim is to design the highway alignment by the............
Keywords: Highway alignment, longitudinal sectioning, cross sectioning, earthwork calculations.
[1] Khanna S.K & Justo C.E.G, "Highway Engineering". New Chand & Bros., Roorkee, U.K India, 9th Edition:2011
[2] S.K Duggal, " Surveying" Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, 3rd Edition:2009
[3] Yoder &Witczak, "Pavement Design"
[4] Mannering & Kilareski, "Traffic Engineering & Pavement Design"
[5] B.C.Punmia "Surveying" Vol. 1 & 2
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Abstract: Non-conventional machining process like electro discharge machining (EDM) and wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) plays important role in precision manufacturing process. This micro-machining process may help overcome the limitations and restriction faced during conventional mechanical machining process.The selection of machining parameters in any machining process significantly affects production rate, product quality and production cost of a finished one component. Wire EDM process involves a large number of variables that affect its performance............
Keywords: Taguchi DOE, ANOVA, Regression Analysis.
[1]. Yan ,Mu-Tian & Chiang,Tsung-Liang , Design and experimental study of a power supply for micro-wire EDM, Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40.
[2]. Norliana Mohd Abbas, Darius G. Solomon, Md. Fuad Bahari, A review on current research trends in electrical discharge machining (EDM), International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 47 (2007) .
[3]. K.H. Ho, S.T. Newman, State of the art electrical discharge machining (EDM),International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 43 (2003).
[4]. Dhar, s., Purohit, r., Saini, n., Sharma, a. and Kumar, G.H., 2007. Mathematical modeling of electric discharge machining of cast Al-4Cu-6Si alloy-10 wt.% sicp composites. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 193(1-3), 24-29.
[5]. Karthikeyan R, Lakshmi Narayanan, P.R. and Naagarazan, R.S., 1999. Mathematical modeling for electric discharge machining of aluminium-silicon carbide particulate composites. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 87(1-3), 59-63.
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Abstract: The major concern in the design of multistoriedtall steel building is to have good buckling load resisting system along with gravity load system because it also governs the design. This paper is presented to show the effect of different types of bracing systems in multistoried tall steel buildings on buckling behavior of the structure under different soil condition. For this purpose, multi storey steel building models without and with different bracing systems such as Diagonal, X bracing, inverted'V' bracing and K bracing system under different soil condition. A commercial software package ETABS is used for the analysis of steel buildings and different parameters are compared with buckling factors. The property of the section is used as per IS 800:2007 which incorporates Limit State Design philosophy.
Keywords: Buckling Factor, X brace, K brace, Inverted V brace, Tall buildings, Slender Column
[1] Adithya. M , Swathi rani K.S , Shruthi H K , Dr. Ramesh B.R , "Study On Effective Bracing Systems for High Rise Steel Structures" , SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, ISSN: 2348 – 8352, volume 2, Issue 2, February 2015, PP 19-22.
[2] BehroozFarshi, Farshad Koosheshon "Buckling analysis of structural steel frames with inelastic effects according to codes". Journal of construction of steel research, ASCE, 2009.
[3] Carlos Couto, Paulo Vila Real, Nuno Lopes, João Paulo Rodrigues on "Buckling analysis of braced and unbraced steel frames exposed to fire". Engineering Structures, ASCE, 2013.
[4] Chandrakant N.Thombare, Keshav K.Sangle, Vinod M. Mohitkar on "Nonlinear buckling analysis of 2-D cold-formed steel simple cross-aisle storage rack frames". Journal of Building Engineering, ASCE, 2016
[5] Christopher R. Urmson, John B. Mander on "Local Buckling Analysis of Longitudinal Reinforcing Bars". Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2009.
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Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between Human Factors, Mechanical/Vehicle Factors, Environmental/Road Factors and Road Safety. Ten traffic agent officers (Comprising Road Safety Corps, Road Safety Marshal, State Security Service Officers, Police Traffic officers and National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) officers) were selected as a sample, survey questionnaire was used for data collection for a period of two months, majority of the officers (52.7%) were in the age category of 36 to 44 years old, with (96.7%) having driving education with training. There were significant relationship between Human Factors, Mechanical/Vehicle Factors (r=0.619, p<0.01) and Environmental/Road Factors (r=0.579, p<0.01). Result from multiple regression analysis shows that 62.7% can be explaining by Human Factors, Environmental...........
Keywords: Bus accident, Environmental Factors, Human Factors, Road Safety
[1]. Behaviour, M. D., Union, E., & Projects, I. (1993). Modelling Driver Behaviour in European Union and International Projects.
[2]. Mohd Rasid Osman, Rohayu Sarani, Zarir Hafiz Zulkipli, Noor Faradila Paiman, W. S. V. (2009). The Effect of Driver Management System According to SHE COP in Reducing Speed Violations. MIROS Publication, MRR 11/2009., 11.
[3]. Dayang Nailul Munna Abang Abdullah and Ho Li Von, Factors of Fatigue and Bus accident, International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service, IPEDR vol.14 (2011). Singapore.
[4]. Assum, T., & Sørensen, M. (2010). Safety Performance Indicator for alcohol in road accidents--international comparison, validity and data quality. Accident; analysis and prevention, 42(2), 595–603. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2009.10.005
[5]. Amditis, A., Pagle, K., Joshi, S., Bekiaris, E., (2010). Driver-vehicle-environment monitoring for on board driver support systems. Use cases and validation. Applied Ergonomics 41 (2),.
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Abstract: Turning is a machining process in which a cutting tool, commonly a non-rotary tool bit, exhibits a helical path on work piece material. The conventional metal removal process always influenced by the parameters such as, material machinability, cutting tool material, cutting speed and spindle speed, depth of cut, feed rate, tool geometry, and coolant. Optimizing these parameters is a daedal thing so that, Signal to noise (S/N), Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Taguchi method using statistical software MINITAB are striving to solve these problems in the present scenario. The present paper is aimed at investigating parametric optimization of turning of 7075 Aluminium alloy using Taguchi L27 orthogonal array was employed for both Design of Experiment (DOE) and Signal to noise ratio (S/N) to analyze the effects of the selected parameters. The result demonstrates there are different effects of cutting parameters on cutting force, surface roughness and temperature for two samples and compared the samples...........
Keywords: Al-7075 alloy, DOE, Optimization, Parameters, Taguchi method, S/N Ratio
[1]. Kilickap, Erol. "Modeling and optimization of burr height in drilling of Al-7075 using Taguchi method and response surface methodology." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 49.9 (2010): 911-923.
[2]. M.Y. Wang, T.S. Lan, Parametric optimization on multi-objective precision turning using grey relational analysis, Inf. Technol. J. 7 (2008) 1072–1076.
[3]. R. Shetty, R. Pai, V. Kamath, S.S. Rao, Study on surface roughness minimization in turning of DRACs using surface roughness methodology and Taguchi under pressured steam jet approach, ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci. 3 (1) (2008) 59–67.
[4]. Y. Sahin, Comparison of tool life between ceramic and cubic boron nitride (CBN) cutting tools when machining hardened steels, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 209 (2009) 3478–3489.
[5]. Montgomery, D.C. (1997): Design and Analysis of Experiments (4th edition), Wiley.
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Abstract: Design and execution of fixture to perform slitting operation on feed gear shift fork component in FN2 milling machine task is to design fixture for the component Feed gear fork used in radial drilling machines for gear engaging purpose. The report begins with the description of classification of fixture. This is followed by detail description of various components employed in the designing of the fixture. Details of the machine used have been provided, supplemented by diagram. It include information about the various products manufactured and also the various branches working in India. Relevant part diagrams have been included apart from the machine photograph. The criteria for this design prove are accuracy, positive locations, repeatability, production rate, and importantly the reliability under the action of the fatigue forces experienced. The clamping constructions have also been accounted for the proposed design............
Keywords: Design,fixtures ,base plate,Catia V5 R16,Modelling,FN2 milling Machine (10 Italic)
[1]. W.E Boyes,jigs and fixtures ,society of manufacturing engineering Michigan
[2]. S.K. Hajra Choudhury,workshop technology,Asia publishing home 1976
[3]. R.K.Jain,Production technology,Khanna publishers,18th edition
[4]. Edward.G. Hoffman,Jigs and Fixtures,sixth edition, McGraw-Hill Inc,1973
[5]. R.S.Khurmi and Bhavikatti,Strength of materials.
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Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using three types of coarse aggregates (gravel, basalt and dolomite) and three different percentages of water and cement on the properties of self-compacting concrete. To this end, nine mixes containing different percentages of water and cement were designed. Three types of aggregates were used namely; gravel, basalt, and dolomite. The all fresh concrete mixes were prepared to achieve standard workability (slump flow). The compression, splitting tensile, and flexural strength tests were carried out on hardened self-compacting concretes after 28 days. In the nine mixes, three types of aggregates (gravel, basalt and dolomite), three cement content (350, 400, and 450 kg/m³), and three water cement ratio (0.46, 0.42, and 0.38) were used...........
Keywords: self-compacting concrete – fresh - hardened -gravel- basalt-dolomite
[1]. Holton,I., The Effects of SCC on The Construction Process, Department of Trade and Industry and Building Research Establishment, Watford, UK, 2003.
[2]. European Concrete Platform, The European Guibelines for Self-Compacting Concrete, 2012.
[3]. Schutter, D., Bartos, G., Domone, P., and Gibbs, J., Self-Compacting Concrete, Whittles Publishing, Dunbeath, UK, 2008.
[4]. Ulucan, Z.C., Türk, K., and Karatas, M., Effect of Mineral Admixtures on the Correlation between Ultrasonic Velocity and Compressive Strength for Self-Compacting Concrete, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fírat University, Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Elazi , Turkey, vol. 44, No. 5, 2008, pp. 367–374.
[5]. Revathi,P., Selvi, R., and Velin, S.S., Investigations on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Recycled Aggregate Self Compacting Concrete, Journal. Institute. Engineering, India,2014, pp.179–185.
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Abstract: The concrete structures are often exposed to damaged as a result of several factors including, environment, design, and other factors, and because of the high cost and long time needed for reconstruction of the damaged buildings, it become necessary to consider techniques for rehabilitation of the damaged structural members in the building. 12 reinforced concrete beams (2200x200x150 mm) were cast and tested under point load at mid-span to limit the failure. Several techniques for repairing the damaged beams are carried out in the present work. Ferrocement composite, steel plate, fiber carbon reinforced polymer (FCRP), nano cement composite, and the injection of the developed nano cement mortar are considered.
Keywords: Rehabilitation; Nano; Micro; failure load.
[1]. Ye, L., Yue, Q., Zhao, S., and Li, Q.,2002, "Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Columns Strengthened with Carbon-Fiber- Reinforced Plastic Sheet " , journal of structural engineering , Vol. 128 , No. 12, pp. 127-134.
[2]. H. Hsing , H. Tsong , Y. Hwei and Yiching L., 2005, "Strengthening reinforced concrete beams using pre-stress glass fiber – reinforced polymer – part II: Excremental study ", journal of zhejian university SCIENCE ,p. 844-852.
[3]. Teng, J.G., Lam, L., Chan, W., and Wang, J., 2000,"Retrofitting of Deficient RC Cantilever slab using GFRP strips ", Journal of composite for construction , Vol. 4, No. 2, May, pp.75-84.
[4]. Lamanna, A.J.,2002, "Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Mechanically Fastened Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strips", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, pp287.
[5]. Van Gemert, D. and Maess Chalk, R., 1983, "Structural Repair of a Reinforced Concrete Plate by Epoxy Bounded External Reinforcement", the International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete, Vol. 5, No. 4, Nov. pp. 247-255.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Composition of the Geopolymer Concrete Structure Using Silica Fume |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nagraj Jammi || Krishna Rao.A |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403067174 ![]() |
Abstract: The usage of Portland cement in the process of concrete construction is under critical supervision due to release of enormous amount of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere during the production of cement. In recent times, an attempt has been made to enhance the utilization of silica fume in order to replace Portland cement partially in the concrete. Thus, Geopolymer concrete is considered to be the new material that does not require the presence of Portland cement as a binder. Instead, the source of the materials like Silica Fume that are rich in Silicon is activated by alkaline liquids in order to produce the binder. Hence, the resultant concrete will be free from Portland cement. This paper mainly presents the details of development of the process of making silica fume-based geopolymer concrete in order to avoid Portland cement partially.
Keywords: Binder, Concrete, Geopolymer, Portland cement and Silica fume.
[1]. Davidovits J and Sawyer J L [1], J. Chemistry of Geopolymeric Systems, Terminology. Geopolymer '99 International Conference. France: 1999.
[2]. Joseph Davidovits [2], Geopolymer chemistry and application, Geopolymers Institute, ISBN 2-651-4820-1-9, 2008.
[3]. Van Jaarsveld J GS, Van Deventer J S J and Schwartzman A[3], The potential use of Geopolymeric Materials to Immobilise Toxic Metals:Part I. Theory and application, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 659-669, 1997.
[4]. Palomo A, Grutzeck M W and BlancoM T [4], Effect of curing regime and type of activator on properties of alkali-activated fly ash, 1st International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Const, 1999.
[5]. Xu H and Van Deventer J S J [5], The Geopolymerisation of AluminoSilicate Minerals, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 247-266, 2000..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Impact Strength of Fly Ash Aggregate Concrete |
Country | : | Ethiopia |
Authors | : | P.JAYABHARATH || G.KESAVAN |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403067582 ![]() |
Abstract: Results of experimental investigation carried out to study on impact strength of fly ash aggregate concrete are presented in this paper. Aggregate is most widely used in reinforced concrete construction. In this investigation, fly ash aggregates were used in concrete and Impact strength of fly ash aggregate concrete will be studied. The fly ash will be collected in Mettur Thermal Power plant. Then the cement fly ash proportions of 10:90, 12.5:87.5, 15:85, 17.5:82.5, 20:80, and 22.5:77.5 are adopted to get fly ash aggregates. The Particle size distribution, Specific gravity, Bulk density, Impact strength and Crushing strength test are determined. The mix design M20 grade of concrete is adopted by using I.S. method. The fresh concrete tests like Slump test and Compacting factor test will be conducted for the conventional concrete and...........
Keywords: Control Concrete, Fly ash Aggregate Concrete, Fly ash Coarse Aggregate, Fly ash Fine Aggregates, Impact Strength
[1]. Rama Mohan Rao,P., SudarsanaRao,H., Sekar,S.K., " Effect of Glass Fibres on Flyash Based Concrete", International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering, Volume 1, No 3, 2010.
[2]. RafatSiddique, "Fracture Toughness and Impact Strength of High-Volume Class-F Fly Ash Concrete Reinforced with Natural San Fibres", Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies ISSN 1583-1078 Issue 12, January-June 2008 p. 25-36.
[3]. Sudhakar, G.Viwanathan, B.Dineshkumar,"Study on Flexural Strength of Reinforced Fly ash Aggregate Concrete Beams", 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (ICRISEM – 16), ISBN:978-81-932074-1-3.
[4]. RafatSiddique," Effect of fine aggregate replacement with Class F fly ash on the mechanical properties of concrete", Cement and Concrete Research 33 (2003) 539–547.
[5]. S.Shanmugasundaram, Dr. S.Jayanthi, Dr. R.Sundararajan, Dr.C.Umarani, Dr. K.Jagadeesan,"Study on Utilization of Fly Ash Aggregates in Concrete", Modern Applied Science Vol. 4, No. 5; May 2010..
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Abstract: Pumices which have substantially the reserve in the region of Bitlis and are known with the name of "bims" are the robust extrusive rocks against the aerated, spongy, physical and chemical factors which occurred when the extrusive lavas which occurred with the explosion of crater Nemrut in the region in the past expanded and cooled. As the pumice with the pore substantially at the macro and micro sizes has a very low compressive strength, its usage field has been restricted in the sector of construction, and it is mainly used in the construction of wall and par get in the purpose of insulation...........
Keywords: Pumice, Reactive Powder Concrete, Pumice Powder Concrete, Concrete mixture ratios
[1]. (Access date: 28.05.2017) [2]. Varol, O. O., Bitlis ve Van illerinde pomza madenciliğine genel bir bakış. Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, 55(3),2016, 27-34.
[3]. Ünsal, N., İnşaat Mühendisleri İçin Jeoloji. 2006, Alp Yayınevi, Ankara.
[4]. Önem, Y., Sanayi Madenleri, 2000, Kozan Ofset Matbaa, Ankara,
[5]. Dinçer, İ., Orhan, A., Çoban, S. Pomza Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Fizibilite Raporu.2015, Nevşehir.
[6]. Bakış, A., Rijit yol üstyapı inşasında reaktif pudra betonun (RPB) kullanılabilirliğinin araştırılması. Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015..
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Abstract: An attempt has been made in this investigation to develop natural fibers reinforced polymer composites using rice husk and fly ash as reinforcements. The content of rice husk is varied (10, 15 and 20 weight percentages) whereas the fly ash percentage is kept constant at 5 % in epoxy matrix. Composites have been fabricated using hand layup technique using a suitable die developed in house. All the samples have been tested in Universal Testing Machine as per standard for tensile strength and flexural strength. The hardness and water absorption tests were also carried out. It is observed that composite with 10% rice husk is having highest tensile strength of 33 MPa. Similarly the flexure modulus for 10 % rice husk composite was 4881 MPa. The impact strength of composite with 20 % rice husk was highest..........
Keywords: Rice Husk-Fly Ash-Epoxy Hybrid Composites, tensile, hardness, flexure, impact, water absorption tests
[1]. Sexena, M., Morchhale, R.K., and Ashokan. P. "Industrial Waste Reinforced Polymer Composites as a Potential Wood Substitute Material," Jou. of Composite Materials,Vol 3, 2008, pp. 367-384.
[2]. Harish, S., Michael, D.P., Bansely, A.,Lal. D. M. and Rajadurai, A."Mechanical Property Evaluation of Natural Fibre Coir Composites," Jou.of Material Sc., 2009,Vol 4, pp.44-49.
[3]. Singla, J. and Chawla,B. . "Mechanical Property of Epoxy Resin Fly Ash Composite," Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, Vol. 9, 2010, pp.199-210.
[4]. Qiao, Jing. , Schaaf, Kristin. , Amirkhizi, Alireza V. , Nasser, Sia Nemat. "Effect of Particle Size and Volume Fraction on Tensile Properties of Flyash Polyurea Composites," Behaviour and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites, 2010, pp76441X 1-4.
[5]. Syafri, Rahmadini., Ahmad, Ishak. & Abdullah, Ibrahim. , "Effect of Rice Husk Surface Modification by LENR on Mechanical Properties of NR/HDPE Reinforced Rice Husk Composite," Sains Malaysiana,Vol.7,2011,pp.749–756.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance of Footing on MICP Induced Slope |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. S. S. Pusadkar || Rewati N. Tawalare || Dr. A. I. Dhatrak |
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: | 10.9790/1684-140306100105 ![]() |
Abstract: Microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP) is a novel ground improvement method to increase strength and stiffness of sand using natural biogeochemical processes. This paper describes the application of MICP in slope improvement. A strip footing was tested in a laboratory by conducting a model load test on sand slope of 1.5H: 1V. The slope was treated by injecting bacteria (S. Pasteurii) and cementation solution (CaCl2 + Urea) at 2M concentration in a grid pattern of 100 mm x 100 mm. These slopes were allowed to cure for the incubation period of 14 and 28 days. The load tests were conducted for three locations of footing on edges at a distance measured from slope crest as 0B, B and 2B. The results indicated that the bearing capacity of footing on slope increased significantly after MICP treatment. The bearing capacity of slopes cured for 28 days was found to be maximum.
Keywords: biogeochemical, MICP, incubation
[1] Keskin M. S. and Laman M. (2012), Model Studies of Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing on Sand Slope, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 699-71.
[2] Mittal S., Shah M. and Verma N. K. (2009), Experimental Study of Footings on Reinforced Earth Slopes, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol 3, 251-260.
[3] DeJong J. T., Fritzges M. B. and Nüsslein K. (2006), Microbially Induced Cementation to Control Sand Response to Undrained Shear, J. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 132, 1381–1392.
[4] Mortensen B. M. and DeJong J. T. (2011), Strength and Stiffness of MICP Treated Sand Subjected to Various Stress Paths, Geo-Frontiers 2011, 4012-4020.
[5] Soon W., Lee M. and Hii S. L. (2012), An overview of the Factor Affecting MICP and its Potential Application in Soil Improvement, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 683-689.
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Abstract: Automated Manifold acting in component processing machine is developed with thermal effect assessment. Manifold to perform transfer of fluid and air through optimized inlet piping with pneumatically sliding whole assembly. Vertical and horizontal mounting feasibility for this assembly gives perfect solution to make transfer of fluid in any position. Non reachable geometrical surfaces and complex shapes are to be covered for washing and drying which are already with bur, oil and dirt. This manifold is to be installed in SPM washing machine. Heated air and heated fluid intake gives perfect required supply through output temperature in medium to perform cycle operations in SPM. Considered output temp of medium is at least 45°C. Manifold sliding design parameters are developed with considering all engineering terms. Manifold with optimized thermal effective solution to achieve minimum 45 ° C. Flow Analysis is performed with Rate of heat transfer through this dedicated manifold and heat fluxes on manifold body is validated in this work.
Keywords: Cylinder Block, Manifold, SPM (Special purpose Machine), Thermal analysis
[1] Pankaj.N.Shrirao,Dr Rajushkumar U Sambhe and Pradeep. R .Bodade. "Convective Heat Transfer Analysis in a Circular Tube with Different Types of Internal Threads of Constant Pitch" IJEAT ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-2, Issue-3, February 2013
[2] Sweta Jain and Alkabani Agrawal, "Coupled Thermal-Structural Finite element analysis for exhaust Manifold of an off road vehicle Diesel engine" IJSCE ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-3, Issue-4, September 2013
[3] Paresh Patel and Amitesh Paul "Thermal Analysis of Tubular Heat Exchanger By using ANSYS" ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012
[4] Ashish Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, Utkarsh Nagar, and Avadhesh Yadav."Experimental study of thermal performance of One ended Evacuated tubes for producing Hot Air" Hindawi Publication Corporation,Journal of solar Energy Volume 2013, Article ID 524715, 6 pages
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